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Author Topic: Why can I only cum once? Anyone else improved their ability?  (Read 4909 times)

Offline Jeff_withpetersen

Hey all, I'm a guy in early 30s who is now getting a bit annoyed that I seem to only be able to pop once during a sex session. Anyone else struggled with this and overcome it, if so how? I quite like a one hour punt and would like to squeeze a couple in rather than one. I can get it up a second time within an hour but there's no chance of a second pop, even when I'm with a woman that I find a knockout 10/10.

I don't think the problem can be physical fitness as I lift four times a week and do cardio every day, eat right, I'm in way better shape now than I was at 18. Are some people just one pop guys and that's it or are there things that can be done to improve the situation? I've tried Googling and using it ends up with just mumsnet-esque articles with ladies complaining about their partner's performance rather than from the male angle.


Offline CityTillIDie

I had this situation start a few years back and I've gradually attuned myself to being satisfied with it. Then it stopped playing on my mind.

Last year I had a great meet after deliberately abstaining from orgasm for about eight days. To my surprise I had a massive orgasm through OWO quite early in the meet, and then after much reverse oral and kissing and teasing, cowgirl saw a second pop.

So I think abstinence for a week or so might help. Each to their own though. I for one will follow this thread with great interest as sometimes after an hour punt I feel a little as though I've cheated myself only having one pop.


Offline Plan R

I've always been a 'one pop wonder' even in my 20s
I usually have an 1hr punt and just make sure I don't pop till 50 mins in
(I wear a watch, a smile and nothing else).

Being a 'Once-n-done' man doesn't detract from my love of punting (or fucking civies)
Its just who I am and how I'm wired.
At just the right side of 50 I've learned to apply the 'love your fate' approach to much of life.

Online PepeMAGA

Hey all, I'm a guy in early 30s who is now getting a bit annoyed that I seem to only be able to pop once during a sex session. Anyone else struggled with this and overcome it, if so how? I quite like a one hour punt and would like to squeeze a couple in rather than one. I can get it up a second time within an hour but there's no chance of a second pop, even when I'm with a woman that I find a knockout 10/10.

I don't think the problem can be physical fitness as I lift four times a week and do cardio every day, eat right, I'm in way better shape now than I was at 18. Are some people just one pop guys and that's it or are there things that can be done to improve the situation? I've tried Googling and using it ends up with just mumsnet-esque articles with ladies complaining about their partner's performance rather than from the male angle.


you could try something that blocks prolactin combined with an ED drug


  • Guest
Did your searches find this Wikipedia article?
External Link/Members Only
It outlines a couple of theories related to the refractory period.

I always assumed that it was related to getting older, which is difficult to prevent!
« Last Edit: May 17, 2017, 11:11:44 pm by milo »

Offline webpunter

Me too
55 mins followed by a quick exit

Punting Watch - well worth a small investment.  Best if easy to read at a glance - even in dimmed lights, so that the burd doesn't see you clock watching.  Also relatively cheap so that if you take it off & forget to put it back on then who cares.  Waterproof for jacuzzi / shower etc a bonus

I can do two pops in an hour but not guaranteed & a real struggle.  Better trying not to come rather than the opposite IMO

Xtra pops - tips:
- longer booking allowing recovery time
- abstaining
- pick a fit burd
- some help like viagra if Mr Floppy is likely to set in after 1st pop
- don't get too bladdered
- energy drink / fuck knows if this works but if you think it does then half way there

I usually have an 1hr punt and just make sure I don't pop till 50 mins in
(I wear a watch, a smile and nothing else).

Offline myothernameis

I used to be a one cum only, but found my self abstaining from masturbation and watch porn, while at the same time did some edging, and strengthening the kegal muscles, and massaging the prostate

One month later booked an escort, and had two amazing orgasms, first ejaculation was a whopper, and around 20 min's later was ready for round 2

I can only say, this worked for me, might not work for everyone, but think overall guys can improve there erections and ejaculations, but have to keep at it, and  a lot of this was done through experimenting

Offline joe diddley

It takes me longer in my dotage to witness the second coming. I'm in the curious situation of a one hour punt being both too long and too short. If I want to cum once, a half hour is fine, but if I want a second round it usually takes me about another hour for it to happen again. Consequently I find that I am doing better with half hour or hour and a half punts, depending on time constraints and what I want from the girl I am seeing.


  • Guest
OP - I wouldn't worry about it. It's the quality not the quantity, as they say. We're all different. Me, I'm in my later years now but ever since I was 40 I've probably not wanted to come more than once in an hour never mind not been able to - I love the feeling of holding back. I can just about remember the time when I couldn't help but come but also could come a few more times; that was late teens/early 20's. By the time I hit 30 I was able to come when I wanted to, most of the time, although I can just about remember a time when I spent about 4 hours in a hotel room with my then GF and I think I came 3 times in that period.
Question to OP ----why is it that you seem to consider the number of times you can come in 1 hour to be something to aspire to?? Is it, in your mind, a sign of how good your performance is?? Is it, to you, a sign of manhood?? I don't get it.

Offline threechilliman

I've always been a 'one pop wonder' even in my 20s
I usually have an 1hr punt and just make sure I don't pop till 50 mins in
(I wear a watch, a smile and nothing else).

Being a 'Once-n-done' man doesn't detract from my love of punting (or fucking civies)
Its just who I am and how I'm wired.
At just the right side of 50 I've learned to apply the 'love your fate' approach to much of life.

This is my take on it as well. I've only ever been a one shot Charlie even when I was younger. Once I've cum I lose interest and always have - I thought this was normal. When I was younger I could have sex several times in a day and cum each time. Now my max would be two and they'd need to be separated by several hours. For me I enjoy the journey to the money-shot, plenty of fun to be had.

My advice to the OP would be to stop worrying about it - work round your limitations. The more you worry about it the worse the problem will become.


Offline EddieThead669

Hi there,

Interesting thread.
Most of my 1 hour meets are pop once and that's your lot mate...tbh it kind of also happens on 1.5 and even 2hour meets now.
I am 36 and in pretty good shape too, it is frustrating.

I started to take Kamagra jelly for meets as I like the feeling of a rock hard cock (which it gives) but once you have cum, Mr floppy comes back and there is no chance of another coming...

The one thing I tried and it was awesome was cabergoline.
I actually bought some from an escort who said it really worked and god it did.
This stuff increased libido, game you a thicker feeling cock and completely took the dreaded refractory period away, so once you have cum you don't get that come down feeling, you feel up for it still.
The issue is getting it though.
I believe it is banned in the UK as it had other side effects like compulsive gambling and other shit...I think the genuine use was something to do with parkinsons..?
Anyway, the escort didn't really do it as a money spinner, she done it as a favour, but it has all dried up now and she won't buy any.

I would love to pop twice in a session but the fucking thing just won't respond.
I haven't tried sports drinks like red bull etc..not sure how they would work with the old kamagra and the heart rate...?

Offline ciderhead

I find its important to get the first pop asap, I find girls that offer cim best for this then 15 min of groping and I'm ready to go again with plenty of time to fire off a second round

Offline webpunter

Take it after 1st pop

I started to take Kamagra jelly for meets as I like the feeling of a rock hard cock (which it gives) but once you have cum, Mr floppy comes back and there is no chance of another coming...


The one thing I tried and it was awesome was cabergoline.
I believe it is banned in the UK as it had other side effects like compulsive gambling and other shit...

Avoid  :scare:

I haven't tried sports drinks like red bull etc..not sure how they would work with the old kamagra and the heart rate...?


  • Guest
 I have to drive for an hour for a decent punt and have toyed with the idea of a half-hour meeting,  shopping or sightseeing for an hour or two then back again,  or a different one for another half hour.
 Haven't done it yet as it's a bit of a waste of time and two half hours would be a bit expensive,  can't help it I'm a bit of a tight bugger.

Offline billybobsmith

I find the first time sometimes happens a bit early for my liking, especially if in missionary.  After that, I can usually continue pretty quickly and sometimes it's hard for me to complete again.  The bonus is that it's far easier to hold back by thinking of various things and if there's a few positions being used and I'm concentrating on her pleasure, I want to hold back as long as possible.
It's probably 70:30 against me coming a second time.  Probably psychological more than anything physical and to be honest, a second time doesn't rate highly on my agenda.  As long as the woman is happy, that's my end goal.

I've only cum twice in my life in doggy style so I know that position is far easier to hold back in.
Never finished from a BJ either so I'm 100% safe there even on a first attempt.
Missionary, with me lying on top of the girl is 99% guaranteed within a few minutes (second time takes longer and usually will require me being a bit more vigorous and/or tensing my hips).  Variations like her legs bent back or over my shoulders and I'll last longer - maybe this stimulates the head less as I'm getting more depth / length going in?

Offline Stapler

The one thing I tried and it was awesome was cabergoline.

I believe it is banned in the UK as it had other side effects like compulsive gambling

Post of the day!  :sarcastic:
Banned reason: For having fuck all useful to say
Banned by: Head1

Offline peter_bungee

I can twice in a two hour meet if the girl is hot with kissing etc but usually just once.  Why do you want to do twice if the first timr is good, when i try forcing it it feels its painfull after. 

Offline latecomer

Like the OP, I've generally only been able to come once so I don't think you've got a problem at all.  There are many men who can come more than once - and very many more who claim they can.  Over the years a number of WGs have told me (for what it's worth) that the vast majority of clients they see can come just once.

Offline dubs

I can usually cum twice in an hour but it sometimes needs me to "give myself a hand" while the girl snogs me and/or plays with my balls/bumhole.

If you can find a girl who gives a good prostate massage that helps too.  If she has the knack, it's like a cum now! switch.

Offline Jeff_withpetersen

Thanks for all your input guys. For me, being able to pop twice is more to do with self-perceived value for money than any idea of 'manliness', or even more ridiculously, impressing the WG haha. I'm sure she's overjoyed that I can only get things over the edge once in an hour.

It's just I've had a couple of punts recently where the WGs, to their credit, made a point of trying to get things going a second time during an hour booking and although I was able to get it up and going, it was obvious to me that I could be there all day grinding like a wilderbeest and not pop a second time. I often go for a 45 minute booking if I can as for me, same as some others have said on here, I find 30 minutes a bit too brief but an hour, often too long.

Offline OakTree

This is my take on it as well. I've only ever been a one shot Charlie even when I was younger. Once I've cum I lose interest and always have - I thought this was normal. When I was younger I could have sex several times in a day and cum each time. Now my max would be two and they'd need to be separated by several hours. For me I enjoy the journey to the money-shot, plenty of fun to be had.

My advice to the OP would be to stop worrying about it - work round your limitations. The more you worry about it the worse the problem will become.


Excellent advice and sums up pretty much my MO

Splaffing my load isn't the ultimate part of the fun for me. There has been occasions where I haven't cum at all but have still come away highly satisfied.

Offline Botev Plovdiv

Normally a once only guy (aged 46), but a couple of WGs have got me to cum twice and one even managed 3 times which was incredible. Nearly killed me mind. These have been 90 min punts. I think the factors  when i have managed more than one is 1) lots of fluids so actually need a piss which seems to help create cum , 2) a WG who is determined to make it happen 3) at least 30 mins between number 1 and 2

The problem with point No 3 is that it is a gamble because if you cum early then it is possible to lose interest in the rest of the punt which makes it quite an expensive day out! This goes back to point 2 which is the right WG 3.

My biggest problem though is that more often than not the concentration wanes after round 1 and whilst she's sucking my cock i start thinking about what I'm having for dinner, the fact I need to email someone etc etc.


  • Guest
On my first punt I got talking to the girl  about this because she was shocked I could just keep going and going and said it's unusual, apparently most guys only can manage once or twice in an hour.

I've had punts where I struggled to pop twice but others where I easily managed 4 in an hour. Depends on the girl and the service they give but also largely depends how long you've abstained, usually 1-2 weeks is good for me to do 4 in an hour but couldn't do it every week.

I find that if I have a 1 hour session once a week then twice is just right for me.


  • Guest
If there is nothing physically wrong with you which I'm sure there isn't.  There's a lot of factors.  Are you a slow popper in the first place?  Is the room too hot?  Are you tired?  Does the SP have good skills (and attitude)?

Lets suppose you cum on the 30 min mark, the room is cool, you're not tired, the SP has good skills (and attitude).  And, also you get a 10 min recovery. 

Here's my theory  :hi::

To cum twice within the hour you would need to be relaxed so you feel in the moment and you're not rushing.  You also need to have lustful thoughts.  My lustful thoughts are encouraged when I get a girl in a certain position I like or I pay attention to a particular body part I like (maybe she doesn't like anal but I fantasize about doing her like that) or if I find her really sexy (a cheeky smile or the way she talks etc.) or fantasizing that I'm fucking a celeb/pornstar I fancy.  The moment you start worrying about needing to cum you face an uphill battle and it doesn't matter if you can maintain an erection.  The first pop is psychologically different because it's driven by foreplay and a nice build up.  For me, this applies to any woman I'm fucking not just SPs.

I do find it harder to cum quickly after a bj than penetration.

I can twice in a two hour meet if the girl is hot with kissing etc but usually just once.  Why do you want to do twice if the first timr is good, when i try forcing it it feels its painfull after.

I find it really satisfying when I nut twice/or more.  And, there's a slight pain afterwards and I feel the tank is empty  :music:.  There's nothing worst then cumming once and feeling like you need one more pop.

Offline threechilliman

My biggest problem though is that more often than not the concentration wanes after round 1 and whilst she's sucking my cock i start thinking about what I'm having for dinner, the fact I need to email someone etc etc.

 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

That sounds familiar. I refer to it as boredom. It's why I only do 30/45/60 min meets. I hear of folk making 3 or 4 hour bookings, I'd love to know how they fill the time - I'd be either asleep or bored shitless.


Offline cueball

I've always been a 'one pop wonder' even in my 20s
I usually have an 1hr punt and just make sure I don't pop till 50 mins in
(I wear a watch, a smile and nothing else).

Being a 'Once-n-done' man doesn't detract from my love of punting (or fucking civies)
Its just who I am and how I'm wired.
At just the right side of 50 I've learned to apply the 'love your fate' approach to much of life.

Great post, sums me up nicely too

For me, the fun is not just in the destination but the journey too  :hi:


  • Guest
In most punts I've only come once and in punts where it hasn't happened or it's taken the whole punt and a HJ to finish, it's been down to porn or thinking too much about the time.

If you wank or watch porn, give those up for the week before you see a WG and you'll probably come more times in the punt. Also don't be preoccupied with getting the deed done - just enjoy the time while you're with the WG. I had a great punt with Selina from one of the Soho walk-ups where I came in the first position we got into and we still had 15 mins to go.

Offline the_exile

I have to drive for an hour for a decent punt and have toyed with the idea of a half-hour meeting,  shopping or sightseeing for an hour or two then back again,  or a different one for another half hour.
 Haven't done it yet as it's a bit of a waste of time and two half hours would be a bit expensive,  can't help it I'm a bit of a tight bugger.

Have done this, gone back and seen the same woman later. Ive known I could cum again but need more than the time left in a hour meeting to do it.

Offline bearcat69

I've have had some issues of a similar nature to the OP of late, and I am of a similar age to the OP. But I managed on a punt about a week and a half ago to reach a second pop. She just managed to get me nice and relaxed and touched me in the right way and my body obliged. :yahoo:

Although, I agree with the sentiment expressed by many here, that you should try not to worry about it too much. You could try laying of the wanking, using ED meds or maybe even practicing edging yourself, but myself I've never really had to do anything like that to have a good punt. I just try to accept that my body will do what it will do. Personally, I think a lot of it does come down to picking the right WG. Up to you thought OP, if becoming a spunk spurting megastar is you goal, go for it mate. But one good, satisfying, unforced pop over the course of a nicely delivered GFE with lots of nice oral both ways and good sensual kissing, is more than enough for me though.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2017, 08:06:52 am by bearcat69 »


  • Guest
Of the few times when I managed twice in one hour, the majority where when the second round was assisted by having a vibrator in my arse, either during or just before.

Might not be to everyone's taste of course.

Offline Matrix

Of the few times when I managed twice in one hour, the majority where when the second round was assisted by having a vibrator in my arse, either during or just before.

Might not be to everyone's taste of course.

Certainly not after it's been in your arse!

Offline GreyDave

 :hi: Don't Knock it till you've tried it mate  ;)  :lol: :cool: :lol:

Did it with Kerry of Watford a while ago .... :dance: :hi: :hi:  ( Vibrater in my arse that is. I didn't taste it after though ;)

I am a one pop in 6hrs chap these days it is the way there that's the fun enjoy that....
« Last Edit: May 19, 2017, 09:14:43 pm by GreyDave »

Offline thor555

sorry for the long post..

Read this post and thought yup thats me kinda. Im of similar age. My first ever punt was 1hr, popped twice, got really hard in the end.(think i was super turned on) At this point no ED drugs or anything. However i know i was super relaxed had not been working for a few weeks. I found that my second punt i found i was not as hard and this felt a bit strange as i know i can do it. So i thought lets try some ED, used a bit of low strength Viagra. Was solid for the first punt but i found the second saw a bit strange, thought recovery time would be quick it wasn't as quick as i wanted i guess i had some expectations...

Did another  punt without the scooby snack, and it was a bit of a disaster second cumming just didnt happen. Got hard started changing positions and mr floppy was not a welcome arrival he came, i did not! At the time i was all round stressed, stress at work / getting to the punt ect. Also something about the wg expression further fueled my confidence level dropping, which in turn made my dick flop!

Also had a few massage when i know 100% i can cum twice in 1h, relaxed and there is no pressure and i guess its her job to knock one out for you! I love cumming twice in 1hr super relaxed and super focused after.

Recently after a couple of drinks i found i get really hard and last a long time but then only one pop, think is the inhibitions that are lost and the worry goes away. Im still trying to find the perfect combination.

For me looking at above i think

30mins = one pop at this point in my life its more or less  guaranteed(provided i have not popped in the last 2 hours need to test this one though )
30min = 1 pop tiered need a few drinks for a longer enjoyable cum
1hr = 2 pops gotta be super relaxed
1hr= 2 pops, exhausted but need to pop a blue pill

Im still experimenting with myself.
I guess my ultimate would be 3 pops in 1hr, think i would really need to click with the girl and be in greatest shape of my life but not sure if i really need to be a greek god to do that

My quest continues  ......


Offline Titti Tatti

Retirement age.  Started with 2hr punts but though I get aroused can't finish the deal 2nd time.

Had a lovely afternoon recently where I visited Megan (reviewed) went to a meeting and then partly because of performance worries, decided on a rub and tug massAge which did the trick and a very HE. The fact the second 'act' was with a different woman also excited me

 I can see how a visit to a Soho walkup, a bite to eat and  then a massAge is on the cards soon.

Offline mrfishyfoo

I stopped caring about how many pops I can get years ago.

Sometimes, albeit very rarely, I pop twice in an hour, sometimes once in 3 hours and sometimes not at all.

Offline rubric

It takes me longer in my dotage to witness the second coming. I'm in the curious situation of a one hour punt being both too long and too short. If I want to cum once, a half hour is fine, but if I want a second round it usually takes me about another hour for it to happen again.

I've been in much the same situation myself - and have spoilt a couple of punts previously because I was obsessing a little too much on trying to come twice in the hour. That said a few things worked for me; I'm more likely to come twice if I'm relaxed, I'm more likely to come twice if I'm relatively fit, I'm more choosy about the girls I see, and a couple of times I've booked two flatmates back to back for half an hour each - I find that the process of meeting a girl knowing we are going to have sex adds to the excitement and I have no problems getting aroused for round two.

These days I tend to put it down to bad chemistry and/or substandard service. With the right girl I have no problems coming twice - back when the long departed Amy from Academy Girls was around I had no problems coming three times in the hour.

Offline mrfishyfoo

These days I tend to put it down to bad chemistry and/or substandard service. With the right girl I have no problems coming twice.

That's a damned fine point.  :hi: :hi:

I've had a few 2 hour TOFTT's recently and all of them have had 2 pops out of me.

Then one of regulars failed to get 2 pops in 4 hours. Hmmmm !!!

Offline Mr Farkyhars

I started to take Kamagra jelly for meets as I like the feeling of a rock hard cock (which it gives) but once you have cum, Mr floppy comes back and there is no chance of another coming...

Sorry if this will involve recapping something I ought to know, but how can this be? Surely the stuff is still in your system and so can affect blood flow to the cock?


  • Guest
These days I tend to put it down to bad chemistry and/or substandard service. With the right girl I have no problems coming twice - back when the long departed Amy from Academy Girls was around I had no problems coming three times in the hour.

Completely agree.

If the service is great and the mood feels right then I can always manage 3-4 in an hour.

On a few occasions I've struggled to squeeze 2 out so end up with the girl pissed off and the offer of a HJ, that usually works but a few times it's not so had to walk away without coming. Surprisingly when that has happened the euphoric feeling I got for a few minutes after leaving was totally out of this world - even better than actually coming!


  • Guest
Sorry if this will involve recapping something I ought to know, but how can this be? Surely the stuff is still in your system and so can affect blood flow to the cock?

Common misbelief that viagra etc give you a permanent erection that's out of your control. You still need to be aroused to get an erection when taking viagra etc.
Basically it just helps you stay hard when you get aroused but still quite easy to lose it if your mind isn't in it.

Offline RogerBoner

That's a damned fine point.  :hi: :hi:

I've had a few 2 hour TOFTT's recently and all of them have had 2 pops out of me.

Then one of regulars failed to get 2 pops in 4 hours. Hmmmm !!!
We can't control this or train for it (I believe). My business brain always wants 2 pops per hour. A Japanese girl got 3 pops out of me in one and a half hours. Normally I have two in an hour. At a massage parlour I have two in half an hour by asking for both a Happy Beginning and a Happy Ending. Two similar girls sharing an apartment, one is one per hour and the other gets two out. However, like Mr FF, I sometimes only come once an hour with a favourite. I believe that this could be because we are now quite friendly and I don't feel I'm being down and dirty, or I don't want her to work so hard and chat because we're friendly. So I'd be better off having a different girl every time or just go to the same girl a couple of times. I'm old.

Offline Trenlover

Did your searches find this Wikipedia article?
External Link/Members Only
It outlines a couple of theories related to the refractory period.

I always assumed that it was related to getting older, which is difficult to prevent!

Indeed this is about genetics and the refractory period.

I need about 45 mins after a pop before im ready to go again and even then the second pop is much harder. After the second pop I need like 2-3 hours

I dont think it is age as much as it is genetics.

maybe when I was 18 I could wank several times per hour but my refractory period has been pretty constant since my mid-late 20's
« Last Edit: May 22, 2017, 10:17:09 pm by Trenlover »

Offline Romney

I noticed a few posts suggested ED meds as a possible solution.  I would not try them as they often times reduce sensitivity and delay orgasm, so they may very well make the OP's issue worse, not better.

Offline peestee

I find its important to get the first pop asap, I find girls that offer cim best for this then 15 min of groping and I'm ready to go again with plenty of time to fire off a second round

me the same.. agree!

Offline mrfishyfoo

.....I believe that this could be because we are now quite friendly and I don't feel I'm being down and dirty........So I'd be better off having a different girl every time or just go to the same girl a couple of times.

That's the crux of the matter isn't it.

I went to see one of my faves earlier this week and she had the first pop out of me with her mouth in no time whatsoever as she knows exactly how to touch my buttons and it was fucking awesome. She did such a good job of it that there was no way I could cum a second time as she drained me dry. Didn't stop me spending a good hour giving her a right fucking once my cock woke up again. All 3 holes got well and truly used.  :yahoo: :yahoo:

To test the theory I've got a newbie to me to fuck later this week. Be interesting to see how many pops she gets out of me.

Offline Mr Farkyhars

Common misbelief that viagra etc give you a permanent erection that's out of your control. You still need to be aroused to get an erection when taking viagra etc.
Basically it just helps you stay hard when you get aroused but still quite easy to lose it if your mind isn't in it.

I'm in full agreement with that, but I was surprised that wickerman said there was "no chance of another coming".. maybe he meant orgasm rather than erection..

Offline englandfan

For me, how long it takes me to cum, and how often i cum depends on may factors.

1) who im fucking
2) do i fancy her?
3) is she a good fuck?
4) my mood / tiredness

I regularly fuck a young lady friend of mine whos younger than me. She drives me wild and is fucking good at what she does.  She also has a smoking hot body.  She can make me cum inside her in about 30 seconds guaranteed

yet when i fuck the missus i can be at it for half hour without cuming

i also once did an all nighter with an escort who was fit as fuck and must have cum about 6 times in about 4 hours

Offline GreyDave

 :hi: Just thought I`d add another 2p worth :D
When I was in my 20-mid 30s I could cum several times in an hour an enjoyed the bang effect of walking from one walk up to the next via the Coach and Horse`s in fact the thing I then considered re the phrase "improved ability"  for me meant staying power ;) so I always felt the 2nd shag pop although would take me longer , the girl would have to work a bit and I`d get me moneys worth :yahoo:.
In my 40`s this declined and now mid 50`s I take a day in Soho to do 3 walk ups and pop maybe if I am lucky 6hrs later in late afternoon .. :unknown: I enjoy Indy girls more now they were not that avabile to me when younger , it was more of a parlour scene were they want to pop you and piss you off out  :angelgirl:
I surpose that's were the lasting bit came in when I have shagged civies and OH`s its been all about lasting and feeling they have a good time ;) where as with the WG`s it a very selfish little me :cool: that takes control of the little fellas action Blue pills I would say for me has contributed to the delay factor as does having a small worn out ( due to excessive wanking in my teens :D) cock  :( :( :hi: :hi:

Offline zigzag

In my short time at thus I've found cumming twice in a 1 hr booking is a bit hit and miss, sometime I can and sometimes I can't. Have recently been making an effort to watch less porn and avoid wanking for 3/4 days beforehand. Have also realised if I'm going to cum twice then the first pop needs to be as soon as poss after the action starts, though this isn't always a guarantee. So now I just relax and enjoy the hour and don't think about how many times I cum. If I do cum twice the second one has always been in mish, nothing else works. U do make sure the girl knows it may only be one pop, nothing worse than her tugging and sucking for dear life and knowing it's not gonna work.

Offline tazz

I find the girls personality and what we may or may not be chatting about has a big impact on how many times i can come.If the girls is bublly and tells me naughty stoires and how much she wants to be spoiled thats a huge turn on. With most girls its not more than twice in an hour, but have managed 3 times in an hour a few times. Found some Sugar babies who are a lot of fun and managed 3 times in around 90 minutes.