Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Do your friends know about your punting?  (Read 2684 times)

Offline Solidrock

I've been punting for nearly a year now and I'm desperate to confide in someone about my secret liaisons but not sure if it's a good idea as it could backfire in the future.

Do you share with anyone else and is it a good idea or have you regretted it?

Offline smartieshouse

Do it on here, any thing else is asking for trouble.

Offline Marmalade

Just share with us and post some reviews. That's the norm.

Offline eb0x

It's not a good idea. You never know who will disapprove, or mention it to a partner/friend and before long it will be common knowledge.

Best login to ukp and share your experiences with a willing audience  ;)

Offline Home Alone

You're almost certainly asking for trouble if you share things outside here.

I've twice just about got away with taking my then-Regulars to meals with my non-punting friends. The fact that I 'got away with it' was more down to the discretion of those Regulars than anything else.  Never again!!


  • Guest
I agree with everyone here, keep it to this forum as telling a mate or anyone for that matter is asking for trouble, even if you are single now it could come back to bite you on the bum in future, say for example in a years time you are in a relationship and you fall out with the person you have confided in, they may take great delight in telling your partner that you punt, that would certainly be the end of the relationship even if you have stopped punting then.  If you have a wife or gf now then for your own sake tell nobody, like we say just chat on here as we are all in the same boat, none of us would want those closest to us to know what we do thats for sure.

Offline HKS15

Having made the mistake of doing it in the past myself, my advice would be don't do it under any circumstances.

I had a situation with a permavirgin loser who got jealous that a girl in our halls at Uni liked me and not him, so he took it upon himself to 'accidentally let slip' to her that I was a regular at the Sandy's Superstars brothels, which fucked up my chances with her and caused frictions with other people who didn't approve of paying for sex.

Law 4 of the 48 Laws of Power: Always say less than necessary.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2017, 09:28:01 pm by HKS15 »

Offline Trotter671

I probably could as I'm currently single and my mates & friends are fairly open minded. But as previously said, things can change and there's always the possibility of things going 'tits up' in the future so best not declaring. :hi:


  • Guest
I've been punting for nearly a year now and I'm desperate to confide in someone about my secret liaisons but not sure if it's a good idea as it could backfire in the future.

Do you share with anyone else and is it a good idea or have you regretted it?

Here is a similar thread that might interest you -

Offline hullad

When you embark on this journey you have to accept that its solo for most of us. I have a few very good mates and I trust them with my life, but not this as I know it would lead to a barrage of questions. They mix with my family and me thiers; it has to be seperate and why does anyone feel the need to share a very initimate secret that would cause pain if divulged.

No trust no one but yourself


  • Guest
in almost all cases it's a fucking stupid thing to do
(unless you KNOW you can trust them)

DO NOT go telling your "mates" or anyone else who knows who you are
that you like paying pro$$ies for sex

as it could be used against you at some point in time

just so happening to have a chat with a stranger at say a sex/swinger club/party about such things is "okay"
 but don't for fucks sake  give any traceable personnel details  about yourself

Offline mrdiamond77

No, I only discuss my hobby with everybody here.  Not a good idea to do otherwise.

Offline jackthelad

I'm lucky to have friends who I punt with in Asia. Been great friends for over 15 years and have been punting together for about 13 years. Started out as karaoke at a hostess place. We all took girls up to the rooms and we've never looked back. We arrange punts for each other when we visit.

Offline Marmalade

It's not much of a question is it. If you want to have a secret hobby you have to deal with it being secret. The only times I have had punting friends is abroad when we met up entirely by accident and shared info and tactics.

If you really need to hang out and talk with punters face to face, try Angeles City. Lots of fat bastards sitting having breakfast talking about last night's exploits -- cos there's no reason to be there unless you're a punter.


  • Guest
I know loads of people that have punted after a night out or on holiday and have told me about it.  But I will never share   :cool:.

Offline stayer

Today, the bloke who is your best mate could tomorrow be your worst enemy. So, trust nobody.


  • Guest
I look up to people like Charlie Sheen (and the late Patrice O'Neal) that don't give a fuck though and any person that is honest with their wives/gfs that they like some action on the side.

Here Patrice O'Neal talks about his experiences with WGs worldwide: External Link/Members Only

Offline thor555

Was really tempted recently to tell a good mate after a few drinks, we were good mates 10 years ago and possibly started seeing our 1st set of WG's together. Lots of banter and he was really looking for a WG on a night out, tempted to suggest AW and this site but kept it shut as he is too close to home and if for example relations get bad things could get ugly v quick. Happy i kept shut! but i did really want to help a mate out..

Online threechilliman

Keep ya trap shut. End of.


Offline Solidrock

That'll be a no then.  :)

I did very nearly open up to a recent colleague who proudly discusses his dogging antics. Glad I didn't in hindsight as he's a blabbermouth and a bit of a dick tbh, probably would have been all over the workplace before the day was out.

Cheers for the replies.

Offline killerbees

Today, the bloke who is your best mate could tomorrow be your worst enemy. So, trust nobody.

Loose lips sink ships.

Offline claretandblue

I have discussed it with certain mates in the past but not of late ,thats really because I havent seen them as opposed to a reluctance on my part.I think you should question your mates if you are really worried they are going to judge you,or worse still stitch you up! :scare:

I am aware of a couple of mates who punt but they dont use this site,we are all married or attached so in the same boat and chatting about it now and then is no big deal.

Offline joe diddley

Don't tell anyone, ever, if you are in any doubt. Mates sometimes fall out. If you do, you'll have left yourself a hostage to fortune. Part of the purpose of this site, beyond of course the exchange of info and advice, is to provide us with a forum on which to exchange our adventures with one another that is insulated from our real world relationships.


  • Guest
"Lose lips sink ships" that's good one. I've just got a question, that's all. Why would I want to tell a 'mate' about my punting activities? What purpose would there be in doing that? Would it strengthen the bond between us? No, I doubt that. Would it be to boast? Maybe - a false boast. Which might come back to bite me one day. No I would and haven't told any mates or family or work colleagues, because it's none of their business what i do in my own time with my money and my body.

Offline Home Alone

I've been punting for nearly a year now and I'm desperate to confide in someone about my secret liaisons.

You could always leave some Reviews on here! ;)  :D

Offline claretandblue

"Lose lips sink ships" that's good one. I've just got a question, that's all. Why would I want to tell a 'mate' about my punting activities? What purpose would there be in doing that? Would it strengthen the bond between us? No, I doubt that. Would it be to boast? Maybe - a false boast. Which might come back to bite me one day. No I would and haven't told any mates or family or work colleagues, because it's none of their business what i do in my own time with my money and my body.
Because its nice to chat with a mate about your shared interests?

So for me that can be work,football,life in general or whore mongering  :D

Offline Sedition

About 4 or 5 years ago a very close mate split up with his missus, we both had a lot of ammunition on each other, concerning all manner of indiscretions we'd committed,to the extent we used too joke about it- our own little mutually assured destruction policy.
One day, he showed me some nonsense on his laptop and, there in the corner of the screen was a telltale AW logo.
"Hello" I thought... and kept my mouth shut. I'll just file that one away.
Anyway, eventually he ups sticks, emigrates, and re-marries.
We stay in touch, we are good mates, I still have a pile of shit on him which his gorgeous new wife wouldn't want to know. However, his dirty secrets are safe with me. I'm his mate.
A couple of years ago I had a mild bout of EAS (now fully recovered) .
At the time, I didn't know about this site, but I needed to talk to someone about it, so, safe in the knowledge he was 7,000 miles away and going to keep quiet, I told him.
Did it help?
Not really.
Did it change my relationship with him?
I think it did a little.
So, to sum up,I wish I had known about ukp at the time, I have learnt more about punting and gleaned more valuable advice here than I did from one of my closest friends even though he had a passing knowledge of the punting scene.
Seems to me there is no advantage (and potentially many disadvantages) to confiding in a mate.
We are all friends here
(Even cueball)

5th Musketeer

  • Guest
There are things about my past life that I have never, and WILL never, share with anyone, and they are not just AW- or UKP-related.  I'm a very private person and, apart from one punter on here, I have not shared anything personal to do with AW and UKP with anyone else.  I don't feel the need to spill the beans on any of my past life and wonder how some folks manage to write autobiographies that lay everything about their past lives bare to the general public.  Discretion is my watchword and it will remain so.

Offline stevethebroker

Other than my old boss who openly admitted to the guys that he sees escorts, and me mentioning to him alone. Other than I would never tell friends. Even a best friend can turn against you at any point.

Offline Happylad

Tell all to your very bestest best mate, and next time he`s had one too many at the pub he`ll tell (in strictest confidence, of course) all his best mates, and sooner or later they`ll all have one too many in  the pub and tell all their best mates, etc, etc, etc.

Then one day one of them goes home puddled and thinks it a novel and brilliant idea to whisper it all to his missus and next day it`s all round the W.I and all the mates she meets in Tesco, and one of them just happens to know your wife.............

Online threechilliman

Tell all to your very bestest best mate, and next time he`s had one too many at the pub he`ll tell (in strictest confidence, of course) all his best mates, and sooner or later they`ll all have one too many in  the pub and tell all their best mates, etc, etc, etc.

Then one day one of them goes home puddled and thinks it a novel and brilliant idea to whisper it all to his missus and next day it`s all round the W.I and all the mates she meets in Tesco, and one of them just happens to know your wife.............

The voice of wisdom.


Offline cueball

I've been punting for nearly a year now and I'm desperate to confide in someone about my secret liaisons but not sure if it's a good idea as it could backfire in the future.

Do you share with anyone else and is it a good idea or have you regretted it?

We're your only mates to share it with.

Share your exploits on here in an anon way with your fellow anon online buddies and keep the real life folk in the dark.

Trust nobody... it'll bite your arse if you do share in real life, you'll be a hot gossip subject

Offline MoTToM

The first rule of Punt Club is...

Offline Kendrig

We're your only mates to share it with.

Share your exploits on here in an anon way with your fellow anon online buddies and keep the real life folk in the dark.

Trust nobody... it'll bite your arse if you do share in real life, you'll be a hot gossip subject

Simple answer NO, NEVER, even your best mates, it will come out in the open sometime. As above after a few beers even your best friends can have loose lips. If you want to share...... share here on UKP.

I have a few trips abroad with friends, when we all meet we generally punt. However they all believe this is the only time we do. I would never tell them that I regularly punt. In their opinion "what happens away, stays away". I leave it at that.

Offline bugsybum

dont tell anyone. surprisingly a lot of men are worse than women when it comes to gossip amongst groups of friends :dash: :dash: :dash:. if you do tell a close friend make sure its a friend you have some dirt on!!!!! :bomb:


  • Guest
Yes one word let slip can fuck you forever

Offline Jimmyredcab

Everyone knows that I shag hookers, friends that I have known for 40 years, fellow cab drivers --------- everyone.  :drinks:

(Not my 80 year old Aunt though, she may not approve)       :hi:


  • Guest
Jim (does the tax man ) ?
Or do you get a receipt?


  • Guest
You're playing with fire. Don't.

Punting isn't accepted as the norm in society and has many negative sterotypes associated with it. Your reputation is at risk by disclosing this.


  • Guest
I've been punting for nearly a year now and I'm desperate to confide in someone about my secret liaisons but not sure if it's a good idea as it could backfire in the future.

Do you share with anyone else and is it a good idea or have you regretted it?

All my mates punt..all married and happily cheat on their wives. This is just what sane men do.

If your mates don't admit to punting they are lying.


  • Guest
You're playing with fire. Don't.

Punting isn't accepted as the norm in society and has many negative sterotypes associated with it. Your reputation is at risk by disclosing this.

It is nowadays. Given most women have fucked over 20 men in their lifetime socially, they can hardly now moan if their other half used hookers and I don't know any bloke who thinks paying for sex is an way or another blokes always pay for sex be it a hooker or a mortgage!!

There was a stigma no doubt, not anymore.

Offline Adzzzz

I have one mate who knows, he's a very good mate and we've been through a lot of stuff together, would go as far as trusting him with my life. Plus it was him who pointed me in the direction of AW