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Author Topic: What has happened to punting? Need to vent.  (Read 2997 times)


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So I've been off punting properly since last June, had one punt at December time and one in February, both a bit boring and forgettable but not terrible. Decided to treat myself these last two weeks with trying out something a bit more interesting and potentially expensive.

In the time since last year though, clearly some of these WGs have got it into their heads that they are worth more than they really are, a gestalt if you will. I've been trying to book this one for at least a week now but always get ignored, accepted but then cancelled, told she's fully booked (at times apparently every hour from 1pm to 12 am) or more commonly she tries to fob me off to one of her mates in her AW group.

 External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

If I've taken the time to trawl through AW to find a particular profile I feel is worth contacting, chances are I've already seen your mate and decided not to fuck her. as she's probably between doggers and average on the sliding scale. I'm not a bad looking bloke; I like punting because I always thought it was easier than "the real thing" and generally you end up inside something which looks nicer than bog standard slapper down the pub #24. I'm of the mentality that if I can't find something on AW worth shagging within my price and effort range, I'll just shag some local trout or use my hand if I'm that desperate. I've messaged you because I think you look good enough to pay a sum of money you would be unlikely to earn in any other career path with your presumed skillset, because I find you sexually attractive enough to warrant paying it in exchange for your "time and company"-your mate who could well be bog standard slapper #24 down the pub but has developed delusions of grandeur after watching Billie Piper pretend to shag blokes for large sums of cash on the telly and being told by her mum once that she's gorgeous, doesn't justify the same price I'm afraid, and you repeatedly referring me to her actually just pisses me reet feckin off.

The other thing that pisses me off is the amount of hoops you now have to jump through with some of these girls just to be afforded the apparent privilege of paying them large sums of money relative, once again, to what they could be earning elsewhere. I've been trying via every conceivable method to contact this one off and on for months but never get any response.

External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

To start off, I'm quite an athletic build so this doesn't actually affect me, but the fact she notes that she won't see obese/overweight men given the circumstances is bizarre in itself; I very much doubt most WGs find any bloke who knocks on their door to be the ideal man of their dreams and surely you're cutting out a relatively large potential customer demographic in saying you won't see people based on weight. Also, what does she do, check BMI at the fekkin door?
Then there's the bit about her wanting what basically equates to an Enhanced DBS when contacting her to decide whether she wants to see you or not. Whatever happened to the old 'if you've got positive feedbacks you're probably not an axe wielding nutter' that we had when I started out several years ago?

Increasingly I keep seeing stuff like that but also these WGs writing stuff about punters getting too emotionally attached and asking them out. I've got a bit fluffy with some of the punts I've had, but I doubt there's enough saps out there who think that they can genuinely impress and get romantically involved with a woman who's likely had more cocks than John Wayne's rifle or more soldiers dipped into them than a boiled egg (if they work round my neck of the woods) to warrant putting that auld shite on your profile.

It fucking pisses me off that they get so collectively snooty about etiquette etc. but most increasingly never seem to answer your reasonable questions or even message back. Organising a punt should take 20 mins at most and believe it or not girls, most of us are concerned only roughly 10% with the female companionship/talking thing and 90% with the use of your mouth and vagina so why does it matter if we "click" or are "compatible".

I honestly used to think I was quite a nice person on the punting scene and go out of my way to be pleasant to WGs, but increasingly you just get fucked about and disappointed and made to look and feel like a cunt. It's like they think they're the one doing you a favour even though you're the one who's going to hand them over 150 smackerooneys for very little physical exertion and effort on their part and normally have lied about what's actually on the menu. In fact, we're the ones paying for all the irrelevant shit you spend the money on ladies, how about making it a bit easier to come to a mutually beneficial fucking arrangement so we can satisfy our needs and you can buy the 67th pair of Jimmy Choos or another silly little pocket sized dog to run around barking while you're with a punter?
Anyway, I'm off to chat up bog standard slapper in the pub #24, if nothing else they've saved me 150 notes.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2017, 01:04:46 am by Jaselemas »

Offline Danj89

You sir are legend. Agree with everything you said especially when it seems like they are the ones doing us a favour especially considering the money we spend on them.

Offline Private Parts

Jaselmas. I look out for the incisive and humorous reviews, and your latest rant is no exception.
Price as you say is irrelevant. It is value for money and heart. I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of WGs I have seen on my punting journey who have the heart for their industry.

Do not despair. I never lose faith that my punting karma is just around the corner. It's just a f**king expensive way of doing it.  As you pointed out Mrs Jase sees nothing in your lives to warrant a bj and that is sad. But as (h)Ernie said" a (wo)man's needs are many fold."So to land on your punting nirvana must be your aim.
It's a personal thing and it's why we do it.
Oh, the thrill of the hunt!


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Hi Jaselmas. Interesting topic. A few obs; I  got as far as your review no. 5, btw. You do seem to prefer the drop dead gorge type, and British (1 Romanian whom you gave a bad review for) - I did only get to your 5th though. It's more likely that these types of ladies will be a little bit 'up themselves'  Your basic point (girls are getting choosy) is a fair one and yes, they are, and not just here either - more later - and not just in this game, but everywhere else (relationships, jobs, marriage) And good - good luck to them. This won't go down well here, I know, but I don't blame them. If I was a young woman I wouldn't go anywhere near some of the herbert's and wasters amongst some younger men I've known. Us guys have to shape up, basically.
I noticed more of an attitude amongst the really good looking girls in the last few years in Thailand as well. They have more options now, here and there. Western women are doing many jobs, especially those involving dealing with people (which is most jobs now) much better than men do them.
Finally, you've highlighted  the main reason why I very rarely punt an English woman.....they are not, on the whole, desperate enough to need to have sex with strangers to make a living. Controversial view here - yes - would this post look better on mumsnet? Probably, but this site is about stating our opinions and not being afraid of taking the flak.


  • Guest
Also must have tiny designer dog in another room .


  • Guest
I don't get all this angst. Its a market, if there are enough punters that will pay the girl so she makes the income she wants we have the choice. People moan about Ryanair, Microsoft, Voafone,  BT, the Banks etc etc etc, but they continue to prosper because they keep enough people satisfied to make huge profits, same with the girls. There are girls out there to suit all tastes and price range.


  • Guest
Also must have tiny designer dog in another room .
Ha! yes, so true and if girls were as fussy back then as they are now I doubt if I'd have even had 1 gf never mind 2 wives!!!

Mr Kean
"I don't get all this angst. Its a market, if there are enough punters that will pay the girl so she makes the income she wants we have the choice. People moan about Ryanair, Microsoft, Voafone,  BT, the Banks etc etc etc, but they continue to prosper because they keep enough people satisfied to make huge profits, same with the girls. There are girls out there to suit all tastes and price range"
Don't know how to multi-quote but yes, yes and yes. If we don't like one supermarket we go to another. I tend to go for the 1970's Austin Princess end of the escort market tbh in terms of looks but for service I'm looking for Rolls Royce.


  • Guest
100% agree with OP.  Seems like sites like Tinder, Craig's list, SA and webcams have convinced some girls they can make good money without the necessary emotional engagement needed for the profession.  I've just come back from a great punt with a Romanian who threw herself into it fully with amazing skills and attitude.  Perhaps three, four or five with the "heart" you've mentioned in gods knows how many. It's a job after all I always put 100% into mine  :angry:  Not  a great % is it? Yes and what's with the inability to answer a few polite and reasonable questions regarding services such as "could you do this for me?"  I usually get answers like "u come bb" whereas I'd like, yes of course my darling.  I'll happily suck your balls as well as OWO but it's £20 extra, is that ok? I'm traveling so would like to know if it's worth doing so that's all.  If profiles were clear with a price menu instead of all the ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️👄👄👄👄 bollocks and fake will she won't she shite then it might be less annoying.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2017, 12:26:47 pm by bristolqwerty »

Offline mysteryman30

It fucking pisses me off that they get so collectively snooty about etiquette etc. but most increasingly never seem to answer your reasonable questions or even message back. Organising a punt should take 20 mins at most and believe it or not girls, most of us are concerned only roughly 10% with the female companionship/talking thing and 90% with the use of your mouth and vagina so why does it matter if we "click" or are "compatible".

Brilliantly written :-)


  • Guest
It fucking pisses me off that they get so collectively snooty about etiquette etc. but most increasingly never seem to answer your reasonable questions or even message back. Organising a punt should take 20 mins at most and believe it or not girls, most of us are concerned only roughly 10% with the female companionship/talking thing and 90% with the use of your mouth and vagina so why does it matter if we "click" or are "compatible".

The market always wins, maybe not immediatley but it does in the end. If the girls find sufficent clients paying a rate that makes them the income they wish for, then thats what we get.  The girls know full well that there are enough guys who pay for 30 mins, orgasm and are out in 15/20 mins, so why would they change. As in any market occasionally you find a Rolls Royce service at Robin Reliant price and vice versa, but the mass market always settles tto some sort of median.   


  • Guest
My suggestion would be try picking better reviewed wg's.

Offline Cunning Punt

My suggestion would be try picking better reviewed wg's.

That, or give up punting, if you're that disillusioned.


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  • Guest
Excuse the delay but have only just come across this post and felt the need to reply after a recent experience.

I have been largely dormant with my punts for a long time now, due partly to the desert for decent SP's that the SE region has become.

I was however recently tempted by this profile and its impressive number of positive reports, albeit AW. A good report on this site swayed me into action.  External Link/Members Only

A very polite text explaining I was genuine, interested in making a booking, and was happy to follow up with a phone call was duly sent. The reply was curt, asking me to book through AW. A further polite text was sent to explain I don't use AW but was happy to call to arrange.  The reply..

" Not going to happen"

Charmed I'm sure love, well in that case my potential regular wad ain't going to happen either.  Enjoy your fan boys whilst they are around I'm glad I escaped that attitude.

Oh for them all to share the attitude of lisaff

Offline Jamboney

Excuse the delay but have only just come across this post and felt the need to reply after a recent experience.

I have been largely dormant with my punts for a long time now, due partly to the desert for decent SP's that the SE region has become.

I was however recently tempted by this profile and its impressive number of positive reports, albeit AW. A good report on this site swayed me into action.  External Link/Members Only

A very polite text explaining I was genuine, interested in making a booking, and was happy to follow up with a phone call was duly sent. The reply was curt, asking me to book through AW. A further polite text was sent to explain I don't use AW but was happy to call to arrange.  The reply..

" Not going to happen"

Charmed I'm sure love, well in that case my potential regular wad ain't going to happen either.  Enjoy your fan boys whilst they are around I'm glad I escaped that attitude.

Oh for them all to share the attitude of lisaff

I saw the WG you posted the link to a couple of years ago when she had a different profile. it was my first review on here. After posting my review I learned that she was on fab swingers with several pics of her being barebacked by several different blokes. You dodged a bullet there.


  • Guest
Nice one JB. :hi:

I remember that profile ...something Morgan??, always looked a bit thin, flat chested, and pale looking for me hence never made a booking. Then saw discussion on here which nailed it. The girl then explains the somewhat unclassy reply to my enquiry, she looks to have filled out in the boob dept though.  She's lowered her rate a little from what I recall. These fan boys don't half give them an attitude. Bullet dodged as you say

Offline nigel4498

Nice one JB. :hi:

I remember that profile ...something Morgan??,

Her former profile was actually Princess Devil.
She then had a profile Pregnant Princess, dropped a sprog and is back whoring again.


  • Guest
Not the best attitude wg for sure .

Offline DrConners

She was also "YummyMummy" at some point, I saw her but never fucked her - Long story but ultimately boring.

I was put off at the fact she'd sent her boyfriend & kid to the local park for an hour - seems like a few of us have dodged the same bullet.

I think she had a slight cleft palate too maybe ?
