Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: MalloryR - Anyone seen this girl? Aberdeenshire  (Read 6322 times)

Offline Courtney

must be my cousin lol, 
well i hope she is real because she's stunning,

What I mean is wanda11x a previous account of yours? Very samey usernames and both of you from Aberdeen....also very similar posting style with a comma and no full stop.;area=showposts;u=87073


  • Guest
What is SA, i also tried to get a meet with Mallory but no joy yet

So what is SA?  Anyone?


  • Guest
Why is this bothering you so much? Why have you gone threw all the trouble to copy and paste other chats? It's not that big a deal

Offline Courtney

It's not that big a deal

...well it is if you read the rules:

- Multiple accounts
Creating multiple accounts will result in banning of all accounts. If a second account is required for privacy reasons, then admin may grant permission on request.

…looks like multiple accounts:;area=showposts;u=62427 - wanda11;area=showposts;u=87073 - wanda11x


  • Guest
...well it is if you read the rules:

- Multiple accounts
Creating multiple accounts will result in banning of all accounts. If a second account is required for privacy reasons, then admin may grant permission on request.

…looks like multiple accounts:;area=showposts;u=62427 - wanda11;area=showposts;u=87073 - wanda11x

UKP Police out again...

Offline Courtney

UKP Police out again...

...and your point is? Why is that a problem for you? It's how the forum works. :dash: :wacko: :crazy:


  • Guest
...and your point is? Why is that a problem for you? It's how the forum works. :dash: :wacko: :crazy:

Does anyone actually care?

Offline Courtney

Does anyone actually care?

....yeah I think you should care about what the rules are you dumb twat. Duh! :wacko: :crazy: :bomb:


  • Guest
I think there's more important things in life than policing a forum and looking out for potential duplicate accounts. And less of the dumb twat, please

Offline Courtney

I think there's more important things in life than policing a forum and looking out for potential duplicate accounts. And less of the dumb twat, please

It helps Admin run the forum. Is there something wrong with that? Is it a threat to you? Do you have a duplicate account we don't know about? You can use the report button, it's over there. -------->

Offline Don Quixote

In many forums you find members acting not so mush as 'police' but as 'vigilantes'. There are often forums with members who really are 'police' in as much as they have been given authority by the person owning/operating the forum to act on their behalf e.g. moderators. 'Vigilantes' are, by definition, self-appointed, and often they run the risk of appearing to  be self-regarding and self-righteous.
The thing with UKP is that the administrator isn't slow to show that he is perfectly capable of policing his own forum, thus this friction is all so unnecessary.

Offline Courtney

often they run the risk of appearing to  be self-regarding and self-righteous.

All I can do (as can anyone else) is flag up my suspicions and Admin has the final say.

The thing with UKP is that the administrator isn't slow to show that he is perfectly capable of policing his own forum, thus this friction is all so unnecessary.

.....but still there is nothing wrong in other members highlighting suspected issues to help out. :unknown:

Offline Pale Invader

All I can do (as can anyone else) is flag up my suspicions and Admin has the final say.

.....but still there is nothing wrong in other members highlighting suspected issues to help out. :unknown:

Courtney I know you love being the UKP police but you need to get our more all you seem to do on here is call people out. I'm sure Admin is more than capable on running the site and if they have a issue with anything will take the necessary action without you adding in your tuppence worth each time.

Offline Courtney

Courtney I know you love being the UKP police but you need to get our more all you seem to do on here is call people out. I'm sure Admin is more than capable on running the site and if they have a issue with anything will take the necessary action without you adding in your tuppence worth each time.

At no time have I called myself the UKP police, there is no such thing.

So again, is this a threat to you also? That is how the forum is. I feel I have to keep repeating myself several times....give me a piece of chalk someone. :dash: :dash: :dash:

Offline Pale Invader

At no time have I called myself the UKP police, there is no such thing.

So again, is this a threat to you also? That is how the forum is. I feel I have to keep repeating myself several times....give me a piece of chalk someone. :dash: :dash: :dash:

I didn't say you called yourself UKP Police..I'm calling you that as has others. No threat to me why would you be ?  I don't go about telling others that their posts break the rules as I said that is admins job not yours. I can give you chalk or crayon certainly would let you loose with anything sharper, now go away and leave this forum members in peace. You will glad to know I will not be responding further as I think that is what you enjoy..and if anybody else has any sense no matter what you post should not satisfy you with a response.

Offline Courtney

I didn't say you called yourself UKP Police..

It was more of a statement. That is what the post report section is all about. Admin is very busy and does not have the time to read every single post on the forum and relies on post reports to help run the forum. Yeah, I think it's clear you still don't get it. Your argument is ridiculous. :crazy: :wacko:
 :dash: :dash: :dash:

Offline Don Quixote

All I can do (as can anyone else) is flag up my suspicions and Admin has the final say.

.....but still there is nothing wrong in other members highlighting suspected issues to help out. :unknown:
I completely agree that, within the rules of this forum, you are perfectly entitled to do as you have done, and clearly your suspicions about one of the members commenting on this thread were well-founded.
My previous contribution is an observation about how one presents themselves versus how they can be perceived by others as presenting themselves.


  • Guest
Have a wet, stay cool and sleep naked.
Cuntney you seem to get threaders easily. Get yourself out the house and meet up with yer da once he's finished with the avon.

Offline Courtney

Have a wet, stay cool and sleep naked.
Cuntney you seem to get threaders easily. Get yourself out the house and meet up with yer da once he's finished with the avon.

You've obviously been here before and I have an idea who you are. A clue: A ned who is not the smartest tool in the box. :music:

Offline Courtney

Wasn't who I thought it might be  :blush: ...but still a neddy dunce. :crazy:

I completely agree that, within the rules of this forum, you are perfectly entitled to do as you have done, and clearly your suspicions about one of the members commenting on this thread were well-founded.
My previous contribution is an observation about how one presents themselves versus how they can be perceived by others as presenting themselves.


Offline NigelF

Perhaps Courtney doesn't need to announce his suspicions in any other way than just reporting people/posts but I for one think it's good that he highlights such things to Admin. It helps take a little of the workload off and if anyone deserves a break it's admin. I think admin has in the past said that he doesn't do that much in the way of prevention or pro-active "moderation" in regards to duplicate accounts and the like. I also think he said he very much welcomes post reports (anyone's suspicions) on the matter.

Offline Courtney

Perhaps Courtney doesn't need to announce his suspicions in any other way than just reporting people/posts but I for one think it's good that he highlights such things to Admin. It helps take a little of the workload off and if anyone deserves a break it's admin. I think admin has in the past said that he doesn't do that much in the way of prevention or pro-active "moderation" in regards to duplicate accounts and the like. I also think he said he very much welcomes post reports (anyone's suspicions) on the matter.

:hi: ....I may just do that, just report instead of trying to explain things because they don't listen to me anyway. :unknown: :D Cheers, NigelF. :drinks:

Offline Happyjose

:hi: ....I may just do that, just report instead of trying to explain things because they don't listen to me anyway. :unknown: :D Cheers, NigelF. :drinks:

Jeez Courtney, you're like catnip for cunts

Well done on identifying yet another fucknugget here to cause mischief

Offline Happyjose

I didn't say you called yourself UKP Police..I'm calling you that as has others. No threat to me why would you be ?  I don't go about telling others that their posts break the rules as I said that is admins job not yours. I can give you chalk or crayon certainly would let you loose with anything sharper, now go away and leave this forum members in peace. You will glad to know I will not be responding further as I think that is what you enjoy..and if anybody else has any sense no matter what you post should not satisfy you with a response.

Actually, admin has stated that he relies on members flagging up their concerns via the report function. Courtney's record on identifying problem members, who are subsequently banned entirely on admins judgement, is second to none in the Scottish section of this site. Prove me wrong, if you can.

If you disagree with any of this, as seems obvious from your post I quote above, you should consider setting up your own forum, as you seem at odds with the way admin runs his site. I would remind you that this site is not a democracy. It's provided free of charge by admin to all of us. Abide by the rules/ethos or simply fuck off elsewhere

These others that you allude to, who also seem to have a problem with Courtney acting in the best interests of the site (UKP Police? Hilarious!) may be an unwise alliance. Your choice though.

You state that you won't respond further to Courtney. Hopefully you will to me, as I look forward to addressing the issues that you have raised

Offline Happyjose

I completely agree that, within the rules of this forum, you are perfectly entitled to do as you have done, and clearly your suspicions about one of the members commenting on this thread were well-founded.
My previous contribution is an observation about how one presents themselves versus how they can be perceived by others as presenting themselves.

Actually, your previous contribution shows you called it wrong, and appeared to be a bit of a twat. Still, nice try on backtracking 

Anybody can have an off day though, you're still relatively new to the site. Maybe take some time to acquaint yourself with the culture/ethos of the site

Other forums are available, though they are all failing/have failed. This is the only one that puts the punter first.

Offline Don Quixote

Actually, your previous contribution shows you called it wrong, and appeared to be a bit of a twat. Still, nice try on backtracking 

Anybody can have an off day though, you're still relatively new to the site. Maybe take some time to acquaint yourself with the culture/ethos of the site

Other forums are available, though they are all failing/have failed. This is the only one that puts the punter first.

It appears that you may have completely mis-interpreted my second post, and I stand by everything I said in my first post given that it is a bald statement of fact. There are indeed 'vigilantes' (albeit operating within the rules of the forum), and they sometimes don't do themselves any favours in the way that they can come across to other members.

I think that you probably intended your comment to be well-meaning and/or instructional, but in my personal opinion the use of name-calling in the first paragraph and an apparently condescending tone to your second paragraph unfortunately renders it otherwise.

I respect the fact that we are each entitled to express our opinions, but I politely request that we each do so with courtesy and civility towards each other. Friction is all so unnecessary.

Offline Happyjose

It appears that you may have completely mis-interpreted my second post, and I stand by everything I said in my first post given that it is a bald statement of fact. There are indeed 'vigilantes' (albeit operating within the rules of the forum), and they sometimes don't do themselves any favours in the way that they can come across to other members.

I think that you probably intended your comment to be well-meaning and/or instructional, but in my personal opinion the use of name-calling in the first paragraph and an apparently condescending tone to your second paragraph unfortunately renders it otherwise.

I respect the fact that we are each entitled to express our opinions, but I politely request that we each do so with courtesy and civility towards each other. Friction is all so unnecessary.

What you fail to realise (or at least it appears so) is that these other members, the type that complain about forum police or suchlike, often have an ulterior motive, and more often than not end up banned.

Challenging posts and members that are at odds with the culture and ethos of this forum (often in a robust manner) is simply how the site works, and more importantly is one of the main reasons that UKP remains relevant and successful.

What I struggle to understand, is why members such as yourself, who have ample opportunity to learn about the site before becoming a member, choose to sign up and then want to change things and inevitably complain because the culture here isn't quite how you would like it to be. In other words, the problem isn't with the site, it isn't with Courtney (who has measurable success in helping admin identify problem members) it's actually you that's the problem.

Friction is often quite necessary in dealing with malcontents, of which there are many. The banned section of the site, of which I realise you may not have access, demonstrates this and it grows by the day. Any member with access can view the posts of banned members and see the relevance of the points I have made.

Your sneery tone, and your choice of user nic makes me wonder about your intentions

« Last Edit: June 12, 2017, 09:20:05 am by Happyjose »

Offline Clattypats

What you fail to realise (or at least it appears so) is that these other members, the type that complain about forum police or suchlike, often have an ulterior motive, and more often than not end up banned.
There certainly seems to be a surge in these instances of late by certain members.... :rolleyes:

I'm pretty sure admin doesn't have time to trawl through every post, and also pretty sure he appreciates any help from other members in identifying any undesirables....

If you don't have anything to hide then I don't see why myself, Courtney or anyone questioning anyone elses authenticity should be a problem..
« Last Edit: June 12, 2017, 09:41:16 am by Clattypats »

Offline Courtney

but I politely request that we each do so with courtesy and civility towards each other. Friction is all so unnecessary.

If you and a few others want to turn UKP into a Pro$$ienet mark II (which I think some of you have came from, or similar sites) have another thing coming. :bomb: :bomb: :bomb:

Notice how no-one actually responded to this:
...useless silly input. :music:

Are you going to listen to Jose? If not you can use the report button over there --->
It may help stop a lot of unnecessary friction. :sarcastic: :wacko:

Offline Don Quixote

My friends, I can't see much hope of finding any common ground between us, so let's just agree to disagree otherwise we run the risk of generating more heat than light.

Offline Courtney

If you don't have anything to hide then I don't see why myself, Courtney or anyone questioning anyone elses authenticity should be a problem..

....exactly, this is what I find really strange and suspicious.

Why would a genuine punter, fairly new to the forum, get very offended by me flagging up someone breaking the rules? ...or pulling up someone for saying "treat her well", I would call it Pro$$ienet style trolling. :scare:

Offline Happyjose

My friends, I can't see much hope of finding any common ground between us, so let's just agree to disagree otherwise we run the risk of generating more heat than light.

But what if I don't want to find common ground with you

What if I suspect you have an ulterior motive

What if I think you're deflecting from points I have made in response to your posts

« Last Edit: June 12, 2017, 10:08:51 am by Happyjose »

Offline NigelF

It appears that you may have completely mis-interpreted my second post, and I stand by everything I said in my first post given that it is a bald statement of fact. There are indeed 'vigilantes' (albeit operating within the rules of the forum), and they sometimes don't do themselves any favours in the way that they can come across to other members.

I think that you probably intended your comment to be well-meaning and/or instructional, but in my personal opinion the use of name-calling in the first paragraph and an apparently condescending tone to your second paragraph unfortunately renders it otherwise.

I respect the fact that we are each entitled to express our opinions, but I politely request that we each do so with courtesy and civility towards each other. Friction is all so unnecessary.

Fucking hell! So your issue is now the lack of courtesy?! Get a fucking grip!


  • Guest
Has anyone forgotten what the original post is about


  • Guest
Has anyone forgotten what the original post is about

Yes we digress....still trying to arrange.....

Offline bbj1980

After some weeks of investigation I found her Facebook page


  • Guest
After some weeks of investigation I found her Facebook page

Do tell a bit more

Offline Happyjose

After some weeks of investigation I found her Facebook page

If it's her personal facebook profile it would be unwise to potentially out her on here

Offline bbj1980

Aye I'm nae outing anything on here. I've seen her in her normal job on occasion


  • Guest

Offline ShaunJo

The accessing from Ireland could be through a vpn if she is using her works wifi.

Offline ShaunJo

I see she has now  taken her profile down, was looming forward to seeing her at some point.