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Author Topic: Cialis - Anyone using the once a day tablets (smaller doze)  (Read 2936 times)

Offline Hertsgent

Well here's one of the 10% that has worked on a close friend. See my first post on this thread
As far as what I think of most Cancer charities...
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That is fantastic - whether or not the drug is the cause is incidental in such a devastating disease, glad your friend has had a good result  :thumbsup:

I didn't read all the cancer charity link, but I think there can be real problems of vested interests that mean money is not focussed most efficiently.....possibly countered by the sheer volume of money going into cancer research that it only takes a couple of ideas to work to make a real difference

Offline tantric talents

it only takes a couple of ideas to work to make a real difference
Yes but the problem is the grip on them that so called "Big Pharma" has.
You have to realise that most drugs out there are not designed to CURE diseases but to CONTROL them!  Those companies make their vast sums of money by forcing "dependence" on drugs and repeat prescriptions!
Having discussed this at length with an eminent Nobel Laureate we both concluded the future is in Biotech.
From monoclonal Antibodies through stem cell research and most of all that which is coming out of CRISPR.
This will be the future of medicine and it will happen sooner than you think.  :hi:

Offline Hertsgent

Yes but the problem is the grip on them that so called "Big Pharma" has.
You have to realise that most drugs out there are not designed to CURE diseases but to CONTROL them!  Those companies make their vast sums of money by forcing "dependence" on drugs and repeat prescriptions!
Having discussed this at length with an eminent Nobel Laureate we both concluded the future is in Biotech.
From monoclonal Antibodies through stem cell research and most of all that which is coming out of CRISPR.
This will be the future of medicine and it will happen sooner than you think.  :hi:

That's a bollocks quote on big pharma - sounds a good ruse, but it is a competitive if one pharma found a cure then the rewards (financial and societal ) would be huge. Also, if a cure were to be had, someone else would find it. Look at what is happening in immunooncology to see the benefits (for a small subset of people), and the wild fluctuations in pharma companies with drugs in that space as the market works out who has the winning hand (those drugs were massive speculative gambles by the way, where it would have been easy for those companies to give up before they realised the drugs would work)

I agree with your excitement on some of the emerging biotech work, although these things will always take longer than you think. Biotechs take greater risks, most biotechs go bust, taking investor cash with them. A few succeed, and those investors make a great return.

Offline tantric talents

Well I guess we just have to agree to disagree, although I should have used the word manage rather than control in that context! I don't even want to go into the way in which they screw and hold the nhs to ransome.
I would like pair of your rose tinted specs though.
Were they a free giveaway from Beyer or Glaxo perhaps?  ;)
« Last Edit: March 12, 2017, 07:33:44 pm by tantric talents »


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Some glaxo pills are £30 each.
Theres money in pills for sure!

Offline Sattob

I worked for 'a medium-sized pharma based in the south east'. Whilst there are many conspiracy theories about the pharmaceutical industry, they're generally tosh, except one. This is, that many pharmaceuticals look for breakthrough drugs in areas of both high demand, and high potential payments.

What most people fail to realise is what might be called the rule of 20: Only 1 in 20 all highly developed pharmaceuticals make it to market (and this excludes those that fail much earlier in the process); that you only have 20 years of patent to make money, and that it takes say 20 years to get to market (example, the new wonder drug for prostate cancer took two Israeli scientists 15 years to develop, before another few years of testing in hospitals around the world - actually it was so good they stopped the trials early).

An additional point is that most pharmaceutical companies only have one, maybe two, real money spinners, and most of the rest make reasonable, not huge profits. When you then consider that most of these profits then are used to pay for R&D of new drugs, most of whom will never see the light of day, and the pressure to supply certain drugs for reduced prices, plus incredible insurance costs (Thalidomide especially causing this), then, whilst drug companies can make huge profits, it's a very risky business. It's like gambling, with huge stakes.

Sure, kick the pharmaceuticals. They do over-price in America, and have taken advantage of the NHS's pricing strategy (but to be fair, in both instances, they took advantage of crap systems), but they're a lot more cut-throat than one might imagine (of course my company always priced fairly...:) )

In the company I was in, our new wonder drug failed to get clinical acceptance in all countries. This caused a massive problem. Whole budgets were based on this new wonder drug getting accepted, as the extant drugs, which had been powering the company, one in particular, was coming to an end of the patent, and the likes of Teva would make a generic version of it (probably in a UK plant), in fact, IIRC, we knew they were.

Offline tantric talents

Interesting perspective Sattob. Guess you are talking about VTP?
Isn't it now in clinical trials at New York’s Sloan Kettering Cancer Center?
« Last Edit: March 12, 2017, 07:58:41 pm by tantric talents »

Offline Sattob

Yes, the new light shining drug for prostate. Two Israeli guys at the Weitzmann spent 15 years seeing how a naturally occurring chemical could be used (and yes, they were annoyed when they didn't get any credit when the drug was announced, but were philosophical about it) - Actually, this drug was sponsored for many years by a Swiss company who took a huge gamble on it, and will now will reap the rewards.

However, it is pure baloney that a company would pass up a cure, because they'd rather make more profits selling a control. It just means someone else will develop a cure, and your control becomes worthless. The industry is full of those examples.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2017, 08:03:27 pm by Sattob »

Offline tantric talents

Er, I'd rather not be too specific for obvious reasons!  :coolgirl:

However, it is pure baloney that a company would pass up a cure, because they'd rather make more profits selling a control. It just means someone else will develop a cure, and your control becomes worthless. The industry is full of those examples.
Guess you don't know what's happening with DRACO then?
I am sure Dr Todd Rider would have something to say about it!
« Last Edit: March 12, 2017, 08:03:59 pm by tantric talents »


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Look at share prices of these companies ?

Offline The Beano

Up to a few years ago I was on the 5mg daily tabs on an NHS prescription, worked really well but then they changed their policy and they were only available on a private prescription at £65 for a months worth. Tried viagra type instead but they didn't suit me so had to pay for the cialis, but I just took them a couple of days before a planned punt. I've now moved to the north east and their policy is I can get 4 10mg ones a month on NHS. So I'm cutting them in half. Works fine.

Offline Sattob

Guess you don't know what's happening with DRACO then?
I am sure Dr Todd Rider would have something to say about it!

Offline Sattob

Look at share prices of these companies ?
The companies are swallowing each other up. I worked with another (then) mid-sized pharma in the south-east/midlands. One slip, and they were swallowed. Cash rich pharma buy small pharma who have a successful product, it reduces the gamble. Also, the development costs, or clinical delays can kill them. The axiom is still the same, pharma is gambling. One big slip for a small/medium sized company can kill them, make them vulnerable to be shut or bought. Large ones merge so that they can spread risk across 3/4 money-spinning products.

This is also partially 'our' fault, because regulation is (for usually good reasons) increasing. This increases costs, and the risks.

Offline tantric talents

Well it's probably a bit off topic to go into too much detail here, but essentially we are talking about a revolutionary broad spectrum cure for ALL viruses!
Yes polio through Ebola to the flu!
Amazing research and in vitro  and in Vivo results.
Do you think he can get a big pharma company to back him?
With great respect the answer may be a little above your or my pay grade, but if you spend a few minutes researching the Phoebus Cartel you may get an inkling of what may well be going on.  :hi:
« Last Edit: March 12, 2017, 08:14:38 pm by tantric talents »

Offline Sattob

Well it's probably a bit off topic to go into too much detail here, but essentially we are talking about a revolutionary broad spectrum cure for ALL viruses!
Yes polio through Ebola to the flu!
Amazing research and in vitro  and in Vivo results.
That sounds intriguing. It sounds like something a medium sized pharma could run with, if it has legs.


  • Guest
If one pill fixes all ills and your company makes pills for ill people . You would vanish it for sure .

Offline Sattob

Penicillin was the wonder drug once, could cure it all... Then it was antibiotics in general. Now the little blighters have learned to adjust (in large part because people don't kill them, just stun them). So, it's a constant battle. One drug now, would be old hat soon.

5th Musketeer

  • Guest
Yep, I wouldn't punt in the USA, as many others also agree on, yes there are trafficked girls, we all know that. I'd call it common sense, you call it scaremongering, so fair enough.......
Interesting statement.  Why wouldn't you punt in the USA, apart from the fact that it's illegal and if you got caught it's not a very nice situation to be in?  There are plenty of ways punters there know how to protect themselves - as do the WGs.  You must realise that it's not exactly a fringe industry there.

Offline the gardener

Well of course that and pumpkin seeds are the goto for some prostate problems. It depends what you have.

That's some list. Is there an order of efficacy.

The issue I have is BPH, a slightly enlarged prostate. PSA levels are in the low range so Docs have no concerns about that and blood tests show normal level of testosterone. Symptoms are usual for BPH, difficulty starting, weak stream, frequent urge to urinate, and of course ED. The last is the most annoying symptom. I've tried most of the alternative ED medications from Dr. Fox, sildenafil/Viagra, avanafil, vardenafil, spedra, alprostadil cream, none of which had the desired effect. I did get a stuffy nose and headache from Viagra, but not what I wanted!  :angry:. I never went to the maximum dosages though. 

Apologies as this is turning into a medical thread, but we seem to have gone at a tangent discussing the profitability and motives of the pharma industry. And also to the OP I still have a couple of packs of Cialis spare. Maybe some of the other posters at the upper age range may benefit from the suggestions, my GPs readily prescribe Viagra but then seem to think that's all that's needed. I did get to see a urologist after a 3 month wait who advised trying Cialis and if that wasn't successful to try Flomax and Aprostadil. Whether injections or muse he didn't say.

Offline tantric talents

That's some list. Is there an order of efficacy.
Sorry, list was in random order.
Also for BPH you might want to try drinking tea made from epilobium parbiflorum. Easy enough to find on eBay.
Meantime Muse sounds like it may be the best thing for your ED  :hi:

5th Musketeer

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Thanks for the info. I only took a couple of the omeprazole and stopped after I looked up the side effects some of which I noticed more or less immediately. I'll look into the medication you've suggested. Don't need to change my diet as its loosely based on a mediteranean diet with lots of vegetables, pasta, fish, lean meat and plenty of olive oil.  Also I'm a fairly fit, active, non smoker, and not overweight. Despite looking after my body as best I can age is taking its toll where I most don't want it to.

I'm now experimenting with dietary supplements suggested on trawls through the internet, most successful of which for my prostate issue is Saw Palmetto. I've found I get the same relief as Cialis enabling me to save the Cialis for when I need it for its intended purpose. In conjunction with the Coolidge effect it works wonders most times.
Tried sending you a PM but I was informed by the site that you can't receive them

Offline Marmalade

Sorry to bump the thread. I think I should qualify an earlier statement where I suggested switching from omeprazole to ranitidine if you get acid reflux with sildenafil etc. It works in some cases. I've taken it just before a punt and found it instantly increased the effect and produced a sudden increase in woody strength. (External Link/Members Only). But a number of studies suggest that its general use increases the possibility of ED. It is however quite a simple drug: the side effects of omeprazole are still being discovered and can be worse it seems. If you get horrendous acid reflux it is a powerful drug though. Once you've sorted the immediate problem, there are many inexpensive natural remedies that have a good rep such as licorice root tablets. Thanks.
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Offline tantric talents

Good points Marmalade. Licorice can certainly be helpful.
Mercola is up to speed on some other decent alternatives to drugs for this condition.

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« Last Edit: March 15, 2017, 09:53:09 pm by tantric talents »

Offline Marmalade

Good points Marmalade. Licorice can certainly be helpful.
Mercola is up to speed on some other decent alternatives to drugs for this condition.

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Your comments are also much appreciated Tantric.

While I can't count myself a fan of Mr Mercola (as you doubtless know he is rather controversial in 'overselling' some of his ideas), several of the items on his list for acid reflus do seem well-substantiated.

All I could say is, it depends on the severity. Someone who is doubled-up in pain is in a different situation to someone who just takes an omeprazole occasionally when their stomach has been out of sorts. I remember years ago arguing with my (then) GP and determined to try natural remedies (including licorice) for the condition. After a lot of experimentation, I agreed that ranitidine was the most efficient solution (this is pre-omeprazole). After the condition is stablised, it is a bit easier to play around with remedies. You start to take the ranitidine 'as required' (if a bad bout of acid reflux occurs) or occasional omeprazole (as preventative, in the morning) if you've been feeling out of sorts. You can get some stuff that works similarly to licorice on prescription but it's probably more convenient to just buy it (chewable tablets) from a health food store and use it if and when. Remember all this stuff is relative and it's probably mostly a case of looking at factors involved and finding out what suits you.

Offline rico1999

Im the OP sorry i have not replied sooner. I have looked on Drfox website and its £64 for 28 tabs, it is slightly better value and if i were to buy 8 x 20mg tabs and use a pill splitter but its maybe not worth the hassle. Do all suppliers charge you for a prescription fee like drfox?

Offline rico1999

These one a day tablets are great, making love feels more natural when you dont have to plan sex around taking a pill. Its nice to know if me and my girlfriend are about to have spontaneous sex then its not a problem. recommended.  :yahoo:


  • Guest
So pls detail dose(daily) make and cost .


  • Guest
You can also get Generic Tadalafil from Kamagra Direct
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Thought these had shut down? May be my mistake but I used to use a very similar named company if not

Offline the gardener

Sorry, list was in random order.
Also for BPH you might want to try drinking tea made from epilobium parbiflorum. Easy enough to find on eBay.
Meantime Muse sounds like it may be the best thing for your ED  :hi:
Been working through your list of suggested remedies.

An observation that others might want to test was the effect of epilobium parbiflorum. On a visit after drinking a cup of this not very nice tasting brew for a week or so was a very intense climax that lasted for what felt like several seconds. Definitely the best orgasm I've ever had ever.

I'll keep taking it and tell my OH that it gives me a pleasant release; from the effects of BPH of course  :D. That's not a lie, but being economical with the truth.

Offline Delfrommem

Been working through your list of suggested remedies.

An observation that others might want to test was the effect of epilobium parbiflorum. On a visit after drinking a cup of this not very nice tasting brew for a week or so was a very intense climax that lasted for what felt like several seconds. Definitely the best orgasm I've ever had ever.

I'll keep taking it and tell my OH that it gives me a pleasant release; from the effects of BPH of course  :D. That's not a lie, but being economical with the truth.

They should put that quote on the packaging.  :P

Have you got a link to buy or can share the brand name and suppliers?  :hi:

Offline tantric talents

They should put that quote on the packaging.  :P

Have you got a link to buy or can share the brand name and suppliers?  :hi:
It's available loose or in teabags from ebay. :hi: