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Author Topic: What's your refractory period before you can go again?  (Read 3423 times)


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in my younger days (aged late teens and early 20's) i suffered a bit from PE but luckily it didn.t matter too much as i could just keep going.....stayed hard and just kept going and would cum again....and kept going and cum again etc. no break whatso ever, no withdrawing, just pump, cum, pump cum.

could often keep going for 30 or 45 mins non stop - but having cum 5 or 6 times.

But sadly not now. Now in 50's and over the years learnt to over come the PE and now prefer a slow and sensual build up. sometimes can manage 2 in an hour but happy with one. Also nowdays enjoy a good long bj as part of the build up.


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Age 18-30: Your sexual appetite is prodigious and sex often occupies the front burners of your mind. It requires very little stimulation to achieve an erection—even the wind blowing the right way might just be enough to stimulate a rigid, gravity-defying erection, pointing proudly at the heavens. The sight of an attractive woman, the smell of her perfume, merely the thought of her can arouse you fully. You get erections even when you don’t want them…if there was only a way to bank these for later in life! You wake up in the middle of the night sporting a rigid erection. When you climax, the orgasm is intense and you are capable of ejaculating an impressive volume of semen forcefully with an arc-like trajectory, a virtual comet shooting across the horizon. When you arise in the morning from sleep, it is not just you that has arisen, but also your penis that has become erect in reflex response to your full bladder, which can make emptying your bladder quite the challenge, with the penis pointing up when you want to direct its aim down towards the toilet bowl. It doesn’t get better than this…you are an invincible king… a professional athlete at the peak of his career! All right, maybe not invincible…you do have an Achilles heel…you may sometimes ejaculate prematurely because you are so hyper-excitable and sometimes in a new sexual situation you have performance anxiety, a mechanical failure brought on by the formidable mind-body correction, your all-powerful mind dooming the capabilities of your perfectly normal genital plumbing.

Age 30-40: Things start to change ever so slowly, perhaps even so gradually that you barely even notice them. Your sex drive remains vigorous, but it is not quite as obsessive and all consuming as it once was. You can still get quality erections, but they may not occur as spontaneously, as frequently and with such little provocation as they did in the past. You may require some touch stimulation to develop full rigidity. You still wake up in the middle of the night with an erection and experience “morning wood.” Ejaculations and orgasms are hardy, but you may notice some subtle differences, with your “rifle” being a little less powerful and of smaller caliber. The time it takes to achieve another erection after ejaculating increases. You are that athlete in the twilight of his career, seasoned and experienced, and the premature ejaculation of yonder years is much less frequent an occurrence.

Age 40-50: After age 40, changes become more obvious. You are still interested in sex, but not nearly with the passion you had two decades earlier. You can usually get a pretty good quality erection, but it now often requires tactile stimulation and the rock-star rigidity of years gone by gives way to a nicely firm penis, still suitable for penetration. The gravity-defying erections don’t have quite the angle they used to. At times you may lose the erection before the sexual act is completed. You notice that orgasms have lost some of their kick and ejaculation has become a bit feebler than previous. Getting a second erection after climax is not only difficult, but also may be something that you no longer have any interest in pursuing. All in all though, you still have some game left.

Age 50-60: Sex is still important to you and your desire is still there, but is typically diminished. Your erection can still be respectable and functional, but is not the majestic sight to behold that it once was, and touch is necessary for full arousal. Nighttime and morning erections become few and far between. The frequency of intercourse declines while the frequency of prematurely losing the erection before the sexual act is complete increases. Your orgasms are definitely different with less intensity of your climax, and at times, it feels like nothing much happened—more “firecracker” than “fireworks.” Ejaculation has become noticeably different—the volume of semen is diminished and you question why you are “drying up.” At ejaculation, the semen seems to dribble with less force and trajectory; your “high-caliber rifle” is now a “blunt-nosed handgun.” Getting a second erection after climax is difficult, and you have much more interest in going to sleep rather than pursuing a sexual encore. Sex is no longer a sport, but a recreational activity…sometimes just reserved for the weekends.

Age 60-70: “Sexagenarian” is bit of a misleading word…this is more apt a term for the 18-30 year-old group, because your sex life doesn’t compare to theirs…they are the athletes and you the spectators. Your testosterone level has plummeted over the decades, probably accounting for your diminished desire. Erections are still obtainable with some coaxing and coercion, but they are not five star erections, more like three stars, suitable for penetration, but not the flagpole of yonder years. They are less reliable, and at times your penis suffers with attention deficit disorder, unable to focus and losing its mojo prematurely, unable to complete the task at hand. Spontaneous erections, nighttime, and early morning erections become rare occurrences. Climax is, well, not so climactic and explosive ejaculations are a matter of history. At times, you think you climaxed, but are unsure because the sensation was so un-sensational. Ejaculation may consist of a few drops of semen dribbling out of the end of the penis. Your “rifle” has now become a child’s plastic “water pistol.” Seconds?…thank you no …that is reserved for helpings on the dinner table! Sex is no longer a recreational activity, but an occasional amusement.

Age 70-80: When asked about his sexual function, my 70-something-year-old patient replied: “Retired…and I’m really upset that I’m not even upset.” You may still have some remaining sexual desire left in you, but it’s a far cry from the fire in your groin you had when you were a younger man. With physical coaxing, your penis can at times be prodded to rise to the occasion, like a cobra responding to the beck and call of the flute of the snake charmer. The quality of your erections has noticeably dropped, with penile fullness without that rigidity that used to make penetration such a breeze. At times, the best that you can do is to obtain a partially inflated erection that cannot penetrate, despite pushing, shoving and manipulating every which way. Spontaneous erections have gone the way of the 8-track player. Thank goodness for your discovery that even a limp penis can be stimulated to orgasm, so it is still possible for you to experience sexual intimacy and climax, although the cli-“max” is more like a cli-“min.” That child’s “water pistol”…it’s barely got any water left in the chamber.

Age 80-90: You are now a member of a group that has an ever-increasing constituency—the ED club. Although you as an octogenarian may still be able to have sex, most of your brethren cannot; however, they remain appreciative that at least they still have their penises to use as spigots, allowing them to stand to urinate, a distinct competitive advantage over the womenfolk. (But even this plus is often compromised by the aging prostate gland, wrapped around the urinary channel like a boa constrictor, making urination a challenging chore.) Compounding the problem is that your spouse is no longer a spring chicken. Because she been post-menopausal for many years, she has a significantly reduced sex drive and vaginal dryness, making sex downright difficult, if not impossible. If you are able to have sex on your birthday and anniversary, you are doing much better than most. To quote one of my octogenarian patients in reference to his penis: “It’s like walking around with a dead fish.”

Age 90-100: To quote the comedian George Burns: “Sex at age 90 is like trying to shoot pool with a rope.” You are grateful to be alive and in the grand scheme of things, sex is low on the list of priorities. You can live vicariously through pleasant memories of your days of glory that are lodged deep in the recesses of your mind, as long as your memory holds out! Penis magic has gone the way of defeated phallus syndrome. So, when and if you get an erection, you never want to waste it!

Stay tuned for my next blog, coming next week: The solution to age-related decline in sexual function: 10 Things You Can Do To Prevent a Limp Penis

Wishing you the best of health and erections that last a lifetime,

« Last Edit: March 12, 2017, 02:11:53 pm by bigmanbigman »

Offline Jonestown

I hope the rest of your post / blog isn't as inaccurate as the section on 60-70 year olds.


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Only a copy and paste so who knows ??

Offline Grumpy Pumpy

In my 50s. Overweight, but still pretty fit and active

In "real life" and in punts, I'm a one pop man. That said, over an hour, I pace and edge myself. So when I do cum it's pretty intense. Particularly if I've been remembering to do my kegel exercises

With my OH at weekend and hols I can go again a few (usually 3-6) hours later. But never more than twice in one day.

Spoke to a WG recently who said she had a punter, around my age, who came three or more times in a hour. But each one, even the first, was just a little trickle.

So, overall, I'm pretty happy with the way my dick chooses to operate


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Usually twice in an hour. I cum fairly quickly the first time but get an erection fairly soon after cumming. Then for round 2, I take a bit longer to cum and there's also less of it. I've managed 3 in 1 hour on two occasions but with the same girl.

Offline OakTree

I hope the rest of your post / blog isn't as inaccurate as the section on 60-70 year olds.

It is.   :thumbsdown:

Offline starnatalia

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Offline starnatalia

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This year most in 1hour 1-2-3-4-5times in 1 hour all men is different  it depends from a man how comfortable there feel like 1 or 3times some men can cum more but never tried or don't whant to croll to there cars:) insted prefer walk;)well I never push to much ,  last year record man is Mark english man 47-49y.old not sure look like 40 year old  don't remember where is is from I don't care but hi spunk 6times in 30min by oral and wanks I am still shocked how hi did that' wow? before hi left I remember hi said to me( I said I was hornie today )strange hi see me for 3 years , sometimes  booking  was 1hour or 30min and always only 1pop in service I can tell hi was comfortable with that's,  but I think hi get pis**off when I was    tell him story about outcall in Driffield can't remember his nickname but man was in late 30 or early 40 english man 6times in 1hour 6   condoms bags full with spunk I remember give him nickname a SUPERMAN hi mentioned soon getting married  :)) nobody did 7times yeats in 1 hour I remember 1 man hi book 1-2-3-4 hours good regular only 1pop always ,once I give him Viagra 4h shag hi was fucked to death :)cock was hard and sore  but still hi only pop once :)


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This year most in 1hour 1-2-3-4-5times in 1 hour all men is different  it depends from a man how comfortable there feel like 1 or 3times some men can cum more but never tried or don't whant to croll to there cars:) insted prefer walk;)well I never push to much ,  last year record man is Mark english man 47-49y.old not sure look like 40 year old  don't remember where is is from I don't care but hi spunk 6times in 30min by oral and wanks I am still shocked how hi did that' wow? before hi left I remember hi said to me( I said I was hornie today )strange hi see me for 3 years , sometimes  booking  was 1hour or 30min and always only 1pop in service I can tell hi was comfortable with that's,  but I think hi get pis**off when I was    tell him story about outcall in Driffield can't remember his nickname but man was in late 30 or early 40 english man 6times in 1hour 6   condoms bags full with spunk I remember give him nickname a SUPERMAN hi mentioned soon getting married  :)) nobody did 7times yeats in 1 hour I remember 1 man hi book 1-2-3-4 hours good regular only 1pop always ,once I give him Viagra 4h shag hi was fucked to death :)cock was hard and sore  but still hi only pop once :)

Let me be the first to say, What? :lol:

Offline tantric talents

Let me be the first to say, What? :lol:
You certainly have the right moniker for that question!  :lol:

Online threechilliman

These two sum me up quite nicely. In my mind I'm this....

Age 18-30: Your sexual appetite is prodigious and sex often occupies the front burners of your mind. It requires very little stimulation to achieve an erection—even the wind blowing the right way might just be enough to stimulate a rigid, gravity-defying erection, pointing proudly at the heavens. The sight of an attractive woman, the smell of her perfume, merely the thought of her can arouse you fully. You get erections even when you don’t want them…if there was only a way to bank these for later in life! You wake up in the middle of the night sporting a rigid erection. When you climax, the orgasm is intense and you are capable of ejaculating an impressive volume of semen forcefully with an arc-like trajectory, a virtual comet shooting across the horizon. When you arise in the morning from sleep, it is not just you that has arisen, but also your penis that has become erect in reflex response to your full bladder, which can make emptying your bladder quite the challenge, with the penis pointing up when you want to direct its aim down towards the toilet bowl. It doesn’t get better than this…you are an invincible king… a professional athlete at the peak of his career! All right, maybe not invincible…you do have an Achilles heel…you may sometimes ejaculate prematurely because you are so hyper-excitable and sometimes in a new sexual situation you have performance anxiety, a mechanical failure brought on by the formidable mind-body correction, your all-powerful mind dooming the capabilities of your perfectly normal genital plumbing.

But my cock is this.....

Age 40-50: After age 40, changes become more obvious. You are still interested in sex, but not nearly with the passion you had two decades earlier. You can usually get a pretty good quality erection, but it now often requires tactile stimulation and the rock-star rigidity of years gone by gives way to a nicely firm penis, still suitable for penetration. The gravity-defying erections don’t have quite the angle they used to. At times you may lose the erection before the sexual act is completed. You notice that orgasms have lost some of their kick and ejaculation has become a bit feebler than previous. Getting a second erection after climax is not only difficult, but also may be something that you no longer have any interest in pursuing. All in all though, you still have some game left.



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Once in a hour... No trouble in getting it up again, just can't get it to spurt again. Many good uns have tried, and failed. (In my early 50s).

Maybe if I wanked myself 2nd pop, haven't tried that one yet!  ;)

Same age as you, and have the same issue. What has worked for me a couple of times is if the first pop is from oral only and the second one is from fucking but with the addition of a small vibrator in my arse.

Offline claretandblue

3 pops in the hour is most i can do these days!