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Author Topic: An early Edinburgh UKP  (Read 1402 times)

Offline DickDiver

Amazing that the oldest profession probably has the oldest reviewers. Great guide to 18th century hoors.

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And let's be honest the ancient punters had a better turn of phrase than us......

Lady Agnew, Nether-bow

This drunken bundle of iniquity, is about 50 years of age, lusty and tall. Being a disgrace to her relations, who are some of the best in Scotland, she regards neither decency or decorum, and would as willingly lie with a chimney sweep as with a Lord. Take her all in all, she is an abandoned piece.


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Is this forum not for helping eachother out, to get the most out of our punting cash?

If I start harassing every unreviewed hooker in Glasgow to establish their profile validities I'll not be poetic about it...

Offline DickDiver

Is this forum not for helping eachother out, to get the most out of our punting cash?

If I start harassing every unreviewed hooker in Glasgow to establish their profile validities I'll not be poetic about it...

WTF man?

Offline Courtney

Offline Happyjose

Miss Sutherland requires entry on the blacklist.

Though no doubt some slave to the tumescence in his male generative member will object
« Last Edit: March 09, 2017, 07:28:13 am by Happyjose »

Offline DickDiver

.....maybe it was Noboff again.  :scare: :scare: :scare: :D

Noboff had a psychological inability to stop a post at two paragraphs and his words looked like he'd used google translate to get to english from urdu via swahili.

Offline DickDiver

Miss Sutherland requires entry on the blacklist.

Fife is full of good winter-pieces. Fuelled by Greggs.

Offline Squire Haggard

I like reading stuff from past centuries, as it can be different from what we read today. 18th Century newspapers were the inspiration for Squire Haggard's Journal where he kept a daily diary.

Oct. 2:
Rain. Elijah Doghouse d.from the Manifold Eruptions. Awoke late and
immediately rang for Grunge but there was a terrible wailg. from the corridor and he
burst into the room shouting and sobbing as if distracted with grief
'What's the matter.^' I cried and he replied: 'Matter enough! The worst news since they
raised the tax on gin. Slavering Sally, the favourite whore at Lower Sodmire, has died
from exhaustion as a result of plying her trade too freely at the Yeomanry Ball!'
On receipt of these Dread Tidings a paroxysm of distress smote me and for a moment
I could not articulate. At length I ejaculated, 'What happened.^' and Grunge, between
sobs, told me that when Perverted Polly, another whore at Lower Sodmire, was
stricken with a fever, Sally generously offered to oblige her customers as well as her
Alas, the effort proved too much and she succumbed peacefully, blessg. all her clients
and returning any money taken in advance. 'She died like a true Christian,' declared
Grunge, 'in the service of others,' to which I cried, 'Amen!'

Oct. 3
Fog. Feeble Frederick d. from a surfeit of apple puddg. His wife threw it at
him, killg. him instantly. The dreadful news about Sally has struck me to the heart.
Many the time I have sent for her when life was unbearable.
I wept as I remembered her habit of bitg. each penny she recvd. to make sure it was
good. She had other habits too, which I shall not set down. She had no faults except a
tendency to smear her armpits with garlic against the Plague.
When the first paroxysm of grief was over I determined she should have a fitting
memorial and prepared the followg. funeral tribute, viz:

Elegy on the death of a whore who died doing her duty

Ye gods of Love! ye gods of War! look down

On one whom Love has cruelly o'erthrown.

Have mercy on this simple little whore

Who fell a soldier in the Paphian's War.

She died the noblest death that one could will

Serving mankind with all her subtle skill.

The warriors of Mars with her made free,

Number Five Troop, the Loamshire Yeomanry.

Alas, her favours were too freely given!

Her mortal frame succumbed, by Cupid riven.

Yet even dying spake she genVously:

'I'm sorry, lads, but I'll return your fee.'

For little Sal, ring out no mournful chimes.

She lives elsewhere in heaven's happier climes!

Where clients pay their money on the nail

And pox and clap are but a fairy tale.

When the poem was finished I shed a tear on the page and carried it to the Rector to
read it at her funeral but the cantg. hypocrite declined and said it was blasphemous
and I would do better to fall to my prayers. 'Then I shall read it myself at her
obsequies,' I shouted.

Oct. 5
Took my Elegy to the funeral of Sally; a huge crowd of three thousand souls,
all men, attended, exhibiting tokens of the deepest sorrow. Many appeared to be in the
last stages of disease but gallantly limped behind the cortege or were carried on litters,
moang. and beatg. their breasts. The Band of The Yeomanry played mournful airs.
The only discordant note was struck by sevl. wives who tried to spit upon the bier. As
the coffin was lowered I cried, 'Silence!' and started to read aloud the poem. Alas,
after the first verse I slipped on the wet earth and fell into the grave. The gravediggers,
however, were tenants of mine and the dogs pretended they did not see me. So they
lustily filled in the trench and I was half-buried before I could clamber out. item:
Clean raiment, £0.4s.2d.
N.B. I shall send my ode to The Gentlemans Magazine.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2017, 04:21:22 pm by Squire Haggard »

Online auldie63

Miss Sutherland requires entry on the blacklist.

Though no doubt some slave to the tumescence in his male generative member will object
Holy Fuck did you hiv a dictionary washed doon wi that Buckie! :D :D :hi:

Online auldie63

I like reading stuff from past centuries, as it can be different from what we read today. 18th Century newspapers were the inspiration for Squire Haggard's Journal where he kept a daily diary.

Aye ye cannae beat reading aboot how yer weans get oan! :yahoo: :dance: :hi:

Offline Happyjose

Holy Fuck did you hiv a dictionary washed doon wi that Buckie! :D :D :hi:

All these posts tonight - managed to take a dip in that swimming pool from cocoon? :thumbsup: