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Author Topic: The Road To Punting  (Read 1755 times)


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Does Punting represent 'the next level' following-on from consistent / heavy use of porn?

I tend to think this is how I got into it.

Offline Rockhead

Certainly not for me. I have very rarely used porn. For me, it was simply an antidote to 'lack of sex'.

Offline TPreston

A trip to Thailand was the start to my rocky path.

'Normalised' it and any moral concerns I had washed away when realized it was two consenting adults rather than the horror stories that are presented to anyone outside

Offline Jonestown

Widely available hard core is a reletively new thing, certainly in the UK, whereas punting has been going on forever.

Offline RedKettle

Certainly not for me. I have very rarely used porn. For me, it was simply an antidote to 'lack of sex'.

Spot on for me as well!

I remain convinced that if the OH had remained interested in sex then I would not have started punting.  However I would not stop punting now even if she decided she wanted it all the time.

Offline smartieshouse

Porn, then The Sport with phone numbers in the back. Then the Internet that has transformed this hobby.

Offline smartieshouse

I think also for me normalising vice was key. The media portrayal of the scene is very different from reality. If a girl wants to work and we want to pay, why not.

Offline Jason de Culo

Amsterdam followed by ' one day when I was really horny in the UK ' dragged me into punting. A two step process with a good 12 months in between. I'd been watching porn for years before that so that wasn't the trigger.

Offline twwb

I grew up with internet porn very easily accessible and yeah it probably has something to do with it. Maybe porn started my love for older women/MILFs, and as I don't see myself as the type of guy that a gorgeous MILF would be interested in in normal life, I went for it down the punting route. That's how and why I started punting and of my 3 punts, 2 have been somewhere between 35 & 45, and the other one was a lot younger than that but still older than me :P I guess porn was the introduction to a lot of what I'm into (for better or worse) and anything I couldn't get in civvvie life I'd probably try through punting because it's a lot easier, assuming you choose a decent wg.
I don't think porn is the only reason, though. Lots of factors contribute.

Offline NervousJ

For me it was

Massage h/e
Full service

Although I'd seen a hooker in Amsterdam...I also follow a working lass on twitter which made me even more curious to try...I'm the same as you twwb, my search history is littered with milfs with massive tits... Something I still love to this day

« Last Edit: February 01, 2017, 11:06:26 am by NervousJ »

Offline BogBog1

Magazine porn first (during my teenage years), then Internet porn, then about 10 years ago got a new job that was a lot better paid and involved more travel. So the combination of more disposable income + lots of time away + being a little drunk one night and VERY horny due to a client meeting with a smoking hot client (who was 100% unavailable) = being back in my hotel room, thinking "I wonder how easy it would be to find an escort?" (I literally had no clue). Stumbled across AW, did a quick search, discovered the answer to my question was "very easy indeed"... and the rest is history.

Offline bearcat69

Maybe to a certain degree for me, maybe.. I'm not sure though.

I've watched a lot of porn, since quite a young age. Although the thought of seeing a prostitute is something I've wanted to do from an even younger age, from before I really had much access to the internet, probably since I was about 13 or 14. I didn't start punting till I was in my mid thirties and was already sexually experienced, having gained quite a bit of self confidence and enough disposable income to afford the indulgence. I did have some access to pornography at that age. My brother had softcore nudie mags, which I would sneakly rob  :D but they were in no way comparable to what is readily available now.

I can't deny some of the ways sex is portrayed in porn may have encouraged my mind to drift into fantasizing, but to get to the point, that fantasy was already there. Porn is supplying a demand in my opinion. I'm a red blooded man, I like to fuck women, always have done since I was old enough to get a stiffy when a pretty girl walked past me in class.

Prostitution is the oldest profession in the world, as the old saying goes.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2017, 11:28:31 am by bearcat69 »

Offline cueball

No, I don't think punting is the next step from porn.

I punt a, lot but I've never watched tons of porn, we've all watched porn but it's never been a big part of my life, I like the real thing.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2017, 12:23:44 pm by cueball »

Offline MrFritz

I've always enjoyed porn, from top shelfers as a kid to the internet now, but don't consider it a route into punting for me. I was curious about seeing escorts because the sex life at home has waned somewhat over the last 10 years and i wanted to try something different, without the hassle of an affair. My home sex life has deteriorated a bit in terms of quantity, but more so in terms of what is on the "menu" as the other half has restricted it to what she wants and when she wants it, which isn't enough for me. Paying an fit escort to fuck me in a way I want has definitely been an advantage and I've found my passing interest in porn has pretty much ceased since starting punts.

Offline JamesKW

In my case I think it is a drug that steadily gets worse,looking for the next high.Starting with porn (originally VHS from dodgy characters in Brick Lane market) and strip joints,then naturalist events,then fetish events,tantric massage,WGs on a one to one basis and now parties.Nowdays I do a combination of all except no longer Tantric massages and never on a one to one basis.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2017, 12:38:06 pm by JamesKW »

Offline fairfield

My kickstart was an "old age" crisis. Been so dull and boring all my life, wanted to sow some wild oats before going six feet under.
But it was an actual straight choice between porn or punting. Should i fritter away my pension on Babestation and Studio66, or save it for a punt once or twice a month?
So porn for me is the alternative to punting, not the inevitable progression. And having decided, can't even be bothered tuning into the alternative.

Offline Citybased

For me it's an opportunity as a fairly average looking bloke to have sexual fun with girls of all ages, nationalities, shapes and sizes without any need to go chasing in the real world, only to get no where....sometimes when a pretty young thing is sucking my cock and I know what is going to happen next, I think that this would never happen in any other situation apart from me paying.

Offline Simmo87

My road to punting is the A19  :lol: :lol:


  • Guest
I guess so for me. I was 18 and had watched porn since I was 11 I imagine and wanted to experience it in real life. 

When they say girls in porn don't exist I can't understand. Yes your average Jill isn't gonna be stunning, with a good body, nice big tits and want to do all sorts of things with your cock. Punting allows us to choose what we like. There are some women that love cock and want to dress slutty, have boob jobs to gain massive tits, be treated and act like a whore.

Sunday I had my first punt for nearly 2 years and it was great, out of the few I've had definitely up there. I left feeling really satisfied. The girl had a perfect body in my eyes. It's great to just walk in, pay the money and get on with it. I'd never be able to have sex with somebody like that without paying for sure.

Offline cigano8

A trip to Thailand was the start to my rocky path.

'Normalised' it and any moral concerns I had washed away when realized it was two consenting adults rather than the horror stories that are presented to anyone outside

I like the way you put that- "consenting adults" good way of looking at it.

Anyway experience was similar to myself, had my first punt overseas and also normalized it for me.

Offline lewisjones23

stinking hangover was my trigger

needed something drastic to recover/make it up to myself

Offline mrfishyfoo

Definately not in my case.

There was no such thing as online porn etc when I started punting and top shelf wank mags certainly weren't overly graphic.

My first WG was "entertainment" at an after show "party" who fucked my brains out for me. I found out after the event that she was paid to be there.


  • Guest
I started punting because it suits my lifestyle.

I am not a very handsome man, so girls never had a natural interest in me.  I am also not interested in the responsibility of having a family which further put off many females.  In addition I am not very sociable which is why girlfriends were always rare.

Like most men I need sex and punting provides this for me to my required specification.

Porn was never a factor, indeed after the clothes are off I find it boring.

Offline unclepokey

1. Auntie declared she didn't really want or need sex.
2. Had a bit of an affair but couldn't really throw my heart into it
3. Had an 'arrangement' with a bird in the office that needed, as I did, sexual relief. No love just affection and release!!
4. Retired early.
5. Two years later discovered punting on the web.  The rest is history but a bloody site  better than the Wars of the Roses.

Uncle Pokey

Offline Home Alone

My introduction to punting came from being left at home, alone. ;)  The OH had pissed off about 18 months earlier and I knew that at my age, I was unlikely to pull any 'civvy' I'd fancy shagging.

So rather than wasting money - as I saw it - on porn, I decided on spending it in the Parlours of Greater Manchester so that I could enjoy the act, rather than watching other people performing it.  After a couple of years, I discovered AW and 'graduated' to seeing Escorts.  That must be a good ;) 10 years ago now. :D

Offline Desimonic

Have to say " Lack of sex" started me off punting. Couldn't be arsed pulling civvies, and almost always , they get clingy. SO off punting i shall go :drinks:

Offline Plan R

it was simply an antidote to 'lack of sex'.

Dr Rockhead has diagnosed the cause.
Throughout my life I punted in between relationships

Approaching the big 'five-oh' now, finding myself single since last summer and loving the (much improved) punting scene this time round so fucking much I can hardly believe it. Dunno if I'll bother with another relationship.. :timeout:

Offline torritti29

Marriage followed by children.

When pregnant t'other half was very horny but post natal steep reduction in activity and child care generally reduced libido until the kids were bigger.

Pre Internet porn wasn't readily available in the home environment.

But local papers were stuffed full of girls and massage flats advertising so opportunities were abundant and all English !

Offline fairfield

During 25 years of being attached to the old 'ball and chain,' Page 3 was my only porn. And once Hillsborough happened - that was a no-no too. Was always curious tho about the newsagent adverts for "French Lessons" etc, and about the racy phone box cards.. Am now free to discover the reality behind their promises
But still don't think porn is a stepping stone to punting.


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For me watching porn fuels a fantasy that my brain tells me I can replicate with a WG. Then I get to the punt and yet again realise it's just not going to happen and vow never to do it again...

Then I watch more porn and the whole trigger starts again, ever hopeful I'm going to have an amazing experience but rarely do.

To be honest: looking at prossies on UKP/AW/ VS/BP/VE triggers me as well. I'm hopeless!

Offline tester101

It was totally due to an inability to pull, and a high sex drive.  It all began when I went to my 1st parlour; Pussycats, in Bradford and fortunately met a wonderful lass who I saw regularly for a while.  Frankly, I got so tired with dating when the answer almost always usually, 'You're a nice guy but....'
That said, I have reached the point where punting is getting a little stale and the idea of a 1-2 hrs of 'release' when what i need is intimacy

Offline Jumping Jack Flash

It was a lack of available pussy for me.

I was at Uni in the mid 1980's and there were loads of horny young girls away from home for the first time who were willing to fuck after a few drinks in the Student Union. All bareback and I reckon I was getting at least 3 or 4 fucks a week.

Then the government ad campaign about AIDS started. It had previously been known as the gay plague, but this ad campaign was aimed at the heterosexual community. You were going to catch it and it would kill you unless you used protection. So the rich seam of available pussy suddenly dried up as the girls would not put out unless you were safe in a long term relationship with them. I did not want a LTR!

So I was horny, frustrated and through a mixture of newspaper small ads and cards in phone boxes, my curiosity got the better of me and I visited a parlour just a few hundred yards from campus. I've not looked back.

Offline TheBerkshirehunt

Back in the late 90's there was a website called cruel site of the day featuring some site that was sick, disgusting, poor or whatever - a parody of the what's cool button on Netscape navigator. One day that linked to a "field report" from another site which was either excessively fluffy, or more concerned with car parking than whore reviewing.

I lived vicariously through those for a while, supplemented by the explosion of internet porn as both internet at home then broadband took off. The first punt was fuelled by booze late night in a parlour, ads for which were plentiful in the adult services section of the classified ads in the local rag. From there to acemassage on the web, as I never quite trusted AW: the fairy dust which used to trail your pointer made me think it was downloading some rogue dialler programme, like dodgy sites used to to with dial up internet. Overcame (mostly) my suspicions of it, and moved onto indies. Now it's my sole source of reference (other than this site) as for better or worse, it's cornered the market.

Offline Jonestown

Sex is a comfort blanket for adults, it's there when you have something to celebrate and it's there when life gives you a kicking, there's no finer feeling than when a punt comes together.


  • Guest
I had a fiance 6 years ago. I have been single, happy and not interested in another relationship. I can't be doing with the drama.

I feel horny every day but have used porn alot. But since November I have been craving the intimacy of a real woman.

I went to 'The Dam' in January and picked 2 window girls. That was ok but a bit mechanical and sterile. Nothing kills the mood more than a stunning woman, who is a 10 out of 10, giving you Oral, with, for 5 minutes, looking up at you and asking for another 100 euros for sex. No thanks. 50 euros for a 5 minute BJ with no finish. Bargain!

I got back home and booked my first UK escort. Outstanding experience. However even though I managed twice I suffered a bit of ED with the the sex. The BJ was fine. I put this down to me being very nervous and too much exposure to porn.

So I have knocked the porn in the head. I had a punt last night and it was amazing. It was a real good GFE/PSE hybrid experience. She was filth. Spitting on my fella, drooling, CIM, COF, multipl positions etc. That got my mojo back. I'm in work today still dazed from the experience. Every time I think about It I get hard and can't stand stand up from desk  :D

« Last Edit: February 02, 2017, 09:33:47 am by JohnnyPark »

Online frankc

For me it was purely a high sex drive, I was/am happily married and didnt want the hassle of an affair. My job gives me the oppurtunity to punt during the day when the missus was at work. So while I occasionally watched porn it had nothing to do with me punting.