Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: City visit , priority punting!!  (Read 1184 times)


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Is it just me or does the minute your mates organise a night away for a stag do or the races or footie to another city mean a new punting opportunity ?

Offline Stiltskin

Is it just me or does the minute your mates organise a night away for a stag do or the races or footie to another city mean a new punting opportunity ?

You're not alone :). The minute I need to take a trip anywhere I'm straight on aw looking at options. The only problem is if you're away in a group you'll have to get away from them at some point and that often means late night punting, which can limit your options.

Offline BogBog1

The minute I need to take a trip anywhere I'm straight on aw looking at options.

This is me  :thumbsup:

Offline od13218

This is me  :thumbsup:
Yep- any trip of any kind and it's straight to AW to look at options. I'm
lucky because I travel a lot with work so as soon as the details of a trip come in I check out the local opportunities. I don't always follow through depending on how much is left in the punting lot, but it's still fun looking.

Offline arthur

I havnt yet chose a career but very tempted to go into something that involves travel (and pays well!) so i can have the excitement of choosing the best service providers in each part of the country. Just browsing and 'window shopping' the options is exciting in itself.

Online threechilliman

I don't travel often so when an opportunity arises I arrange a punt first and EVERYTHING else fits around it.


Online stevedave

I've tried to do this on many occasions, but in reality, being away with a group of mates makes it very difficult to slip away for an hour or two to get your end away.

I'm far more likely to arrange something locally when I get home, knowing I have a bit of time to play with.

Offline Jamboney

I got to travel a fair amount in my old job and used to save my punting activity for those occasions. I've got a few days working in London next month so will be looking to take full advantage of that  :wacko:

Offline Malvolio

Is it just me or does the minute your mates organise a night away for a stag do or the races or footie to another city mean a new punting opportunity ?

Not for me - if it's a weekend away with mates then I want to enjoy that rather than wander around a town I don't know trying to find my punt.  It helps that I live in London so there's no shortage of punting opportunities when I get home - I can see it would be different if you live in a punting desert.

Offline latecomer

I havnt yet chose a career but very tempted to go into something that involves travel (and pays well!) so i can have the excitement of choosing the best service providers in each part of the country. Just browsing and 'window shopping' the options is exciting in itself.

+1  I've always found it exciting to look at the new opportunities being in another town (or country) brings.

Offline livlad

I get limited punting windows Saturday and evenings are no good so any time i get a not so busy work day im straight on aw