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Author Topic: 28yo virgin seriously considering hiring an escort  (Read 9431 times)

Offline Naitch88

Hi guys,

I'm a 28 year old male, fairly confident good job and good people around me. But for some reason it just hasn't happened for me yet. I've dated a few girls over the years but never led to anything special. I've now reached a point where I think I'm prepared to pay to get laid but am still conflicted by whether it's the right thing to do.

I've been browsing around and there are plenty of WG around my region who I'd just love to spend an hour with and get my freak on but at the same time I can't help but think it's wrong and unnatural.

What do you guys reckon?

Offline One Eyed Snake

I reckon just stick to wankin it's much cheaper


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Have you looked at the PuntingWiki yet? That may be a good place to start.
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You are not the first to ask such a question. A simple search, using the search term virgin will show you previous responses. (However, you can ignore the posts about the Virgin Atlantic airline!)


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Have you asked your mum what she thinks?

Offline Blackpool Rock

Hi guys,

I'm a 28 year old male, fairly confident good job and good people around me. But for some reason it just hasn't happened for me yet. I've dated a few girls over the years but never led to anything special. I've now reached a point where I think I'm prepared to pay to get laid but am still conflicted by whether it's the right thing to do.

I've been browsing around and there are plenty of WG around my region who I'd just love to spend an hour with and get my freak on but at the same time I can't help but think it's wrong and unnatural.

What do you guys reckon?
Sorry but you've come on a punters forum where guys share info on girls they have paid to have sex with and asked if we think it's wrong and un-natural, can't you see the irony in that  :unknown:

OK so i'm going to give you the benefit of doubt that your not just a troll and my advise is to go and have a punt.
First identify girls in your area that you are interested in then search for info on here to see if they have reviews etc and ask the guys in your region if they may have any additional info or recommendations for a 1st timer.
Be polite & respectful to the other forum members and take any piss taking on the chin then go and pop your cherry and once your sorted come back on here and review the girl to put something back in  :thumbsup:

Offline HighlyMotivated

Just go for it dude. Find a well reviewed girl and just do it


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Hi guys,

I'm a 28 year old male, fairly confident good job and good people around me. But for some reason it just hasn't happened for me yet. I've dated a few girls over the years but never led to anything special. I've now reached a point where I think I'm prepared to pay to get laid but am still conflicted by whether it's the right thing to do.

I've been browsing around and there are plenty of WG around my region who I'd just love to spend an hour with and get my freak on but at the same time I can't help but think it's wrong and unnatural.

What do you guys reckon?

Woooah!! Dont go having sex with prostitutes!  Thats what bad people do :dash: :dash:

Offline Bangers and Gash

.... there are plenty of WG around my region who I'd just love to spend an hour with and get my freak on but at the same time I can't help but think it's wrong and unnatural.

Whoah!!! For a split second I thought I'd gone back to the year 2000.  :sarcastic:

EDIT: How spooky is that. Me and the member above both started our posts with the same-ish word!  :drinks:
« Last Edit: December 08, 2016, 07:38:28 pm by Bangers and Gash »

Offline Naitch88

lol no I haven't asked my mum what she thinks, as far as she knows I'm a good boy and I'd treat any lady with the same respect I treat her with!

I now realise some of my original post might have offended some of yous for that I'm sorry. I'm just a bit confused at the moment as to what to do.

Offline Scotpunter

Have you asked your mum what she thinks?

She told him to see his sister...thats what Dads been doing for years!  :lol:
Banned reason: Cunt
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Silver Birch

Offline Jeremy

I've dated a few girls over the years but never led to anything special. I've now reached a point where I think I'm prepared to pay to get laid but am still conflicted by whether it's the right thing to do.

I've been browsing around and there are plenty of WG around my region who I'd just love to spend an hour with and get my freak on but at the same time I can't help but think it's wrong and unnatural.
As someone who had pretty much the same mindset as you when I started (albeit I was younger than 28):

DO IT. There's nothing "wrong" or "unnatural" about it, you will realise this after your first punt. I blame Hollywood for putting pressure on people by making the "first time" out to be some magical disney experience. That said, punting isn't for everyone, if you try it and don't like it, at least you gave it go rather than always wondering.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2016, 08:03:07 pm by Jeremy »

Offline Goodfellow

I'd say if you are having the doubts you mentioned in the OP then don't do it.

It doesn't sound like you upset enough about your situation to make doing it a good idea, given those concerns you have. Now, if you had posted that you were cripplingly nervous around women because you have never been with one, so don't imagine you can ever get laid, or something like that, then I would say do it to get over your fear. Since you state you are just thinking it didn't happen for you yet and that you are a confident person, then why not just wait. If it still doesn't happen and becomes more of a mental issue for you then you can always book someone then

Offline Bangers and Gash

It's seedy, and you'll feel dirty afterwards - that's why we keep going back.  :D

Offline Naitch88

I'd say if you are having the doubts you mentioned in the OP then don't do it.

It doesn't sound like you upset enough about your situation to make doing it a good idea, given those concerns you have. Now, if you had posted that you were cripplingly nervous around women because you have never been with one, so don't imagine you can ever get laid, or something like that, then I would say do it to get over your fear. Since you state you are just thinking it didn't happen for you yet and that you are a confident person, then why not just wait. If it still doesn't happen and becomes more of a mental issue for you then you can always book someone then

Yeah I've had a very 'wait and see' approach since I hit puberty and so far I just attribute my lack of experience down to not being very lucky with the girls I've met in the past. I mean I'm alright looking I'd not a bit thin for some girls and I'm doing alright for myself. I just don't get to meet girls that often now due to work and not going clubbing as much as I used to. I guess what I'm saying is I struggle to meet girls these days and hiring an escort seems like an easy thing to do right now.


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Do it mate I have never been so happy since I started seeing escorts all the pros and none of the cons of having a bloody girlfriend !!! and some of the things these girls will do will blow your mind and your load  :D

Plus its far from unnatural as some of these girls are complete nymphs who just love cock and like being paid to have sex.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2016, 08:19:45 pm by Belisknor »

Offline Spunky34

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Do it.  I lost my virginity to an escort - I don't regret it at all. 

Don't overthink it.  This is supposed to be fun.

Offline Naitch88

Do it.  I lost my virginity to an escort - I don't regret it at all. 

Don't overthink it.  This is supposed to be fun.

That's interesting to hear. Were you apprehensive at all?

Offline bob the knob

there is only one way to find out if it is good for you or unnatural for you,  just  get out there and do it, afterwards you will soon know if it is right for you

Offline Goodfellow

Yeah I've had a very 'wait and see' approach since I hit puberty and so far I just attribute my lack of experience down to not being very lucky with the girls I've met in the past. I mean I'm alright looking I'd not a bit thin for some girls and I'm doing alright for myself. I just don't get to meet girls that often now due to work and not going clubbing as much as I used to. I guess what I'm saying is I struggle to meet girls these days and hiring an escort seems like an easy thing to do right now.

I suppose the thing is to be sure what you want to get out of it - if it's definitely getting laid asap, then hiring an escort makes sense. But if deep down it's more like you wish you could meet more civvie women (online dating maybe?) and have a relationship then exchanging money for a fuck may not be the answer.

If all that is stopping you is that you worry it is wrong and unnatural, then you came to the right place to be told that it isn't   :) But if it is more that you aren't sure that it's what you really want, then it comes down to thinking about that until you are sure. (Or 90% sure, who the fuck is ever fully sure about anything.)

Offline Spunky34

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That's interesting to hear. Were you apprehensive at all?

A bit, but like anything, you get through it.  Once you get it into your head that its supposed to be fun, it's fine.  She isn't there to rate your performance, and you don't have to introduce her to your friends and family.  Just enjoy it!

Pick someone well rated, and if I were you I would tell her it's your first time.  You don't have to be shy.

Offline Troydor69

Go for it. You found this site and AW so doing the research to find the experience you would like will be easy. As for weird and unnatural? Obviously I don't think so as long as you go into it with your eyes open. You're paying for sex, not a relationship.

Offline HKS15

Speaking as someone who lost his V to a girl in a parlour four years ago at age 19, my advice would be to do it, but at the same time work on yourself so you can get girls naturally too. I got into this and stopped trying with non WGs as I could easily pay my £60 every other week and not have to worry about putting myself in a position where I can be rejected and judged on my value.

Your main problem is that you've adopted the strategy of waiting around for girls to pick you and have the mindset that you have no control over any of these situations. Girls want to be led, waiting around for her to make the move just signals insecurity, I've only ever been 'picked' by one girl in my life, the rest I've got through my own actions.

Get yourself a copy of this book, will teach you everything you need to know about chicks and their workings, was life changing for me.

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« Last Edit: December 08, 2016, 08:59:11 pm by HKS15 »

Offline Home Alone

Do it.  I lost my virginity to an escort - I don't regret it at all. 

Don't overthink it.  This is supposed to be fun.

Wish I had, Spunky34; maybe I'd be less screwed up than I used to be.


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Just fucking do it. 

You can wait your whole life living a monk's existence, waiting for true love and to pop your cherry with miss right.  Which as you well know, might never and probably will not ever happen

Or a few days from now you can spend a bit of money and lose your virginity in a foursome, doing anal with one girl, while a T-girl fucks you in the ass and another squirts whipped cream out of her arse over you all.

Offline BlueRock

Like the man said, just do it. I did it only 10 years younger than yourself. Don't sit about think some woman will find it cute and want to be your first. There's some great WGs out there who not only look great but are great to have a laugh and chat with. Have you said where abouts you are maybe someone will suggest a few ladies. I know some state they don't see virgins but some mention dealing with complete first timers!


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I felt nervous as fuck my first time with an escort recall sitting on the bed embarrassed to remove my clothes now twenty years later I don't get nervous at all and most of these girls are fantastic at putting you at ease and have seen a fair bit so a virgin isn't going to shock them but worth mentioning so they know the score.

Go for it mate you won't look back and it will make you more confident in your personal life when talking to women.

Good luck and let us know how you get on.

Offline mrdiamond77

I also think you should do it.  Try and find the right girl.  I lost my virginity to a prostitute 15 years ago and have not stopped seeing them since, I don't regret it at all.

Offline Romney

I think you should probably go for it with a wg as well.

The one thing I would say though is don't forget that it's just a business transaction, nothing more.  My first time, with a civvie, wasn't great, but we did have some sort of an emotional connection at the time.  That will not be the case with a wg.  She's having sex with you only because you are paying her to do so.

If you don't confuse the lines between paid sex and civvie sex, then you should be fine.

Offline Goodfellow

If you don't confuse the lines between paid sex and civvie sex, then you should be fine.

That's was my main concern as well. I think too much is made of the first time generally, so I don't see a problem with someone losing it to an escort, but I do feel they might be more prone to confusing the nature of the arrangement. Especially if they are only doing it because they can't find a girlfriend, rather than because they are a horny dog looking to fuck and move on..

Offline Naitch88

No I'm grownup enough o know what I'll be getting into. For me in my life right now, getting my freak on with a smoking hot bird with no strings attached could be just what I need as realistically I don't have the time to invest in a relationship. I will make more of an effort in the new year and have considered going to speed dating events just to try and mingle with other girls my age outside of the confines of a nightclub.

Offline Naitch88

Ps I'm based in Nottingham if this helps people with making suggestions.

Offline Troydor69

Ps I'm based in Nottingham if this helps people with making suggestions.

Find a girl on AW that is physically your type and offers what you are looking for. Then check out her reviews on here. Don't go for a newbie WG, girls with experience will make it so much smoother. As has been said before, be upfront with her, tell her it's your first time and tell her what you want from her. If she's experienced and has positive reviews on here then she will take care of the rest.

I have never punted in Nottingham but if you can travel to Brum I may have a couple of suggestions.

Offline Goodfellow

Good luck - I'm sure the information available here will help you to find a good experience  :drinks:

Offline Troydor69

What I meant to say (and missed) is don't rely on suggestions alone, looks, desires and needs are always subjective.

Offline cueball

Ps I'm based in Nottingham if this helps people with making suggestions.

You've got my sympathy  :sarcastic:

Maybe golfie could take you under his shiny knightly wing and teach you the way of the warrior  :sarcastic:

Oooooo suggestions.... you want me to do a search on your belief young nacho?
« Last Edit: December 08, 2016, 11:34:56 pm by cueball »

Offline Spunky34

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Oooooo suggestions.... you want me to do a search on your belief young nacho?

If you have the time, we'd all appreciate that, I'm sure!   :thumbsup:


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To quote a well known film "stop putting the pussy on a pedestal".

But seriously if your still a virgin at 28 you have already wasted years of your life going without sex. Dont waste anymore.

Offline heisenberg.

Ps I'm based in Nottingham if this helps people with making suggestions.

Mate trust me on this. I'm younger than you. I lost it naturally and thought "is that it?" There is nothing that special or romantic about it - from a guys perspective anyway. Chances are if you have been jerkin the gherkin up until now, you probably wont enjoy it, even if you do sleep with an escort. Why you may ask? Mainly because you've desensitised yourself using your hand and watching too much porn.

Go out there and do it lad, trust me. Like I said I'm younger than you. After I slept with a girl for the first time many years ago it brought out my confidence with women. No longer was I the shy reserved type, I became a man who knew what he wanted. That man wanted to enjoy the pleasures in life. I am currently enjoying the pleasures through women I meet on tinder and escorting. There is nothing wrong with it at all. When you try it first time, it may not be for you, but one thing for sure is that this notion of a special, happy & romantic time (for the first time) with a girl is a load of bollocks in this day and age.

Once you realise that, attitude towards obtaining sex from the women you want changes, especially if you have no time for a relationship.

PS: If 'mummy' wants you to get married soon aswell then go out there and enjoy whatever little time you have left with the hottest women you can find!

As far as Nottingham girls go, I've head good things about an escort called "Safia". She seems nice despite not wanting to see me.


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It's seedy, and you'll feel dirty afterwards..

'...only if you do it right.'

(Acknowledging Woody Allen)


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There is a real risk of having a really terrible terrible experience loosing one's virginity to a prostitute.  Choose carefully, if you must.

Otherwise, concentrate on upgrading the social life and the rest will come naturally at your age (no pun intended, but its sort of appropriate, I guess). 

Maybe try something like:
Team sports - good social life, plus get fit and confident
Ski trip (or similar) with Contiki (or similar) - big group of singles = lots of opportunities
Anything that builds confidence - great sexual attractant

Offline NIK

Ps I'm based in Nottingham if this helps people with making suggestions.

You are in a great area for 'hiring an escort' or even seeing a prossy.  :rolleyes:
Now if you were in Sheffield I could understand your dilemma.


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There is a real risk of having a really terrible terrible experience loosing one's virginity to a prostitute. 

There is also a real risk of having a really terrible experience loosing one's virginity to a civvie. 

A gold standard prostitute will definitely know what they're doing.

Offline Blackpool Rock

Otherwise, concentrate on upgrading the social life and the rest will come naturally at your age (no pun intended, but its sort of appropriate, I guess). 

Maybe try something like:
Team sports - good social life, plus get fit and confident
And once you've done that you can try Watersports with a prossie  :hi:

Offline HighlyMotivated

She told him to see his sister...thats what Dads been doing for years!  :lol:

 :thumbsdown: have a word with yourself you creep

Online Marmalade

If a genuine 28 yr old virgin is so fucked up and lacking in confidence to have to ask a punting forum "What do you reckon" (as if it isn;t fairly obvious what the fuck we'd fucking 'reckon') then can anyone blame respondents who think it is a wind-up?

On a similar subject of fucked-up fucking fuckwits however...

Did anyone else follow up on that story of the man -- that had had his genitals ripped off in an accident, had a serious of (very expensive -- £70,000 -- but newsworthy) operations on the NHS, and then got a discount from a hooker to lose his virginity?

The newspapers have been less forthcoming with other details. Firstly the guy was a fucking cunt. he gets married and only tells his wife that he is genitally-absent on their wedding night after they are married. UK, she was dumb but what a horrible deception to someone one is marrying! Unforgiveable I think.

Secondly, they don't mention he was a Muslim (of course!). He then goes to the papers and tells them that "in my community suspicions are raised if your wife is not pregnant within three months." So he lies to this woman, refers to her more or less as a failed baby machine and the thing is he knew at the time of the surgery that it would not enable him to impregnate her with his bionic cock!

Now guess what. The fucking bastard has decided he doesn't want sex at all. Maybe he will be looking for a new 'career' on Big Brother or something. What a cunt!

No bed for Mohammed cunt Abad, a bad Mohammedan on all counts
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No his parents are seeking another wife for him. Preferably one with rich parents who knows how to wash dishes one presumes...

Offline Juilius_Sneezer

After dissapointing encounters at Uni with civvies and a period of disability I got into this. I admit its not quite the same as being a virgin but I tell you my experience was definitely lacking.

I started with a crap punt (my fault) but since then I have enjoyed myself. The girls have been great, the services great and frankly I'm more relaxed (once settled that is) than trying to chat up birds at the local and then have to "perform." They've seen it all, they've done it all and at the end of the day they aren't expecting more from you than to give them their cash, be a decent guy and enjoy their company/services. If you turn out to be some sort of stallion in the sack all the better.

If you are emotionally invested in your "first time" then maybe hold out for somebody "special" but if your wanting to get your end away then find somebody well reviewed, you like the look of and jump that hurdle.

Sex is stupid but fun, it's not as big a deal as its made out to be.