Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Have you ever noticed that......  (Read 1387 times)

Offline thegreatgriffin

.......on adultwork there are often BBW ladies who say something along the lines of 'if you're looking for a slim or ANOREXIC lady then you're in the wrong place?'

It always sounds very much like sour grapes / chip on shoulder to me.

Now personally, I actually love shaking up my punts and frequently book both slim and BBW girls,  so I'm not picking on any such lady. However, I don't think I've ever seen a slim girl say 'if you want some big fatty boom boom with a giant arse and large rolls of flab, then I'm not for you', and can you imagine the backlash they would get from the BBWs if they dared to.

Just a random thought for a Friday evening :)

Offline cat1144

very true

I've noticed this in civvie world too,esp in these days of fat people !

normal sized people are now branded as "skinny" (a derogatory world) ...usually by fat people (who seem to think they are "normal" sized with just a "few extra pounds" on)  :rolleyes:

Offline pewpewpew

I blame megan trainers mum for telling her not to worry about her size, and that boys like a little more boots to hold at night. Think of your health woman. What happened to the good old days of everyone wanting to look like Kate Moss.  She fucked herself up on shopping bags of Charlie and it never done her any harm did it. Now we have birds eating pizzas and chocolates and cakes and saying that they don't need to starve themselves for a man's approval.
I go to the gym as I want to look good naked. I eat moderately healthy as I want to stay moderately healthy. If I put on a shed load of weight and someone calls me a fat bitch I'd have to agree


  • Guest
It's an example of 'hamstering', which is a term for the process of rationalising the bad decisions they make.

Fatties attack people who look after themselves because it makes them feel better - it's easier to do that than eat a bit less.

'But men want real curves' they say. Perhaps, but most don't want obese, entitled, lazy cunt slobs.

Offline bunny84

Good subject line to get people to read the post

Very boring topic

Offline SamLP

Similar to those who price themselves high and say "I'm not cheap. If you're looking for a cheap skank go and book one. I'm expensive for a reason & I'm worth it"

Offline Gordon Bennett

Yes. They are fond of describing themselves as a "real woman with curves" the implication being fit/toned/slim women are some sort of sub-species.

Offline howrude

.......on adultwork there are often BBW ladies who say something along the lines of 'if you're looking for a slim or ANOREXIC lady then you're in the wrong place?'

It always sounds very much like sour grapes / chip on shoulder to me.

Now personally, I actually love shaking up my punts and frequently book both slim and BBW girls,  so I'm not picking on any such lady. However, I don't think I've ever seen a slim girl say 'if you want some big fatty boom boom with a giant arse and large rolls of flab, then I'm not for you', and can you imagine the backlash they would get from the BBWs if they dared to.

Just a random thought for a Friday evening :)
The thing is that the other side of this wouldn't slimmer girls, or indeed anything promoting them, be it an escort agency or anything in the MSM saying that - it would be assumed that nobody ever wanted that.