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Author Topic: Anyone ever recognised an escort?  (Read 4995 times)

Offline MattG92

I saw someone a few weeks ago and I felt like I knew her from somewhere else, outside of work. I even got her real name right but I just couldn't pinpoint where I've seen her before. We went through a list of things where I could have seen her before, facebook, school, college, nightlife, bars ect.
Anyone else been in this situation?

Offline Happyjose

Saw a prossie I've seen a few times in a supermarket last week. Got a half smile as she went past the other way which was returned.

She's entitled to her privacy just like me. Did enjoy seeing a girl a while back just because she looked like someone I knew and had always wanted to rattle, but not really the same thing
« Last Edit: November 03, 2016, 01:36:17 pm by Happyjose »

Online george r

seen two , one girl from SS in Manchester yrs ago out shopping in Manchester, and an escort who I knew  at the airport with a guy twice her age, either her dad or some sugar daddy having a good holiday with her !!

Offline mcb

Just the other day I recognised someone on Tinder as a local escort. First time I've seen an escort in a non-escort setting.

Offline colchesterpete

I have twice, once in Tesco of all places and the other about 30miles from where I knew she had a place, was taken aback each time to be honest, don't know what but always surprised to see people out of the usual environment.   :cool:

Offline mrfishyfoo

Saw a pro$$ie I used to see in the same holiday park as I was at, over summer, when I was allowed by the ex to take my kids on holiday. That was strange watching my kids play with hers whilst we chatted "like old friends". She's retired now and doesn't do any form of "sex work" which was a right shame as I would have happily become reacquainted with her if she would of let me.

Bit of a shock TBH but like me she does have a "real life".

Offline Trotter671

Have seen a girl I did see quite a few times from the old Daniellas Swinton (closed a while ago). I believe she lives fairly local to me from the talks we had previously. She must do as I have seen her in Sainsburys in town a couple of times with (I guess) her kids & Mum. We have acknowledged each other with a half smile and then carried on our own ways.

Offline thaislave

went to a brothel one night with some mates an one of the girls I work with was in there working with her mates!
well,we were in there for a few hours that night! :D

another time I went kerb crawling an picked a girl up who couldnt believe I went round having fun with hookers,she knew me but I didnt recognise her so I just paid her the money and got a BJ

used to travel round a few brothels another girl at work was working at in the evenings,she was a little slut so I enjoyed a load of p4p with her :)

seen an ex doing it when she got herself a coke addiction

Offline curry

went to a brothel one night with some mates an one of the girls I work with was in there working with her mates!

another time I went kerb crawling an picked a girl up who couldnt believe I went round having fun with hookers,she knew me but I didnt recognise her so I just paid her the money and got a BJ

The work thing would be such a turn on for me i have always fantasied about it.

I did pick up a girl i went to school with many years ago from the street. She never recognised me it was a bit of a turn on.

Offline thaislave

Haha,nice 1 curry :) yea it would be I reckon.
It was good at work after coz she knew I was game and I knew she would be up for some naughty fun from then on ;)


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Sadly not, there's atleast a couple of girls I knew at School or Uni who I'd be amazed if they didn't end up as Knob gobblers tbh-plus a few I wish had've become ones, but I've sadly never encountered them. I keep hoping everytime I search AW that one's gonna turn up, but alas I fear I'm so far removed from that now I might not even recognise them :(

Offline stevedave

Can't say I've come across any lasses from school who are turning tricks, but then again I went to an all boys school...

I've bumped into a couple of girls I've seen while meandering around Leeds of a lunch hour. A polite nod and smile, and move on. That's all that needs to be done, if anything at all. They value their anonymity as much as we do.

Offline zulu-lance

Happened to me twice, in the tube on both occasions. First was a Thai girl, she made some eye contact and probably recognised me as I had seen her only a week ago or so and I was on my way to a punt with another of her country cousins  :P
Second was a Polish girl with her GF, she smiled at me but I had to ignore her as I was with a work colleague at that time :dash:

Offline Badgerboy

You know how facebook suggests people you might know based on friend of friends.  Well, imagine when facebook suggested I was friends with a prossie I had seen.  She was a good friend of someone I worked with.  Every now and again a post would come up where the prossie was tagged in the other girl's posts about "had a nice dinner with......."  etc etc  made me smile to know what I knew lol

The prossie was no longer on AW and I was tempted to make contact, purely because we had had such a good time LOL  Never did though, sense prevailed there ha ha

Offline Jk1980

You know how facebook suggests people you might know based on friend of friends.  Well, imagine when facebook suggested I was friends with a prossie I had seen.  She was a good friend of someone I worked with.  Every now and again a post would come up where the prossie was tagged in the other girl's posts about "had a nice dinner with......."  etc etc  made me smile to know what I knew lol

The prossie was no longer on AW and I was tempted to make contact, purely because we had had such a good time LOL  Never did though, sense prevailed there ha ha

Ha - it's the mobile phone number look up

Offline two20

I recognised a WG in a country pub who always put her size as 16 on AW. She was enormous, but to her credit she's changed it to size 22.

Offline Spunky34

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Twice (strangely in the same week).

First, I recognised a girl who I had not met but had at some point hotlisted when I was in the supermarket one evening.  I wasn't sure it was her until I got home, checked her profile and it said she was touring in my town for a few days. 

The second one is a bit better.  There was a girl at work (same office, totally different area of the business, so I don't think I even spoke to her apart from a 'good morning' in the kitchen), who was strikingly attractive, very distinctive face, hair and jewellery, car which seemed far too expensive for the job she was doing.  Anyway, one evening I was doing my normal search on AW and saw a dominatrix profile which I was fairly sure was her (as I say, she looked very distinctive).  A few days later she was in the office and wearing a particular necklace which was on one of her profile photos.  She also added a link on her AW profile to her personal website.  The website stated it was owned by a company which had the same name as her working name.  The name of the sole director of that company was the same as the name of the girl who worked in my office (and again, not a very common name).

This could potentially have been awkward but fortunately her profile was totally about dominatrix stuff, which doesn't interest me at all, and as I say, I never really spoke to her, so it didn't cause a problem.  A couple of months after I saw her profile she stopped working at my office.  Her AW profile still exists though.


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Went to collect my wife from the parents' evening at the school she taught in.  Arrived early and while waiting outside her classroom found I was sitting next to someone I knew (in the biblical sense) and presumably her daughter.  Exchanged smiles and had a laugh next time I visited her........ though I was a bit disconcerted that she now knew my real name - and my wife!

Offline Kenaldo

A couple of times it's happened to me but the one I remember most is a well known Liverpool 'lady' who had got herself a job at the local Tesco I use.

She was dressed in all black (looked fit as fuck) with glasses on and I thought she was just shopping in there. I smiled and she totally blanked me which was strange as she was straddling my knob less than 24 hours before egged on by her mate!

I didn't realise that she was working in there doing the Internet shopping. Next time I went in she was on the till so what else can a man do when there's 20 tills to choose from? Of course I went to hers and got a big smile this time!

Went to see her a few weeks later and she'd been fucked off by them as someone had blown her up for her 'other activities'!

Offline PleadInsanity

Went to collect my wife from the parents' evening at the school she taught in.  Arrived early and while waiting outside her classroom found I was sitting next to someone I knew (in the biblical sense) and presumably her daughter.  Exchanged smiles and had a laugh next time I visited her........ though I was a bit disconcerted that she now knew my real name - and my wife!

Lol, now that one is a little close for comfort.


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Just a bit!  But she was a great fuck and a loss to escorting when she retired.  It was a few years ago (early '00s) but I still think about her.  Not in a fluffy sense.

Offline NigelF

A couple of times it's happened to me but the one I remember most is a well known Liverpool 'lady' who had got herself a job at the local Tesco I use.

She was dressed in all black (looked fit as fuck) with glasses on and I thought she was just shopping in there. I smiled and she totally blanked me which was strange as she was straddling my knob less than 24 hours before egged on by her mate!

I didn't realise that she was working in there doing the Internet shopping. Next time I went in she was on the till so what else can a man do when there's 20 tills to choose from? Of course I went to hers and got a big smile this time!

Went to see her a few weeks later and she'd been fucked off by them as someone had blown her up for her 'other activities'!

She was sacked by Tesco? I know many companies have a sort of "bringing the company into disrepute" clause so I presume they would hide behind that from a legal standpoint but it would still be interesting to know how they justified getting rid of her, especially since I presume the person who "reported" her didn't have any actual proof. I can see the argument against but generally I think what she does in her own time is none of their fucking business and it's certainly up to them to prove anything. I presume she didn't deny it (even though she probably could have done so quite easily) and I can see how that would be a problem.

Offline hgivv

yep, there have been similar threads to this over the years, sorry for the cut&paste job

Sort of.

I once walked in to a well known block of flats in South Ken where the beautiful blonde Russian girl I booked let me in and as she showed to her room I noticed someone cooking in the kitchen -

My beautiful blonde Russian ex gf of about 6 mths from 2 years earlier.

(cue a slightly awkward pause)

... :blush: ...*

Followed by my somewhat stilted, 'well this is a bit of a are you...and hows Mxxxxx (her young daughter)... etc.'
In fairness she seemed to be as surprised as I was - the whole thing is (and was then) a bit of a blur though I do vaguely remember saying - 'see you later' or some such, and her wishing me, 'well have a good fuck'.

Once I made it to the bedroom, the girl I'd booked asked me what had just happened - I explained all (including the bit where, when I finished the relationship, my ex had told me that she was the best I was ever going to get)

(To give her her due, my ex gf had been fantastic in the bedroom, I'd put it down to her being a former gymnast - the penny dropped at this point re the way she described how she made her way from Moscow by 'dancing across Europe'...)

The girl I'd booked seemed to get turned on by it - her subsequent vocals were significantly louder than what I was used to - or, more likely just winding up my ex. Possibly both.

2 cats in a bag situation I guess.

Anyway, certainly one to remember...

* - I had resolved not to use smileys here, but this seemed particularly apposite.

Offline cardiffsdream

happened to me a couple of weeks ago, there was a couple of single beds on free site i went to collect these, knocked door and opened by a lady i though i know your face, then remembered that i had seen her at a popular escort agency in my home town. im sure she never recognised me

Offline webpunter


I smiled and she totally blanked me which was strange as she was straddling my knob less than 24 hours before egged on by her mate!

Offline webpunter

Over the years I've [vaguely] known a couple of 'party girls' who are fit-as stunners.  They worked for upmarket London agencies.  One of my mates had the shag of the century on an overnight.  She didn't quote prices - just said that he'd have to give her 750 quid for the taxi home in the morning.  As she was 300+ an hour he got a bit of a bargain.  His only concern was how much cash he had at home & what the limits on his cards were  :lol:


  • Guest
Not sure if this fits the bill but was in a hotel last week and as I got back to my room there was a WG I thought I recognised from aw knocking on the door of a room just down the corridor. She looked at me and smiled so very confident.


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Yes indeed.

I bumped in to a sexy young lady I have seen a few times at my local Coop even though I know she doesn't live in the immediate area.

I recognised her straight away, from her face and eyes, as well as hey "sexy secretary specs" she wears.

Seemed funny seeing her with her clothes on, rather than in a skimpy number and spikey heels, which normally only stay on for about 5 minutes.

We did exchange a brief nod and a smile.

Interestingly, she jumped into a nice Citroen DS, a lot better than the car she used to drive!



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Mid September I spotted an old regular (now retired at 25...) walking down the road looking hot as hell in a skimpy summer dress, nearly made me wrap the car round the new roundabout I was rubbernecking that much!

So I decided to do the decent thing and send her a cheeky text along the lines of "that wasn't you I spotted strolling down the road looking hot as hell in the sexy dress was it?" I gets a reply through, she's liking the compliment, I fire a few more flirty ones off and she's flirting back, then we get chatting properly, turns out she was on her way to the first day at her new job... Working for my wife's best friend, our neighbour  :( :scare:

She doesn't know the link, who the neighbour/her boss is so suffice to say when the text conversation finished I didn't try starting another. Shame really as I'd definitely have had another go if it were on the table, would have even been willing to pay  :D

Offline dirkdiggler583

One of my old favs that I used to see weekly about 15 years ago (she is about 10 years older than me, a proper milf back then, now a respectable in shape early 50's lady) works in customer service at my BMW garage.
I must have seen her over 100 times , and it's when I lived about 200 miles from where I do now - so when we first 'met' at the garage when I took my car in the conversation just paused!

I just said lovely to see you again, then whilst waiting to collect me car later she came over and chatted and said 'no one knows what I used to do' , told her not to worry.

I also had a threesome, then met some friends at the pub and the two girls came in !!! They then kept sending me filthy texts and I ended up telling my friends I was not feeling well and met them back at the hotel for another round!

Offline webpunter

There is a phrase about doorsteps & shitting !  Just wait until her boss invites her round for a party at her place.  And invites the neighbours [you & OH] too  :scare:

Mid September I spotted an old regular (now retired at 25...) walking down the road looking hot as hell in a skimpy summer dress, nearly made me wrap the car round the new roundabout I was rubbernecking that much!

So I decided to do the decent thing and send her a cheeky text along the lines of "that wasn't you I spotted strolling down the road looking hot as hell in the sexy dress was it?" I gets a reply through, she's liking the compliment, I fire a few more flirty ones off and she's flirting back, then we get chatting properly, turns out she was on her way to the first day at her new job... Working for my wife's best friend, our neighbour  :( :scare:

She doesn't know the link, who the neighbour/her boss is so suffice to say when the text conversation finished I didn't try starting another. Shame really as I'd definitely have had another go if it were on the table, would have even been willing to pay  :D

Offline OakTree

Anyone recognise the "Escort" on judge Rinder this afternoon?

Unbelievably a punter has forsaken all to take her to court over gifts.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2016, 02:53:08 pm by OakTree »


  • Guest
Mid September I spotted an old regular (now retired at 25...) walking down the road looking hot as hell in a skimpy summer dress, nearly made me wrap the car round the new roundabout I was rubbernecking that much!

So I decided to do the decent thing and send her a cheeky text along the lines of "that wasn't you I spotted strolling down the road looking hot as hell in the sexy dress was it?" I gets a reply through, she's liking the compliment, I fire a few more flirty ones off and she's flirting back, then we get chatting properly, turns out she was on her way to the first day at her new job... Working for my wife's best friend, our neighbour  :( :scare:

She doesn't know the link, who the neighbour/her boss is so suffice to say when the text conversation finished I didn't try starting another. Shame really as I'd definitely have had another go if it were on the table, would have even been willing to pay  :D

There is a phrase about doorsteps & shitting !  Just wait until her boss invites her round for a party at her place.  And invites the neighbours [you & OH] too  :scare:

Should probably mention the reason she was walking down that particular road was because she's moved over to my side of town about 3/4 of a mile from my house  :dash:

On a positive note she's a useless flakey fucker that's never held down a job for more than a few weeks so I'm hoping they'll bin her off pretty quick.

Offline CoolTiger

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Anyone recognise the "Escort" on judge Rinder this afternoon?

Unbelievably a punter has forsaken all to take her to court over gifts.

I haven't watched it myself, but I'm reliably informed it was one of Leeds, erm, finest...

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Full thread is here:

Offline regular_guy

saw one in the supermarket once that is on AW - did a double take and it definitely was them.

Another one recognised me from years ago - after we had finished,  i might add she started asking me about a place i was in about 20 years previous - and she knew me !!!

was quite surprised at that.

Offline GreyDave

 :hi: I saw the unmistakable Shanice BBW in my local S Supermarket we just smiled :D :D :D

I am sure she would not remember a greying balding old fart like me let alone the little fella and his time with her ;)

Went to a customers flash party ( well drinks and nibbles to say thanks to load of trades people who had worked on a project with him) a while ago  Well as it was in town I shagged a walk up girl 2pm ish before going :lol: :lol: :lol: yep guess who was with one of the EE trades men  :D :D I was only introduced and then exchanged smiles again " Lucky you!" I said to the guy who was her age about 20 years young than me "wish I had met such a stunner when I was your age don't leave it to long before getting hitched" I remarked to him slyly as I left .

Maybe one of us could made an E-Spy book of London WGs  :cool: :cool: :cool:


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After a visit to a german laufhaus the next day I went shopping and ran into the laufhaus lady-in-charge :)
I just smiled and that went on my way.