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Author Topic: Too young to punt?  (Read 11387 times)

Offline Jamiee92

If you are in your early twenties you should be out pulling young girls ---- not paying pro$$ies.

Just my opinion.  :thumbsup:

I'm 22, and couldn't pull in a brothel....unless I had cash to pay for it  :D


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Such ignorance in this thread I don't even know where to begin, its never too young if you are 18 then you are an adult as much as someone in their 50's and needless to say there could be a number of reasons why people punt, because they can't get action anywhere elsewhere is certainly not the sole reason as people seem to be hinting here

I punt because I am an introverted person, i'm in my late 20's, i'm not fat, overweight or ugly, I could have had plenty of female attention in my life if I had a different personality, thats just one reason, i'm sure theres many, many more


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If you are in your early twenties you should be out pulling young girls ---- not paying pro$$ies.

Just my opinion.  :thumbsup:

Unless, of course, you are exceptionally repulsive, in which case, you should be dutifully shagging fat slags  :hi:

Offline Ali Katt

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I wonder when why people insist on posting too young to punt threads, as long as someone is over 18 - who cares? What's next "my dick's too small should I punt?" thread.

Offline Eager Thighs

Hi all
Been using AW for approx 1 year now and I've seen 5 or 6 girls in that time.

The reaction from some of these girls and my research in general has made me think, is punting a young mans game? Should a guy in his early 20's (like me) enjoy a pastime like this? My impression was this was something reserved for the (slightly) more mature gentleman.

Would welcome your thoughts and feedback  :D


I'm 27 years old, started punting when I was 25. I've never had a problem pulling girls but after 2 long-term relationships I did have a fear of growing old and regretting not shagging more girls. So my solution is simple, pay girls to fuck and mitigate that feeling. Who cares what a WG thinks about your age? You're the one who's paying. You wouldn't buy a big-mac from McDonalds if they said you look too fat to buy one and should get a salad instead would you? Find a place that appreciates your business and shop there. I'm assuming you look a lot younger than your age, correct?

Offline Bigus Dickus

A good friend of mine was 22 when he racked up at my army unit in Berlin 25 years ago! He was a virgin so we took him into town and fixed him up with a very attractive WG. We gave her DM 300 to sort him out. About 15 minutes later he comes back down from her apartment! We were a bit surprised as he'd not been gone long! When we asked what had happened he told us that within minutes of her touching his cock he'd blown his load! She felt sorry for him and gave him DM 100 back! :-D Oh how we laughed! Anyway back to the topic and the reason for the story, after his experience he went on to become a regular punter and was a legend for it! My view is punting is not an exclusive older man's pursuit! It's to be enjoyed by anyone.  In some ways I wish I'd have stuck with it rather than go through a number of damaging relationships! Good on you lad! 

Offline Eager Thighs

A good friend of mine was 22 when he racked up at my army unit in Berlin 25 years ago! He was a virgin so we took him into town and fixed him up with a very attractive WG. We gave her DM 300 to sort him out. About 15 minutes later he comes back down from her apartment! We were a bit surprised as he'd not been gone long! When we asked what had happened he told us that within minutes of her touching his cock he'd blown his load! She felt sorry for him and gave him DM 100 back! :-D Oh how we laughed! Anyway back to the topic and the reason for the story, after his experience he went on to become a regular punter and was a legend for it! My view is punting is not an exclusive older man's pursuit! It's to be enjoyed by anyone.  In some ways I wish I'd have stuck with it rather than go through a number of damaging relationships! Good on you lad!

If I'd found out about punting when I was 16 it's likely I'd be single for the rest of my life  :D


  • Guest
I'm 22, and couldn't pull in a brothel....unless I had cash to pay for it  :D

You'd have to be George fucking Clooney to pull in a brothel without paying.

Offline smiths

I wonder when why people insist on posting too young to punt threads, as long as someone is over 18 - who cares? What's next "my dick's too small should I punt?" thread.

Absolutely, its no ones business but the punters. ;)


  • Guest
I wonder when why people insist on posting too young to punt threads, as long as someone is over 18 - who cares? What's next "my dick's too small should I punt?" thread.

Damn is that a real thing, "my dick's too small should I punt?" I'm totally fucked.  :cry:

Offline Horizontal pleasures

I have been punting on an off (more on than off) since the age of 21 and now in my early 70s. Age has not withered me.


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I wonder when why people insist on posting too young to punt threads, as long as someone is over 18 - who cares? What's next "my dick's too small should I punt?" thread.

Funny you should mention that ....


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I'm 24 and started punting about a month or so ago,

Like its been said many times, we all have our reasons. I would love to go and pull a girl that I could have a relationship with but I have zero confidence around women I can't talk to them and I'm also terrified that my ED would cause any girl to run a mile.

But with punting I'm slowly getting confidence and my ED is getting better.


  • Guest
I'm 24 and started punting about a month or so ago,

Like its been said many times, we all have our reasons. I would love to go and pull a girl that I could have a relationship with but I have zero confidence around women I can't talk to them and I'm also terrified that my ED would cause any girl to run a mile.

But with punting I'm slowly getting confidence and my ED is getting better.

Sure beats having to see a therapist, punting helps by giving confidence. That can't be a bad thing.

Offline smiths

I'm 24 and started punting about a month or so ago,

Like its been said many times, we all have our reasons. I would love to go and pull a girl that I could have a relationship with but I have zero confidence around women I can't talk to them and I'm also terrified that my ED would cause any girl to run a mile.

But with punting I'm slowly getting confidence and my ED is getting better.

Thats to good to read and i hope it gets better and better. :hi:


  • Guest
Started regularly at 24? Wish I started earlier! Would have been better off spending my student loans on punting rather than clubbing/holidays ..I mean books/rent

25 now, getting too old to go on the pull

Rochdull lad

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Sure beats having to see a therapist, punting helps by giving confidence. That can't be a bad thing.

As I was re-reading this thread, most of which is a year old, I was struck by the fact that nobody, including me[!], seems to have made this point before.  Since I began punting, I've been a LOT more confident in my dealings with "civvie" women.


  • Guest
As I was re-reading this thread, most of which is a year old, I was struck by the fact that nobody, including me[!], seems to have made this point before.  Since I began punting, I've been a LOT more confident in my dealings with "civvie" women.

Imho one of the reasons for that, as a punter you take back the power. Many women use sex as a weapon and a way of controlling men. As a punter the power swings back the other way, subconsciously women find that more attractive than the smell of desperation.

young punter

  • Guest
youngpunter, why do your ages differ?

you post this in december 2012:
and then post this in march 2013:

You're keen, responded on the other topic Sherlock.


  • Guest
You're keen, responded on the other topic Sherlock.

deffo a troll then if you're gonna start throwing insults about

young punter

  • Guest
deffo a troll then if you're gonna start throwing insults about

Sarcasm mate, like I said elsewhere I'm not sure where this idea had come from I've plenty of AW feedback just put my age differently a couple of times - I generally add a year but sometimes I forget hence the inconsistency. If you're insulted by the name Sherlock that's a bit over-sensitive I was simply referring to the fact that you seem to have been quite thorough in going through my posts.


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I'm 23, started punting due to a moany missus. It's hard to pack up & leave when you live together and have a young baby. I'm average looking & when I do go out I can't bring girls back to my place and they might be in the same situation as me. Shagging a whore is just an easy way to get what I want. I want half decent sex from a good looking bird without all the fucking hassle being in a relationship. I do it about once/twice a month at the moment.


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I'm 23, started punting due to a moany missus. It's hard to pack up & leave when you live together and have a young baby. I'm average looking & when I do go out I can't bring girls back to my place and they might be in the same situation as me. Shagging a whore is just an easy way to get what I want. I want half decent sex from a good looking bird without all the fucking hassle being in a relationship. I do it about once/twice a month at the moment.

If you don't have much trouble pulling, couldn't you just get a hotel to shag them in? Pretend you're in town on business or some such bollocks? Seems to me, if I was any good at pulling, I'd try and get my kicks that way, as it's a different feeling to punting. Mind you, I'd probably not give up the punting either.  :)


  • Guest
I'm 22, started punting around August this year..... and you know what I love it :yahoo:


  • Guest
Meh, I'm 25 and I punt regularly.

I have a disposable income I afford to spend on punting, so I do it. Can't be arsed with relationships after the last nutcase  :unknown: and I can't pull stunners in the real world...its a harsh reality I came to grips with a while back. I can pull 6's and the odd 7 once in a blue moon,which I make an effort to do so on a night out etc, but I also like the weekly shag of a stunner  :) .

Offline Horizontal pleasures

I'm 22, started punting around August this year..... and you know what I love it :yahoo:

I am 73 and have been punting since I was your age, on and off, mostly on!


  • Guest
If you don't have much trouble pulling, couldn't you just get a hotel to shag them in? Pretend you're in town on business or some such bollocks? Seems to me, if I was any good at pulling, I'd try and get my kicks that way, as it's a different feeling to punting. Mind you, I'd probably not give up the punting either.  :)

Sure, but the idea is to have the best of both worlds  :D . Pull the girls you're able to, have your fun there. Its definitely a very different feeling to punting. Its more gratifying in terms of confidence+ whatevers said and done is all 100% genuine, there's no acting.

Shag stunners of the level you can't pull. The thrill of the secrecy of punting is something I really enjoy, as is the joy of shagging stunning women who I wouldn't get near.

Makes for a very happy life  :) .
« Last Edit: December 30, 2014, 08:43:28 pm by rafatheira »

Offline Jamboney

I think only you can decide if you're too young for it. I'm in my 20's and punt as often as my finances allow me and I love it, I also think it's cheaper and easier than trying shag a civvie which suits a lazy fucker like me just fine  :lol:

Offline socks

I'm bloody glad I didn't discover punting until I was in my forties. If I'd found it in my twenties I'm sure I wouldn't have got my kids, home (nearly paid off) etc. I punt mainly to do stuff that's never been available domestically like anal, facials, deep throat, rimming, WS, threesomes etc rather than to bed stunners. I think if I did I'd be happy with the excess of gorgeous but hopeless EEs


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I'm 22, started punting around August this year..... and you know what I love it :yahoo:
Enjoy, not convinced you needed to rehash an 8 month old thread to let us know though tbf


  • Guest
I think only you can decide if you're too young for it. I'm in my 20's and punt as often as my finances allow me and I love it, I also think it's cheaper and easier than trying shag a civvie which suits a lazy fucker like me just fine  :lol:

Shagging a civvy on a night out costs 2 drinks and rubber if she's up for it mate  :drinks: . Shame all the ones who are willing to shag me are 5's and 6's . Beer goggles are a beautiful thing   :drinks: