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Author Topic: My Favorite Whore  (Read 4371 times)


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True Stories

Not too long a go I bumped into my favorite whore on the street as we were approaching each other I though wow what do I do, do I just walk by and pretend I dont know her or say hi

I decided to say hi

I asked her how she is and how she is getting on at the new flat she had been working at for the past few weeks. A room in the flat was being rented to her by a guy she was 'seeing'

The first time I ever went to that location I had an ill feeling about it and also the guy she was 'seeing'

She told me she had left the place the guy had tricked her into giving him all her savings through the guise of a loan. She trusted him and gave him the money. It was in the thousands

Soon after on her way back from the shops got to the flat to find out the locks had been changed....

She burst out in tears

She had been living rough for 2 weeks and hadn't had a meal in days...I couldnt believe this as I remember this girl was always buying something nice and new when I used to see her at her old locations in hotels

I could see she wasnt lying. Her hands were a friggin mess.Her face looked tired and weak. She clearly hadnt had a wash for some time. Her teeth were a mess

I offered to buy her a meal over which we had a chat about what happened with her breaking down into tears throughout

It was a sad sight

She is such a lovely person. Like truely has a lovely heart and I couldnt believe something so brutal had happened to her

I couldnt just leave her to go back onto the streets so....

I offered to put her up in a hotel. I searched for somewhere reasonably priced as all the places close by were stupidly expensive. She said she didnt really want to move far the area she currently was. I offered to drive her there if travel was an issue and she said no

All she wants is a spliff

I tried to get her to see straight...told her that what matters is that she can sleep in a safe place and not have to go back on the street

She couldt see my reasoning

I was shocked

How could someone who had been sleeping rough for the past 2 weeks who had lost everything...literally everything turn down the offer of nice safe place to sleep for 1 day

I was thinking if she had any sense she would use the helping hand to get back on her feet and use the hotel to get back working again and pick herself back up

But no

All she wanted was a spliff

I felt a deep sorrow inside

Gave her a tenner wished her luck and parted ways

Some people ey'

« Last Edit: July 31, 2016, 10:45:32 pm by punther »

Offline hantshagger

Very sad , and more so, in that the help when it came (from you)  was not accepted.

But not too surprising, i think WGs are less willing to trust help given, than others in society...  its as if, they need to be even more clear on boundaries (in terms of keeping their independence) - and this one had been messed about by someone she had initially trusted, so even more likely to be unwilling to accept help from another person, even if it's well meaning....

Some in society who sleep rough, do not want help -  im not saying this was the case with her, but just saying that sleeping rough is sometimes seen  - by some - as a better option than taking help from another human being, even if it does mean a good night and some 'home' comforts, shower etc.

All in all, a sad story, but not much more you could have done....  I did think offering help was a good thing, especially if it came without strings, and was genuinely trying to be of assistance to the other person.  At least you tried.  :) :hi:
« Last Edit: July 31, 2016, 11:04:09 pm by hantshagger »

Offline Brazilian Martian

Its a sad story but I would of kept it moving from the get go
There are always two sides to a story she could of pissed the money away on drugs or anything. You even offered to pay for a hotel and all she wanted was a zoot, prossie logic  :wackogirl:

Offline od13218

True Stories

Not too long a go I bumped into my favorite whore on the street as we were approaching each other I though wow what do I do, do I just walk by and pretend I dont know her or say hi

I decided to say hi

I asked her how she is and how she is getting on at the new flat she had been working at for the past few weeks. A room in the flat was being rented to her by a guy she was 'seeing'

The first time I ever went to that location I had an ill feeling about it and also the guy she was 'seeing'

She told me she had left the place the guy had tricked her into giving him all her savings through the guise of a loan. She trusted him and gave him the money. It was in the thousands

Soon after on her way back from the shops got to the flat to find out the locks had been changed....

She burst out in tears

She had been living rough for 2 weeks and hadn't had a meal in days...I couldnt believe this as I remember this girl was always buying something nice and new when I used to see her at her old locations in hotels

I could see she wasnt lying. Her hands were a friggin mess.Her face looked tired and weak. She clearly hadnt had a wash for some time. Her teeth were a mess

I offered to buy her a meal over which we had a chat about what happened with her breaking down into tears throughout

It was a sad sight

She is such a lovely person. Like truely has a lovely heart and I couldnt believe something so brutal had happened to her

I couldnt just leave her to go back onto the streets so....

I offered to put her up in a hotel. I searched for somewhere reasonably priced as all the places close by were stupidly expensive. She said she didnt really want to move far the area she currently was. I offered to drive her there if travel was an issue and she said no

All she wants is a spliff

I tried to get her to see straight...told her that what matters is that she can sleep in a safe place and not have to go back on the street

She couldt see my reasoning

I was shocked

How could someone who had been sleeping rough for the past 2 weeks who had lost everything...literally everything turn down the offer of nice safe place to sleep for 1 day

I was thinking if she had any sense she would use the helping hand to get back on her feet and use the hotel to get back working again and pick herself back up

But no

All she wanted was a spliff

I felt a deep sorrow inside

Gave her a tenner wished her luck and parted ways

Some people ey'
You did the decent thing, hats off to you. Sad she didn't accept your generosity, though I guess I can see that her perspective is going to be fucked by recent events. Hope she gets on her feet eventually.


  • Guest
I fancy a bifter now after reading this story
 All sounds a case for judge rinder.

Nice you did the decent thing she probably thought you had ulterior motives and that probably made her uncomfortable.

Out if being nosey why did you get a bad feeling about the bloke did you meet him?

Offline Delfrommem

The cunt in me just wants to say this is one for Steve Wright at the weekend and just needs the dedication of a song.

And the other cunt in me doesn't think much more else about it. I guess she's learning important lessons there or ends up learning not a fucking thing.

« Last Edit: July 31, 2016, 11:46:54 pm by Delfrommem »

Offline Nagilum

That's some story.

I would have done the same in your shoes. You have to break, and to coin a phrase, kayfabe as they say in the wrestling business.

Ultimately helping a human being is commendable.  However, people can only be helped when they want to be helped. 

It's also a stark reminder that when the curtain comes down for these girls or drugs take over, it can often end this way.

Offline peter purves

True Stories

Some people ey'

I am seeing you in a new light  :hi:

Sadly, this is the other side of the story that we punters choose not to see.

Once the cycle of 'despair' has taken over then any friendly assistance of help will be turned down and in this instance for alternatives that only continue to exacerbate the problems.  :(
Banned reason: Can't / won't take advice.
Banned by: daviemac


  • Guest
I fancy a bifter now after reading this story
 All sounds a case for judge rinder.

Nice you did the decent thing she probably thought you had ulterior motives and that probably made her uncomfortable.

Out if being nosey why did you get a bad feeling about the bloke did you meet him?

Have a 6th sense for these kind of things.

Never met him but the location of the flat plus the little she to me about him was a red flag

Offline smiths

Would never have happened like this with me as i ignore any WGs i see in the street that i have punted with, they could be with someone for all i know who could turn up at any time. I would expect a WG to ignore me to.

Sounds a sad story but i don't get involved in any WGs personal life nowadays, not my business and i don't want to know, just as i don't want to know about my Plumber or Builders personal life.

Offline Bangers and Gash

If the OP was using his main brain he'd of said ''hello'' and just kept on walking.  :wacko:

Hidden Image/Members Only

Offline bigmc

You could have booked the hotel and offered her an hours "wages"

Offline Johnbean

How could someone who had been sleeping rough for the past 2 weeks who had lost everything...literally everything turn down the offer of nice safe place to sleep for 1 day

Think that's why she didn't take you up as it was for just 1 day, then back to where she was on the streets, no long term solution. It was very humane of you, some people just don't want handouts.

Offline HappyandLucky

In many ways it's good she was honest enough just to ask for drugs money. I don't believe anything a WG spouts. I might be thick skinned but when a WG kicks off the sob stories it's time to leave, even if it's a pavement chat. Good on you for offering help but Rather than seeing her rejection of help as sad, l would see it as an escape with my funds. Being a selfish bastard keeps me sane when punting.


  • Guest
Think that's why she didn't take you up as it was for just 1 day, then back to where she was on the streets, no long term solution. It was very humane of you, some people just don't want handouts.

Thing is if she was smart she would have used that 1 day in the hotel to clean herself up and start taking bookings. I bumped into her about 10am so she would have had a whole days worth of work

She probably would have made enough on that day to pay for a room for the next day and then pick things up from there and get her life back on track


  • Guest
Would never have happened like this with me as i ignore any WGs i see in the street that i have punted with, they could be with someone for all i know who could turn up at any time. I would expect a WG to ignore me to.

Sounds a sad story but i don't get involved in any WGs personal life nowadays, not my business and i don't want to know, just as i don't want to know about my Plumber or Builders personal life.

Know what you mean. Only reason I took an interest is shes someone I had punted a lot and she always treated me well and did get to know her quite well over time... she always went above and beyond....and tbh is a nice human being


  • Guest
Good on you for offering help but Rather than seeing her rejection of help as sad, l would see it as an escape with my funds.

You're probably right


  • Guest
You could have booked the hotel and offered her an hours "wages"

tbh didn't have any interest in trying to get anything sexual out of her.

Just wanted her off the streets. it really upset me


  • Guest

But not too surprising, i think WGs are less willing to trust help given, than others in society...  its as if, they need to be even more clear on boundaries (in terms of keeping their independence) - and this one had been messed about by someone she had initially trusted, so even more likely to be unwilling to accept help from another person, even if it's well meaning....

Some in society who sleep rough, do not want help -  im not saying this was the case with her, but just saying that sleeping rough is sometimes seen  - by some - as a better option than taking help from another human being, even if it does mean a good night and some 'home' comforts, shower etc.

think there may be a worry about them becoming indebted to the person helping which is understandable

However, people can only be helped when they want to be helped. 

It's also a stark reminder that when the curtain comes down for these girls or drugs take over, it can often end this way.

Sadly, this is the other side of the story that we punters choose not to see.

Once the cycle of 'despair' has taken over then any friendly assistance of help will be turned down and in this instance for alternatives that only continue to exacerbate the problems.  :(

So so true...and so so sad

I guess she's learning important lessons there or ends up learning not a fucking thing.


We spoke about her taking lessons from this as it came to light during our conversation this was not the first time something like that had happened to her just that this time it was on a big scale.

Its a sad story but I would of kept it moving from the get go
There are always two sides to a story she could of pissed the money away on drugs or anything. You even offered to pay for a hotel and all she wanted was a zoot, prossie logic  :wackogirl:

Talked about getting off the drugs etc etc. but she was adamant she was not ready to stop. I knew it was a massive issue when she turned down a safe place to sleep/get back to work and instead would rather have money for drugs  :dash:

Offline hungrypunt

Done a similar thing to a girl i met a few times via SA...(prossie in training school  :lol:)

She got in contact and ended up on the streets in Blackpool, wnated to move to Scarborough, I had a soft spot for her and had looked after her a bit previoulsy.Cute as fuck 21 year old fit as fuck body. She was rough,by this time though.... backpack on, big shaggy coat, unwashed blah blah, I paid for her a cheap B& B for weeks in Scarborough, I bunged her a few quid now and then, she got a job. Was doin OK housing benefit etc to help.....long story short, she quit the job, had 2 abortions form 2 diff guys, still tried sponging off me, 12 months later she back on the streets, blocked by me on whatsapp and everything else I can think of cos I just got hassle and more hassle cos she thought I was easier than her working for a fucking living.

Be careful, some of em are just tooo, cunning, Im a good few grand down but thought Id be the dickhead white knight who got her back on her feet...WRONG !!!! plus all the shit  I had to deal with from messages like Im gonna kill myself etc etc...

Offline fairfield

True Stories.......
I felt a deep sorrow inside.....
Punther, good for you for trying your best. Am glad you have a sensitive soul underneath your usual level-headed persona.
Have been trying to slavishly follow your cool, calm, collected, punting guides since i started.
But hope you don't take this the wrong way - but i don't wanna feel sad about punting, not to that extent anyway.

So, sorry i do have take your experience as a future warning NOT to get too involved with any particular wg (not very likely anyway with my 'success' rate.)   

Offline Gordon Bennett

This is why I stopped saying "how are you?" years ago and just go with a simple "hello" instead. Got fed up with people not just saying "great, thanks!" but launching into a tale of woe, illness, destitution and misery and giving me a right downer. I have enough on my own plate to worry about without having others unburdening on me. Harsh, but works much better for me.

Offline mrdiamond77

Had a similar experience a few years ago with my regular who had trouble with her landlord.  Don't really doubt that her problems were real but of course I soon came to regret her having my phone number.  I am always polite and courteous with all the girls I visit but I am wary of ever getting too friendly after losing all that money.  Although I did get regular shags off her so not all bad.

Offline hantshagger

Talked about getting off the drugs etc etc. but she was adamant she was not ready to stop. I knew it was a massive issue when she turned down a safe place to sleep/get back to work and instead would rather have money for drugs  :dash:

Following this topic on here, I was in my town's high street today, and noticed that a number of the shops (the smaller independently run ones mainly) had just put up a notice on their shop windows (think the police had gone round and asked them to do it)  . As it kept appearing as i walked up the street i took a closer look....  lo and behold, it started with talking about helping out people with money..... and suggested that help may have a negative effect on them  - and ending with it could be resulting in their death. Strong stuff, but it also said, giving money to help someone out on the street, could be used to spend it on drugs, with the potential end result of their death-  and also suggested some better ways to help such people than just handing out cash.

Just thought of this thread, .... hope the girl in question here  does okay.

Offline punk

Marty Mcfly kind of feel et all.


  • Guest
all hoors are liars. bottom line


  • Guest
and as for my favourite hoor. that's the last hoor who gave me a good time at a good vfm price. simples.

Offline HighlyMotivated

Not saying this girl has completely fabricated things but I doubt you've got the full story, as you say it's very strange she didn't take you up on your offer of a free hotel stay. Makes no sense for her to turn that down

All I'm saying is remember WGs are expert bullshitters, it's what they do for a living. This girl if she had half a chance would borrow a thousand quid off you and vanish no matter how compassionate you are toward her

Offline pumps

Sounds like a familiar prossie, the need for a spliff was great.

you did your bit  :hi:


  • Guest
Sounds like a familiar prossie, the need for a spliff was great.

you did your bit  :hi:

or a snort or even worse :angry: :dash:

Offline Azucar D Artagnan

Following this topic on here, I was in my town's high street today, and noticed that a number of the shops (the smaller independently run ones mainly) had just put up a notice on their shop windows (think the police had gone round and asked them to do it)  . As it kept appearing as i walked up the street i took a closer look....  lo and behold, it started with talking about helping out people with money..... and suggested that help may have a negative effect on them  - and ending with it could be resulting in their death. Strong stuff, but it also said, giving money to help someone out on the street, could be used to spend it on drugs, with the potential end result of their death-  and also suggested some better ways to help such people than just handing out cash.

Just thought of this thread, .... hope the girl in question here  does okay.

If you want to help people on the street join an organised out reach charity . Cash in their hand is not a solution to their problems as they can't be solved with that ! Their stories are so well rehearsed and delivered that of course the empathetic and good hearted believe them !


  • Guest
Sounds like a familiar prossie, the need for a spliff was great.

you did your bit  :hi:

Yeah you know who she is...remeber what i told you i suspected something would happen


  • Guest
Not saying this girl has completely fabricated things but I doubt you've got the full story, as you say it's very strange she didn't take you up on your offer of a free hotel stay. Makes no sense for her to turn that down

All I'm saying is remember WGs are expert bullshitters, it's what they do for a living. This girl if she had half a chance would borrow a thousand quid off you and vanish no matter how compassionate you are toward her

The only reason i believed it and quite confident it was all true is

1. Weeks before when i saw her at the new place i knew something bad would happen which is why i didnt return to see her as i normally would do

2. She was actually a mess when i bumped into her

But as you rightly say the only perspective i has was hers. She could have been the one that fucked up and was just bending the truth...

Offline pumps

Yeah you know who she is...remeber what i told you i suspected something would happen

okay then we are thinking about the same person. She told me the same story last time I saw her, but I think she still had somewhere to stay (a couples flat).

Again she was super concerned about lighting up a spliff, infact that's all she talked about, sad.


  • Guest
okay then we are thinking about the same person. She told me the same story last time I saw her, but I think she still had somewhere to stay (a couples flat).

Again she was super concerned about lighting up a spliff, infact that's all she talked about, sad.

Yh she had to pay them to stay there for the day which is what she used the cash i gave her for(i hope)

The spliff is clearly her coping strategy. Dont think she has adequate life skills to deal with major setbacks

Offline pumps

Yh she had to pay them to stay there for the day which is what she used the cash i gave her for(i hope)

The spliff is clearly her coping strategy. Dont think she has adequate life skills to deal with major setbacks

crazy that she didnt accept your offer, unless she thought you wanted to become her pimp....all pimps approach nicely don't they and shes probably seen it all before.

Not much more you can do, except give her some business.


  • Guest
crazy that she didnt accept your offer, unless she thought you wanted to become her pimp....all pimps approach nicely don't they and shes probably seen it all before.

Not much more you can do, except give her some business.

Yh you are right about that...probably why she said no

Giving her business at that low a point for her would have been impossible for me which is why the thought didnt even cross my mind.

Whats gut wrenching is shes such a lovely person...if she was a cunt then fair enough but for someone so sweet(well at least she was during the times ive spent with her) it was just brutal

Offline pumps

Yh you are right about that...probably why she said no

Giving her business at that low a point for her would have been impossible for me which is why the thought didnt even cross my mind.

Whats gut wrenching is shes such a lovely person...if she was a cunt then fair enough but for someone so sweet(well at least she was during the times ive spent with her) it was just brutal

Yeah I'm probably being abit too black and white with the giving her business thing, If I had seen her in the state you describe I wouldn't of been able to punt with her.

I don't know her as well as you so I'm not too connected.


  • Guest
Following this topic on here, I was in my town's high street today, and noticed that a number of the shops (the smaller independently run ones mainly) had just put up a notice on their shop windows (think the police had gone round and asked them to do it)  . As it kept appearing as i walked up the street i took a closer look....  lo and behold, it started with talking about helping out people with money..... and suggested that help may have a negative effect on them  - and ending with it could be resulting in their death. Strong stuff, but it also said, giving money to help someone out on the street, could be used to spend it on drugs, with the potential end result of their death-  and also suggested some better ways to help such people than just handing out cash.

Just thought of this thread, .... hope the girl in question here  does okay.

Some time ago i did an experiment. It was in Charing Cross undergrond station. That person looked like beggar or homeless so i asked him if he wanted something to drink or eat. He told me he wanted money ONLY.


  • Guest
beggars are like hoors. liars.


  • Guest
Some time ago i did an experiment. It was in Charing Cross undergrond station. That person looked like beggar or homeless so i asked him if he wanted something to drink or eat. He told me he wanted money ONLY.

When a beggar turns down an offer of food they instantly die to me

Offline HighlyMotivated

Some time ago i did an experiment. It was in Charing Cross undergrond station. That person looked like beggar or homeless so i asked him if he wanted something to drink or eat. He told me he wanted money ONLY.

When I was in New York I gave a beggar my yoghurt and she looked at me like I was insane and said she was going off to sell my yoghurt. Some of these tramps are literally hopeless


  • Guest

Offline HighlyMotivated

It's an alternative spelling of yogurt   

Offline paul_2407

One might argue the right spelling for yoghurt  :P

Offline HighlyMotivated

One might argue the right spelling for yoghurt  :P

Indeed. Just blew ickydicky's mind with that I think