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Author Topic: Don't you love business meetings......  (Read 3932 times)

Offline RedKettle

.... where you sit there just thinking I could tell you a story about the woman I paid to suck my cock last night and then I pounded her as she bent over the bed!!!

Just had my first in a series of meetings today, a breakfast meeting in the hotel where I had my fun last night.  They are all so serious and pompous!!

Boring day ahead of me as I listen to all those self important "professionals" going on about meaningless crap - will they know that as they pontificate I will be mentally rating my July punts and wondering which WG I should see next....

I see my next meeting arriving - they have brought a new young woman with them!!  Time to go!!

Offline Dorsetpunter

When asked if I can attend a meeting away from my office, which doesn't happens that often, my first thought is who can I punt beforehand, I then have to check their availability before agreeing the meeting.  :D

at my last meeting like that I kept thinking that only an hour ago I was being squirted on, amongst other things  :yahoo:

Certainly makes boring meetings go quicker

Offline webpunter

When asked if I can attend a meeting away from my office, which doesn't happens that often, my first thought is who can I punt beforehand, I then have to check their availability before agreeing the meeting.  :D
Reasonable amount of opportunity for me.  Mostly i try & fit punting around meetings.  However have moved a meeting by the odd few hours to accommodate a session
The shortest time for me between end of punt & the meeting was approx 30 min.  Just enuf time to get my shit organized & travel the short distance.  Check hands for baby oil traces !
Have been to a dull conference the odd time.  Claimed i had to do some important work  :lol: & fucked off for 2 hours before returning later.  Drained & happy
Foreign trips being a whole load of opportunity  :yahoo:  And fun doing research in advance.  Proper preparation & PPPPP etc.  Have to make the most of your limited time & make sure you don't get robbed, stripped naked & dumped somewhere.  That would take some explaining  :scare:


  • Guest
.... where you sit there just thinking I could tell you a story about the woman I paid to suck my cock last night and then I pounded her as she bent over the bed!!!

Just had my first in a series of meetings today, a breakfast meeting in the hotel where I had my fun last night.  They are all so serious and pompous!!

Boring day ahead of me as I listen to all those self important "professionals" going on about meaningless crap - will they know that as they pontificate I will be mentally rating my July punts and wondering which WG I should see next....

I see my next meeting arriving - they have brought a new young woman with them!!  Time to go!!

wonder how many of the outwardly borning farts at you meeting had also been for a punt


  • Guest
wonder how many of those outwardly boring farts had been for a punt.


  • Guest
I love business meetings as they are the perfect alibi

Offline hairbald

My favourite one was meeting in the morning with group of colleagues in west London, shot past Green Park for an hours duo with Molly and Olivia Rose and met pretty much the same group in east London in the afternoon.

One bloke said to me "we at least you seem a lot more cheerful than this morning, you grumpy git".  If only you knew the afternoon meeting was all about dreaming of two blondes bobbing up and down on my cock.

Smug was barely enough to describe it :lol:

Offline RedKettle

wonder how many of those outwardly boring farts had been for a punt.

I had one of the attendees this afternoon pegged as James999!!!  He wound me up and would not provide evidence of his performance.  :D :D

Offline Gordon Bennett

Big regret of my life is not embarking on my punting activity until after I retired. Christ, whilst I was working I went on literally hundreds of beanos, away days, team builds, conferences and performance meetings all round the country. Raciest thing I ever did is glance at a 30 second preview of a porno and then panic I'd get billed for it........
My advice to any chap on the road or out of the office with work is: YOU MUST SEIZE THE MOMENT AND PUNT!!!

Offline hairbald

Big regret of my life is not embarking on my punting activity until after I retired. Christ, whilst I was working I went on literally hundreds of beanos, away days, team builds, conferences and performance meetings all round the country. Raciest thing I ever did is glance at a 30 second preview of a porno and then panic I'd get billed for it........
My advice to any chap on the road or out of the office with work is: YOU MUST SEIZE THE MOMENT AND PUNT!!!

Wise words.  I spent years avoiding working in London (its 200 miles from home) and now, as I'm about to change jobs, I'm fretting about being posted somewhere else.  The ease of punting in London is just ridiculous and again wish I'd have started earlier

Offline unclepokey

Even before I started punting my business meetings on the South Coast formed my excuse to begin a relationship with a woman I'd first met in the Herts area. We would fuck each other totally silly and I adored her to the point of considering divorce. I had more sober thoughts and decided to end it. Probably for the best.
Even now our paths cross from time to time and usually I have to leave the room for a wank in the toilets.

Uncle Pokey


  • Guest
I had a meeting yesterday. I told the enemy it was 30 mins earlier and used that time to visit my booked WG. (we occasionally work together, today was one of those days. Hence needed an excuse!)

The punt went extremely well despite the heat and after wasn't looking forward to meeting the stuffy old bird I was meeting. I got to the meeting and in her place was a mid 30's milf with a tremendous rack. I'd wrongly assumed she was someone else and this was the person I was meeting all along!

The meeting went well (despite me oggling her tits for 94% of the meeting) and I got the job I pitched for. I walked her back to her car, she said "this felt more like a date" kissed me on the cheek and drove away.

What a day....  :thumbsup:
« Last Edit: July 21, 2016, 10:21:44 pm by MilesPrower »


  • Guest
Managed to combine a meeting with one of my regulars with a business conference call; as I had the phone on speaker, but muted, she was on her knees extracting 'round 2'. One of the most memorable and liberating experiences of my punting career.  :yahoo:

Offline Lucky Luke 70

Wise words.  I spent years avoiding working in London (its 200 miles from home) and now, as I'm about to change jobs, I'm fretting about being posted somewhere else.  The ease of punting in London is just ridiculous and again wish I'd have started earlier
Oh yes !!!!!!!!!! Business travels to London for a few days  :yahoo: :dance:  :lol:

Offline threechilliman

When asked if I can attend a meeting away from my office, which doesn't happens that often, my first thought is who can I punt beforehand, I then have to check their availability before agreeing the meeting.  :D

at my last meeting like that I kept thinking that only an hour ago I was being squirted on, amongst other things  :yahoo:

Certainly makes boring meetings go quicker

My MO as well. Saw a girl in Leeds a couple if months back prior to a real meeting. I wish I'd done it the other way round as I struggled to concentrate on the business discussion.



  • Guest
Am the only one thinking ... that you lot, with your pressed white shirts, silk ties, smart suits, and your fancy sounding 'managerial' job titles ... on your £18 an hour ... glibly sitting there daydreaming the whole time through a 2 or 3 hour 'productivity' meeting for the betterment and improved efficiency of the company ... are instead slowly but surely contributing to the surefire collapse of British industry.
I'll bet you're all lightning fast to fill in and maximise your expense accounts for the 'essential' business trip too. Bet it's the first job you do on your laptops once you get home.

Offline MJ.spritzen

I love going to job interviews outside my hometown. First thing i do is check out the WG's in the area. Makes going to an interview something to look forward to because afterward you're in bed with a nice new girl.

Remember going to an interview in Warrington, quite out of my way. Not even a job i wanted. But fortunately an hour after i left the place i was balls deep in a 19yo Spanish girl.


  • Guest
If you need a bit of assistance from Viagra , Cialis or other chemicals make sure you punt after the meeting or a long time before. I always go red in the face and get bloodshot eyes after taking Viagra and made the mistake once of attending a meeting 2 hours after taking 50 mg of Viagra. My boss asked if I was ok as I looked like I had a high temperature. I was ok but still had the smell of rubber on my cock!

Offline RedKettle

Am the only one thinking ... that you lot, with your pressed white shirts, silk ties, smart suits, and your fancy sounding 'managerial' job titles ... on your £18 an hour ... glibly sitting there daydreaming the whole time through a 2 or 3 hour 'productivity' meeting for the betterment and improved efficiency of the company ... are instead slowly but surely contributing to the surefire collapse of British industry.
I'll bet you're all lightning fast to fill in and maximise your expense accounts for the 'essential' business trip too. Bet it's the first job you do on your laptops once you get home.

Some truth in what you say.  However any money I claim for me, whether expenses or other, I have earned.  I would also point out that I started this thread at 8.33 yesterday morning having finished my first meeting of the day and I got home at around 8 in the evening.  Before you say that you also work hard I am not the one having a go at anyone, just defending myself and other "white collar" workers who have worked fucking hard to get where we are so that we can earn good money and enjoy using some of it to shag young women all around the country!!!

Offline regular_guy

I left a meeting once for a "bathroom break" simply to take a blue pill as i had a punt lined up an hour later.  Made it on time and had a wonderful hour.

Have always wondered when in meetings who is a punter,  i genuinely believe out of all my meeting in a standard month that i bump into more than 1 other regular punter.

Offline mh

I left a meeting once for a "bathroom break" simply to take a blue pill as i had a punt lined up an hour later.  Made it on time and had a wonderful hour.

Ha! I've done exactly that, even texted the girl from the cubicle to confirm the punt before popping it. I don't remember much of the meeting after that - my mind was wandering...


  • Guest
I had one of the attendees this afternoon pegged as James999!!!  He wound me up and would not provide evidence of his performance.  :D :D

Did you use your suit of armour for projection or lighting.  :P


  • Guest
If you need a bit of assistance from Viagra , Cialis or other chemicals make sure you punt after the meeting or a long time before. I always go red in the face and get bloodshot eyes after taking Viagra and made the mistake once of attending a meeting 2 hours after taking 50 mg of Viagra. My boss asked if I was ok as I looked like I had a high temperature. I was ok but still had the smell of rubber on my cock!

I generally don't get people to smell my cock during business meetings as it tends to be a bit career limiting!!! But I agree I always plan the fun meetings after the boring ones

Offline RedKettle

Did you use your suit of armour for projection or lighting.  :P

If I had had a sword with me I would have been tempted to remove his head from his shoulders just to stop the bullshit coming out!  The chap was a supposed digital marketing specialist - completely unable to back up any claims of what he has achieved but talked as if he understood my business better than I did.  Why do these youngsters (anyone under 30!!) think they are god's gift and that anyone older is unable to understand technology.

Offline davidgood

Over the years my work has enabled me to travel around a fair bit.

In the good old days that enabled me to pursue affairs when I worked for a company that employed lots of young ladies.

As I got older and was working in companies with no totty then I started punting and partying all over the Country.

These days my work is drying up and the opportunities to get out and about are getting less. Therefore whenever  I do get a chance to get out the office for any reason I take it and my priority is to arrange a punt to fit in with where I am going.

A few  weeks ago I spent a couple of boring hours in The City at a seminar about insurance but had a meeting with a young Polish lady in Bethnal Green to look forward to when it was finished.

I would love to get out more, but I know I would be spending more money than I should.



Offline JamesKW

Big regret of my life is not embarking on my punting activity until after I retired. Christ, whilst I was working I went on literally hundreds of beanos, away days, team builds, conferences and performance meetings all round the country.

Big regret of my life is not having a job where I have beanos,awaydays etc.

Offline mh

If I had had a sword with me I would have been tempted to remove his head from his shoulders just to stop the bullshit coming out!  The chap was a supposed digital marketing specialist - completely unable to back up any claims of what he has achieved but talked as if he understood my business better than I did.  Why do these youngsters (anyone under 30!!) think they are god's gift and that anyone older is unable to understand technology.

So this guy had a job? What exactly made you think it was James, then?  :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:


  • Guest
Big regret of my life is not embarking on my punting activity until after I retired. Christ, whilst I was working I went on literally hundreds of beanos, away days, team builds, conferences and performance meetings all round the country ...
That's because the 'calibre' of top and middle manager was different in those days. If you were earning good money the company you worked for also expected good performance and results. Productivity versus pay was monitored and sometimes highly embarassing 'demotions' were given unashamedly to those whose results did not match their articulate rhetoric.
These days a poor manager is simply shifted sideways in a reshuffle by his 'jobs for the boys' boardroom clique, they invent a few more fancy management job titles and shift the jurisdiction which governs which department is run by who.
"You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours". No wonder company meetings are full of such hot air and there's so much time to daydream about punting in company time.
Workers have punting urges too. It's just that they do a solid days hard work and have to fit a punt in of an evening or a weekend.


  • Guest
Big regret of my life is not having a job where I have beanos,awaydays etc.
That's becoming the all too common situation now.  Many companies are realizing that the big fat wages they have paid to management 'executives' over many years has not led to the company being in a better position than it was ... but rather has led to a piss-take culture of let's grab what we can get, and let's see what minimum hours we can put into a day's so-called work.
Some companies have already started to take a dim view of this lazy, indolent attitude creeping in and have implemented significant redundancies and streamlining,  employing instead graduates to do the same job for a third of the salary

Offline hairbald

Am the only one thinking ... that you lot, with your pressed white shirts, silk ties, smart suits, and your fancy sounding 'managerial' job titles ... on your £18 an hour ... glibly sitting there daydreaming the whole time through a 2 or 3 hour 'productivity' meeting for the betterment and improved efficiency of the company ... are instead slowly but surely contributing to the surefire collapse of British industry.
I'll bet you're all lightning fast to fill in and maximise your expense accounts for the 'essential' business trip too. Bet it's the first job you do on your laptops once you get home.

Couple of points:
- I average out 60 hours a week, more if I add travel time.  Overtime is not a word I know or understand; I'm signed out of the European Work directive because we're expected to do "whatever it takes" to get the job done
- Punting keeps me sane.  I hate being in London away from my family with a passion
- I wouldn't get out of bed for £18 per hour :hi:
Before you criticise take a walk in our shoes; all jobs have pressures some more than others :dash:

Offline RedKettle

- I wouldn't get out of bed for £18 per hour :hi:

I wish I could find a decent tart who would get into bed for £18 per hour  :D :D

Offline RedKettle

I used to get really pissed off at conferences or training days around the country - that was before punting.

Now if there is a training day in, for example, Leeds I think - fan fucking tastic, lets hit AW and see who is there.

Offline Dorsetpunter

Not sure you would say the same if your meetings were in Sheffield.

Offline RedKettle

Not sure you would say the same if your meetings were in Sheffield.

 :D :D  Know what you mean.  I used to have to get a girl in.  I had a regular in Nottingham who would come over to a hotel in Sheffield.  Also had a few good meets with Sheffield BJ Queen but I think she has retired now.  Generally the city is shockingly bad for independents.

Offline hairbald

I wish I could find a decent tart who would get into bed for £18 per hour  :D :D
There is the depressing point that, despite earning by any standards a decent wage, an escorts hourly rate is better than mine.  Mind you I don't think I'd want to meet an escort on minimum wage......

Offline webpunter

Now if there is a training day in, for example, Leeds I think - fan fucking tastic, lets hit AW and see who is there.
After putting new meeting [wherever] in diary the next thing i do is exactly that - get on the purple one.  And here of course

Offline lostandfound

Without business travel there'd be a lot more dusty phones out there, for sure! But I try to compartmentalise. In business meetings I'm all about business. To my mind I don't need to ogle or fantasise because in my free time I can go play with a naked woman for real. Punting frees my mind to concentrate on other things when I'm not actually punting.

Offline RedKettle

Without business travel there'd be a lot more dusty phones out there, for sure! But I try to compartmentalise. In business meetings I'm all about business. To my mind I don't need to ogle or fantasise because in my free time I can go play with a naked woman for real. Punting frees my mind to concentrate on other things when I'm not actually punting.

maybe I am getting too old and cynical (no maybe actually) but I often find myself thinking that the people in the meeting are just talking meaningless bollocks and my time is better spent thinking about punting!!!  Perhaps time for a change...

I was once in a meeting that was particularly full of crap, many people just wanting to prove how important they were, and I pleaded an important call to disappear for 20 minutes and spent that time happily on UKP.

Offline lostandfound

maybe I am getting too old and cynical (no maybe actually) but I often find myself thinking that the people in the meeting are just talking meaningless bollocks and my time is better spent thinking about punting!!!  Perhaps time for a change...

I was once in a meeting that was particularly full of crap, many people just wanting to prove how important they were, and I pleaded an important call to disappear for 20 minutes and spent that time happily on UKP.

Maybe ...

Maybe I'm lucky but usually if I'm at a meeting it's because somebody wants something from me or vice versa and I go with a game plan - just as my err, opponents, do, I'm sure. I do try to keep  meetings to a minimum and if someone always insists on them as the way of doing business I start to worry about their competence. I've become much more ruthless and effective about cutting meetings I think might be pointless as I've grown older.

Offline wheeliebinwanking

Over 80% of my adventures occur when away on business. And about 50% specifically occur on the way to the Airport :-)

Tell my colleagues I need to leave early to make sure I get to the airport in goodtime, little do they know within an hour of leaving the airport I am usually getting massaged by a PYT


Offline bbwandy72

Personally I love business meetings where they bring in a lineup of girls when the meeting is over and tell you to take your pick. It was quite the eye opener when that first happened (my boss had helpfully chosen to not warn me in advance, just to see my reaction).

Offline Lucky Luke 70

Personally I love business meetings where they bring in a lineup of girls when the meeting is over and tell you to take your pick. It was quite the eye opener when that first happened.
In which industry are you ? Do you hire ?  :D
In close to 25 years of work, I have never seen that !  :yahoo:

Offline mh

In close to 25 years of work, I have never seen that !  :yahoo:

I know of it but not in the UK. I've not been at the meetings myself (yet).

Offline paul_2407

Perhaps business meetings should have a rule to include "Summary of last punts" as a standing agenda point

Offline sub_marine

I work at sea on a ship, so am away for 5 weeks at a time, then home for 5 weeks, its pretty hard core work when away 13h days, with the occasional overtime up to 18h if things are not going well.  But when I am at home, I am at home the whole time, no office bollocks to bother with. 

The OH has a 9-5 Mon-Fri job , so I just arrange punting round that.  It's almost too easy, have to watch the finances though