Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: How to get out of a session  (Read 2195 times)

Offline marcius2018

It would depend on the level of deception i felt has been dealt.  Sometimes i leave on good terms and even give them some money for my error in judgement others times i make sure they know they fucked up. 
My most memorable one was a bait and switch in woking.  I assumed it was the maid taking me but when we got to the room she stayed and said she was the girls replacement.  I tried to leave politely but she locked the door until i paid her.  That was a mistake on her part that she quickly realized.  I wasnt locked in with her, she was locked in with me.  Once she figured that out with a little persuation she opened the door and ran.  I just casually walked out.
"I wasnt locked in with her, she was locked in with me"  Brilliant! :thumbsup:

Offline marcius2018

When a WG opened her door looking 20 yrs older than stated, I asked, is your daughter In?,she told me to fuck off and slammed the door!

Offline Stevelondon

Long long time ago in Bayswater. The days before mobiles and all phone boxes were covered in cards.
Was let into a flat and shown into the bedroom by the maid.
After waiting a couple of minutes this 60 (or so) woman entered and asked me what I wanted.
I simply apologised (to this day I do not know why) and went on to say "No thanks"

She hit the roof calling me a time wasting bastard and actually took a swing at me, catching me on the cheek just near my eye with one of her nails.

Now I am not one of those blokes who goes around hitting women. But my god I could have smacked this one good and proper.
Instead I gave her a good shove and she fell back a bit.

I walked out the room and looked at the maid who had that look on her face,
"Not another one"
I said nothing and she walked down the little hall and opened the door so I could leave.

By the way.
The telephone number I had rang on the card, showed a very nice looking blonde girl in her mid twenties and I had asked if this was the girl i would be seeing. The maid had said "No.......but it is a good likeness"

I wonder just how many men would just stay and pay. Or pay and leave.....whatever.

Offline sharkman2017

I did it once maybe 5 years back. I had stepped inside and didn’t like what was b&s. told her I wasn’t keen but turned out to be a issue. A friend (female) came out from some room and asked why.. lots of grumbling, talk about getting ready, blocking the door .... anyways I left

After that I would use the wallet excuse but has never happened again... but then I punt very little

Offline Bigbossman

Just say ‘I can’t do this’ happened to me a couple of years ago went to see someone who looked good on her pics but reality was a shambles and I didn’t even want to just power through and think with my other head so I was like I can’t do this.

Sure she looked pissed when she gave me my money back but you don’t owe any of them shit chances are you’ll never see them again anyway (otherwise you wouldn’t be trying to get out of it) so why waste your money on someone who doesn’t even look the part in reality or whatever the reason is

Take emotion out of it if you get there and you want to leave just say it get your money and go, they don’t care about you so you shouldn’t care about them