Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: Feeling physically drained after a punt  (Read 2096 times)

Offline Happylad

Drink a Magnum before the punt have you feeling on top form and can improve performance.

I only buy Champagne in Magnums (or should the plural be Magna?),and I don`t think I could ever perform properly after drinking one of those.

Offline ILA2018

I normally go get a large cappuccino, some water and dark chocolate and chill out. 😅

Offline Bogof60

To let you know you are being a plank and others have realised it as well, either it is troll bollocks, you have serious paranoia or you are still in your teens. FFS man, get a grip of yourself.

We've had Too cold in the room - tell her to turn the heating on, Can t get an erection - done to death loads of amazing threads on the subject, Using a motorbike to get to a punt - why is that an issue?, Do escorts see guys who have been drinking alcohol? - they state it if they don't,  Love bites on neck - who cares if you are single, if not tell them to stop,  Christmas gifts - also done to death, Punting in bad weather conditions - done to death, Walking Away - mentioned loads of times, Asking for change - it's easy bring the correct amount.

You had two interesting threads: Can a escort be a feminist too? and Would you quit punting if you hard a civie fuck buddy?

Banned reason: Abuse of a mod.
Banned by: daviemac

Offline Gordon Bennett

 Sorry to be blunt but You're either very ill or very unfit. I dunno how you can't see this...... maybe it's crept up on you gradually over several years? You have to go to GP and get checked out ASAP.

Offline Marmalade

Perhaps a vampire got to him.  :hi: