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Author Topic: Sex Life with OH  (Read 5601 times)


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I did a review on my OH a while back when I was trying to get her to sub for me. Worked ok for a while but normal business has resumed. Might catch a BJ once a month. Had a bit of a sesh with her last week on holiday and it was shite. Mirrors an experience last year when I took her to Vegas and Cancun for her 50th when we managed 1 shag in 11 days. I could easily go 3 months with no action.


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Don't wish to be nosey but you are the OP.

In the relationship 7 years and the sex stopped "a long time ago", sounds like you didn't have much of a window there.
I've been with the Mrs for 28 years but we had well over 20 years of shagging.
May I enquire what age you are?

Yes I am the OP.
In a relationship for 7 years to someone I love but now not sexually attracted to, sex stopped over 2 years ago.  Not through her lack of interest but mine.
I'm 39.


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My OH and I were one of the odd couples. Even in our 70s it was once or twice a week. The very last time was on our golden wedding day (we were both 75). After that she was too ill with cancer and she died 4 months later.

Good on you HL! You are my hero!  :hi:  :drinks:


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A lot of these replies seem to involve the wife not being keen or responsive despite the husband trying or initiating sex.  Or a breakdown in communication eg. no longer talking or living in separate rooms.

My situations different,  I could probably have sex every night of the week if I wanted with someone I get on really well with.  Problem is I just don't think I'm that sexually attracted to her anymore so don't want to have sex.

My situation was maybe more similar to yours - after 7 or 8 years of marriage the missus started piling on the pounds - to be fair I did a bit as well, too much of the good life, not enough exercise all that crap, but I just stopped finding her remotely sexually attractive.  At size 16 she was voluptuous as I've alywas preferred curvy women with great boobs and a grippable arse - but at size 20 she just didn't do it for me at all. She probably would have been up for more sex but even though I was often horny, it wasn't for her.

I was miserable frankly - tried all sorts of diets together and tried to encourage her to exercise, eventually I lost 5 stone in weight and got seriously fit and she was always like "you should love me for who I am".  I did love her for who she was, but loving someone is not the same as spending the rest of your life with someone. I love lots of people I don't shag, wouldn't dream of marrying them. 

Don't get me wrong it wasn't just about the weight - there were other issues - but the sex was probably the biggest one.  We went to marriage counselling for about 2 years on and off and it never helped because she was happy with her life the way it was, I wasn't and never the twain would meet.

Somewhere in there I also had cancer, nothing major, but really made me think that life is too short to waste a day of it doing something that makes you miserable.

We'd never had kids (no surprise given the lack of sex) which frankly was a blessing as it made splitting much easier.  Don't get me wrong it was still the hardest decision I've ever made but also the best decision.  All ended about as amicably as could be - no affairs, no punting, just agreed that we were not going to get back to where we were so best to move on while we're both still young enough to find someone else.  I bought her out of the family home which makes a great bachelor pad and she bought a nice semi-detached place in the countryside.

She's now got a new guy just moved in with her and is happy as larry.

I had 6 months of amazing punting, ticking items off my sexual bucket list - followed by 6 months with a very hot much younger girlfriend - in the last year I've had without question the best sex of my life and now I'm back punting again I couldn't be happier - so frankly by comparison larry is looking positively morose.  :lol:

Obviously it all gets trickier if you have kids - I have two best friends who had problems, tried to stay together "for the kids" and it made them even more miserable than I was.  They ended up playing away as an outlet for the stress and getting caught - and as a result got totally taken to the cleaners in the divorce.  In one case he doesn't see the wife anymore and the kids won't even talk to their dad which is tragic. 

Offline Frenchie

Q..I think you've just written my life story !!! VERY similar circumstances . My wife went from a very fit size 14 to a lump of a size 22

Years ago I started weight training and lost a bit of weight ...was it me  ?...that didn't work  ...I'm not a fat, beer swilling , couch potato....... This is what women always come up with . 'Oh he isn't   like when we got married ' Well I've got news for you love ... neither are you !   Also the ' By the time I bath the kids , get home from work blah blah mumsnet speak etc etc '

Well my wife and I haven't got any kids (by choice) ..she retired from a part time job at 43 and hasn't had to work since .. so that goes out the window ! She wants for nothing ....Besides Gary Barlow ! .. This is another point , .. when these women lust after celebrities on the telly etc ..I am SOOOO tempted to say to her ' Well what would you do with him .. have sex .. but you're NOT interested !! '

 Reading through lots of postings over the last two years it becomes apparent that a lot of us are caring , loving husbands who get fuck all whatever we buy them  ..or however we treat them etc etc . ..although it shouldn't be like this ... how many of us genuinely want to have sex with their wives because they LOVE them ! ..even if the sex isn't great !

I really was going to try and keep this short ... honestly ...but I'd just be repeating myself from past postings I've made ... however from peoples comments in the past I seem to hit the nail on the head most of the time ... beats hitting my head against a brick wall for 30 years !

One thing that hasn't been mentioned is 'alternatives ' .. We all understand that women go through changes in their life and over 50's
have a MUCH reduced sex drive (if any at all ! )  .. BUT why won't wives provide the odd BJ or hand job .... BEFORE I started punting if it came down to a BJ a couple of times a month and the odd wankfest  I probably could except non penetrative sex and wouldn't  have started punting ..... don't you think it's frightening how similar our stories are ?
« Last Edit: September 09, 2015, 01:23:06 pm by Frenchie »

Offline redt4

Q..I think you've just written my life story !!! VERY similar circumstances . My wife went from a very fit size 14 to a lump of a size 22

Years ago I started weight training and lost a bit of weight ...was it me  ?...that didn't work  ...I'm not a fat, beer swilling , couch potato....... This is what women always come up with . 'Oh he isn't   like when we got married ' Well I've got news for you love ... neither are you !   Also the ' By the time I bath the kids , get home from work blah blah mumsnet speak etc etc '

Well my wife and I haven't got any kids (by choice) ..she retired from a part time job at 43 and hasn't had to work since .. so that goes out the window ! She wants for nothing ....Besides Gary Barlow ! .. This is another point , .. when these women lust after celebrities on the telly etc ..I am SOOOO tempted to say to her ' Well what would you do with him .. have sex .. but you're NOT interested !! '

 Reading through lots of postings over the last two years it becomes apparent that a lot of us are caring , loving husbands who get fuck all whatever we buy them  ..or however we treat them etc etc . ..although it shouldn't be like this ... how many of us genuinely want to have sex with their wives because they LOVE them ! ..even if the sex isn't great !

I really was going to try and keep this short ... honestly ...but I'd just be repeating myself from past postings I've made ... however from peoples comments in the past I seem to hit the nail on the head most of the time ... beats hitting my head against a brick wall for 30 years !

One thing that hasn't been mentioned is 'alternatives ' .. We all understand that women go through changes in their life and over 50's
have a MUCH reduced sex drive (if any at all ! )  .. BUT why won't wives provide the odd BJ or hand job .... BEFORE I started punting if it came down to a BJ a couple of times a month and the odd wankfest  I probably could except non penetrative sex and wouldn't  have started punting ..... don't you think it's frightening how similar our stories are ?



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Q..I think you've just written my life story !!! VERY similar circumstances . My wife went from a very fit size 14 to a lump of a size 22

Reading through lots of postings over the last two years it becomes apparent that a lot of us are caring , loving husbands who get fuck all whatever we buy them  ..or however we treat them etc etc . ..although it shouldn't be like this ... how many of us genuinely want to have sex with their wives because they LOVE them ! ..even if the sex isn't great !

You have nailed it Frenchie.  The thing is I would have no objection punting my wife. Even the offer of a hand job would be welcome. But it just stopped altogether and after I started punting I have no desire to rekindle.

I still care for her blah blah, but what really irritates me is the insinuation that as long as she provides everything else, good home, friendship, good food, family, holidays in France why would I miss a little thing called Sex and intimacy. Because that's the whole point my dear. I can cook, find friends, go on holiday etc on my own. Its the sex that I struggled with !!!!!

The one thing I need her for she will not provide......   so screw it.

Offline winkywanky

I read some months ago what I believe to be a true story.

This guy would make an advance but get an elbow in his ribs - except twice a year when she got on heat and demanded sex immediately.

He wasn't thinking of leaving her because she was otherwise a good wife and good mother to the kids.

Maybe he should have poked her in the ribs so she knew what it felt like?  :rolleyes:

Offline winkywanky

Joking aside, some very sad stories here.

I've never married (which has plus sides and downsides of course) but I feel for married guys who have 'done everything right' and yet feel they have their every desire for any intimacy rejected.


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  .. BUT why won't wives provide the odd BJ or hand job .... 

I don't understand this either. Surely it can't be that hard to spread their legs for a while every now and then even if they're not much into sex?

Offline JR

I don't understand this either. Surely it can't be that hard to spread their legs for a while every now and then even if they're not much into sex?
You have obviously never been in a long term relationship with anyone that goes off sex. Most women think they are bestowing a huge honour on you to 'spread their legs' and it is a complete bonus for you to have sex in a relationship when they give you 'so much else'.

I have talked to and listened to conversations with married women over so many years now that I believe they are trained this way by their mothers & their mothers before them ad infinitum. Apparently sex is something to be feared, never given without a huge commitment from the bloke, is only to be used as a bargaining tool etc fucking etc.

Of course not all women are like this but I believe the majority are. The ones that have no hang ups about sex become wives to happy husbands or WG's or both!

Offline JR

That sounds rather bitter doesn't it  :D


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That sounds rather bitter doesn't it  :D

Doesn't mean it isn't true  :D

 :drinks: :diablo: :lol:


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Joking aside, some very sad stories here.

I've never married (which has plus sides and downsides of course) but I feel for married guys who have 'done everything right' and yet feel they have their every desire for any intimacy rejected.

Its not as though they do it on purpose, they just dont get what drives a man. I have memories of my father, uncles, and their friends all over 60 and long in the face and miserable. Often wondered why. Now I know, lack of hanky panky (unless any of them were punting and looking downtrodden as a disguise, but I doubt it). With me I have the joie de vivre and long may it last.........


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I could add:

I could get a lot more sex from my OH if I accepted it:

Her way
To her schedule
And changed my habits to suit her

Fuck that!

 :drinks: :diablo: :lol:

Offline itk

The lack of sex now is down to me. I just can't be bothered, as I know it'll be the same routine every time. Looking back a few years I had the occasional brilliant shag with the missus which gets my hopes up, only next time it's back to HER favoured position, BJ lasting a minute and very little interaction from her.
It was always me making the first move, and many a knock back was demoralising, and then she says I'm sort of pervert wanting sex. I just got to the point thinking. 'Is it worth it?' The answer is NO.


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The lack of sex now is down to me. I just can't be bothered, as I know it'll be the same routine every time. Looking back a few years I had the occasional brilliant shag with the missus which gets my hopes up, only next time it's back to HER favoured position, BJ lasting a minute and very little interaction from her.
It was always me making the first move, and many a knock back was demoralising, and then she says I'm sort of pervert wanting sex. I just got to the point thinking. 'Is it worth it?' The answer is NO.

But to be honest if my wife had continued with the sex I would NEVER have looked into Punting as a career.

So she actually did me a huge favour.

Yo Ho Yo Ho I'm happy as can be
Who'd ever thought
It's what I sought
A punting life for me......     boom boom !!!


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Although me present situation is a largely sexless relationship, I can hardly blame my punting on that. I met my OH 15 years ago but started punting 20 years ago (numbers approx to protect the guilty).

 :drinks: :diablo: :lol:

Offline Frenchie

' Surely it can't be that hard to spread their legs for a while every now and then even if they're not much into sex? '

But this is what I DON'T want !! I can have very honest conversations on this subject with my wife ( although I've given up now ) and tried to explain something that I truly believe ... men don't want sex .. they want LUST , DESIRE  !!

Even if it's play acting a WG will grab you and fuck you !! ....and then you never look back ..

Offline hairbald

Hope this doesnt sound too smug but my sex life with my other half is entirely more perverse and kinky than the vanilla sex I tend to have with working girls.  The reason?  Pretty simple really, my wife is very sub and likes being tied up and spanked (seriously hard, not just a little tap).  Problem is that I'm not really into being the dom that much so I prefer the more balanced sex I get with escorts.  We still have more normal sex (only really gets wild when the kids are away with the grand parents) which is still pretty fab.  I can't complain; she's in her 40's, still a size 10-12 and when she's dressed up I still kind of go wow :coolgirl:

The big difference with a WG is the oral; wife's never been too great and frankly after 20 years of marriage its way too late to pull her up on it :dash:


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Sounds like a lot here might appreciate this sub.
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' Surely it can't be that hard to spread their legs for a while every now and then even if they're not much into sex? '

But this is what I DON'T want !! I can have very honest conversations on this subject with my wife ( although I've given up now ) and tried to explain something that I truly believe ... men don't want sex .. they want LUST , DESIRE  !!

Even if it's play acting a WG will grab you and fuck you !! ....and then you never look back ..
Got it in one Frenchie.
It's the joy of the chase. The capture. The beast turning on you and then you nailing it as it swallows. Bit crude but a world away from the "airline meals " on offer after 25 years.
Wouldn't swap Mrs PP for the world but the odd takeaway is what keeps you sane.

Offline Markus

Reading this thread and others have opened my eyes up. I was in a frustrating relationship where the sex dried up and I ended it promptly.

I am single again now, am starting to take care of myself properly, am more confident and women are noticing me. I used to be modest about my looks and my ability to pull women but i realised that I need to use all the aces up my sleeve to have as much sex as I can in my 'prime' as I fear it will only go downhill when I am married. I think that nobody ever wants to cheat on their wife by having an affair or by punting so if I am going to live the rest of my life watching porn and jerking off after I get married I rather go for broke now.

As a result, I have had more sex this year then any year of my existence. Last week I was with this gorgeous slim and firm 30 year old and im going to do my level best to see that level of success continues.

I do want to settle down at some point but I am trying my best to get action in some form or the other every week/fortnight.

Thanks for all the insight, it's been a real eye opener.

Offline Watts.E.Dunn

Can't but help think that the basic human mating and genetic drives are all here.

The female is known to have a fertility rate and libido that falls rapidly with age whereas the male has no such limitation.

and this, although simplistic, i think is the root of the problem.

And it ain't gonna be fixed 'ere long, so keep on punting:-)


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' Surely it can't be that hard to spread their legs for a while every now and then even if they're not much into sex? '

But this is what I DON'T want !! I can have very honest conversations on this subject with my wife ( although I've given up now ) and tried to explain something that I truly believe ... men don't want sex .. they want LUST , DESIRE  !!

Even if it's play acting a WG will grab you and fuck you !! ....and then you never look back ..

I was just meaning that you'd think they would try to keep their man happy(ish) for the sake of a quick shag, even though some men may want more.


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I was just meaning that you'd think they would try to keep their man happy(ish) for the sake of a quick shag, even though some men may want more.

Without realising it you've hit on the issue big time. You see in most relationships the communication on sexual needs has stopped. So my wife has no clue how basic the need is. She thinks I am more concerned about my hobbies, family, house and garden. So she thinks she keeps me happy by feeding those needs. I tried to bring it up a couple years back, the response was laughable 'maybe you could tell me when you need a hand job'. No thanks.

Offline nike

its a strange conundrum i've never got my head around - once every 6 weeks or so,  and to be honest,  It's very good.  I guess with most couples it kind of died out when the kids were small,  but has never really got more frequent now they're all grown up and out of the house a lot.

But the normal rules apply,  after 10pm,  lights out,  nowhere but the bedroom  :(

My other half is always up for it and makes time, putting the kids to bed early etc.
I just have a very high sex drive.

Offline nike

its a strange conundrum i've never got my head around - once every 6 weeks or so,  and to be honest,  It's very good.  I guess with most couples it kind of died out when the kids were small,  but has never really got more frequent now they're all grown up and out of the house a lot.

But the normal rules apply,  after 10pm,  lights out,  nowhere but the bedroom  :(

My other half is always up for it and makes time, putting the kids to bed early etc.
I just have a very high sex drive.

Offline Access

As well as punting, I've had lots of flings with married women. Purely for sex. This was before I was married myself. The women I saw only wanted sex and said that their husbands had got boring in bed. Same position, hardly any foreplay etc. do you think we bring the lack of sex on ourselves? I've tried allsorts with my wife but to no avail... :scare:


  • Guest
As well as punting, I've had lots of flings with married women. Purely for sex. This was before I was married myself. The women I saw only wanted sex and said that their husbands had got boring in bed. Same position, hardly any foreplay etc. do you think we bring the lack of sex on ourselves? I've tried allsorts with my wife but to no avail... :scare:



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Years ago, I couldn't keep up with her (seriously). 20 years on and the the amount of times it happens when she has to initiate it I could count on one hand. The funny thing is now I've started this I'm not paying her any attention in that department it seems she is suddenly very aware. I could have sworn she even shaved her legs the other day!


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Tony Montana

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. I could have sworn she even shaved her legs the other day!

Mine gives her moustache a trim when she's in the mood.


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Very similar situation myself, early 40's and been together for 17 years. Not in separate bedrooms, but we never speak, if we do it'll last five minutes before she hits the fucking roof shouting and screaming. She's barely ever at home anyway, always around her friends or mums, only ever civil in front of our kids.
If I had the money I'd buy out our mortgage and boot her out, as for sex it's been about three occasions this year. Same tired routine, RO for ages followed by OWO for about 2 minutes, then one position with zero movement from her. The last time I never even came, stopped and said its a waste of fucking time.

Very similar again. Except I would never have booted her out. Not in a million years. Loved the person she was too much, even without sex. The irony was that she did exactly that to me.


  • Guest
Mine gives her moustache a trim when she's in the mood.

Missed this comment. The image is not one I wish to remember


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Interesting thread with familiar stories. I hope this drug works for those that have non-existent sex lives with their other halves:

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Offline winkywanky

Of course, to call it female Viagra is a misnomer anyway.

Men who need Viagra have the desire, but not the wherewithall (bloodflow/hydraulics). The Viagra facilitates the desire.

A libido-enhancing drug is a different beast would initiate desire. Men generally don't lack this, women often do.

But I would say this, be careful what you wish for: maybe your OH is overweight and sweaty, with halitosis. Once the 'Genie' is unleashed, there's no going back!  :sarcastic:


  • Guest
My OH and I were one of the odd couples. Even in our 70s it was once or twice a week. The very last time was on our golden wedding day (we were both 75). After that she was too ill with cancer and she died 4 months later.

I am very sorry to hear about your wife. I hope you have moved on since.

Tony Montana

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All this take of OH's has made me nostalgic for 20 years ago or so when our sex life was good.

- I didn't have to pay her
- She wanted to have sex with me
- didn't have to use a condom
- didn't have to plan it like an SAS mission - it could be spontaneous
- no worry about STIs

Damn that ageing process!!!  :mad:

Swansea lad

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Started off really good,had as much as I wanted for about 2-3 years. It tapered off a bit after moving in together then a bit more after marriage but still enough to keep me happy. After our second child was born it got really bad and she started to have gyny problems as well.

After hardly any sex for 2-3 years, I started punting but she has got a bit better with time, the average for the last few years is probably a couple of times each month but the last few weeks have been the best for a long time about once every 3-4 days. If she keeps up her current form I wont punt.

Shes still in good shape, size 10, big boobs,9 stone, dresses well etc but she lacks confidence in her body for some reason so its always lights off when we do it.

Offline regular_guy

so,  not had anything for well over a month - in bed the other night and the hand started to come over to my lower region -  :thumbsup: result !  the CK bed shorts came up and i started to get a BJ,  was good,  not bad at all,  lasted a lot longer than i was expecting and it was clear i was expected to finish.

So i asked,  "errr,  do i get a chance to go on you?",  reply "no,  not tonight".  i did lose quite a bit of interest at that point.

Can't fault her for trying,   but thats another month + till anything else happens now.

counting the days till my next punt - 6 days to go  :yahoo:

Offline tantric talents

My OH and I were one of the odd couples. Even in our 70s it was once or twice a week. The very last time was on our golden wedding day (we were both 75). After that she was too ill with cancer and she died 4 months later.
You have truly been blessed with such a long and happily married life. Its a rare thing indeed. Despite your recent sad loss I congratulate you. 
:drinks: :hi:


  • Guest
My OH and I were one of the odd couples. Even in our 70s it was once or twice a week. The very last time was on our golden wedding day (we were both 75). After that she was too ill with cancer and she died 4 months later.

Genuinely sorry to hear that HL.  But I'm sure you have plenty of happy memories of her.  Good luck to you.


  • Guest
Just read the thread about reviewing your OH

Which got me thinking, for those of you that do have OH, how often do you have sex with your OH?

OH? Is that 'other hand'?  :rolleyes: When I did have an OH, it varied. She seemed to go through phases of heat and cold. In the end I just got fed up with her avoiding all discussion regarding the whole area of our sexual relations. In mish, in bed, in the dark was all she would do, with a very rare excursion into spoons. I got half a BJ once though. Strangely enough, it was a short extramarital fling with a newly divorced friend of hers that opened my eyes to the joys of uninhibited debauchery.  :cool:


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Sex about once or twice a year, but that could be OWO or even a HJ. Until about 15 years ago, sex was full on, it just waned - various reasons, health, work related stress (both of us). I have punted throughout and before marriage so have the perfect release. End of the day my missus is my best friend and will always be so. As a married couple, we ain't going anywhere separately any time soon.