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Author Topic: Lurkers  (Read 2189 times)

Offline maxxblue

There have been quite a few posts recently referring to 'Lurkers', and the balance between their contributions to UKP and the benefits they glean from UKP.

I sometimes wonder why people 'lurk' rather than contribute to this site.

Is it because they are newbies who haven't yet been with a WG, but are planning to see a WG?

Is it because they are well-seasoned punters who are wanting 'freebie' tips without giving anything in return?

Or is it that they are pussies who have some kind of voyeuristic interest in punters, but don't have the nerve to punt themselves?

Or is there some other reason that 'lurkers' lurk?
« Last Edit: January 31, 2015, 11:18:10 pm by maxxblue »

Offline Qwerty

As I understand it, there are more lurkers than actual posters on here - look on the home page, and see how many members who have been on today, and how few of them have posted - plus 10 times as many guests who can't post.

British people are reluctant to speak up, in general, plus on here it's probably compounded by embarrassment/shame/fear of being discovered...

Offline maxxblue

...but that doesn't excuse people not contributing on UKP - what are the chances of being discovered contributing on this site?


  • Guest
As I understand it, there are more lurkers than actual posters on here - look on the home page, and see how many members who have been on today, and how few of them have posted - plus 10 times as many guests who can't post.

British people are reluctant to speak up, in general, plus on here it's probably compounded by embarrassment/shame/fear of being discovered...

This could be the real reason I suspect -

Offline Qwerty

...but that doesn't excuse people not contributing on UKP - what are the chances of being discovered contributing on this site?

The chances may be low, but I should imagine people fear the consequences - very little scares an Englishman more than the idea of being caught doing something  embarrassing.

Plus there have been all kinds of threads on here alerting people to the possibility of inadvertently leaving electronic traces...


  • Guest
Bod666 actually made an interesting comment in another thread, that a portion of those 20k lurkers will actually be WG's checking on their own reviews.  Given that in theory there are supposed to be 80k WG's in the country I would be utterly fascinated to know what proportion of the 20k are WG's vs punters. Of course we will never know but it's an interesting thought.

Offline Jamboney

I imagine that the 40-odd posts I've made in the 4 months I've been on here would probably mean I'm classed as a lurker. As I've commented elsewhere before I'm pretty inexperienced in the world of punting so I can't really contribute a great amount but will always try where I can. I must say that for someone learning the tricks of the trade this place is an invaluable source of information.


  • Guest
I imagine that the 40-odd posts I've made in the 4 months I've been on here would probably mean I'm classed as a lurker. As I've commented elsewhere before I'm pretty inexperienced in the world of punting so I can't really contribute a great amount but will always try where I can. I must say that for someone learning the tricks of the trade this place is an invaluable source of information.

In my eyes you are NOT a Lurker but a member of UKP who at least contributes - My definition of a lurker is someone who reads all the comments and reviews and is NOT registered as a member on UKP but just 'Lurks' on the forum reading the reviews, seeing the girls and as they are not registered members do not POST anything on the forum

Offline cueball

There's no need to lurk, it's much more fun coming on and having your say. You're not gonna get bloody caught, it's all anonymous.

Offline HappyandLucky

There have been quite a few posts recently referring to 'Lurkers', and the balance between their contributions to UKP and the benefits they glean from UKP.
IMO lurkers by definition do not add anything to UKP. They don't post or review so generally a fucking waste of space.

The question of what categories of lurkers there are. I have no interest unless they are mainly prossies and want to offer me a freebie, but to do this they would have to register and would then get banned for touting  :D

Offline HappyandLucky

In my eyes you are NOT a Lurker but a member of UKP who at least contributes - My definition of a lurker is someone who reads all the comments and reviews and is NOT registered as a member on UKP but just 'Lurks' on the forum reading the reviews, seeing the girls and as they are not registered members do not POST anything on the forum

Offline Eager Thighs

I'm a lurker. I find myself reading this forum every time I get the horn to weigh up my options etc. I rarely post on topics I read unless I feel I've got something to add to the discussion.


  • Guest
I'm a lurker. I find myself reading this forum every time I get the horn to weigh up my options etc. I rarely post on topics I read unless I feel I've got something to add to the discussion.

NO you are not a Lurker IMO as you are a registered member of UKP and contribute - My definition of a Lurker is what I said earlier -

In my eyes you are NOT a Lurker but a member of UKP who at least contributes - My definition of a lurker is someone who reads all the comments and reviews and is NOT registered as a member on UKP but just 'Lurks' on the forum reading the reviews, seeing the girls and as they are not registered members do not POST anything on the forum and give nothing back to the community here on UKP

Offline smiths

There have been quite a few posts recently referring to 'Lurkers', and the balance between their contributions to UKP and the benefits they glean from UKP.

I sometimes wonder why people 'lurk' rather than contribute to this site.

Is it because they are newbies who haven't yet been with a WG, but are planning to see a WG?

Is it because they are well-seasoned punters who are wanting 'freebie' tips without giving anything in return?

Or is it that they are pussies who have some kind of voyeuristic interest in punters, but don't have the nerve to punt themselves?

Or is there some other reason that 'lurkers' lurk?

Some have posted possible reasons, i have a punter mate who isnt a member on here and is not interested in joining, its just of no interest to him to post but he reads what can be read without joining on ocassion. Unlike some i havent a problem with lurkers, hopefully those that are genuine punters will become members at some stage.

I want to help genuine punters so them being able to see who are bad WGs and good is for me a positive thing whether they lurk or not.

I imagine among those lurkers are an increasing number of pimps and low lifes as well as WGs, after all this in now THE premier punting site in the UK. It is of course up to admin to decide what happens in future, i leave it to him.


  • Guest
I don't really see why people are complaining about lurkers. These are public forums, if people want to lurk they can, it doesn't affect anyone else if they do. If someone has something to say then I'm sure they'll sign up and post if it hasn't already been covered, they're not obliged to do anything. Personally, I think it's down to the way these forums are seen by non-posters. Quite frequently I see people being cunts to each other, people taking things too seriously and low post people get shot down by the ''elite power posters'' for the most petty of reasons, maybe some people are slightly intimidated by signing up thinking they'll have a pitchfork mob after then.

Offline Silver Birch

British people are reluctant to speak up, in general, plus on here it's probably compounded by embarrassment/shame/fear of being discovered...

.... or the fear of being interrogated and then torn to shreds by some of the ferocious rottweilers on here  :lol: :lol: :lol:

Offline NelsonH

Every simliar forum, no matter what the purpose, has similar "lurker" and "silent majority" statistics.
Its not to do with punting or the risk of being discovered.

Often people who post get a hard time from "regulars". Every time one of the timid silent majority sees this they are put off posting themselves.

It's probably a bit too rough on here for many people.

Offline cueball

Quite frequently I see people being cunts to each other, people taking things too seriously and low post people get shot down by the ''elite power posters'' for the most petty of reasons, maybe some people are slightly intimidated by signing up thinking they'll have a pitchfork mob after then.

I can see that point, you do see a lot of bollocks posted at times and every forum has key board warriors and "elite power posters" but that shouldn't put anybody off after all it doesn't matter whether you've 20 posts or 20 thousand posts, if you're talking shit you're talking shit.

Offline easyp123

Every forum has lurkers, and there are lots of reasons.

Look at a YouTube video which has a million views, it might only have 1,000 comments. Not everyone is an egotistical cunt.

Offline easyp123

I actually had someone with no posts send me a prvt message in response to a thread I'd started about Asians, asking me for more info on local parlours! Which was a bit odd and made me think COPS! Why couldn't they reply in the thread?


  • Guest
Every forum has lurkers, and there are lots of reasons.

Look at a YouTube video which has a million views, it might only have 1,000 comments. Not everyone is an egotistical cunt.

I wouldn't go as far as calling contributors egotistical cunts, but you're right.

Everyone on the board were probably lurkers at one point. It's a public board and this is the fucking internet, where anyone can visit the site. It's part and parcel of having a public discussion board

Offline Jimmyredcab

Every forum has lurkers, and there are lots of reasons.

True ----------------- but many forums do not allow full access until you register.     :hi:


  • Guest
I wouldn't go as far as calling contributors egotistical cunts, but you're right.

Everyone on the board were probably lurkers at one point. It's a public board and this is the fucking internet, where anyone can visit the site. It's part and parcel of having a public discussion board
Not me - never lurked. Came here looking for somewhere to post a negative comment when I realised I'd been b&s'd on AW and had not actually had a confirmed AW booking so couldn't leave fb there.  Did a google search, UKP came up and I joined and posted my first review the same day.  :hi:

As to the argument that "it's a public board / it's the internet" that doesn't really wash.  There are already areas of this forum that are not in fact public and you have to sign up to view. 

The difference between most other public forums and this one is that the silent majority can and clearly do significantly affect the availability of the best punts for the rest of us.  I suppose it's no different to Tripadvisor where the best hotels get booked up probably by lurkers who never bother to post their own reviews.  I accept it, but I don't have to like it. :unknown:

Offline StevenS

I suppose it's no different to Tripadvisor where the best hotels get booked up probably by lurkers who never bother to post their own reviews.  I accept it, but I don't have to like it. :unknown:

You don't have to like it, but you'll consider doing it  :dash:

I have to agree with you PW.  Having seen what happens to really good WG's like Little Katie and Adele4U when their popularity gets out of control I will certainly in future keep any gems a secret except via PM - at least until I started to get a bit bored with them myself.

Unless you're going to PM every single member who has a review to their name?
« Last Edit: February 01, 2015, 11:36:50 am by StevenS »


  • Guest
Well good for you pal, you're a model member of the board.

I did say probably, which implies not 100% of members lurked before joining.

Offline Jimmyredcab

There are already areas of this forum that are not in fact public and you have to sign up to view. 

I never log out ------------------------ I think it is only "off topic" that is members only.     :hi:

Offline Punting Valley

Unless you're going to PM every single member who has a review to their name?

Yea, it is just impractical to do so. If people are discouraged to post publicly and only PM those select few they are 'friends' with, then how do the rest of the active reviewers get the benefits? :unknown:

Offline Mansell

I "lurked" for a couple of months before joining last year and my first punt was really good thanks to UKP.

Now I can;t keep away, it's addictive !!

Offline CBPaul

To me a lurker makes no contribution to UKP but is happy to take the information for their own punting gain, seeing the positively reviewed prossies and avoiding the negatives.

I'm not sure it bothers me too much though. If I've posted a negative review then the more punters reading it the better IMO, especially if I left the punt feeling cheated or short changed. The more punters avoiding the prossie the better, lurkers or not.

I guess there are many reasons for lurking and only a proportion will be taking all the info without giving anything back in return - greedy bastards  :D. We give plenty of wank fodder to the voyeurs, prossies can keep tabs on their reviews and hopefully not too many newbies are scared off from posting.... eventually.   

Offline Silver Birch

I lurked for less than 2 hours before my first post! Actually that may not be true, it was less than 2 hours since I joined but I don't remember lurking as a non-member. The motivation for me to join and post was reading a negative thread about a shit prossie who had been shit to me too. :angry:

I don't know what the answer is, but maybe now the site is so successful, perhaps more areas should be visible only to registered members.  :unknown:

Offline The Beano

When I open ukp it is always as a guest, and I then log on if I want to see if there have been any responses or want to make a comment. I wouldn't want the machine to auto log on for security reasons. It could be that a significant proportion of guests are actually members who have not logged on?

Offline Jimmyredcab

When I open ukp it is always as a guest, and I then log on if I want to see if there have been any responses or want to make a comment. I wouldn't want the machine to auto log on for security reasons. It could be that a significant proportion of guests are actually members who have not logged on?

Yes, many of the guests could actually have registered, but if they don't contribute they are simply freeloaders.


  • Guest
Everyone is a Lurker until they sign up  :unknown:
Not everyone goes with the "hobby"

Offline akauya

I actually had someone with no posts send me a prvt message in response to a thread I'd started about Asians, asking me for more info on local parlours! Which was a bit odd and made me think COPS! Why couldn't they reply in the thread?

Yeah. I had a few of those; registered for a while, never posted but asking for info via PM.  Depending on how they worded the PM I replied. Sometimes the questions were too stupid I couldn't be bothered.

Offline Lever

I was a lurker for about a year or so before I joined recently. The main reason I waited before joining was that I didn't have much punting experience when I first found this site, so therefore didn't feel like I had much to contribute. I also saw several new posters getting jumped on quickly for being trolls - in most cases they deserved it, but it seemed a bit harsh on one or two which put me off a bit.

I actually found the tips on spotting fake and dodgy AW profiles just as useful as some of the negative reviews in terms of stopping me wasting my money - so thanks to everyone who contributed to them.


  • Guest
One of the problems is the amount of information available with the search, most topics have been done to death and if someone signs up to ask a question they get shot down. I have an issue with the dreaded "at discretion" which I was going to start a thread on. A quick search and there are threads galore. If someone asks about a pro$$is I've seen I will offer an opinion, apart from that there are more than enough opinions without voicing mine.

My last punt was Thai Kimmie, I saw her on one of her good days so sadly not much to add to the 7 reviews already posted.

Offline NightKid

Two questions:

1) Have you ever read a wiki without contributing to said wiki?
2) If yes, are you critical of lurkers?

Two words; Luke 6:35

P.S. I'm not Christian, by the way.  :)

Offline maxxblue

Two questions:

1) Have you ever read a wiki without contributing to said wiki?
2) If yes, are you critical of lurkers?

Two words; Luke 6:35

P.S. I'm not Christian, by the way.  :)

Not sure that wiki and UKP are comparable.

As far as I understand, Wiki is not a discussion forum.

UKP is.

Also, not wanting to nitpick, but "Luke 6:35" is not two words.

Offline NightKid

Not sure that wiki and UKP are comparable.

Edit: The concept is. Anyone can contribute to a wiki, just like how anyone can contribute to UKP ... it's whether you choose to or not.

As far as I understand, Wiki is not a discussion forum.

UKP is.

Yes, but that's mainly because UKP's subject matter is subjective whereas a wiki's usually tend to be objective. Did you know wikis also have talk pages which involves discussion?

Also, not wanting to nitpick, but "Luke 6:35" is not two words.

No. But if we're splitting hairs, then six-three-five is.  ;)
« Last Edit: February 04, 2015, 09:09:15 pm by NightKid »

Offline HappyandLucky

cal of lurkers?

Two words; Luke 6:35

WTF- if you belong in a pulpit then just preach your shit to own your congregation and keep it there. This is a punting site not a forum to quote obscure passages or where will it end? Punt, review, and leave your shit to your pulpit. Just my view  :hi:

Offline NightKid

WTF- if you belong in a pulpit then just preach your shit to own your congregation and keep it there.

Since when did churchgoers own the rights to quoting the Bible.  :rolleyes:
And while we're at it, which part of "I'm not Christian"are you having trouble with?

This is a punting site ... ? Punt, review, and ...

Yes, I do both. And in case you haven't noticed, I do it without bearing any ill-will towards lurkers ... which, you know, is what the subject of this thread all about?

... not a forum to quote obscure passages or where will it end?

In relation to the thread topic, the context of that entire verse was selflessness. Which goes along with the spirit of sharing on a forum like this, and is also what I'm trying to advocate.

Granted, the "love thy enemies" shit at the beginning is misleading ... but I couldn't find any saying/idiom that purely said "don't expect anything in return", so sue me.
Instead of jumping to conclusions next time, perhaps you need to gain a little perspective first? Just my view too.  :hi:

Offline HappyandLucky

Granted, the "love thy enemies" shit at the beginning is misleading ... but I couldn't find any saying/idiom that purely said "don't expect anything in return", so sue me.
Instead of jumping to conclusions next time, perhaps you need to gain a little perspective first? Just my view too.  :hi:
Fuck me you just can't stop with the preaching. Others may appreciate your style but it's not for me. Next thing you will be quoting pages from the Readers Digest DIY Manual to share your well read insights  :wackogirl:

Offline Sonny Crockett

I first discovered this site last summer when I did a Google search for a WG I was interested in and came across the reviews section. As it is a public forum I don't see anything wrong with lurking, as it can be beneficial to those who do punting but don't want to join as members.