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Author Topic: English-zoe Colnbrook SL3  (Read 2156 times)

7 review(s) for English-zoe (3 positive, 1 neutral, 3 negative) [Indexed by Derrick101]

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English-zoe Colnbrook SL3

£100 for 30 minutes
Doggy, CIM
External Link/Members Only
Hotel SL3

Let me start off by saying I was totally excited about seeing Zoe and had to attempt a few times on the day to get her because of limited availability. Unfortunately I was more than disappointed for multiple reasons. Shes a lovely girl - kind, gentle, genuine ... absolutely no doubt about it. However, hygiene was a big issue which was what mostly got in the way. The best way I can describe it is that she smelt like she woke up, went for a 2 miles jog and didnt shower or brush her teeth. So, bad breath and body odor which was intolerable. Zoe has a squarish face and is very average looking. I wouldnt give her a second look on the street and paying 100 for spending what was 20 minutes of "lets do this as quick as we can" was very poor value for money. Shes definitely heavier than shown in her pictures.

Kept it vanilla because the smell meant I couldnt keep the little man going. quick poke from the back and CIM in her mouth. She took the load without hesitation but quickly spat out. Not really much else to say (i wish there was).

I found a few things weird about her. As we were getting on with business, she said "Do you do this often?". I think that just shows her immaturity at this game. Also, at the end while I cleaned up and got dressed, she had a little book she was writing in which seemed like people she has seen and how much was paid. Maybe this was for mgmt? Who knows. Strange that she would pop it open while I was talking to her to get going.

Would I go back? Absolutely not. Shes a nice girl but thats not what I went for, and felt unsatisfied by the end. The hygiene was the real dealbreaker for me - which was also a problem with the two bulgarian girls in the same vicinity. Doesnt take much to shower regularly. So, negative from me.

Offline viktor1080

Thank you so much for putting up this review, I saw her last weekend and was contemplating how to write a negative review given the two glowing reviews previous to my punt....

I think I have a new found love for Brazilians after my experience and which is exactly as what you summed up....that bad smell was bad and she does not clean up to add on she turns on a timer on her phone. Once finished she doesn't give a fuck or even bothers to say good bye.  :dash:

Offline london_guy

i saw her last week and i echo everything you said. I have no idea how she got 2 positive reviews ! her fanny had a bad smell. I was put off. I will write a review soon.

Offline nudda

Thanks both. It took some courage to put the review up because peoples comments are savage but I wanted to make sure others know what they're getting themselves into. The glowing reviews make no sense to me - especially at those prices. 100 wasted but you live and learn. Back to Brazilians :)

Offline Iloveoral

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Thank you so much for putting up this review, I saw her last weekend and was contemplating how to write a negative review given the two glowing reviews previous to my punt....

It’s still not to late
Your review should be of your experience.
Whatever has been review previous should not effect what you write, reporting your experience especially if it differs from others is of more value to others, as it paints a better picture of the service provider consistency..
« Last Edit: February 06, 2024, 07:12:37 pm by Iloveoral »

Offline Steely Dan

Thanks both. It took some courage to put the review up because peoples comments are savage but I wanted to make sure others know what they're getting themselves into. The glowing reviews make no sense to me - especially at those prices. 100 wasted but you live and learn. Back to Brazilians :)
As ILO explained, those reviewers shared their experience, you shared yours. It is not like two of you are right and two are wrong - more like all 4 are right but different days.

And we have not had savage comments in some time, have we?  This experience shows how unhelpful savage comments are if they put off reviews - the life blood of this site.

But you did the right thing - thank you.  Please to all: post negative reviews promptly - we need to help each other.

Offline Often Visitor

The 2 positive reviews come from obviously 2 guys but what is a little strange is that between them they have 31 reviews and only 1 negative so I guess they have a different opinion of what a good punt should be like? Nothing wrong with that but obviously peoples tastes vary

Offline innocent_c

I doubt the first few reviews aren’t genuine, I think it more likely she is pretty new and has just gone for quantity, not quality and is possibly becoming jaded and less keen to make effort..

Time will tell but suspect she’ll disappear for a while soon..having made a bundle of cash..

Offline Froomey

The 2 positive reviews come from obviously 2 guys but what is a little strange is that between them they have 31 reviews and only 1 negative so I guess they have a different opinion of what a good punt should be like? Nothing wrong with that but obviously peoples tastes vary

I've been disappointed to see the slew of negatives this one has amassed in recent days; their consistency suggests a significant falling off in her service quality in the relatively short time since I saw her. I think when I reviewed I said that I would be favourably pre-disposed to returning at some point in the future, but I am strongly inclined now to shelve any thought of that at least until she restores confidence through some new positives.

That said, your comment re it being strange that there are 31 reviews with just 1 negative makes no sense to me. I choose very carefully the kind of experience I want when I punt, and with whom. The same goes for activity on SA which has been my main focus in recent years. As a result I very, very rarely have a disappointing outcome, so have no grounds for anything other than positives, all things being equal.

To break that down in relation to my meeting with Zoe, positives are that I got to have sex with a not unattractive, sexually competent woman young enough to be my granddaughter. On the other hand, negatives are that meeting involved a trek to a god-forsaken wasteland to the west of London to spend time in a bleakly bland corporate hotel. However, I knew both of them got be the cat from the outset, so having made that choice, could I reasonably have held it against her? Scoring would have been different if I had got here and encountered the hygiene issues others have mentioned, and that's the thing: you can only rate the experience you had against your own very subjective judgements. That's why multiple reviews ar e so helpful, they help to balance the subjectivities.

Offline pythago

Back to Brazilians :)

They all can be hit and miss, can't they?

In my experience, Brazilians often have a lot of extras I don't want to pay for. Often owo is extra and no real kissing.
This holds even more for ROMs, who I generally exclude from my standard search. I might miss the one or other gem, but try to avoid disappointment.
Thais, again, hit and miss.
So, probably no generalisation possible...

Offline simon07

She says “ If you want oral, you must be fresh and well groomed” in her profile  :lol:

Definitely a no from me as body odour and rank evil smelling pussy is a big turn off.

Offline pythago