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Author Topic: Losing The Fun  (Read 5318 times)

Offline Sonny Crockett

For me, punting was much, much better then...... Absolutely no worries or hassle then.

Ahhh..... The Good Old Days!!!!


  • Guest
For me, punting was much, much better then...... Absolutely no worries or hassle then.

Ahhh..... The Good Old Days!!!!

I think punting is best when the economy is strong. I started around 2004 and the first 4 years were fantastic, after the early newbie disasters when I had no clue what I was doing, every punt I had was fantastic. And all with young english girls who were gorgeous.

Then the economy crashed and without doubt punting became less fun. I suspect punters had less money so bookings dropped and for the english hookers who didn't work advertise every day, maybe the reduction in bookings made it too hard work plus the influx of Eastern Europeans drove them out, which over the last five or six years as resulted in most of what is left of the english hookers being those who are desperate for cash and it seems in the main overweight and unable to manage a diary.

I also think the advent of a lot of these sugar babe/sugar daddy sites has made punting harder as hookers now see a way to make money by giving out less sex. Too many naive blokes will actually give a girl 500 quid on the promise of sex rather than ensuring the fuck her first....some don't even meet them!

Fortunately I've a few girls in civvie life I can fuck to empty my load but it's not the same, punting was the holy grail for me as I liked the variety and the thrill of going to hotel or some dodgy estate not quite knowing what was going to happen but then having mind blowing sex with a good looking girl made me feel like the risk was worth it. It was a massive buzz. But it's no longer the case now.

Offline GreyDave

The early days were good.   :)  Nothing really substantial to judge one escort against another.  I  saw an eclectic mix from my first Thai lady, then a mature, then a  leggy blonde, then a submissive, then a dom, there was no regular go to escort to become fixated by.  As you rightly say it is simple.  However, like all things in life it can be made over complicated and therefore less fun.   :(  I had a bloody enjoyable time as I wouldn't normally get to f**k the wide range of ladies in my normal life.  I however still like contributing, especially recommending escorts that I have visited  :thumbsup: or  :thumbsdown: and this forum can be fun.

Excellent way of putting it , there is nothing more exciting to me than climbing a walk up stairs and to see a fresh diffrent girl   :yahoo: :yahoo: ....thing is stairs seem to be steeper my shots are becoming rarer even the help is seeming to start to limit the cum shots to longer and longer refils :cry: I have just wasted an hour searching aw for a Big titter within 10 miles of my next job NOWT
that's when you start to think of eating a pizza rather than pussy :drinks:


  • Guest
Just saw this post, and felt I had to add a comment.

Maybe I've been unlucky, but in the last year most punts I've had have been pretty bad. I've been punting on and off since 2004 and until recently have had mostly good experiences (with some outstanding ones too!) As others have said, there was huge excitement in making a booking, then turning up, not quite knowing what you were going to find, then having mind blowing sex.

But every recent punt I've had with someone I haven't seen before, has been a let down. Despite having apparently good AW feedback etc, the girl just doesnt seem that into it.

I know there are great girls still out there but they seem to be getting less and less.

I've also got to the point where a lot of the time I just cant be bothered. 

Offline Sonny Crockett

Punting is a great and fun hobby if you have absolutely no mental baggage when approaching it.

Offline Jimmyredcab

I've also got to the point where a lot of the time I just cant be bothered.

Well, judging by this thread you are not alone.    :hi:


  • Guest
Just saw this post, and felt I had to add a comment.

Maybe I've been unlucky, but in the last year most punts I've had have been pretty bad. I've been punting on and off since 2004 and until recently have had mostly good experiences (with some outstanding ones too!) As others have said, there was huge excitement in making a booking, then turning up, not quite knowing what you were going to find, then having mind blowing sex.

But every recent punt I've had with someone I haven't seen before, has been a let down. Despite having apparently good AW feedback etc, the girl just doesnt seem that into it.

I know there are great girls still out there but they seem to be getting less and less.

I've also got to the point where a lot of the time I just cant be bothered.

This is spot on and seems to be the norm rather than the exception.

Offline Marmalade

I know there are great girls still out there but they seem to be getting less and less.

Indeed. I find the whole thread an unfortunate but true comment on the low standard of service which most prossies offer.

Offline threechilliman

Losing the fun? I lost the fuckin plot today with it. Spent most of the day trying to book someone in Manchester for Friday with no luck at all. Then a booking for next week cancelled on me. Great fun!
 :dash: :dash: :dash: :dash: :dash: :dash: :dash: :dash: :dash: :dash: :dash: :dash: :dash: :dash: :dash:

Why fuckin bother?


Offline Jimmyredcab

Indeed. I find the whole thread an unfortunate but true comment on the low standard of service which most prossies offer.

I can't think of another business where such bad service would be tolerated, can you imagine spending £120 in a restaurant and being treated like a lump of shit.    :unknown:


  • Guest
Well, there's most services provided by local authorities, budget airlines, public transport, plenty restaurants, banks, broadband providers....

Offline Jimmyredcab

Well, there's most services provided by local authorities, budget airlines, public transport, plenty restaurants, banks, broadband providers....

I totally disagree -------------- a restaurant that gives shit service would not last long.    :hi:

Offline Sonny Crockett

Losing the fun? I lost the fuckin plot today with it. Spent most of the day trying to book someone in Manchester for Friday with no luck at all. Then a booking for next week cancelled on me. Great fun!
 :dash: :dash: :dash: :dash: :dash: :dash: :dash: :dash: :dash: :dash: :dash: :dash: :dash: :dash: :dash:

Why fuckin bother?


Sorry to hear about that. One of the pitfalls that takes the fun away from punting!!!

Offline Sonny Crockett

Just saw this post, and felt I had to add a comment.

Maybe I've been unlucky, but in the last year most punts I've had have been pretty bad. I've been punting on and off since 2004 and until recently have had mostly good experiences (with some outstanding ones too!) As others have said, there was huge excitement in making a booking, then turning up, not quite knowing what you were going to find, then having mind blowing sex.

But every recent punt I've had with someone I haven't seen before, has been a let down. Despite having apparently good AW feedback etc, the girl just doesnt seem that into it.

I know there are great girls still out there but they seem to be getting less and less.

I've also got to the point where a lot of the time I just cant be bothered.

Same as me. From last summer until early October last year, I had a pretty poor time of it punting wise, caused by being messed around, having my time wasted and poor punts. There was a brief period from late June until end of July last year where I felt no mood in punting (though I did do a punt in July which was a disaster). Then there was a brief upshot in enthusiasm within me in August where I had two decent punts.

However thanks to being fucked about by a popular WG over several weeks, and having a couple of punts where my mind wasn't on it (my final punt of 2015 was with a regular of mine where she was good as always but I was mentally empty), my enthusiasm for punting died in October 2015.

I did punt a few weeks ago, which was OK but nothing special.

It is really a waste of time arranging and planning a punt when the lady at the end just fucks you about, or if you do see her, gives an absolutely shit service.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2016, 12:15:37 am by Sonny Crockett »


  • Guest
Very little of any real interest on AW anymore.  Still worth a casual look..just in the off chance, a decent looking, sane local bird found herself there by accident.  :unknown

Offline Placebo88

    The law of diminishing returns sums up my experiences.To begin with I got a huge buzz out of the whole process ; excitedly looking through all the profiles , nervous anticipation before a booking , a thrill about the whole thing . The novelty factor and adrenaline rush that came from the unknown has now worn off , and without these factors it became a borderline mundane hobby with all bookings seeming pretty well the same and failing to get close to what I hoped for.It is not a case of my booking poor escorts or being messed around , but there is only so much a booking can offer me and after a certain number they began to blur into one uneventful mass and  punting was more of an overpriced and unrewarding habit than what it should be.
     A lot of punters describe themselves as on and off punters and breaks have helped me before , but I do not know of a way to fully recapture the feelings associated with the first handful of bookings.
     I know there are plenty of punters about who have been doing it for donkeys year but I get the impression that for most their career as a punter has a relatively limited timescale , and only certain types can continue it on a regular basis as an enjoyable hobby.
   With many hobbies they improve as you progress with them and develop your skills and understanding and even have a sense of achievement. I have found the opposite with punting ; it is a great buzz in the short term but with repetition and routine loses its thrill and the money involved starts to seem ludicrous for the limited pleasure it brings.Of course , it is a capitalist society and the prices are determined by market values so it is up to each punter if they think it is worth it.
  This thread does give the impression that the phrase ' Once a punter always a punter ' is often not the case.

Offline threechilliman

    The law of diminishing returns sums up my experiences.To begin with I got a huge buzz out of the whole process ; excitedly looking through all the profiles , nervous anticipation before a booking , a thrill about the whole thing . The novelty factor and adrenaline rush that came from the unknown has now worn off , and without these factors it became a borderline mundane hobby with all bookings seeming pretty well the same and failing to get close to what I hoped for.It is not a case of my booking poor escorts or being messed around , but there is only so much a booking can offer me and after a certain number they began to blur into one uneventful mass and  punting was more of an overpriced and unrewarding habit than what it should be.
     A lot of punters describe themselves as on and off punters and breaks have helped me before , but I do not know of a way to fully recapture the feelings associated with the first handful of bookings.
     I know there are plenty of punters about who have been doing it for donkeys year but I get the impression that for most their career as a punter has a relatively limited timescale , and only certain types can continue it on a regular basis as an enjoyable hobby.
   With many hobbies they improve as you progress with them and develop your skills and understanding and even have a sense of achievement. I have found the opposite with punting ; it is a great buzz in the short term but with repetition and routine loses its thrill and the money involved starts to seem ludicrous for the limited pleasure it brings.Of course , it is a capitalist society and the prices are determined by market values so it is up to each punter if they think it is worth it.
  This thread does give the impression that the phrase ' Once a punter always a punter ' is often not the case.

I recognise a lot in what you say which is why I'm punting less frequently and considering a break. Parlour punting is the one that bores me - a basic fuck and that's it. You come out thinking 'Why did I do that?'


Offline Sonny Crockett

    The law of diminishing returns sums up my experiences.To begin with I got a huge buzz out of the whole process ; excitedly looking through all the profiles , nervous anticipation before a booking , a thrill about the whole thing . The novelty factor and adrenaline rush that came from the unknown has now worn off , and without these factors it became a borderline mundane hobby with all bookings seeming pretty well the same and failing to get close to what I hoped for.It is not a case of my booking poor escorts or being messed around , but there is only so much a booking can offer me and after a certain number they began to blur into one uneventful mass and  punting was more of an overpriced and unrewarding habit than what it should be.
     A lot of punters describe themselves as on and off punters and breaks have helped me before , but I do not know of a way to fully recapture the feelings associated with the first handful of bookings.
     I know there are plenty of punters about who have been doing it for donkeys year but I get the impression that for most their career as a punter has a relatively limited timescale , and only certain types can continue it on a regular basis as an enjoyable hobby.
   With many hobbies they improve as you progress with them and develop your skills and understanding and even have a sense of achievement. I have found the opposite with punting ; it is a great buzz in the short term but with repetition and routine loses its thrill and the money involved starts to seem ludicrous for the limited pleasure it brings.Of course , it is a capitalist society and the prices are determined by market values so it is up to each punter if they think it is worth it.
  This thread does give the impression that the phrase ' Once a punter always a punter ' is often not the case.

I feel the same way these days as well. Punting just doesn't have the same buzz for me like it used to.

Offline Sonny Crockett

I tend to book in advance so it goes a bit like this:

Wave of enthusiasm, check the hotlist, pick one, open comms, get it booked in, a bit of a high.

Then, a slump and feeling of apathy, and it feels like a forthcoming chore.

And then, the morning of the punt, another high, excitement going to the location.

The punt itself, well they vary. Some high, some low, many in the middle.

Then a period of apathy again, other interests, not bothered. Until, the wave of enthusiasm hits again.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

Pretty much how it normally went for me. However the high on the day of the punt is quickly brought crashing right back down to earth when you are cancelled on the day of the booking. Or whenever you have a punt where you have a particular service in mind, the lady flakes out on you with bullshit on the day of the booking.

Offline threechilliman

I actually wonder whether some of it is to do with reviews. You go to see a well reviewed girl who offers a great service and you have a great time and come away thinking 'Yeah, she was as good as everyone said'. No surprises, safe punting etc. I saw a girl last week who is as yet unreviewed on here, couldn't find anything out about her and had just an AW profile for guidance. Took a chance and was actually quite nervous on arrival, prepared myself to walk and expected a shit punt even if she was a looker. Surprisingly, it was actually very good. Nice pretty girl, great figure with small but perfect tits - I couldn't leave them alone and tits don't normally do it for me. Delivered what I wanted in a very sensual way. The element of surprise can work wonders for a punt.


Offline shagbambi

I can understand the viewpoint of diminishing returns and burn out.

Speaking for myself I have slowed down hugely.  I have a regular that consistently hits the right notes and each session is very good.  I try mix things up particularly with part timers who are not jaded, but as has been said before the quality of girls on AW is not what it used to be so this might be part of the reason for my lack of enthusiasm.  As I have become older and more experienced my patience has diminished with time wasting/ lack of enthusiasm/poor comms.  I sometimes think  I sound like I am on "Grumpy old men".

Offline Jimmyredcab

Very little of any real interest on AW anymore. Still worth a casual look.

I confess I still check most days, but I don't know why I bother ----------- full of Romanian skanks and headless photos.  :bomb: