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Author Topic: in the South West  (Read 80495 times)

Offline Cunning Punt

However sharing info is a core benefit and requirement of membership here so the question is how can we best do that? No names or identifying info and perhaps by PM to those who are genuinely interested. Other ideas??

I agree it's best not to put too many details on an open thread for various reasons. As stated, doing this is more likely to incriminate yourself than on a review of a WG who sees many clients a day and is less likely to work out who you are or care about what is written.

Most SBs are ordinary girls so they deserve a bit more privacy/consideration than WGs who should be reviewed like any other professional service provider. Also, they can't fake it so easily if there's no chemistry, so there is a higher chance that different guys' experience may vary than WGs who should be able to maintain a high service - that's their job.

Agreed it's all about sharing info but suggest guys wait till they're finished with a SB. No point just posting generally otherwise an OP will be inundated and the girl may not be for them and in the wrong location, so wasting OP and members' time.

Suggest just post something like "seen [profile name, location, link] - pm me for more info". 

Offline Prifessionallondinguy

I would suggest caution on doing a review on here of someone on SA. Firstly not sure whether its allowed under UKP rules as she is not a WG or SP as such and secondly she and maybe SA could ban you if they ever found out. Don't know whether there is a ladies "beware of" list on SA but if so, you could find yourself on it.

Also a thought - in the last week i have had 2 ladies both new on SA (less than one week) tell me they are leaving as SA as its not the site they thought it was. I asked why and they said they its because have been treated very much as a WG by many guys on there and they are definitely not WG's! If you do a formal reviewe on here, you will be treating her like that. We need to do whatever we can to make sure SA does not become a second AW as some/many of the genuine ladies on there will leave.

However sharing info is a core benefit and requirement of membership here so the question is how can we best do that? No names or identifying info and perhaps by PM to those who are genuinely interested. Other ideas??
Yes Pm is best  :thumbsup:

Offline southcoastpunter

On SA, I look for ladies in the age range 21-35 and it struck me today when looking at messages that i have a greater positive response (or some response rather than no response) from the 21-26 age group than i do from 27+. As my profile shows i am 55*, i would have thought that the younger ladies would be less interested but it seems to be the reverse!

As previuosly mentioned, I look in 2 Uni towns so more students on SA (and in that age range) and in need of financial assistance. Maybe that explains it?

Do other guys find the same?

(*WG age lol)

Offline Cunning Punt

On SA, I look for ladies in the age range 21-35 and it struck me today when looking at messages that i have a greater positive response (or some response rather than no response) from the 21-26 age group than i do from 27+. As my profile shows i am 55*, i would have thought that the younger ladies would be less interested but it seems to be the reverse!

As previuosly mentioned, I look in 2 Uni towns so more students on SA (and in that age range) and in need of financial assistance. Maybe that explains it?

Do other guys find the same?

(*WG age lol)

The age demographic is a key factor as you suggest and, from hundreds of hours of searching on SA, my guess is that there are not as many girls aged 27-36 as there are in younger age ranges. Financial incentive will certainly mean a SB is more keen to get into contact.
However, there is probably a higher chance of a real connection with girls around 30+ who are more mature and have greater life experience.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2021, 10:40:47 pm by Cunning Punt »

Offline Hantsolo

External Link/Members Only

Christchurch, only really available daytimes during the week and "charges £100 per hour".....

Offline NightKid

Hi all, quick question. I'm thinking of relocating to Gloucester in the summer and one of my considerations is how active the Seeking scene would be there or in surrounding towns/cities at least since I can drive

Obviously it may be a step down from London where we'd have more choice due to population differences, but are there enough girls in nearby unis to make it viable?

Offline southcoastpunter

Hi Nightkid - i assume you have never joined SA before otherwise you would know that you can easily change your search criteria to look at Gloucester or anywhere else! Have you done your research on what SA actually is, what its good for and what its not good for, what it costs etc. Its not a direct replacement for AW.

Gloucester is of course near  Cheltenham and not too far from Bristol so I would think it has a reasonable "catchment area" but have neither punted there or used SA in that area. Perhaps other more local to that area can add some further information.

If I am right that you have not used SA before, you can sign up for free and do searches to see what is in Gloucester - it just that you can not message any lady or read any message that a lady has sent to you without paying the subscription - which is not cheap, now about £90 for a month.

Offline NightKid

Hi Nightkid - i assume you have never joined SA before otherwise you would know that you can easily change your search criteria to look at Gloucester or anywhere else! Have you done your research on what SA actually is, what its good for and what its not good for, what it costs etc. Its not a direct replacement for AW.

Gloucester is of course near  Cheltenham and not too far from Bristol so I would think it has a reasonable "catchment area" but have neither punted there or used SA in that area. Perhaps other more local to that area can add some further information.

If I am right that you have not used SA before, you can sign up for free and do searches to see what is in Gloucester - it just that you can not message any lady or read any message that a lady has sent to you without paying the subscription - which is not cheap, now about £90 for a month.

Lol, look at my post history dude I'm an SA veteran - I started the Seeking London thread, as a matter of fact

Anyway, if it helps narrow the question down further, how happy are y'all with the frequency of arrangements or offers you've been getting?

Offline Deku69

Has any one seen these girls, are they genuine?

External Link/Members Only

External Link/Members Only

External Link/Members Only

Offline southcoastpunter

I can confirm that BournemouthLass and ItsRonny are both genuine ladies.

Can't comment on PropositionsOfPoison - no knowledge of her.

Offline Jake_sully

I met with Proposition of Poison, would advise caution. Feel free to message if you’d like more info.

Offline Prifessionallondinguy

Sorry I’ve deleted my SA account now the sub has ended.. so no link.

Has anyone met or messaged an Asian British lady Sucy residing in Plymouth?
I’m looking at meeting in adiscrete hotel or self serviced apartment on Friday.
Has accepted £150 to begin with.  looks very attractive.

I’m London based usually so discussed arranging a train and meeting in London regularly if it all works out at a later date!
« Last Edit: April 07, 2021, 11:49:29 am by Prifessionallondinguy »

Offline londonroad

Sorry I’ve deleted my SA account now the sub has ended.. so no link.

Has anyone met or messaged an Asian British lady Sucy residing in Plymouth?
I’m looking at meeting in adiscrete hotel or self serviced apartment on Friday.
Has accepted £150 to begin with.  looks very attractive.

I’m London based usually so discussed arranging a train and meeting in London regularly if it all works out at a later date!

Did you know you can still keep your profile even when your sub runs out? You can not read or send messages until you pay again. Keeping a profile live also means you get discount offers from time to time.

Offline southcoastpunter

and you can still do searches to see who is around. However, strangely, you seem to get more messages (which you can't read) from ladies than you did before when you had a "live" membership - probably SA fake accounts trying to encourage you to re-subscribe!

Offline Prifessionallondinguy

Yes that’s why I deleted... too many Bots 🤖 :D
I’ll start again after restrictions are lifted fully. I’ll feedback if I meet on Friday. Booking a place is a pain although apartments seem easier as they’re self-contained

Online sambrown

Which is better SA or SB and which would you say you find more genuine girls to build a connection/compatibility with. I've looked at SB but not SA and slightly put off with fees just to read messages rather than a monthly contract

Offline mgkerx

Always interested in intel re SB's in Bath and Bristol and happy to share,will rejoin SA next Month when Hotels etc start to open up

Offline southcoastpunter

Which is better SA or SB and which would you say you find more genuine girls to build a connection/compatibility with. I've looked at SB but not SA and slightly put off with fees just to read messages rather than a monthly contract

Sam - i have no experience with SB but can talk about SA having been on it for just over a year now. I have had a great time on SA having now fucked about 22 or 23 different ladies from SA. However i would say that i have the necessary criteria to be successful (particularly during the year we have had:
- single
-able to put in a fair amount to time to corresponce with ladies, to build rapport but also get identify and get rid of the scammer, pic sellers, online only  ladies etc (SA is timing consuming)
- can accommodate
- not JUST looking for sex but (as you say) to build a connection with
- happy to wine and dine them
- like them as people and enjoy spending time with them - good conversation and good company etc
- have a reasonable budget (SA is not cheap). I think i have spent a fair bit in my 15 months but hey ho, you can't take it with you when its your time to depart this world.

If you can meet the above then - yes you can be successful. I am sure there are also a few guys who will say that they are just looking for sex meets and they have done alright. Yes there are a few ladies on SA who are just selling sex but in my experience not many.

Finally, have a good think about things. Your comment about being slightly put off by fees etc does not bode well. If you are that concerned about investing/risking about £90 for a months membership, then SA may not be for you. After a few months on SA, £90 is nothing to what you probably will have spent - but hopefully had a great time!

Offline Prifessionallondinguy

I agree with SCP... you need to invest both time and money.  I don’t do one-night stands so have invested a fair bit of both to keep in contact so regular meets are possible. I know others are happy to fuck someone and then move on to another and SA can help you find specific ages, nationalities easily.
Here’s a breakdown of costs.
I’m single and travel between Devon and London very regularly so stay in hotels anyway. 
I have a current South Korean friend who I’ve seen for about 2 years with a break of course due to Covid.  Just about to start up again this month.  To be honest she’s only 5 years younger but does look young and I think she’s amazing.
Costs are about £400 per meet but as she’s a mature student it goes straight to her studies.  I did request this on SA as I wanted an Asian student type. Generally costs per meet are about another £600 with hotel, travel and going out in London.  I didn’t drink, smoke, gamble etc..  so this is my main vice.
A few gifts clothes, makeup, vouchers as a normal BF would normally do dues go a long way too.
Alongside her I try to see another ppm as I’ve 2 Asian friends both students who I see now and again
....  nothing as good as my regular... one is Chinese and the other Malaysian.... both are happy to meet whenever.
I think alongside the odd Asian escort I’m quite satisfied but sex with my regular is so much more satisfying as if you can afford to support them the gratitude returned is immense.

It took me 2 years of dead ends ... hitting a brick wall.... Bots 🤖.... and almost quitting before I got very lucky. So many scammers and a few no shows later I finally found what I was looking for.
I think keep persisting if you can.  I’m lucky as I work in London so travel costs and some accommodation costs can be covered but it does still cost me more than seeing an escort one a week for a month.
I had an old UKP account that unfortunately connotations be linked  “Bristolqwerty” with over +40 reviews but find SA more satisfying.
Good luck  :hi:

« Last Edit: April 08, 2021, 04:10:03 pm by Prifessionallondinguy »

Offline Cunning Punt

Costs are about £400 per meet but as she’s a mature student it goes straight to her studies.  I did request this on SA as I wanted an Asian student type. Generally costs per meet are about another £600 with hotel, travel and going out in London. 

A few gifts clothes, makeup, vouchers as a normal BF would normally do dues go a long way too.
It took me 2 years of dead ends ... hitting a brick wall.... Bots 🤖.... and almost quitting before I got very lucky. So many scammers and a few no shows later I finally found what I was looking for.

There aren't many Asian girls on SA so if that was what you were looking for then I can understand it took a long time to find a decent one and why you pay over the odds.

However, I think that as the above may give the wrong impression about SA and unnecessarily put the OP off, it's worth pointing out your experience is not the norm. It doesn't take as long 2 years to find an arrangement on SA, you don't have to spend as much as 400ppm, or anywhere near as much as 600 on a night out, or to buy any gifts for a SB.

It took me 2 months to get to grips with SA and land my 1st arrangement but some guys pick it up in a week, particularly as there is now so much good advice on the open UK and London Seeking threads. 200ppm + charm + effort should get you a fair amount of success and booking a reasonable 3-star hotel with a meal and a few drinks is usually sufficient.

Offline Prifessionallondinguy

With SA you’re basically getting a GF with none of the hassles or some ppm one-night stands.
I’m only ever usually London based when meeting ..... that’s why it’s a tad more expensive.  Plus I’m helping her through university not just fucking her when we meet. She’d be an escort otherwise. It’s usually overnight or 2 nights so I’d not bad vfm considering an escort could charge £1000.

The Asian lass I’m meeting in Plymouth however is about £150 and she’s delighted with that. Maybe that’s a Plymouth price!  :D

The point I was making is that SA is supposed to be different from AW although from reading 80% of posts you wouldn’t think so... of course there’s plenty of cheap fucks on both sites but if the OP is looking for something different, more fulfilling, then throwing a lass a few notes for a fuck isn’t going to work.
She’ll fuck others to make up the money elsewhere plus where’s the connection? Isn’t that what escorts do... ? Then why not stick to escorts!
Gifts don’t have to be expensive just thoughtful.... plus who doesn’t buy a GF a gift now and again.. FFS!  :D

Hey I’m applauding all the guys who score on SA but realistically you have to aware it will cost. I’m hoping to persuade the OP not put him off... but adding some realism....  :hi:

There’s a current thread on the London SA section where the lady won’t budge from £300 neither will the guy up his £200... that’ll end well.... sounds like a great, loving and respectful relationship from the off...  :D
« Last Edit: April 08, 2021, 11:37:45 pm by Prifessionallondinguy »

Offline NightKid

There’s a current thread on the London SA section where the lady won’t budge from £300 neither will the guy up his £200... that’ll end well.... sounds like a great, loving and respectful relationship from the off...  :D

Nowt wrong with not carrying on if the financial expectations doesn't match. In fact I wouldn't recommend it tbh cause it could be a sign the girl is more interested in money considering she'd continued to speak to the bloke in question for almost a year

As for the rest of your post, no offence but that's more or less what a fluffy would say - it's like the age old argument of the correlation between price and service levels with hookers, which as we know has nothing to do with each other by and large
« Last Edit: April 09, 2021, 12:23:54 am by NightKid »

Offline Cunning Punt

Sure, it's about more of a connection on SA but they're sugarbabies, not girlfriends - that's the point.

Price negotiation is pretty standard. My advice to newbies is to work out your budget, stick to it and be prepared to walk away.

If girls are not budging or are being overly reluctant about doing so, then of course it's not a recipe for the start of a good relationship - which is why it's best to wish them well and move on. Done this with countless girls on SA.

Most SBs start at a high price and are willing to come down - and are still happy with what's offered

Offline southcoastpunter

As for the rest of your post, no offence but that's more or less what a fluffy would say -

That comment (although not aimed at me) really gets my goat! - why is someone "fluffy" because they want something different to what you want or see things slightly different to you. It seems to me those guys that throw the term "fluffy" around are guys that just want to get sex as quick as possible and as cheap as possible and then leave them! in my view AW is the place to go for that rather than SA.

I have been with 22 different ladies from SA in 15 months so I have done my share of "moving on" - mainly because whilst the lady was attractive and the sex was good, we didn't "click" enough outside of the bedroom. So again it comes down to what you want from an SA lady. But whatever it is that one persons wants or values, its not "fluffy" - just different to you.

Sure, it's about more of a connection on SA but they're sugarbabies, not girlfriends - that's the point.

Price negotiation is pretty standard. My advice to newbies is to work out your budget, stick to it and be prepared to walk away.

If girls are not budging or are being overly reluctant about doing so, then of course it's not a recipe for the start of a good relationship - which is why it's best to wish them well and move on. Done this with countless girls on SA.

Most SBs start at a high price and are willing to come down - and are still happy with what's offered

mainly agree with this. I never negotiate - that just makes it "transactional". I either agree to their financial expectations to not and move on.  mind you, if you have done the preparation correctly and chosen the right type of lady, its easy. Any lady that appears to me to be focused on money is not one I am interested in! (yes of course financial assistance to them is part of it, but for me and the ladies I choose, its only PART of an overall relationship and benefits)

(ps- i'll get off my soap box now!!)
« Last Edit: April 09, 2021, 09:57:08 am by southcoastpunter »

Offline NightKid

That comment (although not aimed at me) really gets my goat! - why is someone "fluffy" because they want something different to what you want or see things slightly different to you. It seems to me those guys that throw the term "fluffy" around are guys that just want to get sex as quick as possible and as cheap as possible and then leave them! in my view AW is the place to go for that rather than SA.

I have been with 22 different ladies from SA in 15 months so I have done my share of "moving on" - mainly because whilst the lady was attractive and the sex was good, we didn't "click" enough outside of the bedroom. So again it comes down to what you want from an SA lady. But whatever it is that one persons wants or values, its not "fluffy" - just different to you.

I didn't say it was fluffy for wanting something different, I said it was fluffy for him to ramble about all sorts of needless excuses to try and justify whatever it is he's trying to justify.

If you actually read his post he's already contradicted himself when he mentions the lass in Plymouth who was happy to accept £150, so try that first next time before you go off on a tangent and yes do get off your soapbox  :rolleyes:

Offline Prifessionallondinguy

I aint no fluffy NK  :D but I don’t take offence either  :lol:
I pay her to study and live relatively stress free as this brings me multiple benefits.. who knows could be long term! ... whereas a random fuck here in Plymouth,  I’m unlikely to see again, could be just about anyone... I think that’s the only point I made...  you may need to invest... not too sure what your on about!

Anyway I’m not into arguing.  What’s good is that SA AW works for so many of us on many levels.... let’s just all enjoy fucking and sometimes romancing our chosen beaus... :cool: be cool.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2021, 12:03:35 pm by Prifessionallondinguy »

Offline PLeisure

Etix6 - joined this week. Favourited me this morning, profile indicating that she's from Spain. I ask her some basic questions in Spanish. She responds in a perfunctory manner. Then changes her profile to say that she now has Swedish roots  :sarcastic:

Fill yer boots, chaps: External Link/Members Only

Offline NightKid

I aint no fluffy NK  :D but I don’t take offence either  :lol:
I pay her to study and live relatively stress free as this brings me multiple benefits.. who knows could be long term! ... whereas a random fuck here in Plymouth,  I’m unlikely to see again, could be just about anyone... I think that’s the only point I made...  you may need to invest... not too sure what your on about!

Anyway I’m not into arguing.  What’s good is that SA AW works for so many of us on many levels.... let’s just all enjoy fucking and sometimes romancing our chosen beaus... :cool: be cool.

And that's the contradiction there, because you could've invested in the Plymouth girl for less and potentially reap the same rewards too, which is the point both CP and I were making.

But hey, you're right about one thing ... no point arguing over it now as you've already made your bed, so good luck and we can only hope that the 'romance' doesn't end in tears later :hi:
« Last Edit: April 11, 2021, 10:44:07 pm by NightKid »

Offline Cunning Punt

if you have done the preparation correctly and chosen the right type of lady, its easy. Any lady that appears to me to be focused on money is not one I am interested in! (yes of course financial assistance to them is part of it, but for me and the ladies I choose, its only PART of an overall relationship and benefits)

Preparation and choice is key but it does take some time to work out SA and one's own MO when new. I've been doing it some time, think I have a bit nous and success on SA, and I certainly find it much easier but not easy.

I agree that filtering out the girls who seem overly preoccupied about money, rather than fun and a connection etc, is a good start.

Offline Cunning Punt

I think that’s the only point I made...  you may need to invest...

Point is, one doesn't need to invest anywhere near 1k a meet in total (or even 400ppm), or give a SB gifts on top, and they're not girlfriends - which a newbie may have wrongly inferred from what you first posted when you were responding to the request for advice from someone who doesn't really know much about SA.

As you've since clarified, you've had meets for 150ppm which is more like the norm - and will reassure newbies who may think they have to pay large sums.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2021, 11:00:25 pm by Cunning Punt »

Offline Prifessionallondinguy

I agree... I only invest for the one I like. £400 is always overnight or a weekend in London with a lady I actually fancy/like and get on with immensely.  I got VERY lucky.

The Plymouth Asian chick quoted me 1 hour for my £150 offer.... I declined....  :D

Thanks NK I’ll invite you to the wedding ...  :D :lol:
« Last Edit: April 12, 2021, 10:07:57 am by Prifessionallondinguy »

Offline slippyin

After my "Dire Dorset" post last month thought I'd pay a little more attention to SA and this has been my experience so far.

Started with a cost/spend analysis of my punting over the last couple of years (which I had never done before) to try and assign a budget to SA and surprised myself to find that I'm spending an average of £****'s a year.  This was factoring average punts/spend with regulars and newbies (one punt a week and most of my bookings are two hours), 3 or 4 overnights and usually one weekend away a year. Most of this going to my regulars or favourites.

With this in mind reactivated my  SA account and after sorting the wheat from the chaff, have shortlisted four ladies. have had social meets with all and two intimate ones. Their expectations financially are completely different across all four. Only is a very attractive milf who just wants to wined/dined, social and gifts a sort of FWB arrangement. Two are students, one who is happy to receive £50 to £150 depending on meets possibly leading to an allowance and the other wants a set allowance starting at £150 per month with gifts/shopping/top up and social covered. The last is a mid twenties single mom who is happy to accept what financial assistance I want to provide. So started her off at on a similar sliding scale as the first student. The arrangements are all 2 to 3 meets minimum a month with intimacy included and no real minimum time frame on meets. One is a bit vanilla, two are a little kinky (which i will help them with  :yahoo:) and one is pure utter filth :wacko: that puts most of the ladies on AW to shame.

I'm planning on choosing two to have ongoing arrangements after a few more meets and even at the top end of projected spend with trips away, accommodation, social spend tops out at about £3000 less than I was spending on WG's. Which means i get my end away more, better experience hopefully and less spend. Also £££ to spend on fantasy fucks on AW or ladies like Woofie when I'm on my travels or same day urges. I will probably have to keep my eye on SA for backups/replacements etc

Positives - Cost! Hopefully VFM for experience over time will be better. Apart from one who is a bit plain the attractiveness imo is higher than AW. I have actually really enjoyed the hunt and buzz which seemed to be missing from my AW meets even when I was TOFTing.

Negatives - It is time consuming from the online chats, to keeping them entertained when we move platforms and so on. Since I cannot accommodate most of the time cost of venue and logistics is a pain. Having to deal with the scammers, timewasters, ghosters and straight ppm ladies. Strangely out of the straight to ppm girls none of them had AW accounts.

On a side note, completely changed my profile this time around. More photos, a very in depth profile (possibly a little brutal but seemed to have less scammers this time around) stating exactly what I did not want and and a hook line to get them to message me. Came at it from passive approach with the ladies messaging me first and I've not initiated first contact.

Maybe I've been lucky this time around but I think the change in profile has helped and also been more forthright about my expectations and less  tolerant for the timewasters.

Hopefully with my FWB that I have picked up from another dating site should everything work out this could be a very good year.   :D
« Last Edit: April 12, 2021, 12:05:21 pm by slippyin »

Offline bluejockey

I have just rejoined SA.

My thoughts are that lockdown is almost over and life must get easier and more fun....

had good success with SA when I was living near will be interested to see what the south west brings...

Offline Prifessionallondinguy

External Link/Members Only
Here’s the Asian student I was thinking of meeting.
£150 maybe 1 or 2 hours.....  didn’t fancy an escort type P&D but might see in London as an overnight is more my thing on SA.  Also a bit wary of 💩ing on my own doorstep. 
« Last Edit: April 14, 2021, 02:35:45 pm by Prifessionallondinguy »

Offline Prifessionallondinguy

I have just rejoined SA.

My thoughts are that lockdown is almost over and life must get easier and more fun....

had good success with SA when I was living near will be interested to see what the south west brings...

Yes... just searching for my demographic in both the SW and London and loads more have joined it seems. Hopefully 🙏 we’ll all have some luck. 

Offline southcoastpunter

what do you mean by "luck"?

did you see in her profile "Financial arrangements only and no intimate arrangements. Looking for someone with class and privacy." and she hasn't logged into Sa for 2 weeks or so.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2021, 09:33:51 pm by southcoastpunter »

Offline Cunning Punt

External Link/Members Only

Anyone had any luck with her?

Try reading profiles rather than just looking at the photos, and certainly before posting requesting help. There are not exactly many words on there.  :rolleyes:

what do you mean by "luck"?

did you see in her profile "Financial arrangements only and no intimate arrangements. Looking for someone with class and privacy." and she hasn't logged into Sa for 2 weeks or so.

Indeed. Very short profile and what there is on there talks about money, privacy and no intimate arrangements. So basically she's a self-entitled, arrogant bitch who expects a guy to pay her lots of cash just for the privilege of her very dull company, with no sex and probably not even meeting.  :thumbsdown:

Not logged on for 2 weeks because unsurprisingly she's getting no offers for a platonic arrangement and given up. Rather typical of most of the deluded girls on the site at the moment.  :angry:

« Last Edit: June 23, 2021, 10:03:36 pm by Cunning Punt »

Offline Pussi

Looks a little high maintenance but you got to remember women don't know what they want. Follow their actions not words

IMO I would pass her but take a punt and message her if you like. I've met SBs who've said no intimate arrangements and on our first/second meet we were fucking like dogs back at the hotel. A lot of these women are subs so they love it when you shoot your DNA up them, facial, tie and tease etc.
There is a small slice of chemistry involved and yes being normal, dressing well and keeping fit/healthy does play a part as with age. At the end of the day it's just a money/time transaction.

Offline southcoastpunter

just a heads up guys - be careful of a lady with a SA profile name of Desirekels from Bournemouth -  agrees to meet but then wants "help" with college fee before you meet. I refused and got blocked by her!

so just a scammer!

Offline joninbristol

just a heads up guys - be careful of a lady with a SA profile name of Desirekels from Bournemouth -  agrees to meet but then wants "help" with college fee before you meet. I refused and got blocked by her!

so just a scammer!

You're a gentleman, thank you for the information.  :hi:

Offline Prifessionallondinguy

I’d imagine it’s a great time to snag a student looking for quick holiday cash.

« Last Edit: July 02, 2021, 04:14:54 pm by Prifessionallondinguy »

Offline southcoastpunter

I’d imagine it’s a great time to snag a student looking for quick holiday cash.

not so sure about that - in the uni towns, many have gone/going home for summer!

Offline dpm4657

Gents this thread is great, I'm so tempted to subscribe.. a quick look through my reviews and you'll see why I'm about ready to give up on AW! just seeing what responses the profile gets first, might need to tweak it a bit after the advice on here! If anyone ever has any tips on girls in Bristol/exeter and in between please do PM

Offline Prifessionallondinguy

The seeking London thread is a lot more advanced in its membership and readership.
Pleased this one is taking off.  :hi:
I’m not brave enough to poop on my own doorstep so only meet in London.

However, there’s some good advice over there recently about girls that are hot but too indecisive to ever go ahead with a proper meet. How to spot them and save your time.
There’s lots of advice over there about reading the vibes that can be used when you start receiving messages.

I wasted so much time chasing the “uncatchabie”  :sarcastic: only to find slightly less attractive ladies are ready to do ppm immediately.
The chase is fun but bloody hell it takes time.

It’s far too easy to build a harem you can’t choose from so my advice is to be very selective as you're most likely go through with it if all the boxes are ticked… price, type of girl, looks, willingness to do what you are looking for.

I usually do dates with private time back in my hotel room / overnights … occasionally it’s just straight ti the hotel room but I find ones involving a build up to be more enjoyable. 

I’m Asian girls only so have less to choose from and more trying to scam me ….  :D but I’ve got very lucky.
Good luck  :hi:

Offline BogBog1

Yeah I echo a lot of the above post. These days I'd tend to discount any girl that suggests "let's just get down to it in your hotel room". The whole reason I am a big fan of Seeking Arrangement is that they're NOT escorts - they're girls wanting to make some extra cash. The SA girls that just want to fuck and take the cash don't interest me, because it indicates they don't really care about what you're like as a person or whether they find you attractive or whatever. "Normal" non-escort girls would never dream of just going to someone's hotel room who they've never met. Plus, of course, it's the chase and the build-up that comes from having a few drinks, or dinner.... that's something punting never has, obviously but I love it.

Offline dpm4657

Thanks gents, yes the chase is def a big part of it! I had a quick go on tinder but it's a bit too "exposed" even with tinder plus! Notes taken on the aboev :drinks:

Offline Cunning Punt

Yeah I echo a lot of the above post. These days I'd tend to discount any girl that suggests "let's just get down to it in your hotel room". The whole reason I am a big fan of Seeking Arrangement is that they're NOT escorts - they're girls wanting to make some extra cash. The SA girls that just want to fuck and take the cash don't interest me, because it indicates they don't really care about what you're like as a person or whether they find you attractive or whatever. "Normal" non-escort girls would never dream of just going to someone's hotel room who they've never met. Plus, of course, it's the chase and the build-up that comes from having a few drinks, or dinner.... that's something punting never has, obviously but I love it.

This is exactly it. It's clear on other threads that some guys, even those who have had meetings via Seeking, don't get the nuance. They wonder why we 'out' AW escorts posing as SBs and also why they don't get a great experience despite paying a lot of money.  :rolleyes:

Offline Pussi

The chase is certainly addictive but it takes a lot of your time. If you're patient and put the work in you'll have no problem finding SBs. Then one day you'll find a gem that doesn't really want PPM but more enjoys your company/going out for drinks and dinner and still allows you to fire your man muck up her cunt. Just subscribe for a month, collect as many numbers you can and go from there.

Offline Prifessionallondinguy

In over 5 years I’ve never met a SB who didn’t want paying… if they do exist they’re as rare as hens teeth …. It’s best to be a tad more realistic  :unknown: