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Author Topic: Which day of the week  (Read 2223 times)


  • Guest
usually on which day of the week you guys go punting?  :D
i heard that usually weekends are surprisingly quieter than weekdays
for myself it's usually friday  ;)

Offline Horizontal pleasures

It has to be the day of the week that I am working away from home which is sometimes regular and sometimes exceptional. I am an opportunist. Opportunity Knocks? Opportunity to look for a knocking shop.

Offline Stalinator

Same here, I am an opportunist too. I have to take my chances when I can.


  • Guest
Weekends, I usually prefer to go for Sunday, but a lot of WGs don't work then so if there's someone I'm aiming to see it often ends up having to be saturday.

Can't be bothered with going to a punt after work, so for me not during the week.  Maybe on a bank holiday or if I've got time off work.


  • Guest

I usually prefer to punt on a Friday when I have a day off after I do the punt. Mostly weekends and when it gets dark. Just how I like it.

Offline Daffodil

I believe less punters punt on a weekend, because they have commitments that are harder to shake (with the wife  :scare:), but also less prossies prossie, because it's trickier to lose the kids.

I punt when I have the opportunity. Tends to be weekday daytime. It is rare I have a problem booking a (genuine) prossie due to her being busy with other clients.


  • Guest
Friday is the day that I'm usually most up for a punt!  However, it must be the same for everybody else as it's usually the day that's most difficult to get a booking with just about anyone.  So I try to switch things up a bit - punt on a Monday - then you'll have a much better choice of girls.  Yes I know that many of them accept advance bookings but I'm a spare-of-the-moment type of punter.

Offline threechilliman

For me, as and when opportunity presents itself. Sometimes I know well in advance, other times it can happen the day before.

As soon as the opportunity does arrive, operation 'fuck' swings into motion....


Offline Corus Boy

I am fortunate enough to be able to punt whenever I fancy.

A search of who is available or when one of the better Asian girls is in town, can lead to some expensive weeks :)

Offline Thepacifist

Offline Steve2

Offline monstar

Any day with a"Y" in it

 :hi: :hi: :hi: :hi:

 :D  :D

Advance bookings for Fridays or occasionally Saturdays for me. I prefer to plan ahead so rarely make spontaneous bookings or have the opportunity to do so.

Offline Watts.E.Dunn

Being a creature of the night it's got to be after dark.. after al the nite time is the rite time - innit;?..


  • Guest
Any time when I can have a couple of days to myself afterwards to enjoy the elation of it - the vultures in the office you sit arse-to-arse with day after day, week after week, soon pick up on the chance to siphon off any excess goodwill or joie-de-vivre that may undeservedly have come your way, and in any case what's good for you is often seen as bad for others in the grander scheme of things.  Though it always susprises me that MARRIED men who punt don't experience the same thing only ten times worse!


  • Guest
For me it weather dependant. In winter I punt more as nothing else to do at weekend but when weather nice as others have said, weekends much harder than in the week.

Offline Jimmyredcab

I would like a punt TODAY but Adultwork has returned the same pile of shit including two Romanian profiles with identical pictures on both -------------------- maybe they are twins.      :dash: :dash: :dash:

Offline Denhamhoop

Saturdays when QPR are away when punting near home tends to be Fridays evenings or Mondays as i work nights its kinda my spare day


  • Guest
When opportunity knocks

Mainly through the day and through the week

Tuesday/weds tend to be best for moi


  • Guest
Friday is the most popular day, but Tues-Thurs also often busy. Monday tends to be more phone calls/enquiries than actual appointments. Weekends vary - some men like a Saturday afternoon visit, but Saturday nights are usually dead; similar pattern on Sundays.

Offline Happylad

Friday is my first choice - sets me up for the weekend.  Failing that I just take what I can get.

Offline nigel4498

I am a gentleman of leisure, in other words retired so I can punt any day any time.
I never punt weekends though or Wednesday, have found Monday is the best day for me as prossie's don't seem to be that busy and tend not to mess you around.
Normally punt as early as possible too.

Offline Anadin

I only do Outcalls on Sundays as hotel prices are massively cheaper than on other days but other than that I don't plan too much and do it when I have time and a bit of spare cash.

Offline punk

for what it is worth, its random for me near about week days, far away weekends.

i think it also depends how popular the woman is in question and how well the flat/house is known and how many escorts are there.

i've punted week days and its been busy, other times empty. Same goes for weekends.

Online webpunter

A hangover normally leads to me having the horn.  Thursdays seem the most popular day for a mid week drinking session.  So Friday is the most common day for me.  I've punted on all days of the week.  And better maybe start of the week like a Monday - as the sessions seem to run over time more often. With parlour girlies then its their rota which is important.  And i do like the London / MK set ups which show both the current week & the next


  • Guest
Sundays or Thursdays, best cure for crappy weeks or a mid-week fix!


  • Guest
Defo Friday for me. Do not get midweek sex with Mrs S and Friday is my insurance policy against the probability of sod all at the weekend. Sad, I know.

Offline punk

you know, i'm getting put off  marriage more and more,so many blokes seem to be punting because it's barren at home.

Offline spz1234

Normally on a Saturday afternoon.


  • Guest
you know, i'm getting put off  marriage more and more,so many blokes seem to be punting because it's barren at home.
Marriage can be great and children just wonderful. BUT if you have a strong sex drive then expect that yours will outlast that of your spouse especially after the menopause. That is when punting enters the equation.

Then it is a matter of understanding what you are doing within the context of your marriage and whether you can reconcile yourself to it. Takes a bit of time to come to terms with. If you can then punt away. If not you will only hurt yourself and most likely your spouse. Not good.

Offline Watts.E.Dunn

Marriage can be great and children just wonderful. BUT if you have a strong sex drive then expect that yours will outlast that of your spouse especially after the menopause. That is when punting enters the equation.

Then it is a matter of understanding what you are doing within the context of your marriage and whether you can reconcile yourself to it. Takes a bit of time to come to terms with. If you can then punt away. If not you will only hurt yourself and most likely your spouse. Not good.

OK . I've been reading a book recently over the past few months on and off by michelle langley called "Womens  Infidelity"  which explains why this very often happens, but mainly in women in their 30's and 40's. Her theory is that women are as promiscous as what men are but society makes them behave in a way they naturely wouldn't, i.e. they get married have children and "then what", they seemingly want more and that is sex on the side with ANYONE but their husbands.

OK it may seem a bit far feteched but it's what happend here and it all fits as well as some to other people i know. Have a read and make up your own mind's of course  you don't have to fork out for the book just put "michelle langley pdf " into google and you can download it parts one and two.

It's very interesting reading all the same even if you disagree, but it will go a way to understanding female behaviour. OK i know thats far feteched as no mortal male can do that!, but have a look and make up your own minds.

There are plenty of websites such as Mens health of poor sods trying to find out why their women have given up on their sex lives and despite all the attention they give them thery still seem to be no further forward and these are marridges where they were at it like "rabbits" and now once a month or less is consided by the female spouse as aequate:-(

And more to the point plenty of us on here seeking that lady to fill the missing moments;!.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2014, 03:35:08 pm by Watts.E.Dunn »

Offline Stalinator

you know, i'm getting put off  marriage more and more,so many blokes seem to be punting because it's barren at home.

I was told by a doctor that marriage is one of the greatest forms of contraception ever.

Offline punk

I was told by a doctor that marriage is one of the greatest forms of contraception ever.
feels that way.

Offline punk

OK . I've been reading a book recently over the past few months on and off by michelle langley called "Womens  Infidelity"  which explains why this very often happens, but mainly in women in their 30's and 40's. Her theory is that women are as promiscous as what men are but society makes them behave in a way they naturely wouldn't, i.e. they get married have children and "then what", they seemingly want more and that is sex on the side with ANYONE but their husbands.

OK it may seem a bit far feteched but it's what happend here and it all fits as well as some to other people i know. Have a read and make up your own mind's of course  you don't have to fork out for the book just put "michelle langley pdf " into google and you can download it parts one and two.

It's very interesting reading all the same even if you disagree, but it will go a way to understanding female behaviour. OK i know thats far feteched as no mortal male can do that!, but have a look and make up your own minds.

There are plenty of websites such as Mens health of poor sods trying to find out why their women have given up on their sex lives and despite all the attention they give them thery still seem to be no further forward and these are marridges where they were at it like "rabbits" and now once a month or less is consided by the female spouse as aequate:-(

And more to the point plenty of us on here seeking that lady to fill the missing moments;!.

picked up a copy,should be interesting read

Online webpunter

Marriage - "a ring for a ring".  If this was on offer before marriage then highly unlikely afterwards.  "Front bottom" would be good enuf for most blokes.  I'm a BBC man - birthdays, bank holidays & christmas day.  And punting + wanking in between.  Wanking pondering the next AW or parlour conquest - after plenty of research & cross referencing on UKP.  LOL

Offline StevenS

Weekdays, around noon, when I can have an early lunch and then on to a meeting