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Author Topic: Platinum Cindy - Caveat emptor  (Read 13436 times)

Offline TreyWalker

In all correspondence you will we your booking and any confirmation or scheduled response next to it. The two bookings I've had with Cindy she asked me to book on aw and she confirmed same day.


  • Guest
I don't see that with either completed bookings or scheduled bookings.

Can you post a screen cap by any chance?

Offline Bigus Dickus

Giving her a negative review when she's not arranged to see you won't help your chances of meeting her in the future!



  • Guest
Already booked for November, but I'm undecided whether or not it's a sensible idea to meet her after all.

Will give it some thought.

Meanwhile, the negative stands ...

Offline Bigus Dickus

Already booked for November, but I'm undecided whether or not it's a sensible idea to meet her after all.

Will give it some thought.

Meanwhile, the negative stands ...

If she pulls out a strap-on, I'd beat a hasty retreat if I were you!



  • Guest

Offline smiths

Her regulars all know she only sees 2-3 clients per day.

1. She doesn't work 24/7 like some girls.
2. Her rates are super low.
3. She could make a LOT more.

So she really isn't 'all about the money' - it's obvious.

BTW, when can I look forward to your first review Jimbo?

Incorrect, her regulars might BELIEVE she only punts with 2-3 punters a day, they dont KNOW as fact she does as they have no way of knowing for definite. A smart WG tells punters what she thinks they want to hear so under playing the number of punters she sees she could see as good for business.

ALL punting is Caveat Emptor. I have no interest in this WG as i punt to suit ME, not suit the WG and needing A/W feedback to fuck a WG is beyond ridiculous to me.

Your habit of making snide digs at punters who question you isnt a good idea in my view, but of course up to you.

Offline hendrix

So... After all this talk about too many messages, WhatsApp and pictures and whatnot.. She's accepted your booking?

Offline smiths

External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

Let me preface this review by stating two important things:
i.) I have agonised for two weeks over whether or not to make my experience public.
ii.) I sought the advice of some more established and experienced members of this board before deciding to write this review.

A little background:

Since I was a student, the only person I have shared this ‘hobby’ with is one of my closest friends – a Swiss guy I have known for more than twenty years. As undergrads we used to take the coach down to London on Friday nights to meet girls from now-defunct agencies like Valentines, Academy Girls, Scandal Babes, Bentleys and latterly Abra Girls.

So after he sent me a lengthy email writing about a girl he had met whilst in London this Summer, I decided I would also like to meet Platinum Cindy. After Googling her, I discovered she was only available through Adultwork only proceeded to join in an effort to contact her and arrange a meeting.

Perhaps that was mistake number one. I should have simply asked my friend for her number or to recommend me to her. But that would be a bit odd I think: ‘my friend would like to fuck you too.’
I sent a lengthy and very detailed email to Cindy in which I introduced myself, told her who I was, who had recommended her to me – and why I would like to meet her (the fact she’s half-Russian according to her profile).

She replied with the following:

I told her my friends name (he has a very unusual name), and provided further personal information about myself to set her mind at ease.

Cindy then replied:
Fair point. She doesn’t know me from Adam and I could be the guy she’s worried might be stalking her / trying to find out personal information about her.
I therefore suggested we stick with email and Cindy had another idea: whatsapp. I installed it and then sent her a message to say she was welcome to message me.

Cindy then wrote back:
The following day she did indeed sent an sms as promised – ‘Hiya – this is Cindy’.

My reply was as follows:
‘Morning Cindy, thank you for getting in touch. I feel very privileged now! Can I add 22nd to my diary?’

Then things started to become a little odd.

I replied:
‘You want the honest reply to that question? Here it is:  .. I have a 9-year-old daughter and I would never risk her or my privacy for anything. I'm sorry if that is a poor answer. It is an honest answer.’

Cindy wrote back:
Then a further message:
Then a third message:
I did wonder if she meant that message for me, so I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt.

I wrote back:
‘I’m sorry Cindy, I didn’t see that you required photographs of all new potential clients. It doesn’t say that on your profile.’

‘I’m going to trust you with pictures – I’m third from the left: <hyperlink to a picture of me with friends>’

‘Now you have my real my picture and my real name. I must be mad. Has that given you any reassurance Cindy?’

No reply. Initially I began thinking ‘this has got to be some sort of scam’. Then I really started to worry about why she wanted pictures of me.

I left it at that and moved on to do as she had suggested. I met some wonderful girls and started to build up some solid feedback.

Then at the beginning of this week I decided one last time to make contact by SMS:

‘Dear Cindy,
I have an AW feedback of XX and have just forwarded you a message recommending you from a member of your fan club. I hope that will inspire some confidence. If you need further reassurance that I am a genuine customer, I am happy to provide you with my UKP/Reviewer name – please just ask.’

... and roughly copied the same via Adultwork as I assumed she would feel more comfortable:

‘Dear Cindy,
I finally managed to pop my AW cherry and I hope that might just persuade you to agree to a meeting. I'll make it to XX feedbacks before then with any luck :)

If 2-4pm on Wednesday 12th November is possible, please let me know. If not, the same time on either Thursday or Friday would be fine.
Could I just say one final thing: if you still have your doubts and/or do not wish to meet me ever, please just let me know and I will not contact you again.
I'm trying to do this 'the right way' now - as per your rules. Hopefully you can see I'm genuine and just want to have some fun.


Each of the messages Cindy has read and ignored, so it’s clear that she values the oxygen of free publicity that this site provides as being worth very little. I have no doubt she is a good fuck and according to the reviews she is a decent and friendly girl. But given what she has done to herself, I wonder if there are other insecurity issues and whether she can be trusted with personal information.

Make of this what you will, but I’d be interested to hear if any other punters have been asked for personal information and/or photographs by this WG.

For me, her ‘service’ sucks. I did everything she asked of me – and more – and was rewarded with silence and disdain.

Caveat emptor gentlemen.

I would strongly advise punters to not send WGs pictures of themselves, who knows what the WG MIGHT do with them. I only ring WGs, no number displayed no business off me so this scenario wouldnt happen to me but if i did email i would of moved on after the photo request.

Offline smiths

Mate I know Cindy and am not about to start being a white knight but seeing as you haven't actually seen her leaving a negative reveiw is in my mind bad form.

She is very clear about the feedback thing and frankly why not fuck 5 cheap girls and get the feedback as opposed to going to the lengths you did. Again not making excuses for Cindy but having read your "reveiw" I can see how she may well have started thinking you might be a stalker.

No offence but this is just my veiw.

The rules state a punter doesnt have to meet the WG to be able to do a review, but a booking must of been accepted by the WG which in this case it wasnt which is why i assume this thread is now on the London regional board rather than the London review board.

« Last Edit: October 18, 2014, 06:30:48 pm by smiths »

Offline smiths

.. Which is why I discussed writing this review with other members before it was posted.

How many WGs have ever asked you for pictures?

Second, I did exactly what you're suggesting: I met other girls and then approached Cindy as per her very own instructions.

Finally, she knew from the first email I had zero feedback.

So why did she request pictures and send me her number?

Whoever those punters were werent aware of the rules then as a booking must be accepted NOW before a review can be done as stated in the rules above.


  • Guest
A lot of good points there smiths, thanks.

I have two pre-bookings for next week. For each of those bookings, the girl is well know and well-reviewed.

I politely emailed and then submitted a request for the desired time, date and duration through the AW system.

One girl replied by AW email the same evening, the other the following day. Both sent their phone numbers. I therefore believe that those appointments are confirmed and have always made the assumption that I would call on the day when they are checked in at their apartment/hotel for the address.

I did that this past week with Maggie, with Adele and with Emily.

In other words, I received nothing more from any other girl I have ever met through AW than I received from Cindy.

Offline iPad3

If I'm understanding correctly you've posted a rant about a WG you've never met giving shit service, you've told us that she has a photo of you and that you are booked to see her in November and your considering going through with said booking.

Again this is my view but frankly I think you are insane, not that I think Cindy is vindictive but all of this places you in a very vulnerable position, furthermore when she does recognise you I would suggest the atmosphere is likely to be uncomfortable at light of all of this I'd move on and possibly see her in a year or so when this shit storm you've whipped up has been forgotten.

Just my view but I can't see how your possibly going to get a VFM punt based on all of the above.


  • Guest
ipad3, do you really think I would send a picture of myself to a WG.

Be serious!  :rolleyes:

Cindy has no idea what I look like.

Moreover, should she decide she wishes to divulge any personal information to a third party, she'll need a bloody good Solicitor.

I have written a factual account of what happened and pointed out where pre-meet service could be improved. I have not criticised Cindy personally and nor will I do so.


  • Guest
Why didn't you just go and fuck another pro$$ie instead of going through the endless ping pong and installing whats app etc.

Offline smiths

ipad3, do you really think I would send a picture of myself to a WG.

Be serious!  :rolleyes:

Cindy has no idea what I look like.

Moreover, should she decide she wishes to divulge any personal information to a third party, she'll need a bloody good Solicitor.

I have written a factual account of what happened and pointed out where pre-meet service could be improved. I have not criticised Cindy personally and nor will I do so.

You have lost me in your last paragraph here. You HAVE criticised Cindy personally, you wanted to give her a negative review, that is criticising her though in this case its the way she communicated with you rather than her in the room service as that didnt happen obviously.

Offline SamLP

So we have here someone who tried to book Cindy for the 7th, sent her an email to try and set it up. A series of replies including which she says she is booked up for 2 weeks leads to a suggestion that West book Cindy on the 22nd (two weeks after the 7th). Cindy prefers a booking with someone with feedback and makes it obvious. Meanwhile West replies to a request for a picture of himself firstly rejecting the request for private reasons, then sending one which he now claims isn't of him at all. How he thinks Cindy will react to someone else turning up after lying to him is only something we can guess. A flurry of emails to try and set up a booking go ignored, then suddenly he claims he has a punt with her set up in November, divulging the information later in the same negative review he posted because she had ignored his request.

Make of it what you will

Offline smiths

A lot of good points there smiths, thanks.

I have two pre-bookings for next week. For each of those bookings, the girl is well know and well-reviewed.

I politely emailed and then submitted a request for the desired time, date and duration through the AW system.

One girl replied by AW email the same evening, the other the following day. Both sent their phone numbers. I therefore believe that those appointments are confirmed and have always made the assumption that I would call on the day when they are checked in at their apartment/hotel for the address.

I did that this past week with Maggie, with Adele and with Emily.

In other words, I received nothing more from any other girl I have ever met through AW than I received from Cindy.

The point that matters review wise is she didnt accept a specific date and time for the punt so as she didnt accept one one couldnt be cancelled by her which means a review cant be done. Only if a WG accepts a specific date and time and then doesnt stick to that agreement can a review on her be done without you meeting her. That is my understanding anyway of the new review rules above.

Offline Wilson85

 Out    Booking    07/10/2014 01:55:11    X PLATINUM x CINDY X (678) View Profile    2hr(s) for 200 GBP on 22/10/2014 at 12:00:00    07/10/2014 09:29:59       
Call XXX on 44XXXXXXXXXXXX on 07/10/2014 11:00-23:00. In-Call

Dear Cindy, my thanks once again. I look forward to finally meeting you.

Looks like it's a booking for this Wednesday 22/10/14, made on Tuesday 7/10/14, shes read it that morning. But it should have 'confirmed' in there somewhere if she has actually confirmed it.


  • Guest
You have lost me in your last paragraph here. You HAVE criticised Cindy personally, you wanted to give her a negative review, that is criticising her though in this case its the way she communicated with you rather than her in the room service as that didnt happen obviously.

I have criticised her lack of clarity in communication, not her attitude, appearance, service standards, personal hygiene, etc. That would fulfil my criteria of a 'personal attack'.

Offline iPad3

ipad3, do you really think I would send a picture of myself to a WG.

Be serious!  :rolleyes:

Cindy has no idea what I look like.

Moreover, should she decide she wishes to divulge any personal information to a third party, she'll need a bloody good Solicitor.

I have written a factual account of what happened and pointed out where pre-meet service could be improved. I have not criticised Cindy personally and nor will I do so.

Right so the photo you sent was a fake and when Cindy opens the door to find she's had a reverse bait and switch pulled on her you expect her to offer good service,  or is it the case that she has no way of making a connection between the fruit cake who sent the picture and the booking you have on the 22nd.

Either way I've a suspicion that Cindy may well be cancelling all of her bookings on the 22nd and blocking all of the punters who are booked on that day for the future and frankly I don't think I'd blame her!!!


  • Guest
So we have here someone who tried to book Cindy for the 7th, sent her an email to try and set it up. A series of replies including which she says she is booked up for 2 weeks leads to a suggestion that West book Cindy on the 22nd (two weeks after the 7th). Cindy prefers a booking with someone with feedback and makes it obvious. Meanwhile West replies to a request for a picture of himself firstly rejecting the request for private reasons, then sending one which he now claims isn't of him at all. How he thinks Cindy will react to someone else turning up after lying to him is only something we can guess. A flurry of emails to try and set up a booking go ignored, then suddenly he claims he has a punt with her set up in November, divulging the information later in the same negative review he posted because she had ignored his request.

Make of it what you will

You're missing the main point here. The review was to open up a debate about what is and what is not suitable AW etiquette. That is why I sought the guidance of others before posting verbatim what happened.

Leaving you guys to suggest whether I was right or wrong.


  • Guest
Looks like it's a booking for this Wednesday 22/10/14, made on Tuesday 7/10/14, shes read it that morning. But it should have 'confirmed' in there somewhere if she has actually confirmed it.

It doesn't state confirmed. Nor do any of the other bookings from last week or those forthcoming next week.

As posted above, I only have emails with the ladies phone numbers.


  • Guest
Right so the photo you sent was a fake

I'd call it a very good likeness, but we'll see. The booking is not for the 22nd of this month - not that it matters anyway.

Do we ever get to hear the ladies' version of events on this forum?

Offline Gluckman

Tbh, I've never seen why she is so well regarded, but then I've never been attracted to the stereotypical pornstar look of big fake tits and collagen lips. No amount of skills will get past that for me, but then we are all different I guess.

Offline TreyWalker

So we have here someone who tried to book Cindy for the 7th, sent her an email to try and set it up. A series of replies including which she says she is booked up for 2 weeks leads to a suggestion that West book Cindy on the 22nd (two weeks after the 7th). Cindy prefers a booking with someone with feedback and makes it obvious. Meanwhile West replies to a request for a picture of himself firstly rejecting the request for private reasons, then sending one which he now claims isn't of him at all. How he thinks Cindy will react to someone else turning up after lying to him is only something we can guess. A flurry of emails to try and set up a booking go ignored, then suddenly he claims he has a punt with her set up in November, divulging the information later in the same negative review he posted because she had ignored his request.

Make of it what you will

I totally agree with this post.

West, you seem all over the place with this story.


  • Guest
I welcome any cross-examination from the Cindy fanclub. If you're reading it right and misunderstanding, I'm happy to clarify. It's really not complicated.

Everything written is taken from my phone and the communication through AW.

The sceptics among you can ask Cindy the next time you meet her if you care that much.

Easy enough.

Offline iPad3

I totally agree with this post.

West, you seem all over the place with this story.

Completely agree,

West I'd there is the slightest chance that Cindy can link you to this post and as being the man who sent the photo as I've said already I think you would be insane to see her

If there is no chance at all go and see her I doubt you'll be disappointed and I think you'll leave thinking that this thread was completely pointless.

Thanks for the other reviews by the way I'll  being seeing Maggie as soon as I can make it work.


  • Guest
I couldn't care less if she links to this post or to the photo. We all know you or another fan will point her to it anyway.

Would be great to hear her side of the story.

My interpretation - not that anyone is likely to care - is that I made the error of offering to tell her my UKP username/nick.

Won't make the same error with another girl.

Please clarify which part of the 'story' is 'all over the place'?

Offline blue

ALL punting is Caveat Emptor. I have no interest in this WG as i punt to suit ME, not suit the WG and needing A/W feedback to fuck a WG is beyond ridiculous to me.

+1000  :thumbsup:

As ever, the service provider should have the FB not the purchaser!

Offline Bigus Dickus

West8 I think you are confusing people who genuinely disagree with you posting a review and the corresponding tale of woe you have told with perceived prossie fanboys. I think you might be up for wanker of the week soon.



  • Guest
I welcome any cross-examination from the Cindy fanclub. If you're reading it right and misunderstanding, I'm happy to clarify. It's really not complicated.

Everything written is taken from my phone and the communication through AW.

The sceptics among you can ask Cindy the next time you meet her if you care that much.

Easy enough.

I am not a member of her fan club.

But you seem to be getting a bit bent out of shape about all of this. I wouldnt go through all those hoops just to bang a pro$$ie.

Though there was a previously banned member who she wouldnt see anymore cos he was stalking her or something,

Out of interest W8 what kind of body fat ratio are you rocking ??


  • Guest
Right so the photo you sent was a fake

I'd call it a very good likeness, but we'll see. The booking is not for the 22nd of this month - not that it matters anyway.

Do we ever get to hear the ladies' version of events on this forum?

So it was fake.

Seriously mate you're doing yourself no favours here.

Offline smiths

I have criticised her lack of clarity in communication, not her attitude, appearance, service standards, personal hygiene, etc. That would fulfil my criteria of a 'personal attack'.

I never mentioned personal attack in my post you have quoted, its a fact you have criticised her which is the point i was replying to which you have agreed in this post. You couldnt criticise the other things you mention here obviously as you didnt meet her.


  • Guest
West8 I think you are confusing people who genuinely disagree with you posting a review and the corresponding tale of woe you have told with perceived prossie fanboys. I think you might be up for wanker of the week soon.

There is no tale of woe. You guys are overlooking one simple point: I moved on and met some other girls. Then I started receiving messages from members suggesting Cindy.

Hence my decision to paste verbatim our communication.

But you seem to be getting a bit bent out of shape about all of this. I wouldnt go through all those hoops just to bang a pro$$ie.

Out of interest W8 what kind of body fat ratio are you rocking ??

Being new to the AW system at the time, I did precisely what she requested I do - nothing more and nothing less. As the first post makes clear.

3 inches in the winter, 4 in the spring and occasionally 5 if I'm really in the mood.


  • Guest
I never mentioned personal attack in my post you have quoted, its a fact you have criticised her which is the point i was replying to which you have agreed in this post. You couldnt criticise the other things you mention here obviously as you didnt meet her.

criticised her pre-meeting*service.


  • Guest

It interests me you removed the bit from my quote about a previously banned member.

Offline smiths

I'd call it a very good likeness, but we'll see. The booking is not for the 22nd of this month - not that it matters anyway.

Do we ever get to hear the ladies' version of events on this forum?

You wont get Cindys on here as she got banned if i recall correctly.


  • Guest
Because it's not something about which I have anything to say.

Is there a thread about it, cockneybstrd?

Offline smiths

criticised her pre-meeting*service.

Which unless she agreed to a specific booking cant be posted as a review.


  • Guest
You wont get Cindys on here as she got banned if i recall correctly.

Wait, so Cindy was a member of this forum but is no longer so?

What happened?


  • Guest
Which unless she agreed to a specific booking cant be posted as a review.

I can't quite get the logic here. eg, I called Nicole to book and was sent her number. Does that not count as a 'confirmed/specific' booking?

If not, then at what point does a booking become confirmed: after I arrive?

Offline TreyWalker

Wait, so Cindy was a member of this forum but is no longer so?

What happened?

Could you sound any more excited.

I can see why cindy won't see you.


  • Guest
I can see why cindy won't see you.

Great to hear. Please enlighten me then mate?


  • Guest
West you are a sad man. If a whore makes you jump through hoops tell em to fuck off. Not come on here and bitch about it. I can't see where the whore has done wrong apart from the photo request. She is cautious about who she meets. It's her right. I feel she had you sussed right from your first message.

Punting 98% of the time in Scotland I'm certainly no fanboy for her!

I'd let it drop before admin tires of you.


  • Guest
West you are a sad man. If a whore makes you jump through hoops tell em to fuck off. Not come on here and bitch about it. I can't see where the whore has done wrong apart from the photo request. She is cautious about who she meets. It's her right. I feel she had you sussed right from your first message.

I'd let it drop before admin tires of you.

Sad because I behave in a respectful and honest manner. Good logic. I came on here to ask for advice and guidance so that the same will not happen again.

But you guys are entitled to your opinion. It might be that I have chosen the wrong forum on which to invest time in sharing my experiences.

It was good while it lasted, but I won't post any further reviews.


  • Guest
Sad because I behave in a respectful and honest manner. Good logic. I came on here to ask for advice and guidance so that the same will not happen again.

But you guys are entitled to your opinion. It might be that I have chosen the wrong forum on which to invest time in sharing my experiences.

It was good while it lasted, but I won't post any further reviews.

Hidden Image/Members Only

Offline smiths

I can't quite get the logic here. eg, I called Nicole to book and was sent her number. Does that not count as a 'confirmed/specific' booking?

If not, then at what point does a booking become confirmed: after I arrive?

When its agreed by the WG and she accepts your booking. So you ring or email a WG and agree a specific date and time for a punt, if she then doesnt stick to that agreement a review can be done whether you meet her or not.

Offline smiths

Wait, so Cindy was a member of this forum but is no longer so?

What happened?

Yes she was assuming it was actually her of course. I cant recall the exact reason for her banning. What i do recall is the punter Bangers and Gash did a negative review on his punt with her and some punters defended her and the thread ran on and on.

What is extremely unhealthy are punters who white knight WGs they rate, no problem obviously them posting their experiences of the WG but they are well out of order in my view if they try to question the punters experience all assuming its a genuine review which Bangers and Gashs was.