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Author Topic: STI scare - certainly gets you thinking  (Read 2881 times)

Offline mh

First things first, there was no STI, so my panic is over. This is mainly a recommendation for you all to be careful, get tested and don't fear the GUM clinic. But it also puts this malarkey into perspective.

I had some symptoms and went to the GUM clinic. Previous visits had all been purely precautionary. Bloody hell the place has a different feel to it when you're going in with a "yes" to the "do you have any symptoms?" question.

I can't praise them highly enough. Professional, sympathetic, non-judgemental, efficient. I first got the symptoms 2 or 3 days after a punt with the complication that the other half had decided she wanted sex a day or so after the punt, so this was symptoms appearing having fucked a WG then my OH. Gulp. Sex with the WG had been protected but oral wasn't.

I thought there was little point in getting tested for 2 weeks, though in hindsight I should have legged it down there right away and followed up with a second test later - but I was in denial and shitting myself. The symptoms abated but didn't disappear. Anyway it was relatively easy to avoid sexual contact with my OH - it always is since she's rarely interested. But she did want some once in that time, which was sooner than usual after the earlier shag, but I serviced her with RO and wanked myself off.

Day of the test I texted the clinic for an appointment, which is how they work, and got a confirmation back in minutes. I arrived 15 minutes early to do admin, but they had matched my records from my punting phone number so no paperwork needed and they saw me within 5 minutes. The appointment was great, they skipped a lot of questions from the previous time, just needed an update, took bloods for testing then got onto my issue. The nice lady checked me out and swabbed me, sent me off for a urine test while she had a quick look locally at the swabs on slides. She said she didn't think it was an STI and there was nothing concerning on the swabs but all would be fully tested. She suspected it was a skin surface infection and gave me some cream to use and I was out in about 20 minutes. So another week of sex avoidance which was easy this time as there was no demand on my services. Good job as I'd have to explain why I had ointment on my dick.  :D

They had given me a number to call for results (but would also text them anyway) and when I called they said all had come back and all were negative. Just keep using the cream until symptoms had all gone, which they almost have.

But what a few weeks it has been, thinking of how to explain an STI to my OH and how I might have passed it on to her. Jeez I'll sleep better tonight...

I can view it two ways and I'm not honestly sure how to just yet.
1) There was no STI, I was careful, no problem, carry on punting  :dance:
2) Shit, that was close, is it worth it, stick - don't twist, punting was nice while it lasted  :cry:

I suspect it will be the former, just as soon as the opportunity and desperation coincide.


  • Guest
Im a middle aged fart now - but I remember going to the clinic when I was younger and they put that cotton bud down your japs eye - took me a long time to get over that!

Now - its simple - a pee test and blood - theses young lads now going to get checked have it easy!

I get checked every three months - like you - sex protected but oral without - you never know eh?

Went at the end of last week - just 9 days to go to get the next all clear I hope!


  • Guest
Glad you're OK mh and didn't have anything nasty. Well done for dealing with it head-on.
In my early punting days I had a very risky "incident" and was convinced I'd caught an STI. I also developed symptoms but now believe they were my own doing (scrubbing my cock with antiseptic until it got sore and irritated and gave me a rash!). I was terrified of going to the GUM clinic - my fear was not the procedure but what they might find. I was in denial and avoided facing up to the problem. I didn't have sex with my OH during this period - Some months. When I finally went thru with the tests, the one-week wait for the results was agonising and I couldn't focus on anything else. When the results came back negative it took a while to sink in. I wanted to ask again if they were sure!  I think this is a common reaction. When I phone the Dean Street (London) clinic for results. They always give them to you in a sympathetic way, like it's an agony Aunt on the other end of the line - "so you're going to be absolutely fine". That first time I got my results, when the news did finally register, I'm not embarrassed to say that I was in tears. I told myself I would never punt again. It was a close call. I stopped punting, for 3 years.

And now here I am punting again! Only you can decide what to do next - but either way (continuing punting or not) - enjoy the feeling of relief!

Offline smiths

First things first, there was no STI, so my panic is over. This is mainly a recommendation for you all to be careful, get tested and don't fear the GUM clinic. But it also puts this malarkey into perspective.

I had some symptoms and went to the GUM clinic. Previous visits had all been purely precautionary. Bloody hell the place has a different feel to it when you're going in with a "yes" to the "do you have any symptoms?" question.

I can't praise them highly enough. Professional, sympathetic, non-judgemental, efficient. I first got the symptoms 2 or 3 days after a punt with the complication that the other half had decided she wanted sex a day or so after the punt, so this was symptoms appearing having fucked a WG then my OH. Gulp. Sex with the WG had been protected but oral wasn't.

I thought there was little point in getting tested for 2 weeks, though in hindsight I should have legged it down there right away and followed up with a second test later - but I was in denial and shitting myself. The symptoms abated but didn't disappear. Anyway it was relatively easy to avoid sexual contact with my OH - it always is since she's rarely interested. But she did want some once in that time, which was sooner than usual after the earlier shag, but I serviced her with RO and wanked myself off.

Day of the test I texted the clinic for an appointment, which is how they work, and got a confirmation back in minutes. I arrived 15 minutes early to do admin, but they had matched my records from my punting phone number so no paperwork needed and they saw me within 5 minutes. The appointment was great, they skipped a lot of questions from the previous time, just needed an update, took bloods for testing then got onto my issue. The nice lady checked me out and swabbed me, sent me off for a urine test while she had a quick look locally at the swabs on slides. She said she didn't think it was an STI and there was nothing concerning on the swabs but all would be fully tested. She suspected it was a skin surface infection and gave me some cream to use and I was out in about 20 minutes. So another week of sex avoidance which was easy this time as there was no demand on my services. Good job as I'd have to explain why I had ointment on my dick.  :D

They had given me a number to call for results (but would also text them anyway) and when I called they said all had come back and all were negative. Just keep using the cream until symptoms had all gone, which they almost have.

But what a few weeks it has been, thinking of how to explain an STI to my OH and how I might have passed it on to her. Jeez I'll sleep better tonight...

I can view it two ways and I'm not honestly sure how to just yet.
1) There was no STI, I was careful, no problem, carry on punting  :dance:
2) Shit, that was close, is it worth it, stick - don't twist, punting was nice while it lasted  :cry:

I suspect it will be the former, just as soon as the opportunity and desperation coincide.

I am glad to hear your tests were negative, and I know how you were feeling as I have been their myself though fortunately tested negative.


  • Guest
Im a middle aged fart now - but I remember going to the clinic when I was younger and they put that cotton bud down your japs eye - took me a long time to get over that!

Now - its simple - a pee test and blood - theses young lads now going to get checked have it easy!

I get checked every three months - like you - sex protected but oral without - you never know eh?

Went at the end of last week - just 9 days to go to get the next all clear I hope!
A cotton buds fuck all I once had a fucking camera down mine.

Offline AgedCases

A cotton buds fuck all I once had a fucking camera down mine.

So have I. It was so fucking painful, I fainted on the table!

Offline TomR

Good news that you were ok. It is always worrying when symptoms are experienced particularly if
there is a partner to consider.

I recall a couple of occasions in the past when I thought I had something, dashed off to the clinic
and then had the good news that the tests were negative. Looking back I can see now that there
was nothing wrong at all but am still glad that I got checked. Generally any problem down there
will be diagnosed more accurately at a GUM clinic than by a GP so it is well worth the trip.

Never had a camera down the old boy though, is that still done?

Offline jawill

Option 3 of course is to keep punting but only have OW from now on. As nice as OWO is, for me personally after catching something years back from it, it's not a risk I am no longer willing to take.

Offline mh

it's not a risk I am no longer willing to take.

I don't necessarily not know what you were or were not getting at there.

Seriously, though, I've tried going for OW and I don't mind with or without, so it's not a hardship for me. BUT
- some girls won't do OW. No, really - I've asked for OW before only for the girl to say "sorry, but I'm not sucking on a condom, it's disgusting"
- it ruins the flow. Yeah I know this could also apply to penetration but when it's the first activity it's not a great start

So if a girl asks if I want OWO (usually with a view to adding £10 or £20) I say OW is fine and often they will grab a condom, but sometimes they don't, it was just an upsell opportunity fail.

Offline Squire Haggard

The girls in the Edinburgh saunas rinse their mouths with antiseptic mouthwash after each punt, if it involves OWO. They get regular visits from health workers. After reading some of the above posts , I might ask them if they do this, just to be sure.

Offline DickDiver

The girls in the Edinburgh saunas rinse their mouths with antiseptic mouthwash after each punt, if it involves OWO. They get regular visits from health workers. After reading some of the above posts , I might ask them if they do this, just to be sure.

I think it's mainly to get the taste of jizz out of their mouths.


Offline GreyDave

I can't praise them highly enough. Professional, sympathetic, non-judgemental, efficient.

+Me and I am sure loads of other chaps when we have had "real" worries Nice Post :drinks: :drinks:

Offline mrfishyfoo

So have I. It was so fucking painful, I fainted on the table!

Jesus this brings back unpleasant memories. GUM I use gave me a local before shoving the camera down mine. Even with the local it hurt like hell.

Thank god for advances in medical science and the advent of the piss test !!

Like others in this string I get tested every 3 months. Not caught a dose yet BUT you can never be too careful.

Offline dirkdiggler583

Glad all is clear, I've had scares three times now, last was just 4 weeks back.
Once after a split condom and then oh wanting rare sex. Second after a crap punt with OWO and oh wanting sex.
Why do they always want it after something has fucked up?

After that OWO I got a NGU that took ages to clear.

I then backed off putting for ages and recently started again only to get a split condom during anal. Just got through that scare with all clear and now I am officially out of the game. Well sorta, just massage and he now, I feel I had all my get out of jail free cards.
I still want naked women rubbing themselves all over me, I not dead ! But not risking anything....

Offline jawill

I don't necessarily not know what you were or were not getting at there.

Nah wasnt getting at anything, just relating back to when I had this greeny/yellow puss oozing out of the Japs eye and pain that I won't do OWO anymore as its too risky.... For me anyway .

I've only had the split condom twice in my 20 or so years of punting . first time was no big deal I didn't think of it much, second time I came down with flu symptoms about a week afterwards and crapped myself I had caught HIV. This was before the new HIV tests had arrived with the 28 day window period, so I had to wait the whole 3 months for the all clear.

I vowed back then I would give up punting....... Think that was about 12 years ago now lol