Sugar Baby?

Author Topic: WGs who wear perfume  (Read 1354 times)


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Thinking back to the booking I had before Christmas. It was a great punt and I would definitely see the girl again. But there is a BUT.

After I visited her, I couldn't help notice the smell of her perfume all over my clothes and I could smell some fragrant lipstick on my face. It was quite overpowering, even after a few hours.

The question is.... Should a WG wear perfume?

Those who are returning home after a punt don't really want the smell of eau de i've just had the shag of my life when they kiss their wives and girlfriends.

Has this happened to you?

Also, some tips and tricks to hide that smell are needed, should you fall unlucky in that way. Or some unlikely excuses.   :D


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Yes I like it, and request it sometimes if in the mood.  Seems most don't wear it anyway as most WG's pander to the married as they are the vocal majority !

Online Corus Boy

In general I would say no.

However I am single, unattached and do like perfume, lipstick and makeup.

So I just let the lady know and leave it up to her.

If there was an other half, I would request she didn't.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2016, 01:41:18 pm by Corus Boy »

Offline tesla

many a time I have driven home with the windows of the car open to hopefully lose the smell of perfume


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Yes, will definitely be a problem for some, but not all.

It's a long time I have been with a woman who wears perfume. Years and years! I can see the appeal though.

I have some very alcohol-heavy hand sanitizer in the car. That stuff seems to get rid of the strongest perfumy smell. In fact some of it has a perfume smell. That could even be an excuse if the wife smells something fishy. Er sorry, perfumy.

Offline pumps

Yes, will definitely be a problem for some, but not all.

It's a long time I have been with a woman who wears perfume. Years and years! I can see the appeal though.

I have some very alcohol-heavy hand sanitizer in the car. That stuff seems to get rid of the strongest perfumy smell. In fact some of it has a perfume smell. That could even be an excuse if the wife smells something fishy. Er sorry, perfumy.

Punted with a GILF the other day who was heavily covered in perfume and soap products, which was great as her hygiene was good, but I did stink of her for hours after. I didn't realise I was covered heavily in perfume until after the fact, there's no way a mrs could miss would be royally screwed.
Alot of decent wg's that know the crack don't wear perfume and they will remove their lipstick before the action starts!

Offline Sonny Crockett

I quite like it when a WG wears perfume!!


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Always make sure you wash before leaving her place even if just means spalshing soap and water over your face and neck. Also keep a small bottle of your own aftershave with you to put on after the punt.

I don't have a wife or GF to worry about but there have been times I've noticed the smell of the WGs perfume and even foundation/lipstick on my shirt. You could get into serious shit if you get caught with that.


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The smell of smoke can be as bad if you are a non-smoker, especially since you can't blame the pub or other public places any more.  :hi:

Offline blackburnian

Thinking back to the booking I had before Christmas. It was a great punt and I would definitely see the girl again. But there is a BUT.

After I visited her, I couldn't help notice the smell of her perfume all over my clothes and I could smell some fragrant lipstick on my face. It was quite overpowering, even after a few hours.

The question is.... Should a WG wear perfume?

Those who are returning home after a punt don't really want the smell of eau de i've just had the shag of my life when they kiss their wives and girlfriends.

Has this happened to you?

Also, some tips and tricks to hide that smell are needed, should you fall unlucky in that way. Or some unlikely excuses.   :D

If its really that bad and you need to change/shower then this ones a cert (as long as you drive a diesel) .

Fill up on way home , spill a bit on your pants , blame the pump for not working properly and splashing back , guaranteed she will not smell anything else on your clothes then and will happily pack you off for a shower - job done ! 

Petrol will do similar but you're a bit flammable afterwards  :cool:

Just don't use it too often !



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I hate strong smells in general. Ever since I was a kid I had to hold my breath whilst being dragged through Boots because of the sheer stench of the place.

So no, I'd rather not have to face any perfumes, however nice it is, but I do not care if people wonder why I smell of it.

You could always try showering both before and after any action if it bothered you that much.

Offline Jimmyredcab

I love the smell of perfume on a pro$$ie ---------------- but then I have no wife/partner to answer to.    :hi:


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The question is.... Should a WG wear perfume?

No!  :scare:

Women's sense of smell is miles better than ours and can whiff suspect odours even days later on a shirt. I'm envious of those who do not need to worry as I do like it.

I even have to be worried about soap; no use showering with a perfumed gell I do not use at home, otherwise I'm rumbled. Girls, plain odourless soap please!

Years ago I had to fess up to going to a lapdancing bar as I came home late, got into bed, and the dancers perfume was detected! Could have been worse!

« Last Edit: February 19, 2016, 12:58:48 pm by TheNewSeeker »


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i always inform them in advance not to wear any perfume, to be on the safe side have a shower after your punt before going home.

Offline Marmalade

I like a dab of perfume sometimes (not perfumed soap, perfumed body cream or all the other shite that covers up whether she naturally smells nice or doesn't).

Unfortunately many prossies won't even if asked.

They know it will probably put off married punters. A wet wipe is not enough and they are usually too lazy to shower properly before the next punter.

It amuses me when punters complain, "there was only five minutes between me and another punter so she couldn't have had time to shower!"

What makes you think she showers just because there's a longer time?? Probably chats to her mates on facebook, slags off a punter or two on Saafe, then nips down to Greggs and has a fag when she gets back.

Offline mothra

Wear a regular fragrance/cologne so your partner gets use to the smell. Spray some when you're off to your punt (this will probably enhance your punt) and spray some when you're done.  :)


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I like when she smells nice. I'm single so i don't have to worry.

Rod trotter

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I like it but im attached

Its one of the things i insist on the dont use when i perfume.

However the smell of the sex can be on my face if i dont shower and to me smells better than jimmy choo

Offline joe diddley

If you're driving home and notice that you're a bit more "fragrant" than you should be, pull into a filling station. Orchestrate a little "accident" at the pump that sees you spill some petrol on yourself. This will suitably disguise the smell of the WG's perfume from your normally nosy other half and give you the perfect excuse to go to the bathroom where you can get rid of most of the scent of the perfume while purporting to remove the smell of the petrol. This well known masking routine is known to some members of the punting fraternity as "pump, dump and pump again".

Offline tantric talents

No. IMO like lipstick, it is simply unprofessional conduct unless the punter requests or suggests it in advance.

5th Musketeer

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If its really that bad and you need to change/shower then this ones a cert (as long as you drive a diesel) .

Fill up on way home , spill a bit on your pants , blame the pump for not working properly and splashing back , guaranteed she will not smell anything else on your clothes then and will happily pack you off for a shower - job done ! 

Petrol will do similar but you're a bit flammable afterwards  :cool:

Just don't use it too often !

Love it - but you probably beat jimmyredcab to it!   :lol: :lol: