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Author Topic: Facebook warning.  (Read 2000 times)

Offline Jimmyredcab

A little warning regarding Facebook.
If you have a facebook page with your real name then you should use a totally different E-Mail address to the one you use when punting.
Facebook recently sent me a list of "recommended" friends, one of these happened to be a prostitute, her page is clearly personal and includes her real name ------------ and I now know that the "real name" she told me was total bollocks.


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What a lovely guy.  A friend to indiscreet prossies everywhere... even if they BS you.

I don't have to worry - no FB ;-)


Offline Jimmyredcab

What a lovely guy.  A friend to indiscreet prossies everywhere... even if they BS you.

I don't have to worry - no FB ;-)

My warning is not just for prostitutes, some punters may not wish to reveal their surname.

Lady Poppy

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It is a good point and worth making, especially for relative newbies who may not have realised that you can be found via your used email address.

It's also worth making the point that you should never connect your 'real' FB with a false one (should you have two) as the link can still easily be made between the two.  Keep them totally seperate or don't do it at all.

Congratulations JRC on writing the first post I deemed worthy of contributing to recently.

Offline Strawberry

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I once thought about setting up an FB account with my sweetstrawberry address, as a couple of guys had suggested using FB as a way to keep in touch or chat. The idea lasted the whole 5 minutes it took me to set up the account, and then shut it down.

What is now VERY interesting is the amount of FB automatically generated FB friend requests that dormant account now receives. Now when you ask FB to search for friends based on your email address book, it presents you with a list to authorise and it's obvious from the "please don't accept me" emails I get that people are NOT reading the list before sending out blanket requests.

In my humble opinion FB, for discretion and security reasons is not a suitable media or tool for this line of work. FULL STOP.

Offline cunnyhunt

One of the things we do is monitor emails,Facebook etc for company security, we are constantly amazed at what information people put up in the public domain.
Some are so surprised when they are given a warning (or in a couple of cases dismissed) over company information given away over the internet, or passed on in email chatter.


  • Guest
A little warning regarding Facebook.
If you have a facebook page with your real name then you should use a totally different E-Mail address to the one you use when punting.
Facebook recently sent me a list of "recommended" friends, one of these happened to be a prostitute, her page is clearly personal and includes her real name ------------ and I now know that the "real name" she told me was total bollocks.

Well there's a surprise. Thanks for the advice anyway.

Online badsin

An old topic: but from a recent incident it seems worthy of reviving.

I would like to think that I am quite secure in my facebook world. My FB page is obviously me, which is completely seperate to my punting persona: different names, emails etc. However, on the suggested friends section - a working girl I have seen (a couple of years ago), popped up as a friend of a friend. She even has pictures on her FB page that she used to use on AW!! :scare: What a silly moo :blush:

Quite nice to take a glimpse at a scantily clad, hot bodied lady - put also a reminder that we are all fallible. Even if its her that is fallible - not me.

All punting lives, and service providers for that matter, should practice discretion.

Cracking rack though :hi:

Offline maxxblue

Not sure what your point is?  :unknown:

Offline PeachyAssFan

When setting up your Facebook account never give it access to any other data on your phone like contacts, email and phone numbers. It's quite insidious about suggesting friends thereafter.  Main rule is never use your everyday phone for punting. 

Offline Marmalade

Excellent point by JRC man. If you want to use facebook (or any other networking site) and still have some security over your privacy you practically need to be a techie expert these days. Whatsapp is bad enough. It seems nearly every fucking app or website wants to know everthing about you "to help" you stay in touch with your friends (or half a million people who aren't your friends but want to know everything about you.)

Offline Marmalade

If you dowload something simple, like a compass or something to tell you that 70 Euros is too much for a Paris SW, and it takes up oodles of megabytes, you can bet it's doing something it's not supposed to.

Online badsin

Not sure what your point is?  :unknown:

That it is very easy to be caught out by modern technology....... and that security is a "must" for punters & WG's to protect your civvie life :hi:

Offline Gordon Bennett

I don't go anywhere near Facebook or that but even with really basic things like email accounts, photos, YouTube etc there's this inexorable creep towards everything automatically linking, sharing and going cloud based on multiple devices...... Even though I'm reasonably savvy and have thus far segregated all my seedy activities I can't escape nagging feeling I'm just a fat-fingered slip or click away from publicising some choice and incriminating data to all and sundry.