Sugar Babies

Author Topic: The Future - Romanian Geordie Hybrids  (Read 589 times)


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It was only a matter of time  :unknown:

Due to the recent success of our Geordie tourers we now have our first Romanian skank jumping on the bandy.

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WTF am I not surprised  :wackogirl:

Offline Poopster

The hybrid I really want to see is a German Thai girl but I'd settle for a Polish Japanese.  Romanian Geordies, you know you're catching something from those, bagged up or not!

Offline Alexix

Maybe they think that Geordie is an adjective like Gorgeous  :unknown:


Offline Marmalade

Well spotted. Fucking outrageous as usual these Romanian skanks whose lies are almost as shite as their service often is. Doesn't her pimp realise that 'Romanian' is automatically added to the profile by AW??

I suppose it's based on that the fact that Geordies are only semi-intelligible anyway; but unlike Romanian prossies, drink like fish and fuck like rabbits.