Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Kymlove66  (Read 860 times)

2 review(s) for kym_love66 (1 positive, 0 neutral, 1 negative) [Indexed by ]

Offline Happyhumper

External Link/Members Only

Seen Kym last year at her flat on Paisley road west

Was looking for a quickie and decided to go with her, all communication was good and her English is perfect aswell. Says on her profile she is 20 but I reckon she is older 26/27

Into the flat get the money out the way and down to business, everything is all done with condom on but wasn't botherd because I was only want to get in and out, great tonned body, tight pussy and very nice face.

Would give her a 7/10 for everything decent wee punt

Offline raymcfarland

External Link/Members Only
everything is all done with condom on but wasn't botherd

Her profile says OWO. What was the reason for the condom?
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