Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Sophie . Aberdeen  (Read 658 times)

Offline thecrippler

External Link/Members Only

Had to happen, post Christmas fuck required and this one is in the list, anyone been there?

Romanian  :angry: and her flat mate has a review from hell so might keep the bone in my pocket!

Offline auldie63

Go on, go for it if that's what floats yer boat.
But please don't come back on here moaning if it's shite.
There's enough warnings about Romanians on here that I am amazed at the number of thick fucks on here who keep going there. Jeez it really does prove that care in the community sucks.

Offline thecrippler

Fuck have you been experimenting with the pills in your medicine cabinet?  :yahoo:

The majority of these gypos are indeed fuck-numpties, but one of my best punts was with one just last week. If I'd listened to tunnel visioned ball scratchers then I would have body swerved.

Instead, I posted this scribble to seek confirmation of my original thoughts, which is what the forum is all about.


Offline bushman

Fuck have you been experimenting with the pills in your medicine cabinet?  :yahoo:

The majority of these gypos are indeed fuck-numpties, but one of my best punts was with one just last week. If I'd listened to tunnel visioned ball scratchers then I would have body swerved.

Instead, I posted this scribble to seek confirmation of my original thoughts, which is what the forum is all about.

Can you give us a clue on who this great gypo punt was?
Maybe write a review.

Offline thecrippler

It wasn't a punt, I just asked if anyone had been with her because she looks to be my type, but sadly she's a gypo!

Not all are crap though, Aileen is a gypo and she is great, she is in Aberdeen with reviews already posted.