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Author Topic: Leeds and need help  (Read 826 times)

Offline Allnewman

Going to Leeds this week wanting  to see girl who will do anal body slim and big boobs fake would be good any suggestions guys indie or aw or parlour girl also would travel out of Leeds as well


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Best take a wetsuit; the radio said parts of Leeds are under water this morning!

Joking apart;  how much are you looking to spend, i.e. whats your budget per hour / 30 mins?


Offline stevedave

What kind of age range are you looking for?

Offline stevedave

Ok, these two might be slightly above the upper age limit but are both excellent fucks and both offer anal...I haven't partaken in anal with either, but plan to next year  :drinks:

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Offline Allnewman

Offline stevedave

I've mentioned before that there seems to be lack of girls who do anal in Leeds.

Apparently Daniella of Playmates agency does it. I've not seen her so can't comment on her looks but agency girls  tend to be pretty good looking.

Offline Allnewman

Yea shame that candy or lexi won't do it