Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Not even with a fist full of pardons!  (Read 893 times)

Offline privatejm12

Well it seems ike over the festive period i couldnt even get a little bit of company! anyone else feeling the struggle?


  • Guest
Not really, I planned my end of year to avoid trying to meet around Christmas Day/Boxing Day; couldn't have got away anyway. Had a fantastic duo last Tuesday and left myself a week to recover before seeing a regular this Tuesday. That should round off the year nicely.  :hi:

Offline privatejm12

Not really, I planned my end of year to avoid trying to meet around Christmas Day/Boxing Day; couldn't have got away anyway. Had a fantastic duo last Tuesday and left myself a week to recover before seeing a regular this Tuesday. That should round off the year nicely.  :hi:

Lucky for some! Im away skiing today so ill maybe get some euro pussy for a change! Im not a fan of the EE girls over in the uk but more so in their won homeland! They just seem to work differently there!