Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Rant!  (Read 4513 times)


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I may be in a different position to most on the thread.  My mrs puts out regularly, unfortunately shes just crap and doesnt fulfil my sexual needs. It could be available as much as i want but its just not appealing -more like having a flabby wank!

This coupled with me being a selfish cunt make seeing prostitutes the obvious answer.

The only real gamble i take in this game is of her finding out.  In that respect i have far more to lose than gain.

Offline smartieshouse

From perhaps a similar perspective, I prefer sex with WGs.

Offline dieseldriver

Married the first wife Feb 1971 aged 21. NO OWO! Would't even consider it. Normal sex not too bad. Divorced mid eighties but not cos no OWO.

Got my first taste of OWO year or so after when got my own flat. Doing the dating clubs at the time (still no internet or mobile phones) met an Indian woman. Liked it rough so stuck it in her mouth. Then a black as black can be women done it to me in my car shortly after meeting her   :D

Remarried 23 years ago. Sadly the new missus didn't want to do it   :( . And never has. So once in a while see a WG TO fulfill the ultimate pleasure. But at 66, sometimes difficult to get it up without the help of a certain pill. And even then doesn't always work.  So being happy in every other aspect of my marriage, take life as it comes. Do it when can with the missus, but sort out the WG's on AW for the OWO  :thumbsup:   


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Hope everyone had a good Christmas.  :lol:

For married guys, the Mrs knows she doesn't have to put out because she knows you have limited options. Her primal needs are met, which are she has a provider and family unit, her lifestyle is good. She is not obligated to have sex with you like a hooker is. The Mrs is in a win-win situation, doesn't have to put out at all and what can you do about it? If she finds out you are shagging prossies or even having an affair, she'll screw you over in the divorce courts.

Marriage is a scam. :thumbsdown:

You don't need to get married to have kids/family. If things don't work out, you can walk away a lot easier and just need to pay child support. Why get married for? ....To carry on your Surname


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and you risk this " fantastic" life-style by using brasses, :dash:

 lets hope shes as thick as you think she is,or it will be an entertaining divorce petition,

 in my nearly 60 years ive had dozens of affairs with married women, apart from the odd post-natal depression they dont go off sex, they like it as much as us, sometimes more,
 they look for it elsewhere like we do.
 I guarentee you ask your next prossie (who can speak English) about married guys whose wives have gone "frigid" clients,and they will tell you about the rotten teeth, bad breath,cheesy bell-ends and toilet paper sticking out of the dirty arse,or simply the personality of a house-brick, and then they complain the girl "was crap!"

Thanks Claire Raynor, for that insightful marital advice..

How's the male escorting going?

Offline Bigus Dickus

I was enjoying hearing the married man's perspective, until the two trolls turned up!

I didn't get married but settled down for about 6 years with a missus and her two kids.

Caught her shagging around and eventually I got out. I got off financially lightly as we weren't wed and the sprogs weren't mine. Think I dodged a bullet and I know for sure that marriage isn't for me. Even with the warm glow of a family life, I felt I wasn't living for me but my whole life was based around her and her kids. My life is a great deal better. My hard work pays for my lifestyle and the end of my relationship resulted in fucking so many more ladies and doing stuff I'd never would of had a chance to experience.

Would I have still done it whilst in a relationship? Maybe. It was getting that way before the end.

Anyway my view is your time in this world is limited. Don't waste it living someone else's life!

Happy punting!

Offline Thepacifist

I'm single and want to stay that way forever. My parents have been divorced. My 2 uncles have been divorced. I intend to keep all little money I have for myself. I never want to have children and then have to pay child support and the inumerable cost of living. I've been hurt by women and dumped by the only girl I've ever loved. They can change their mind at any time. Here today, gone tomorrow. I refuse to be hurt anymore or rejected. Now I punt when I want.

Offline PaintBrush

Great thread gents, very much enjoy the tails,

From my perspective, over the last few year the interval between sex with the OH has slowly increased from days to weeks to many weeks.

When the subject is mentioned I'm accused of a one track mind and I'm never satisfied, probably true.

So, I now do a little punting, fucking great, meet a divers ladies, a lot younger in most cases, usually way out of my league and i have a fucking wonderful time.


  • Guest
It's good (or maybe not so good) to see that I'm not the only one.
Just to be clear; my OH is still attractive, she is pretty good in bed when she feels like it (though her oral skills don't match a decent pro) but then there is the massive advantage that we can do it bare back
I would punt less if she put out a bit more but I wouldn't stop completely. It's better than having an affair and you do get some great experiences.

Offline Nagilum

I was enjoying hearing the married man's perspective, until the two trolls turned up!

I didn't get married but settled down for about 6 years with a missus and her two kids.

Caught her shagging around and eventually I got out. I got off financially lightly as we weren't wed and the sprogs weren't mine. Think I dodged a bullet and I know for sure that marriage isn't for me. Even with the warm glow of a family life, I felt I wasn't living for me but my whole life was based around her and her kids. My life is a great deal better. My hard work pays for my lifestyle and the end of my relationship resulted in fucking so many more ladies and doing stuff I'd never would of had a chance to experience.

Would I have still done it whilst in a relationship? Maybe. It was getting that way before the end.

Anyway my view is your time in this world is limited. Don't waste it living someone else's life!

Happy punting!

+1 Same with my experience!  My missus cheated on me after yers of marriage and when I found out I ended an unhappy marriage.  The irony was that I stayed loyal for years, now I have started doing the things I should have done in my 20's.

5th Musketeer

  • Guest
Married the first wife Feb 1971 aged 21. NO OWO! Would't even consider it. Normal sex not too bad. Divorced mid eighties but not cos no OWO.

Remarried 23 years ago. Sadly the new missus didn't want to do it   :( . And never has. So once in a while see a WG TO fulfill the ultimate pleasure. But at 66, sometimes difficult to get it up without the help of a certain pill. And even then doesn't always work.  So being happy in every other aspect of my marriage, take life as it comes. Do it when can with the missus, but sort out the WG's on AW for the OWO  :thumbsup:
Since it was a "thing" for you, it makes me wonder why you married your second, knowing that she didn't.  I know what age does - been there, done that.....


  • Guest
It's good (or maybe not so good) to see that I'm not the only one.
Just to be clear; my OH is still attractive, she is pretty good in bed when she feels like it (though her oral skills don't match a decent pro) but then there is the massive advantage that we can do it bare back
I would punt less if she put out a bit more but I wouldn't stop completely. It's better than having an affair and you do get some great experiences.

My missus has just shown an interest again, after a two year gap, as I mentioned in an earlier reply.  So that's bareback, like yourself, as I have had the snip. Bit of dilemma, in that that was part of my justification to myself to punt was the lack of sex and she's wanting sex again, but I don't think i'll stop punting, think i'm hooked..

I've always been an Oral covered punter, but now i'm considering reverting back to just tit wanks and hand jobs with WGs. I don't think I can risk full sex with WGs now. I've not quite got over a recent forum member getting genitial warts and herpes on the bollocks, despite wearing a condom. Gives me nightmares that story...

Just a suggestion Ness4, but i'd be definitely going for Oral covered, if you're bareback the missus. Apologies if you are mate, not really my business, but just a thought in case otherwise..


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What the fuck, 37 and you live with your parents??? Rent a fucking room or something mate. You can afford hookers but you can't afford to get your own place?

You need to sort that out.
i am from a Pakistani family so it's normal to live with family if you are not married. I pay all the bills in my home and look after my parents aswell as working full time. Suits me fine.


  • Guest
i am from a Pakistani family so it's normal to live with family if you are not married. I pay all the bills in my home and look after my parents aswell as working full time. Suits me fine.
Used to be the norm in this country to a few decades back here, we have just devolved from a family society to a consumer society!

Offline RedKettle

Our sex life has more or less dried up but I'm ok with that, I can punt to get that out if my system.

I'm still happy to be with the mrs, she's my best mate and wouldn't swap her for all the tea in China.

If you're like me then punting avoids chasing civvie skirt and embarking on a potentially disastrous affair.

Pretty much where I am

Offline Frenchie

I've posted on this subject before --and like a lot of you , seem to have hit the nail on the head with a  lot of comments .
The thing I find frightening is that 95% of us seem to be in the same situation ....I truly believe that society will gradually change and that men will either get married  much later or not at all .

'man bashing ' in the media really winds me up ...Apparently we are all overweight ,lazy , beer swilling , couch potatoes who can't deal with having a cold  etc etc .. ( you know what I mean .. )

It annoys me that women expect all the fondness and love .. but without the sex ! I really don't think my marraige would last if it wasn't for punting .. I love my wife .. but to be quite frank she is  six stone heavier than when I met her .. and  at 53 has gone through the menopause ....I understand her sex drive is zero ... but if she can still have an orgasm .. why  would she deny herself this pleasure in life  ? ...... The batteries in her 'Rabbit' have been in there for years !

A friend (divorced ) who is in his mid sixties has regular dates / relationships with women through Dateline .. He is always going on about how these women ' wear the tackle ' .. will do almost anything in bed  ... but why .. because they want to keep him and aren't married to him !

The other things that get my goat is the way my wife and her friends lust after celebrities and constantly talk about them .... I feel like saying ' And what would you do with him ? .... read him a book? ...... You say you're not interested in sex  .. but you suggest that you'd shag him ! .. but you can't be bothered to have any sort of sex with the man you're married to .. who provides for you and you supposedly love ... '

I love my punting experiences , albeit it's only four or five times a year ... It keeps me sane.. and no more in depth discussions trying to improve our sex lives....I miss bareback sex .. but oral sex is much more important than penetrative sex as long as CIm and owo is on the cards with a WG ,then I'm happy .

Of course the  bonus  of a completely non existent sex life with my wife is that should I pick up any STD ( although I get checked regularly ) I'm not going to pass anything on to her . So in a way , she has done me a favour !

She has absolutely NO idea about my hobby ...... I wonder if more information about things like AW is featured in the media (as of late) , women might actually take notice and consider that thier husbands might stray into the world of punting ... and therefore might improve , or even re-kindle thier sex lives at home .?......I don't think so ... why .. because to be quite frank chaps ... they can't be f----- g bothered ! Rant over !   Happy new year punting !


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'man bashing ' in the media really winds me up ...Apparently we are all overweight ,lazy , beer swilling , couch potatoes who can't deal with having a cold  etc etc .. ( you know what I mean .. )
You raise some interesting points there. I think it's mainly advertisers that portray men in that way, also incapable of childcare. I like how some advertisers refer to fat women as "real women". E.g when they show fat women modelling underwear. It's an insult to the women who watch what they eat and exercise to maintain their figure. The same audience who appreciate the "real women" phrase would no doubt have a very different idea of what a "real man" is. The real man being not an overweight man but one fit and muscular.

Offline Punting Valley

You raise some interesting points there. I think it's mainly advertisers that portray men in that way, also incapable of childcare. I like how some advertisers refer to fat women as "real women". E.g when they show fat women modelling underwear. It's an insult to the women who watch what they eat and exercise to maintain their figure. The same audience who appreciate the "real women" phrase would no doubt have a very different idea of what a "real man" is. The real man being not an overweight man but one fit and muscular.

It's not just the commercial world that does this, it is part of the 'men only want sex' culture that makes some women to view sex as a chore...    :manhater: I am single, but I were married I would need my partner to comprehend sex as a a necessary form of intimacy which is a major part of the marriage.


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This is exactly how my life was, last Christmas was the last straw. Same as the OP, in laws staying me as chief cook/bottle washer/ drink top upper / host / taxi / entertainer in laws really grateful kept thanking me for hospitality etc, Mrs didn't even say 'thanks' let alone venture beneath the neck (owo?? 4 times in 10 years). Sex about once every 6 months and very much a chore (I could do what I liked to her but then quick HJ and lay back/think of England). Was symptomatic of our life, I make her happy she lets me - January this year I had to leave, couldn't live like that any more. She was genuinely shocked.