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Author Topic: Advice please  (Read 600 times)

Offline DevilD

Very keen to see Welsh Brunette, - emailed her and she says that she will only see new punters that have 3 positive feedbacks. Apart from the obvious, what does she mwan, and how do I achieve that? Thanks in advance guys...

Offline charlie-mott

See three girls, get three feedback. It's not complicated

Offline DevilD

Thanks Charlie. As a relative newcomer, I appreciate that. I understand the mechanics, but where do the girls post their feedbacks?

Offline charlie-mott

On your profile... in exactly the same way that you would for them.


  • Guest
Well when you book and it is completed you leave feedback hers is usually a response to yours, not all of them do it but maybe ask them to at the end of the booking!  :hi:

You will one day end up with over 10,000 like me !   :lol: :lol: :lol:

Offline WelshMichael

Very keen to see Welsh Brunette, - emailed her and she says that she will only see new punters that have 3 positive feedbacks. Apart from the obvious, what does she mwan, and how do I achieve that? Thanks in advance guys...

May be a little more difficult - her profile has gone?

Offline DevilD

Yup, I noticed! Hopefully only over the festive period!