Rockharders made a good analysis
Many WK's are sad, lonely and probably socially inept individuals who want to impress and protect a WG regardless of the evidence. They feel they are special and share a closer bond with the WG than the rest. They're not willing to believe that a WG can have faults and off days and thrive on the thought if being rewarded when they see her again.
Then you have the self appointed admins of the forum who write with fluency and try to bamboozle punters with their proficient language. They are dismissive of opinions they don't agree with in a elitist way. They thrive on some kind of power, popularity and seeing only the top girls. It probably fills a big sad and lonely hole in their lives by boasting about their punting conquests as if they were dates. Any break or crack in their illusion brings out their nasty character.
Both types seem to either think punting is dating or have deluded thoughts that a WG likes them. They're boundary pushers, selfish and the most likely type of punter that will develop EAS, troll and stalk a girl.