Sugar Babies

Author Topic: XXLOU4YOUXX  (Read 1404 times)


  • Guest

As I seem to be developing a penchant for more athletically toned / muscular girls;

Would any of you have current info on Lou:  External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

She looks to have a fantastic physique, possibly even an amateur or semi-pro bodybuilder?

I'll be watching this space....

Cheers  :hi:

Offline anonyorks

Had good comms with her a couple of times as she bid on a couple of reverse bookings, she is a little out of my way otherwise I would've paid a visit. Pretty sure there are face pics in her private gallery.


  • Guest
Thanks for the info anonyorks  :hi:

I'll subscribe and take a look.

Offline RedKettle

Any news on this one?

Has bid on a RB.

Offline Lijunwei

Had my eyes on her for a long minute- and curious as to the service and appearance !


  • Guest
Very nice, let us know if you test out this nice piece of athletic ass Mmm.

Offline RedKettle

I did not go with her on the RB - but will keep her on the HL