Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Mandy and Jessie - Leicester  (Read 9139 times)

104 review(s) for MandyFoxxx (91 positive, 10 neutral, 3 negative) [Indexed by ]
22 review(s) for JESSIE -x- (20 positive, 1 neutral, 1 negative) [Indexed by ]

Offline Crazydave

Wow. Just logged on after a few days offline and all hell has broken loose!

I've met Mandy and Heidi before and the service I received was great. In fact, I think on my review, I mentioned that Mandy couldn't have gone out her way more to make sure I was having a good time.

I have no reason to believe the OP review isnt genuine, so it sounds like for whatever reason, the OP didn't click with the two girls. This happens all the time in duos and I've seen many girls who have performed great two or three times and then given a mediocre service on the next visit and then the next time you go back, they're back on form. I think by adding the extra person, it makes for a different dynamic sometimes.

I was meant to be having a duo with her and Phoebe on Wednesday 16th, but had to cancel on my way to the meeting, as my vehicle decided to die on me, so instead of enjoying a double BJ, I was waiting for a tow truck.  :cry:

I'm looking forward to re-arranging a meet with Mandy and Phoebe in the New Year.

Offline mattylondon

He's actually seen Mandy in the past and she left him positive feedback on AdultWork, that I didn't know at the start.
This is indeed getting rather tedious but surely James has identified the key question?

I couldn't care less about the fan boys or some men, who appear to know more about her whereabouts than has been divulged by the woman herself! All the distractions and vendettas against certain posters making comment are completely irrelevant and pure distraction. It's quite simple.

Did she fucking meet this guy or not, on the review date in question? A simple yes or no, from her will do.

He is adamant she did. She has skated around answering the question directly, which makes me very suspicious.

If she did meet him, then not only is she is liar but any fan boys are also under the microscope. If he is lying, then the same applies to him.

It's all a little bit strange to me because I thought the review was quite fluffy and not that negative? It wouldn't be the first time that a prossie or her fan boys took anything less than a glowing positive review badly and then went in for a little damage limitation.

The OP has plenty of other reviews, but that doesn't guarantee a 'rouge review' either. Unfortunately, it's easy to fake texts.

Therefore, to kill the issue completely, if the OP can, why doesn't he send Admin a video of the texts on his phone? That will clear it up once and for all.

Online threechilliman

I think what can be said is that her broken foot didn't stop her working - at least not straight away. She was clearly still taking bookings with a broken foot - I can be absolutely sure of that.



  • Guest
Unfortunately, it's easy to fake texts.

Therefore, to kill the issue completely, if the OP can, why doesn't he send Admin a video of the texts on his phone? That will clear it up once and for all.

I didn't realise it was that easy to fake texts and I don't know if the other screen shot is as easy to fake.

What I have sent Admin is a couple of screen shots from AW showing the positive feedback from Mandy on the 29th November and that the booking request was sent for the 19th December and the messages exchanged on the 16th to arrange the booking.

I've just wasted another hour trying to get vlc to film my phone and I can't be bothered anymore.

There is an earlier comment which describes the situation as unproven and unless Mandy or Jessie comes on here to deny the meeting took place I will leave this review to slowly pass into oblivion.

Punters have a choice with all reviews whether they are believable or not. There is reasonable doubt with this one and with a considerable number of positives I don't see why this has caused such a stir.

If she has broken her foot then I wish her a speedy recovery and hope she is back on her feet or knees soon.


  • Guest

If she has broken her foot then I wish her a speedy recovery and hope she is back on her feet or knees soon.

So do I buddy. She cancelled my duo on Tuesday and I was well up for it.


  • Guest
So do I buddy. She cancelled my duo on Tuesday and I was well up for it.
Will be nice to see a presidential review when the foot is better, assume secret service really knows what happened but in the name of national security your keeping quiet !   :lol: :lol: :lol:


  • Guest
Will be nice to see a presidential review when the foot is better, assume secret service really knows what happened but in the name of national security your keeping quiet !   :lol: :lol: :lol:

Fuck me VW (not literally) I've had all the agencies on this one and we can't figure it out.

When the meet happens I will definitely review. That reminds me, I need to write up 3 or 4 reviews.


  • Guest
Did she fucking meet this guy or not, on the review date in question? A simple yes or no, from her will do.

She clearly did meet the guy and the review genuine otherwise she would have denied it by now, I also PM'd her to ask her to clarify, she has logged on plenty of times since and has not replied.

Thus the problem being her "fanboys" call the OP a liar, and she then posts repeatedly and continues to try and cast doubt on the review, but carefully avoiding the relevant question. She's seen the client before and given him positive feedback previously. And doesn't even have the decency to speak up for the OP / Client and lets her white Knights attempt to rubbish him / his review.

The outcome, the white knights have managed to turn a neutral thread that would have just slipped down the reviews into a lively repeatedly boosted thread and shown her out as untrustworthy, and shown themselves up as deluded twats  :hi:


  • Guest
I've just stumbled upon this thread...what the frig is wrong with people?

Threats of bareback in exchange for not getting negative reviews? This sounds just like the shit that has been happening up in the NE, and that has ended up as a massive shit storm.

I am literally sat here shakng my head. I punt for fun, to fuck women that I pretty much have no chance of fucking in real life. If I have a bad punt, then shit happens, you live you learn. I'll post my experiences to help other punters make a rational, informed decision - and, I hope, the VAST majority of punters feel the same, that UKP is an excellent platform for information exchange. We are lucky to have it, and lucky that admin has given us a relatively long leash thus far. If, as he says, the way the site functions is to change, then I hope it leads to a lot of arseholes who use their UKP status as some kind of leverage, to take a long hard look in the mirror.

It's fucking pathetic.


Review seems genuine to me. Another case of fluffy white knights trying to put the review into question. Perhaps a prossie trying to dodge the bullet. Although Using your UKP name to gain bookings is a practice i hope we all can eradicate. Usually the ones who do this are found out to be completely off their heads in the long run.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2015, 04:57:20 pm by Ben4454 »


  • Guest

Review seems genuine to me. Another case of fluffy white knights trying to put the review into question. Perhaps a prossie trying to dodge the bullet. Although Using your UKP name to gain bookings is a practice i hope we all can eradicate. Usually the ones who do this are found out to be completely off their heads in the long run.

I didn't that's what caused all the fuss to start with! I tried to be vague about the booking but the fluffies wouldn't let it go until I had given date and time so they could rubbish the review.

I even sent Owwhataknight a PM in reply to his first post.

Offline stevedave

I didn't that's what caused all the fuss to start with! I tried to be vague about the booking but the fluffies wouldn't let it go until I had given date and time so they could rubbish the review.

I even sent Owwhataknight a PM in reply to his first post.

It might have seemed like it, but my (slightly drunken) rant wasn't aimed at you, just at the whole situation that seems to have become so present on the board recently. FWIW I think your review is genuine, the lack of rebuttal from either of the other two parties involved shows this to me.

What fucks me off is that there clearly are guys out there who will act all Billy Big Bollocks and threaten girls with shit reviews if they don't get certain things...could be a discount, free extras, bb (horrific bastards), basically using their forum "status" to demand shit. It's a disgrace. We are all adults, act like it. This is a fun pastime (for punters) and should be treated as that. Also, if any WG's do go along with these demands and give free services in exchange for positive reviews then fucking shame on them. Any decent lass worth her salt would a) report the punter to admin and b) have the guts to ride out a negative review.

Rant over  :D

Offline mattylondon

She clearly did meet the guy and the review genuine otherwise she would have denied it by now, I also PM'd her to ask her to clarify, she has logged on plenty of times since and has not replied.

Thus the problem being her "fanboys" call the OP a liar, and she then posts repeatedly and continues to try and cast doubt on the review, but carefully avoiding the relevant question. She's seen the client before and given him positive feedback previously. And doesn't even have the decency to speak up for the OP / Client and lets her white Knights attempt to rubbish him / his review.

The outcome, the white knights have managed to turn a neutral thread that would have just slipped down the reviews into a lively repeatedly boosted thread and shown her out as untrustworthy, and shown themselves up as deluded twats  :hi:
Indeed. She has had ample time to categorically deny the meeting took place.

Therefore, after reading this whole thread, I'm calling it for the OP. If he had threatened to write a negative review if he didn't receive bareback, that is blackmail and a criminal offence, so why hasn't she reported it? The 'bareback scare' is a well known piece of bullshit that has been used in the past.

I'm not doubting that she may have had an 'issue' with her foot, but I don't believe it was broken and nor do I believe that whatever issue she had with it prevented this meeting taking place. That she may have cancelled other meetings is neither here nor there. She posted up a reference to this foot the day on UKE, the day after the booking was meant to have taken place but made no mention of it being broken.

Fuck's sake. She doesn't appear to be that bad looking, seems like she has a nice figure but clearly on the day perhaps didn't produce the best service she could have and some issue with her foot may well have been the reason. It didn't appear to be serious enough to mention to the OP by all accounts?

If I was her, I would just take the review (which wasn't that bad) on the chin and ensure that if you're not fully up for it the next time around, for whatever reason, don't go fucking accepting bookings and taking punters hard earned. Is she that desperate for the cash, that it couldn't be delayed?

So well done to the stupid fucking white knights on this thread for publicising a somewhat fluffy, neutral review, that nobody including myself would've paid any attention to. Neither they, nor the prossie, have done themselves any favours. She has continued to stir the pot on this and cast doubt on the OP, by chipping in here and there but critically she has never denied that it took place.

On other forums, her absence to deny it took place may have escaped people's attention but not on here it won't. People on this forum cannot be hoodwinked and you will get called out for it.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2015, 06:53:19 pm by mattylondon »

Offline cueball

Thread on main board caught my eye and led me here.

Just had a read of it, what an embarrassing load of tosh posted by so called grown men, it's laughable.

I'm with the op, I believe his review.

Offline G.Raff

Thread on main board caught my eye and led me here.

Just had a read of it, what an embarrassing load of tosh posted by so called grown men, it's laughable.

I'm with the op, I believe his review.


I can't believe that the doubter was someone who has never even seen the prossie/s in question  :wacko:


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I can't believe that the doubter was someone who has never even seen the prossie/s in question  :wacko:
But his forum buddies had !  White Knighting by proxy, a symptom of the "Crowd Punting" that has become so trendy these days.