She clearly did meet the guy and the review genuine otherwise she would have denied it by now, I also PM'd her to ask her to clarify, she has logged on plenty of times since and has not replied.
Thus the problem being her "fanboys" call the OP a liar, and she then posts repeatedly and continues to try and cast doubt on the review, but carefully avoiding the relevant question. She's seen the client before and given him positive feedback previously. And doesn't even have the decency to speak up for the OP / Client and lets her white Knights attempt to rubbish him / his review.
The outcome, the white knights have managed to turn a neutral thread that would have just slipped down the reviews into a lively repeatedly boosted thread and shown her out as untrustworthy, and shown themselves up as deluded twats
Indeed. She has had ample time to categorically deny the meeting took place.
Therefore, after reading this whole thread, I'm calling it for the OP. If he had threatened to write a negative review if he didn't receive bareback, that is blackmail and a criminal offence, so why hasn't she reported it? The 'bareback scare' is a well known piece of bullshit that has been used in the past.
I'm not doubting that she may have had an 'issue' with her foot, but I don't believe it was broken and nor do I believe that whatever issue she had with it prevented this meeting taking place. That she may have cancelled other meetings is neither here nor there. She posted up a reference to this foot the day on UKE, the day after the booking was meant to have taken place but made no mention of it being broken.
Fuck's sake. She doesn't appear to be that bad looking, seems like she has a nice figure but clearly on the day perhaps didn't produce the best service she could have and some issue with her foot may well have been the reason. It didn't appear to be serious enough to mention to the OP by all accounts?
If I was her, I would just take the review (which wasn't that bad) on the chin and ensure that if you're not fully up for it the next time around, for whatever reason, don't go fucking accepting bookings and taking punters hard earned. Is she that desperate for the cash, that it couldn't be delayed?
So well done to the stupid fucking white knights on this thread for publicising a somewhat fluffy, neutral review, that nobody including myself would've paid any attention to. Neither they, nor the prossie, have done themselves any favours. She has continued to stir the pot on this and cast doubt on the OP, by chipping in here and there but
critically she has never denied that it took place.
On other forums, her absence to deny it took place may have escaped people's attention but not on here it won't. People on this forum cannot be hoodwinked and you will get called out for it.