Sugar Babies

Author Topic: First Time Punter  (Read 2972 times)


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I have done a search on advice for first time punters but not really found the info Im after so please forgive me if this is a tedious thread to long established punters but it is important to me.

Yesterday I went for a massage with Niki in Hexham, it was good and it has given me the confidence to look to visit a WG. My problem, if indeed it is a problem is that I dont see many attractive girls on the regular agency sites, most have their faces hidden which I understand but Im also interested in a hot body, firm, toned, long legs, big tits, long hair, pretty face, Im sure the list is endless for most guys but is the reality that this high quality punt just doesn't exist in Newcastle and the surrounding areas?

Im not in the £50 for as long as I can get league, I would be more than happy to pay top dollar for a quality lady that I could enjoy a couple of hours with and get to know a little as well as the great punt. Ive also read that posts like this can be started by trolls or to advertise a WG which I sure you this is not. If anyone wants to recommend then do it by PM to avoid this turning into a publicity thread.

I look on sites like Vivastreet and other independent ones and the girls look so much hotter than the agency sites but this then makes me paranoid that the girl in the pictures isn't the girl you get so Ive no confidence to book. Last night I spend ages looking at the review section here and there wasn't that many, if any girls that did it for me. I guess Im really fussy as I have a very pretty wife at home, the problem is we have been together a long time, she had women problems and the surgery took away her sex drive completely. As such I feel that unless I can find the right girl Im not going to go with some saggy old bird just for a tip out, I can do that online anytime.

How do I know whats genuine and what not and are there any obvious scams or health risks other than a condom I need to know?

If you were punting for the first time again what lessons that you have now learned would you apply first time round?

Thanks for your patience gents. :)

Rod trotter

  • Guest
my advice would be to not do it ok, punt that is.

i know through experience that once you start you find it very hard to stop, cross that line and it opens up a whole world of unknowns.

think very carefully before you do it, are you prepared to lose it all if you are caught/catch something and pass it on? its a hobby not for the squeamish and is full off let downs, worry and pitfalls.yes you can have some great sex with some stunners but in my experience when attached its a constant worry ok.

that said if you go ahead anyway im baffled you cant find anyone via the reviews on here, ther's quite a few of the regions stars reviewed , a little tip also, don't always think the stunners are great ok, many "plain" looking girls can give you the best sex you will ever have and are usually great to spend time with anarl.

i won't tout anyone, seek and you will find, all the answers are on here if you cross that line.



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Take Rods advice and dont do it. But if your gonna, then man up and boldly set forth into the Dark Side.

If youve got a few quid, which your post suggests, then i'd just book shit loads who look hot to you and roll the dice on the face.

Oh, and stay the fuck away from Vivastreet, there almost all false pics of dogs in tights from eastern europe. Youd be better off humping 3kgs of beef and less likely to catch owt  :lol:

Have fun  :drinks:


  • Guest
Would advise to avoid vivastreet what ever not much good news comes from that website !

What other sites have you used External Link/Members Only many of the agency hookers are on there to with better photos.

Why not go full monty and try that insane trio as an intro
« Last Edit: December 23, 2015, 12:25:11 pm by vw »

john boy

  • Guest
 Rod trotters reply to the op is probably the best bit of advice ive seen posted on this site

Offline Mansell

Rod's advice is very good, there really is no Undoing what you have done. Be very sure you want to unlock Pandoras box before you start.

As to who to see, read the NE review section on here. Also have pop over to Admin's sister site External Link/Members Only there has been a lot of debate recently on which girl has the best Ass, Legs, Breast etc etc. That'll give you a bit of an idea as to who it attractive.

BUT have a really good think before you do this. You said your Mrs is very attractive, can't something be done to help sort her out. As what your really saying is you'll be doing this for the rest of your life ? Do you really want that ?

Offline AnthG

problem is that I dont see many attractive girls on the regular agency sites, most have their faces hidden which I understand but Im also interested in a hot body, firm, toned, long legs, big tits, long hair, pretty face, Im sure the list is endless for most guys but is the reality that this high quality punt just doesn't exist in Newcastle and the surrounding areas?

For me what I have found is nearly every girl who does this job is only ok looking. I have had 50 punts with about 30 or so different girls. And really only about 3 or so of them would I class as real life hot.

When I say 'real life hot' I mean as in the type of girl if I seen at work, or when I was at university, or college I know I would fancy them.

But the problem is that brings up another issue that Rod has spelled out brilliantly.

a little tip also, don't always think the stunners are great ok, many "plain" looking girls can give you the best sex you will ever have and are usually great to spend time with anarl.

This is the best advice from Rod. Think of it this way stunners will have life handed to them on a silver platter. Guys in real life will be saying "this is great" to them for everything when its likely not. And all because she is fit so they just be nice and accept whatever from her. Thus she doesn't develop any bedroom skills. Or social skills, or many other skills. All because she is fit.

Whereas ok looking girls, guys in real life will be more honest with them, so they usually develop skills to fuck you to the edge of you life, as they know they are only ok looking so makeup for it.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2015, 08:14:43 pm by AnthG »
Banned reason: To much drama, account closed
Banned by: Iloveoral


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For me what I have found is nearly every girl who does this job is only ok looking. I have had 50 punts with about 30 or so different girls. And really only about 3 or so of them would I class as real life hot.

When I say 'real life hot' I mean as in the type of girl if I seen at work, or when I was at university, or college I know I would fancy them.

Thank you for your honesty, that ratio seems to be what I imagined.

If Im honest I wasn't looking for a punt with an average looking girl who fucked my brains out brilliantly for an hour. If Im going to do this I want to do it with a girl that I find very attractive, Im looking for someone with a body that most girls would die for etc. Ive had average sex with good looking girls for most of my life and its far from bad. As I now approach 50 the days of being able to pick up a good looking girl are gone, especially since Im happily married, hence the fancy to pay for one.

I do worry about things, STD's especially and to be honest Im very green in that regard, I read something yesterday which left me thinking that OWO would be a risk which is something I would really like. My circumstances are such that it would be highly unlikely I would get caught and even if I did I think my wife would be tolerant at least the first time as she even suggested half joking/half seriously I should go out and buy some.

I have a friend who is single living in London, he punts around twice a month and he sends me links to the girls he has been with, they really are stunners and he tells me most of the time they are just as the pictures but thats London and he is paying £250-£350 per punt. I would pay £250 for the right girl but after looking through all the agencies I can find in Newcastle none of them seem to stand out, even places like Leeds and Manchester look better - is it a case that here in Newcastle we are just short of quality?


  • Guest
I do appreciate all of the advice given so far, especially the advice not to do it which I can understand the reason for that. Its right to think where will it all end. In my mind I just feel frustrated at the minute, Im not getting any younger, the days of picking up a nice girl have gone and there isn't much excitement in my life. Add that to a poor sex life at home and you might call it a mid life crisis, sadly I dont have the money to go out and buy myself a red Ferrari so maybe it a few night of fun with the girl of my dreams will help. I do also wonder if I took this step and enjoyed it then where would it end?

Offline AnthG

I have a friend who is single living in London, he punts around twice a month and he sends me links to the girls he has been with, they really are stunners and he tells me most of the time they are just as the pictures but thats London and he is paying £250-£350 per punt.... is it a case that here in Newcastle we are just short of quality?

All the photos I have seen for the London Agencies they all use heavy photoshopping on the girls.

The two bits of advice I can give is either. Have a look at as they have a media section where girls upload photos of themselves. And often face pics and see if any of the north east girls take your fancy.

Or if you just want to skip all that, just book Tori Taylor for your first punt.

External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only
Banned reason: To much drama, account closed
Banned by: Iloveoral


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He'd prob have to wait till next summer to get that girl Anth  :unknown:


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He'd prob have to wait till next summer to get that girl Anth  :unknown:
Sending someone for a long wait is not something I would consider helpful.

Offline AnthG

He'd prob have to wait till next summer to get that girl Anth  :unknown:

Are you not getting confused with Brooke Knights. I suggested Tori Taylor.
Banned reason: To much drama, account closed
Banned by: Iloveoral


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My advice would be to ignore your mate who spends £250 - £350 twice a month on London girls.


If you've as much money as you claim then why not take a trip down there and fill your boots with the "top quality?"

« Last Edit: December 25, 2015, 09:08:30 pm by Reeson69 »

Rod trotter

  • Guest
I do appreciate all of the advice given so far, especially the advice not to do it which I can understand the reason for that. Its right to think where will it all end. In my mind I just feel frustrated at the minute, Im not getting any younger, the days of picking up a nice girl have gone and there isn't much excitement in my life. Add that to a poor sex life at home and you might call it a mid life crisis, sadly I dont have the money to go out and buy myself a red Ferrari so maybe it a few night of fun with the girl of my dreams will help. I do also wonder if I took this step and enjoyed it then where would it end?

This is my point won't end , once you do it you want another then another.

Seriously go for it if you want but understand you CAN be caught, you CAN catch a disease and it CAN ruin youre life and career.

Those are the bad things , the very worst things so dont get fooled into thinking this hobby is easy peasy.


  • Guest
Are you not getting confused with Brooke Knights. I suggested Tori Taylor.

Yes i am Anth, just me being a thick twat..soz  :dash:


Rod trotter

  • Guest
Sending someone for a long wait is not something I would consider helpful.

He wasnt if you know who he was on about


  • Guest

This is my point won't end , once you do it you want another then another.

Seriously go for it if you want but understand you CAN be caught, you CAN catch a disease and it CAN ruin youre life and career.

Those are the bad things , the very worst things so dont get fooled into thinking this hobby is easy peasy.

This advice isn't being wasted on me Rod, I guess some of it isn't something I haven't already told myself over the last few years.

There seems to be four main issues here.

1. I will want to do it again.

Yes I expect I probably will if I take the plunge but then again until any guilt that might come my way has settled I guess I wont really know. Im far from being made of money but I could take a trip to London or another major city once a month if needed, equally I could spend that money locally if I found the right quality girl.

2. I can be caught.

Yes, I expect I could but Im not really sure at this stage how? My wife isn't the kind to snoop and I would expect I would use a punting phone so Im struggling a bit as to ways I would end up caught, examples from others could well be useful here.

3. I could catch a disease.

To be honest this one is my biggest worry. Good oral isn't something Ive really been lucky to receive over the years of steady relationships and marriage, most have made a token gesture which although better than no gesture has never really been that good. Having done a bit of reading Im even left feeling like OWO carries its own risks. Ive got the main jist regarding protected sex and how STD's are passed but the bleeding gums one took me by surprise.

4. It could ruin my life and career.

Not so much my career as Im my own boss but for sure if it caused me and the Mrs to split up it would be the end of the world, we have a great relationship just sadly not a sexual one. As I said earlier I think she would give me a bit of a break for a first offence but to be honest the fact she ever found out and the pain it might cause her would be bad enough.

In bed on Christmas morning we discussed the lack of sex in our lives. Because it is not her fault I refuse to let it get between us in terms or arguing about it, and I have managed that for around 6yrs now from my early 40's. I would never want to have sex with her if she isn't in the mood and sadly she never is in the mood. Its not a cop out as she used to be always up for it and after her surgery the difference was obvious immediately. Everywhere I look these days there is sex, its used to sell everything and I find myself wanking more and more which although fast and effective isn't very rewarding and quite lonely. Fuck, this is starting to sound like an agony aunts letter :(

Last week I visited Niki in Hexham for a massage and HE - I enjoyed the massage and the HE was ok, I say ok as she stopeed just a bit too soon after climax and the whole thing did feel a bit sterile. Because of the fear of STD's it has crossed my mind to see if I could find an attractive lady for massage but with maybe a little more fun in the HE dept?

What a minefield :(

« Last Edit: December 27, 2015, 09:56:46 am by Sako »

Rod trotter

  • Guest
This advice isn't being wasted on me Rod, I guess some of it isn't something I haven't already told myself over the last few years.

There seems to be four main issues here.

1. I will want to do it again.

Yes I expect I probably will if I take the plunge but then again until any guilt that might come my way has settled I guess I wont really know. Im far from being made of money but I could take a trip to London or another major city once a month if needed, equally I could spend that money locally if I found the right quality girl.

2. I can be caught.

Yes, I expect I could but Im not really sure at this stage how? My wife isn't the kind to snoop and I would expect I would use a punting phone so Im struggling a bit as to ways I would end up caught, examples from others could well be useful here.

3. I could catch a disease.

To be honest this one is my biggest worry. Good oral isn't something Ive really been lucky to receive over the years of steady relationships and marriage, most have made a token gesture which although better than no gesture has never really been that good. Having done a bit of reading Im even left feeling like OWO carries its own risks. Ive got the main jist regarding protected sex and how STD's are passed but the bleeding gums one took me by surprise.

4. It could ruin my life and career.

Not so much my career as Im my own boss but for sure if it caused me and the Mrs to split up it would be the end of the world, we have a great relationship just sadly not a sexual one. As I said earlier I think she would give me a bit of a break for a first offence but to be honest the fact she ever found out and the pain it might cause her would be bad enough.

In bed on Christmas morning we discussed the lack of sex in our lives. Because it is not her fault I refuse to let it get between us in terms or arguing about it, and I have managed that for around 6yrs now from my early 40's. I would never want to have sex with her if she isn't in the mood and sadly she never is in the mood. Its not a cop out as she used to be always up for it and after her surgery the difference was obvious immediately. Everywhere I look these days there is sex, its used to sell everything and I find myself wanking more and more which although fast and effective isn't very rewarding and quite lonely. Fuck, this is starting to sound like an agony aunts letter :(

Last week I visited Niki in Hexham for a massage and HE - I enjoyed the massage and the HE was ok, I say ok as she stopeed just a bit too soon after climax and the whole thing did feel a bit sterile. Because of the fear of STD's it has crossed my mind to see if I could find an attractive lady for massage but with maybe a little more fun in the HE dept?

What a minefield :(

 never underestimate a womans sense of finding you out, its not just a punting phone, fair enough she may not snoop and you may have a great place for the phone , but.........

you punt, and think all is fine, you come home and have a different smell on you

ditto, and you have a stray hair on your clothes

your sat nav shows you at an unusual address

you punt and get home and she wants sex

they smell a change in you !!!

diseases. theres not a way that is 100% safe, OWO is the big worry but..............

what if and its happened to me( long time ago), the condom comes off?

what if and its happened to me(long time ago), the condom breaks?

you are then effectively barebacking a pro$$ie?

other ways to get caught, the punting phone going off from an unsolicited text of a pro$$ie, it happens, its happened to me.
a vengeful pro$$ie who tries to ought you because of a bad review on here?( it happened many times on here)


seriously im not preaching but i feel just from what you say that talking to your OH may be the solution, you've already said it would kill you to lose her so DON'T FUCKING DO IT.

cross the line and you cant get back, otherwise punt and just be aware of all of these, cover ya arse and then cover it again and worry like fuck if you punt then have to fuck the OH , and if you do punt you then have to get tested EVERY MONTH or regular, that can catch you out anarl, you must get tested !!!

its not pretty if you are attAched.............BELIEVE ME

Barry Shipton

  • Guest
You seem to have a lot to loose Sako, so I think the warnings on here are sound.

Go in to this with your eyes open as once you cross that line there's no going back!

Offline AnthG

other ways to get caught, the punting phone going off from an unsolicited text of a pro$$ie, it happens, its happened to me.
a vengeful pro$$ie who tries to ought you because of a bad review on here?( it happened many times on here)


There are a million and one ways to slip up.

This is just as a heads up. And another to add to the list. On Christmas Day I looked at my Google plus account (its some google circles thing that Google adds to your Gmail account, I never use it, don't want to use it, and don't really know what it can do. But on Chrismas eve a family member added me to their circle).

So I looked on my Google Plus account. And there was a section called +1. What this means is if ever you have clicked that you like something on a website, it adds it to the plus 1 section for everyone you have in circles to see that you like it.

And there was a fucking link to some post on a WGs website on there in my list. I shit myself (almost literally). And I am single, so have minimal things to lose. But I do not want my 70 year old Auntie to know stuff like this. And to be honest I cannot remember even when I had even been to that website so it could have been there for years as I never check Google Plus as I don't use it and wish people would stop adding me to their circles (there is no way to stop them it seems).

So as another warning, if you are logged into your email account in the background, watch what you click on as you could tie it to your email account and let the world know you have.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2015, 12:40:06 pm by AnthG »
Banned reason: To much drama, account closed
Banned by: Iloveoral


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This is my point won't end , once you do it you want another then another.

Seriously go for it if you want but understand you CAN be caught, you CAN catch a disease and it CAN ruin youre life and career.

Those are the bad things , the very worst things so dont get fooled into thinking this hobby is easy peasy.

Yes its true, think things clearly before!

Offline Mansell


You've had some great advice for some very experienced guys. Which is spot on, but to put another perspective.

You say your happy, sorry your not !! Otherwise you would never have gone to see Nikki. Only you can decide how important sex is to you. But if it's that big an issue then don't let it go for another 6 years without some sort or resolution, either with your OH, talk it through more and agree what you are going to do about it. Even if that agreement is that you visit WG's to get what you need and she knows about it.

Punting is addictive and you will not be able to stop, but it really does satisfy a need and fuck it you only live once. !!! It's your life sort it out before your 70 and haven't had sex for 30 odd years and thinking "I wish"
« Last Edit: December 27, 2015, 07:11:10 pm by Mansell »


  • Guest
I have done a search on advice for first time punters but not really found the info Im after so please forgive me if this is a tedious thread to long established punters but it is important to me.

Yesterday I went for a massage with Niki in Hexham, it was good and it has given me the confidence to look to visit a WG. My problem, if indeed it is a problem is that I dont see many attractive girls on the regular agency sites, most have their faces hidden which I understand but Im also interested in a hot body, firm, toned, long legs, big tits, long hair, pretty face, Im sure the list is endless for most guys but is the reality that this high quality punt just doesn't exist in Newcastle and the surrounding areas?

Im not in the £50 for as long as I can get league, I would be more than happy to pay top dollar for a quality lady that I could enjoy a couple of hours with and get to know a little as well as the great punt. Ive also read that posts like this can be started by trolls or to advertise a WG which I sure you this is not. If anyone wants to recommend then do it by PM to avoid this turning into a publicity thread.

I look on sites like Vivastreet and other independent ones and the girls look so much hotter than the agency sites but this then makes me paranoid that the girl in the pictures isn't the girl you get so Ive no confidence to book. Last night I spend ages looking at the review section here and there wasn't that many, if any girls that did it for me. I guess Im really fussy as I have a very pretty wife at home, the problem is we have been together a long time, she had women problems and the surgery took away her sex drive completely. As such I feel that unless I can find the right girl Im not going to go with some saggy old bird just for a tip out, I can do that online anytime.

How do I know whats genuine and what not and are there any obvious scams or health risks other than a condom I need to know?

If you were punting for the first time again what lessons that you have now learned would you apply first time round?

Thanks for your patience gents. :)

Hi Saxo, you invited PM responses. I attempted to send you a message but you have set up your account to not accept them, unwittingly I guess. If you alter that then other members will be able to offer their advice.


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Hi Saxo, you invited PM responses. I attempted to send you a message but you have set up your account to not accept them, unwittingly I guess. If you alter that then other members will be able to offer their advice.

I dont seem to be able to receive PM's I can see an inbox and Ive not selected anything to deter PM's - could it be that a new member has to reach a certain number of posts before gettingPM access?

If not then any advice to activate the PM function would be helpful.


Barry Shipton

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Yes you have to make more posts before you get PM privileges - not sure how many but it will be at least ten, so keep posting!


  • Guest
Yes you have to make more posts before you get PM privileges - not sure how many but it will be at least ten, so keep posting!

Hi Sako, what Barry states may well be correct about receiving PM's but I've just checked and I was able to send PM's before I hade even made a single post on the forum. I received replies from other members again without having made a post. So try that. When you read this message click on my BrandsHill heading and it will bring up the summary up my profile activity. There you will see an option to "send message". Proceed from there. Thereafter I would expect to receive your message to which I can reply. You may just want to post in the general forum when you've done that as if does not work, I won't know ! If all else fails, there is a contact Admin option at top of website.


  • Guest
As things stand it appears I cannot send PM's either  :(


  • Guest
There you go, thats 10 posts now, maybe this will get me into the special club!  :D

Offline AnthG

There you go, thats 10 posts now, maybe this will get me into the special club!  :D

I am sure I have read a post in the past from Admin that its a case he manually enables PMs on accounts once they have either hit a certain post count or time being a member of the forum.

I *think* its a case of when you can see the offtopic section you should be able to PM too.
Banned reason: To much drama, account closed
Banned by: Iloveoral


  • Guest
I am sure I have read a post in the past from Admin that its a case he manually enables PMs on accounts once they have either hit a certain post count or time being a member of the forum.

I *think* its a case of when you can see the offtopic section you should be able to PM too.

OK, thanks Anth, I can't see any 'Off Topic' section so I guess that must explain things.


  • Guest
Hi Sako, what Barry states may well be correct about receiving PM's but I've just checked and I was able to send PM's before I hade even made a single post on the forum. I received replies from other members again without having made a post. So try that. When you read this message click on my BrandsHill heading and it will bring up the summary up my profile activity. There you will see an option to "send message". Proceed from there. Thereafter I would expect to receive your message to which I can reply. You may just want to post in the general forum when you've done that as if does not work, I won't know ! If all else fails, there is a contact Admin option at top of website.

I dont know when I will get PM access here, if you are a member of UKEscorting I can be found there under the same username and it appears I get PM access immediately there.


  • Guest
I dont know when I will get PM access here, if you are a member of UKEscorting I can be found there under the same username and it appears I get PM access immediately there.

Ok, will try you on UKE Sako.

Offline alenski

dear sako.your marriage is a joke,no sex in a marriage is like playing cricket without a ball. just a total owe your wife nothing,you have put up with this situation for the the past 6 years and now is the the time to think about yourself.there is no need to travel to find good sex,the ne has plenty of willing attractive young ladies who will happily relieve you of your coin.i would'nt worry too much about std's.i have been going out twice a week for the past year and picked up nothing,most girls are just as concerned since this is their liviehood and can't afford to stop advice to you is to get out there while you can,enjoy yourself you have nothing to feel guilty about.if you would like some recomendations please pm me,i really feel for you.

Offline Mansell

dear sako.your marriage is a joke,no sex in a marriage is like playing cricket without a ball. just a total owe your wife nothing,you have put up with this situation for the the past 6 years and now is the the time to think about yourself.there is no need to travel to find good sex,the ne has plenty of willing attractive young ladies who will happily relieve you of your coin.i would'nt worry too much about std's.i have been going out twice a week for the past year and picked up nothing,most girls are just as concerned since this is their liviehood and can't afford to stop advice to you is to get out there while you can,enjoy yourself you have nothing to feel guilty about.if you would like some recomendations please pm me,i really feel for you.

Spot on Alenski  :thumbsup:


  • Guest
I dont know when I will get PM access here, if you are a member of UKEscorting I can be found there under the same username and it appears I get PM access immediately there.

Saxo, I have sent a pm conversation opener to your UKE address.


  • Guest
dear sako.your marriage is a joke,no sex in a marriage is like playing cricket without a ball. just a total owe your wife nothing,you have put up with this situation for the the past 6 years and now is the the time to think about yourself.

I guess you and I see things quite differently alenski.

I have a wonderful wife, someone I love dearly, a great partner who understands me who I enjoy being with all of the time and someone who I never argue with, our life together is one happy life and if I had to do without sex for the rest of my life to stay together I would in a heartbeat. I have lots of interests and she never stops me from doing any of them, I spend money as and when I want it with no questions asked and generally the answer is yes even before she has heard the question. Thats my friend is an enviable place many men would give their right arm for, far from a joke or a sham.

Sadly for us both and through no fault of her own we have been dealt a cruel blow, before her op our sex life was superb, I can't ever remember her not wanting to have sex. After the op it was as if a switch had been thrown and there have been many tears shed on her part as a result, something I will never resent her for as there was no choice, she needed the op and the after effects are not her fault or mine, its just one of those unfortunate things.

As for not owing my wife anything, quite the opposite I would say and as for putting up with the situation, I guess thats what you call love.


  • Guest
I guess you and I see things quite differently alenski.

I have a wonderful wife, someone I love dearly, a great partner who understands me who I enjoy being with all of the time and someone who I never argue with, our life together is one happy life and if I had to do without sex for the rest of my life to stay together I would in a heartbeat. I have lots of interests and she never stops me from doing any of them, I spend money as and when I want it with no questions asked and generally the answer is yes even before she has heard the question. Thats my friend is an enviable place many men would give their right arm for, far from a joke or a sham.

Well done for being so open Saxo. It is clear that your reasons for considering the world of escorts is very different to many other members and that it is a moral dilemma you are wrestling with. Hope the UKE contact worked.

Sadly for us both and through no fault of her own we have been dealt a cruel blow, before her op our sex life was superb, I can't ever remember her not wanting to have sex. After the op it was as if a switch had been thrown and there have been many tears shed on her part as a result, something I will never resent her for as there was no choice, she needed the op and the after effects are not her fault or mine, its just one of those unfortunate things.

As for not owing my wife anything, quite the opposite I would say and as for putting up with the situation, I guess thats what you call love.


  • Guest
I guess you and I see things quite differently alenski.

I have a wonderful wife, someone I love dearly, a great partner who understands me who I enjoy being with all of the time and someone who I never argue with, our life together is one happy life and if I had to do without sex for the rest of my life to stay together I would in a heartbeat. I have lots of interests and she never stops me from doing any of them, I spend money as and when I want it with no questions asked and generally the answer is yes even before she has heard the question. Thats my friend is an enviable place many men would give their right arm for, far from a joke or a sham.

Sadly for us both and through no fault of her own we have been dealt a cruel blow, before her op our sex life was superb, I can't ever remember her not wanting to have sex. After the op it was as if a switch had been thrown and there have been many tears shed on her part as a result, something I will never resent her for as there was no choice, she needed the op and the after effects are not her fault or mine, its just one of those unfortunate things.

As for not owing my wife anything, quite the opposite I would say and as for putting up with the situation, I guess thats what you call love.

Re posted message below as I mistakingly inserted in the middle of your message.

Well done for being so open Saxo. It is clear that your reasons for considering the world of escorts is very different to many other members and that it is a moral dilemma you are wrestling with. Hope the UKE contact worked.   

Offline AnthG

So if its a case of you going through with it. I would say for new years join a gym as your new years resolution. I say this as this will give you a reason to go out, allow different smells to how you went out, rumpled clothes that look like they have been taken off, and possibly the odd bit of incriminating evidence - a stray hair etc.

Book only respected girls who know about discretion - Tori Taylor, Jessamy, Keeva, HollyJameson etc.

Banned reason: To much drama, account closed
Banned by: Iloveoral


  • Guest
Hope the UKE contact worked.

Yes it did BH and I appreciate your honesty, I will reply tomorrow once Ive had time to digest things.  :)


  • Guest
Yes it did BH and I appreciate your honesty, I will reply tomorrow once Ive had time to digest things.  :)

Your welcome. Just realised I've been referring to you as Saxo instead of Sako, sorry ! Take your time re this decision for as I have expressed in my message to you relating to my own experiences, and as others have also stated, if you take a leap it will have varied consequences.

Rod trotter

  • Guest
dear sako.your marriage is a joke,no sex in a marriage is like playing cricket without a ball. just a total owe your wife nothing,you have put up with this situation for the the past 6 years and now is the the time to think about yourself.there is no need to travel to find good sex,the ne has plenty of willing attractive young ladies who will happily relieve you of your coin.i would'nt worry too much about std's.i have been going out twice a week for the past year and picked up nothing,most girls are just as concerned since this is their liviehood and can't afford to stop advice to you is to get out there while you can,enjoy yourself you have nothing to feel guilty about.if you would like some recomendations please pm me,i really feel for you.

Alenski please dont skirt over sti's as nothing to worry about, he could easily recieve OWO from a trusted girl and catch something, to give the impression that because you have caught nothing that it will be the same for him is wrong.

His situation and the way he comes accross is that he will do it just pointing out the very REAL pitfalls in this game.

Im pretty sure he will cross the line however

Offline AnthG

Alenski please dont skirt over sti's as nothing to worry about, he could easily recieve OWO from a trusted girl and catch something, to give the impression that because you have caught nothing that it will be the same for him is wrong.

But the reason why people are afraid of catching STDs is because they then worry when having sex with their other halves they will pass it to them and thus have the relationship destroying conversation of where it come from.

The OP is saying he does not have sex with his other half so there is no chance of passing it on to them if he did catch something.
Banned reason: To much drama, account closed
Banned by: Iloveoral


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But the reason why people are afraid of catching STDs is because they then worry when having sex with their other halves they will pass it to them and thus have the relationship destroying conversation of where it come from.

The OP is saying he does not have sex with his other half so there is no chance of passing it on to them if he did catch something.
So he never kisses his wife to, could pass orally to her from kissing, lower chances but don't say no chance.

Rod trotter

  • Guest
But the reason why people are afraid of catching STDs is because they then worry when having sex with their other halves they will pass it to them and thus have the relationship destroying conversation of where it come from.

The OP is saying he does not have sex with his other half so there is no chance of passing it on to them if he did catch something.

But Anth i'll bet you after hes punted she will want her leg over and then it puts him in a would be just typical.

Anyhow weve given advice its up to him now.

Good luck  :hi:


  • Guest
Thanks for the input gents. Rest assured I dont take the chance of catching something lightly and one mans advice to the contrary wouldn't give me an reassurance, in fact the more I delve the more I worry about it. I have received a couple of messages over on UKE from guys who seem to be on a very similar wavelength to myself and their advice has been very useful along with the advice in this thread.

So will I punt?

To be honest I really dont know at this stage, what I do know however is that I will continue to do my research and with a bit of luck I will continue to talk to guys like yourselves with the hope of becoming better informed. That way if I do cross the line I will not be doing it blindly.


  • Guest
Thanks for the input gents. Rest assured I dont take the chance of catching something lightly and one mans advice to the contrary wouldn't give me an reassurance, in fact the more I delve the more I worry about it. I have received a couple of messages over on UKE from guys who seem to be on a very similar wavelength to myself and their advice has been very useful along with the advice in this thread.

So will I punt?

To be honest I really dont know at this stage, what I do know however is that I will continue to do my research and with a bit of luck I will continue to talk to guys like yourselves with the hope of becoming better informed. That way if I do cross the line I will not be doing it blindly.

Preparation and research is the key which ever way you go !

Best of luck !

Offline Mansell

Thanks for the input gents. Rest assured I dont take the chance of catching something lightly and one mans advice to the contrary wouldn't give me an reassurance, in fact the more I delve the more I worry about it. I have received a couple of messages over on UKE from guys who seem to be on a very similar wavelength to myself and their advice has been very useful along with the advice in this thread.

So will I punt?

To be honest I really dont know at this stage, what I do know however is that I will continue to do my research and with a bit of luck I will continue to talk to guys like yourselves with the hope of becoming better informed. That way if I do cross the line I will not be doing it blindly.

Having read your post about your relationship with your wife. Don't make the mistake that others of us don;t feel the same about our OH. But we are possibly further down this path than you are, so speak with real experience, where eventually we did decide to do something about it.

From what you had said already quiet frankly if your wife is no longer able to have sex then you need to have an open discussion with her, not us. Probably with a relationship counsellor there as well !!