Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Most you have ever spent on a half hour booking  (Read 1995 times)

Offline claretandblue

I have read many reviews on here of overnight bookings costing thousands but I am curious as to what the most people have ever spent on a half hour booking?

I am really tempted to see the pornstar chessie kay but am still undecided as to whether I want to hand over 180 quid for a 30 minute booking!


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Cant remember spending any more than £80 which was standard in the Shires 5 years back when I could cum in 1/2 hour.

Not sure I would spend that though, what's her hour rate like ?

Do you have a link ?

Offline claretandblue

Cant remember spending any more than £80 which was standard in the Shires 5 years back when I could cum in 1/2 hour.

Not sure I would spend that though, what's her hour rate like ?

Do you have a link ?
On my phone so no link but she is well known on here and also does lots of porn, hour rate is 350 which is a complete non starter,would never pay that much

Online Anadin

£200 never again, well until inflation gets me.

I am really tempted to see the pornstar chessie kay but am still undecided as to whether I want to hand over 180 quid for a 30 minute booking!

Do it now before her rate increases again which I can almost guarantee you it will.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2015, 10:21:55 am by Anadin »

Offline One Eyed Snake

£80 but that's my upper limit for a 30 min, wish I was on £160 an hr.


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200 on JennaBellaRoseXXX. Great girl and one to tick off my bucket list. All 3 holes used but no one is worth that much and was just an Xmas present to myself.

Offline claretandblue

200 on JennaBellaRoseXXX. Great girl and one to tick off my bucket list. All 3 holes used but no one is worth that much and was just an Xmas present to myself.
That's the key if it's bucket list and memorable probably worth it, I could pay 100 or 120 for an hour with a perfectly nice eastern European girl and will probably have forgotten it in a week

Offline BogBog1

£180 for a mind-blowing duo with two of Bristol's finest, Cassandra and Alisya. Worth every penny.


Most I've paid for 30 mins is £60 - I have no intention of paying more.

I've also paid £100 for a 30 mins duo & would not pay more.

Offline HighlyMotivated

£80 is my absolute limit for 30mins, the good ones who charge £60 are the ones who get my regular custom

Offline collector

100£ with Emily's creme Brulee, totally worth it also considering I stayed in total for one hour in her flat. The sex lasted 1/2 hour being accurate.

Offline george r

£120 for  30 mins, many yrs ago, with Jessica @ SS, owo/cim and  a levels . she swallowed for free  :yahoo:


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Most I have paid for for 30 mins is £70 and my limit would probably be £80.

Offline SamLP

My limit is usually £60 but occasionally I may branch out to £70 & £80 for the half hour. Only once did I pay £100 for a half hour disaster with a Thai.

Offline Jimmyredcab

£100 many times, mainly at The London Retreat.

Good value ------------ 30 minutes of action, no timewasting.  :hi: :hi:


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£150 or £160  (it may have been even more) I can't remember exactly as I try to block it out, she was a stunner on the website and was one of those itches I had to scratch, she was really friendly and looked good in clothing, when she stripped it was a disappointment and an expensive 30 min booking  :thumbsdown:

« Last Edit: December 23, 2015, 01:50:26 pm by James999 »


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£150 or £160 I can't remember exactly as I try to block it out, she was a stunner on the website and was one of those itches I had to scratch, she was really friendly and looked good in clothing, when she stripped it was a disappointment and an expensive 30 min booking  :thumbsdown:
Fuck me is that your first review

Please read the guide or the East Midlands Possie will be on your back !   :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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If the lady, is young, fit and well reviewed I usually pay about £70-£90.

Like the Collector I put £100 down for 30 minutes with Emily Creme Brulee. Must see her next year but after hearing of unnecessary preferential treatment for other punters, she's currently outside of my shortened hotlist.

Unless she texts me to say she's left her door unlocked, a trail of pink rose pettles leading from the hallway to her bedroom going to pass her up as my 6th choice for 2016.


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£85 for 30 mins a few years ago but I wouldn't pay that now.

slow and low

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There is a provider I wanted to see but when she said £170 for 30 mins I just scratched my head in disbelief.  :dash:

Online threechilliman

£120 for  30 mins, many yrs ago, with Jessica @ SS, owo/cim and  a levels . she swallowed for free  :yahoo:

You certainly rack it up at Sandy's. I managed £100 for half an hour when I was new to this. Wouldn't pay that now.


Offline claretandblue

£200 never again, well until inflation gets me.

Do it now before her rate increases again which I can almost guarantee you it will.
Glad I took your advice, need to cslm down before writing a proper review but was incredible,possibly my best punt ever! :yahoo:


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Usually £50 to £60, wouldn't pay more than that.

Offline Urban_G

£90 but only once for an old regular that had returned, normally I won't go above £80. She was one of my top 3 punts ever and is the only reason I spent more.

Offline The Beano

I have read many reviews on here of overnight bookings costing thousands but I am curious as to what the most people have ever spent on a half hour booking?

I am really tempted to see the pornstar chessie kay but am still undecided as to whether I want to hand over 180 quid for a 30 minute booking!

+1 for Chessie, but she quoted 350 an hour and I just can't get my head round that. Maybe a birthday treat if they don't put their prices up again in the new year. My half hour range has been 45 to 80 quid.

Offline claretandblue

+1 for Chessie, but she quoted 350 an hour and I just can't get my head round that. Maybe a birthday treat if they don't put their prices up again in the new year. My half hour range has been 45 to 80 quid.
Yeah I wouldn't pay 350 so went for half hour, it was non stop for the full minutes, I had a great time  :hi:


  • Guest
£70. All from HOD. Pixie, Izabel, Ella. 

Offline Sonny Crockett

I misread the title of this thread this morning :crazy:

I believe the most I spent for 30mins was £100 on various ladies back in the day when I was mainly doing parlour punts.

Offline Marmalade

Can't remember really. Probably £100 in a rather posh Argentina brothel. UK Prossies who charge 3-figures for half an hour produce an instant allergic reaction where I click "next" rather than vomiting over the laptop.

Offline The Beano

Yeah I wouldn't pay 350 so went for half hour, it was non stop for the full minutes, I had a great time  :hi:

I would be interested in reading a review of that.

slow and low

  • Guest
Can't remember really. Probably £100 in a rather posh Argentina brothel. UK Prossies who charge 3-figures for half an hour produce an instant allergic reaction where I click "next" rather than vomiting over the laptop.
  + 1

Offline Thepacifist

The most was £200 for a duo I had with Tiffany Snow and Ava Grace. I've payed £100 a half hour with Delilah Dash and Ava Grace also. Not proud of it but I don't regret the punts themselves.

Offline LanceVance

£80 but that is my absolute limit and these days I only try to find a good half hour punt for £60.

Offline thetinman007

£70 for Sensual  crystal and half hour sessions at Debbies massage. Both great value. Usually aim to pay no more than £60 half hour 


  • Guest
£80 for a half hour punt with a EE Cov uni student a few years back, Had the tightest pussy ever, Nowadays I stick to £70 max for half an hour


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£100 when I was still stupidly horny after a 2 hour punt with another WG and she was the only one available in the local area. Was an ok punt but wouldn't do it again.

Offline KentAde

I saw the pornstar Sandie Caine in 2005 (and if you don't know who she is, a link is below) , and think it cost me £100 for 30mins......though that has always been a one-off at paying that price.

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£120 which I initially was not happy about and nervous before the meeting. However it was 100% worth it and my favourite to date. All in all I considered it to be a bargain and have had hour punts at that rate which have been shit.


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£80 for 30 mins but now shes £90 for 30 mins
Just a bridge to far for me


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£80 for 30 mins with Bonny at Girls Just for You in Brum about 10 years ago - was worth every penny