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Author Topic: Lorena Brunette Sexy - Doncaster, any info?  (Read 884 times)

Offline BG

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External Link/Members Only

Has anyone had the pleasure with this EE yet?

Profile makes me think too-good-to-be-true, but also seems genuine. Doesn't have that taste of been written by Sergie.

Says she's Latin decent and Romanian, but also her 'Avail Today' tag is always up  :thumbsdown:

Expecting a B&S, but might TOFTT myself. Just wanted to hear from experience first. This would be my first 'non-guaranteed' punt. Also first EE, so maybe good walking practice.


  • Guest
Pics look good. Like you say B&S maybe you should TOFTT

Offline BG

I sent a message on AW, which was read...and deleted

No response. And although a phone number is listed, I'll not be making that plunge. Oh well, on to the next.