Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Do You Excpect?  (Read 990 times)


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Now I Know Prossie age have a bit of poetic licence.

But Do You really except to see a 24 yr old when you book one?

I don't mind a few years personally say a 28 year old being actually mid thirties.

What do you think when you book a 20 year old who turns out to have a 15 year old child?  :scare:

Also do you think that older Prossies are less likely to take such liberties with their age or is it that a 50 year old can get away with advertising 40 years old if she is fit enough.

Younger WG's can get away with a lot with me as I am buggered if I can tell the difference between a 20 and a 30 year old if she is fit enough.

When the wrinkles start to appear then I am fairly sure I can tell a late 30's from a late 20's

Now dress sizes ?

I am completely buggered   :blush:


Offline smiths

Now I Know Prossie age have a bit of poetic licence.

But Do You really except to see a 24 yr old when you book one?

I don't mind a few years personally say a 28 year old being actually mid thirties.

What do you think when you book a 20 year old who turns out to have a 15 year old child?  :scare:

Also do you think that older Prossies are less likely to take such liberties with their age or is it that a 50 year old can get away with advertising 40 years old if she is fit enough.

Younger WG's can get away with a lot with me as I am buggered if I can tell the difference between a 20 and a 30 year old if she is fit enough.

When the wrinkles start to appear then I am fairly sure I can tell a late 30's from a late 20's

Now dress sizes ?

I am completely buggered   :blush:


WGs lying about their ages is very widespread in punting so I go on condition, if I fancy them it could be punt on BUT I will post the age I think they are in a review even if that is different to the age the WG advertises as.


  • Guest
WGs lying about their ages is very widespread in punting so I go on condition, if I fancy them it could be punt on BUT I will post the age I think they are in a review even if that is different to the age the WG advertises as.

Agreed - I work on the expectation that 95% of WGs will tell porky-pies about their age, so I'm not overly bothered by it - as long as there is a set of decent & recent body & face photos on the profile so that I can make a reasonably considered judgement about booking the WG.  In the past I have punted a lass who was clearly at least 10 years older than claimed on her profile - However her photos on profile were clear and representative of her actual age & appearance, so I had no issues with that side of things, as I effectively knew what was likely to be appearing from behind the opening door.  I do have a problem however with WGs who have shit out-of-date photos and also prove to be older than claimed (and hence significantly older than what I expect).

Photos, if present*, are key - if they're representative and true, I'll punt on; if not, I walk....

*Notwithstanding the above, I do nonetheless occasionally like the odd danger punt where photos are so shit or non-existent, such that the entire punt with a 0 feedback lass becomes a lottery  :cool:

Offline Marmalade

Now I Know Prossie age have a bit of poetic licence.

But Do You really except to see a 24 yr old when you book one?

I don't mind a few years personally say a 28 year old being actually mid thirties.

What do you think when you book a 20 year old who turns out to have a 15 year old child?  :scare:

Also do you think that older Prossies are less likely to take such liberties with their age or is it that a 50 year old can get away with advertising 40 years old if she is fit enough.

Younger WG's can get away with a lot with me as I am buggered if I can tell the difference between a 20 and a 30 year old if she is fit enough.

When the wrinkles start to appear then I am fairly sure I can tell a late 30's from a late 20's

Now dress sizes ?

I am completely buggered   :blush:


It actually got me thinking about how we estimate age. A retired GP friend of mine seemed always to be able to guess fairly closely -- which he put down to a lifetime of experience (it being something a GP has to notice).

If you know civvies in the different age brackets it's easier. I've seen noticeable changes in long term friends from when they were 18 or 19 to even to early twenties and again as they pass thirty.

I think there's another factor though that punters (or any buyers) tend to use, and that is if you feel generally pleased when she opens the door you are more likely to overlook a small age discrepancy. You go to a hotel or restaurant and like the service and staff and overlook a cold coffee, but if they are offhand then the cold coffee stands out as a signature complaint. Same with prossies.

Few write an honest profile (they are projecting a fantasy, so for most of them it is a fantasy that will be believable and that often includes an age and dress size they think will go mostly unchallenged). I've had prossies say to me, "What do you think is a good age for me to be?" and it is rather like the civvie who wonders "what is a good number of men to say I've slept with?"

There's three things I notice that I associate with age and my estimation of a prossie's true age. 1) her wrinkles: mostly these kick in as she turns thirty; 2) her skin tone: a smooth homogenous feel and colour to her skin is an indicator of not being older; 3) her attitude: not everyone 'grows up' uniformly, but most people do, in tastes, in outlook, in physical reactiveness, in awareness of others (some changes are 'good', some neutral and others less than good, but all indicators of age).

Commonest lies are saying she's 19 when she's early twenties, and saying she's in her twenties when she's in her thirties (both because the lie 'sounds better' and she thinks she can get away with it). Subtracting five years as soon as she is mid-twenties or above is so common as to be the norm. Only the very confident ones state their real age after that.

Booking blind (and I think all AW bookings are to an extent blind, as who knows how recent her face pic is even if she has one?) is always a gamble, part of the game. If she's an out-and-out liar and exaggerator, you can walk. Otherwise I just place my bets and then wait and see. I recognise that the only 'expectation' I have is a pleasant fantasy to get me warmed up on the way to the meeting.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2015, 07:37:51 am by Marmalade »

Offline Nagilum

You can tell most of the time that a girl is in her 20's or 30's. The body is firmer and skin more supple etc.

If you ask the girl she normally admits her age to you on the punt. It's roughly 5 years plus I found.  It's to be expected in this game, you know it and they know you know it :)

Rod trotter

  • Guest
Punt 18-20 ...they usually are

Punt 21-25 ....they usuall are

The rest are usually 5 years older from my experience.

As long as shes not a bag of spanners im more interested in her attitude than age, but in the main i punt with young wg's and the odd milf 35-40

Offline snaitram99

Now dress sizes ?

I am completely buggered   :blush:


British sizes (IMHO):

8 = slim (6 = poss. bordering on anorexic)

10 = slim-ish

12 = neither slim nor big

14 = big - ish or curvy

16 = big (but may be a tall girl with a good shape - not often though)

18 or more = definitely big


Offline The_Scarecrow

Punt 18-20 ...they usually are

Punt 21-25 ....they usuall are

The rest are usually 5 years older from my experience.

What's a 27 year old meant to claim then?

Personally, I'd much sooner see a late 20s+ girl than someone under 24ish, so they'd be losing out claiming to be younger anyway - I dare say I'm in the minority there though. As long as they're not clearly taking the piss, I don't expect all WGs to state their exact age.


Offline Marmalade

What's a 27 year old meant to claim then?

I think a lot of people would say she's meant to claim her correct age. Prossies on the other hand vary. The SAAFE moderator locked a thread after seven pages of prossies discussing their lies. For instance:
I lie about literally everything in my profile. And I don't give two shits what anyone thinks about it :)
I am size 8, but advertise as size 10, i am 26 but advertise as 23, i say i'm an inch taller, as I always wear heels anyway so who will notice, and for example- my 'interview', is just one massive lie, from what perfume is my favourite, where I like spending my holiday, to what food is my preference.

One quick look on any of the punter forums will tell you that this is one of the main issues that annoys and frustrates punters ............. These guys don't like been lied to or messed about just as we don't like timewasters etc . I can understand that  a guy is going to be bitterly disappointed  if he is expecting a size 10 25yr old and gets a size 20 35yr old. The 35yr old may be great at the job but it is NOT what the man had built himself up to expect , he will feel let down and that he had been taken for a fool....

(I agree. I don't care if she lies about her name, of course she does, for self-protection: she's not being judged on her passport credentials, but we're certainly right to be concerned about size and age.)

Some seem to have a 'delicate' justification for photoshop:
I can spend ages editing my photos to remove tiny imperfections guys would probably never have noticed but it makes me feel better.

More experienced prossies realise it is stupid to lie about their age by more than a tiny amount.

Personally, I'd much sooner see a late 20s+ girl than someone under 24ish, so they'd be losing out claiming to be younger anyway - I dare say I'm in the minority there though. As long as they're not clearly taking the piss, I don't expect all WGs to state their exact age.
True. And some degree of accuracy, at least on things that punters look for, is always helpful. Some of course, say one thing on their profile and forget that AW automatically updates their age each year from the age they said they were when they started. Hence some a few late twenties something 'teenagers'. We recently had a thread on some prossie calling herself a teen but with a face photo more like a 40-yr old.
Fantasy sometimes gets out of hand.  :D

Offline Steely Dan

Does not help much with the before you pay them decision 'walk' or 'stay', but to judge age, hands are very helpful.  That is because most extrinsic signs of ageing (solar lentigines, wrinkles, dullness) are caused by the sun, and women don't protect their hands as much as their face.  I can pretty much get age by looking at hands.

Of course I agree with others.  Give me a hot, willing 35-year-old who can almost pass for 28 over a hard-life or likes-her-pies actual 28 year old every time.