Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Adele Sweety in Hatfield, any info ?  (Read 798 times)


  • Guest

My first post, don't be too harsh on me.

As post title, this one intrigues me, but can't find any reviews, wondering if anyone's seen her before ?

AW profile number is 3136952 (sorry can't seem to copy the url on my phone). Her profile says previous AW page was hacked and this is a new one


Offline Hertsgent

This is her previous profile, with two reviews on UKP , one of which is mine

External Link/Members Only


  • Guest
Thanks for the pointers

May well do something in the new year

Offline Hertsgent

She certainly has big tits for you  :crazy:, but make sure you don't release too quickly (if you read the negative review !)


  • Guest
Yes I did read that in the neg review

Tend to go for an hour slot anyway, so hopefully not a prob should a meet happen