Sugar Babies

Author Topic: ROXY STAR 69 - Golders Green  (Read 702 times)

11 review(s) for Nicole Lover 27 (4 positive, 7 neutral, 0 negative) [Indexed by ]
31 review(s) for Sexy Zaira Baby (14 positive, 11 neutral, 6 negative) [Indexed by scutty brown]

Offline UpUpAndAway

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Shes on holiday now but I saw her before. £60, 30 mins - 1 pop


-Spoke to a maid who was prompt and clear
-Nice clean location about 5 mins walk from Golders Green station
-Roxy was cheerful, she giggled a lot
-Nice blowjob
-She's got a nice soft little pert behind she rocks back in doggy
-Didn't feel rushed

-Doesn't speak English, a couple times I stopped and asked to change position and she thought I'd -popped and got up off the bed.
-I found changing positions awkward
-Skin was soft but a bit dry
-Kissing, dfk is something I'm not really after so I can't comment
-I thought she looked more late 20s than 22

All in all it wasn't bad, I've had 10x worse but nothing great. I think the language barrier was one main problem, in terms of dirty talk, changing positions without having to do a 30 sec tutorial etc. I didn't want to get too complex with her. I saw another review that said something along the lines of "I just don't think she understands the male body" which is pretty true  imo

I most likely will not return.

Offline naz

Yes ive found language barrier a bit of problem too. She was on my radar might have to reconsider. Thanks for the review.