The biggest pile of bollocks I have ever recieved for not being able to do a booking I asked for, came from Naughty Slut Soph of Bristol.
I had re-arranged a 2hr booking for Tuesday 8th September with her, where for the first hour I wanted a roleplay session and the second hour a PSE session (I had sent a detailed e-mail to her asking about 31st August, where after only 1 and a half minutes she replied stating what I asked was "so so hot", and she "accepted" my booking). On the day before the booking, I sent three texts to her making requests which I thought would add to the punt. She never responded. So on the day of booking, I sent her another text asking for a response and she responded stating it was "OK", and gave her location details.
Then 40 mins after giving her location details, she gave the biggest pile of bollocks that I've ever recieved from an escort. She said that she had only "just" recieved an e-mail saying her "child's after-school club" was not running for the week so she could only see me for 1hr, as there was "no one" to look after her "child". She asked if I could do the 1hr. I refused, stating that I wanted to see her for 2hrs. She then rubbed it in saying that her "sister" had "gone on holiday and that there was no one to look after her child", and to add insult she said she "hated letting me down".
This was complete bollocks because there is no way in the world you would just suddenly find out on a Tuesday that a such a thing was not running. You would know about those things days, if not, weeks in advance and prepare things accordingly. What she said was just Totally Fabricated Bollocks!!
The reality is that she was never interested in what I had requested or in seeing me for 2 hours. Her not reading my initial detailed e-mail properly and her failure to respond to my additional requests confirmed this. Also, a couple of days before the booking, she sent me her first round of bollocks saying that she had a "period" and asked if I was OK for "Monday". This was a wind-up... She didn't even know when I was seeing her. Also she asked whether I could do 12pm or 2pm, even though in my initial text to her I asked for 2pm. She just wanted to bunk out of the booking as she had no interest whatsoever.
After the 8th September cancellation, I then rearranged for 1st October. That had to be cancelled. Then I asked about 7th October. She never responded, thereby confirming that she was never interested in seeing me or in anything I had asked for, and she just wanted to play games and give me bollocks.