Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Two to ponder over !  (Read 472 times)

Offline MrDog

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Did an image check on the main pic and it comes back with Georgia Jones, cant be her for £100 that's for sure.
Works out of the bush (shepherds that is) and the woman who answered when I called sounded majorly aggressive. Any one seen her?

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rather tasty looking brunette but the bio on AW says freaky blonde ! Obviously profile swapping but has anyone seen her either?


  • Guest
Both members since 2008 but first has no feedback and the second has two "feedback only" the oldest of which suggests "she" used to be a punter. I'd move on if I was you.

Offline pewpewpew

Plus the link looks like jungle fart which is a bit low class

Online Steely Dan

Offline Herges Adventures

Both members since 2008 but first has no feedback and the second has two "feedback only" the oldest of which suggests "she" used to be a punter. I'd move on if I was you.

Well spotted ! Clearly a PG scam ....  :hi: :angry: