Sugar Babies

Author Topic: HotKatie_ Wembley HA0  (Read 7891 times)

9 review(s) for HotAfrodita (8 positive, 1 neutral, 0 negative) [Indexed by ]
1 review(s) for HotKatie_ (1 positive, 0 neutral, 0 negative) [Indexed by ]

Offline PumpAction

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I went to see Katie earlier this week. It's difficult to find a decent wg around this time of year and i'd seen her before. It was a very positive experience with good comms and services that included;

Protected sex in many positions.

A little older than I'd normally punt with but she has a good attitude and so I would visit again. I'll add a pic and previous profile for linking reviews.

Hidden Image/Members Only

External Link/Members Only External Link/Members Only

Offline Kaluuu276

Is this Renata sister, had several AW profile names?

Also, the pictures on her profile are fake and the ones on here are genuine?

Online The_Don

@  Pumpaction, good to hear it was a positive punt.

Thanks for sharing and the review  :thumbsup:

Is this Renata sister, had several AW profile names?

Yes, as far as I'm aware!

other profile ID (for linking reviews, there may be more)

External Link/Members Only

External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only

Also, the pictures on her profile are fake and the ones on here are genuine?

The below picture is Melysa.

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  • Guest


  • Guest
Yes, she's still there in a flat further towards Preston Road

Offline bestbefore

Yes, she's still there in a flat further towards Preston Road

So what is her latest AW profile?

Online collector

So what is her latest AW profile?
Last one she used should be in this link
The others are above that comment and in the OP. All of them inactive.


  • Guest
She has no profile nowadays, she's got enough regulars, try this number 07425076548, she's always hot hot hot

Offline MB81

That does not look like Katie. Looks like someone else. Are you sure it is the same person?


  • Guest
That does not look like Katie. Looks like someone else. Are you sure it is the same person?
She has a history of using other girls' pics on her own profile.


  • Guest
She has no profile nowadays, she's got enough regulars, try this number 07425076548, she's always hot hot hot
Cheers - will try and see her.

Online collector

External Link/Members Only or External Link/Members Only
Just saw this profile, I think this is her with real pics. Face is partially covered by sunglasses, but I am quite sure it is her. Any thoughts?

Offline HighlyMotivated

Yeah that's her. Appears she's moved to N London

Offline bestbefore

I wonder why she has hidden feedback. Has she just acquired someone else's profile?

Offline HighlyMotivated

She's not the most attractive girl in the world (though not bad looking by any means) but she is an enthusiastic, top class SP in my book, so no idea why FB would be hidden


  • Guest
Sorry to come to this party so late - I didn't notice the thread until now ...

I wonder why she has hidden feedback. Has she just acquired someone else's profile?
... she is an enthusiastic, top class SP in my book, so no idea why FB would be hidden

The FB on this profile is actually no longer hidden, but the short answer to the questions above is  - yes, the WG in question acquired the External Link/Members Only profile ready made - External Link/Members Only

Now that the feedback is visible, you can see that it 's all from the same punter - External Link/Members Only.  That's because it was originally a fake WG profile set up by the punter Shams specifically to boost his own feedback, and it was he who originally kept the WG feedback hidden.  So be aware that in respect of the WG who is the subject of this thread, the feedback from Shams does not refer to her...

External Link/Members Only is a screenshot from last year to show how it looked when Shams was running it & before he passed it on:

Hidden Image/Members Only

Shams has also got at least one other fake WG profile on the go (with hidden feedback)  which he runs to give himself fake feedback - Niki English External Link/Members Only

So bear this in mind if [1] you're looking to email that profile thinking it may be genuine  :D and if [2] the External Link/Members Only profile ever gets passed on in due course. 

He's recently put it onto "erotic content only" but again External Link/Members Onlyis a screenshot of how it previously looked:

Hidden Image/Members Only

He also had two other fake WG profiles which he has since de-activated - one was called Emli 7, and I forget the name of the other.  Effectively almost all of his early feedback was fake and given to himself by these fake WG profiles...

A good idea in principle as it goes, and when I first came across his shenanigans a couple of years ago, I metaphorically took my hat off to him - especially as some of the up-their-own-arse WGs require multiple positive AW feedbacks before accepting a booking request ...

And indeed most of his early fake feedback (which has now dropped off, given his subsequent acquisition of new & genuine feedback) made for an amusing read, as it was mostly along the lines of "He's got such a huge cock!" "What a tongue - I couldn't stop orgasming!" "the best lover I've ever had" etc ...  :D

Other than that, frankly the boy done good as all his fake feedback had the desired effect and presumably helped him secure bookings...

I've often wondered if Shams is a member on here :D

« Last Edit: October 17, 2016, 01:12:01 am by Ludwig »