"Every punter"? I have never seen her and have no intention to,but are you including those that she has messed about in your analysis?
Certainly not. I am nobody's advocate, I call it as I see it
I am also not denying that some punters may indeed have been messed about and we know that has happened from a review recent history. However it appears a fact that even the messed about punters don't deny in their reviews that they had an excellent time when they did see her!
Mine was simply a generic point made that very good escorts, including LK 'adjust' to their type of clients ie punters to give them the experience they desire, whether an excellent GFE or BDSM. It certainly helps if 'versatility' is present in the WG's enjoys' arsenal & able to deliver it consistently to a high standard, which LK certainly does. This was the context of the discussion - whether LK who is an excellent sub with punters' hardcore reviews is also good at GFE & hence my response, having experienced both 'flavours' during different punts. That she is extremely difficult to pin down (not literally but metaphorically, lol
) is another matter altogether & not the context of the question.