Sugar Babies

Author Topic: Jenny Luv Birmingham  (Read 1188 times)

1 review(s) for Jenny Luv (0 positive, 0 neutral, 1 negative) [Indexed by ]

Offline Stew

In short... don't bother guys.

Here's the longer version...

As this lass is one of the Hungarians working out of a certain flat
just off Broad Street, I didn't worry at all about the zero feedback as this lass has only been
active for a few days when I saw her.
I've heard nothing terrible about that group and have had a good time there myself in the past.

Just my type of lass too. Slim with a juicy pair of boobs.

Phoned up and arranged a time (with the maid I guess) and drifted over there.

Door opened and she didn't do the old "hide behind the door" routine and she looked great... and just like her photos. Brilliant.

In I go and I'm shown to a room. At this point I realise she looks as grumpy as they come.

I'll soon cheer her up with some banter and compliments.

I said something like "You look great and I really liked your photos" but that was a Waste of time
and she became even grumpier and more sullen now and said she hated them in her poor English.

The paperwork took her what seemed like forever to file away and When she returned I said something like "Well I think you're gorgeous. very beautiful" or something along those lines.

"I know I am" with that same sullen look.

Yes well moving on.... clothes were off by now and I wanted to caress and play with her fantastic boobs.

That's pretty much my bag. BJ and RO and being wanked or wanking off while I play with boobs.

"No no no.... you can only touch my nipples... not here (indicating the rest of her boobs) just my nipples... too sensitive on my boobs." Her English got better real quick.

And all the time she looked sullen and utterly baked off. I've seen cheerier girls working on checkouts who've just done a 10 hour shift.

In short... I got out of there. I just put my clothes back on and fucked off. She sat there staring into space.

I didn't ask for, or expect a refund of any kind. I didn't want to spend another minute there. The vibe was awful from her.

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  • Guest
Stew, I met her too , and my experience mirrors your exactly, I thought it was me as sometimes I have a problem clicking with the younger girls, so when I met her and got led to the room I turned to see her miserable face a I said ' smileeeeeeeeee' with a grin and she did (like a sulky teenager would) .  She told me her nipples were sensitive but the rest of them were o.k. to play with.
 I didn't do a review because she told me she is leaving on Tuesday and will NOT be coming back, well yippeeee goodbye you miserable cow .

Offline Stew

Did you stay longer than 15 minutes because that was how long I was with her?

Offline naraotw

I called her no yesterday to book, I have visited several of the Divas and was happy to go even though there was no feedback.

The receptionist checked who I was, I guess she realised I was a regular, and advised me against booking, because the reaction to Jenny had been so poor.

Hats off tot he Divas, I met Emma Lee in Shrewsbury instead, probably the best experience I have had.


  • Guest
Did you stay longer than 15 minutes because that was how long I was with her?

I had paid for an hour , I handed over the cash as soon as I saw those gazongas were like her pics :

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Once I realised her attitude stunk I just decided to enjoy myself with the holy grail (big tits on a small frame )  She had great legs too although she was not that pretty. Was a shame she was disinterested , with a body like that she would have been very popular .   

Offline dboy74

Looks like she has gone now, thankfully!

Offline Demistify

Nice body, but don't know how she could think she is beautiful. Face is a 5 or 6 out of 10.

Offline Stapler

Nice body, but don't know how she could think she is beautiful. Face is a 5 or 6 out of 10.

Who's looking at her face?

Banned reason: For having fuck all useful to say
Banned by: Head1

Offline azrael

 Theres another thread about i presume this girl, the maid at divas telling punters she's crap and to book with another of their girls instead. Shame She looked tasty

Offline dboy74

Theres another thread about i presume this girl, the maid at divas telling punters she's crap and to book with another of their girls instead. Shame She looked tasty
Only if you were a regular though!!

Otherwise they would take your cash until they must have had that many complaints that Divas finally fucked her off.