I should have known better, I have punted for the best part of 25 years and today wants to make me stop.
Met this girl in Kirkcaldy, across from car wash in high street. Room was dark and dingy, heating full up.
Natasha looks OK, and is definitely her as she has distinct tattoos.
Half hour paid for and she left the room with the cash.
When she came back she undressed well away from me and sat on the bed, motioned I should lie down. Immediately put or tried to put condom on my not even semi hard dick.
Not allowed to kiss, my hands were too cold to touch her etc etc. She tried to suck the life out of me to make me cum inside 5 minutes, tried reverse o and she let me do this for all of 2 minutes. She then said you or me on top? And proceeded to slap a half tube of lube over her pussy. At this point I got up, dressed and left. The end of my
punting life. At least that is the one good thing she did.