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Author Topic: Ebony Women or Asian Women  (Read 11991 times)


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Offline nike

Fancying nordic/Aryan looking women does not a Nazi make.

Conceded, But saying that u wouldn't touch anything else is bordering on the edge.
So let me get this straight. Since u don't touch anything else if u get to a wgs and she gets undresssed and u find that the collars and cuffs don't match, do u get dressed and walk. Or do u make sure the wgs a natural blonde before booking? ;) ;) ;)

Offline Belgarion

Well like most other coal miners, all I can say is your definition of stunner usually means some fat black moose that most of us would laugh at. And please don't post up pictures of models and celebrities because I can guarantee you won't be meeting any black girls like that in London. Nobody suggested there aren't any beautiful black women in London. There might be a few but the vast majority are fucking ugly dogs. That's pretty much a fact even if wimps like you can't admit it...

Someone said earlier in this thread. Most black women look like Diane Abbot. That's pretty accurate.

It's funny there's a lot of politically correct hot air from people like yourself and that other mug Claret but very little in the way of actual fact as a retort. Where are these stunning black girls you see every day? It's funny how millions of other Londoners don't see them.

Most black women look like Diane Abbot? How did you arrive at this conclusion? Please show us your numbers? Stats? Distribution?

One wonders where you commute. Every single day I see beautiful black women on the train on the tube and in my office.

I can only assume you work in a zoo and need glasses and think gorillas are women.

It is amazing how comfortable you are in your ignorance. Amazing.

Going by your logic the vast majority of white women are obese, Asians have buck teeth and are obese just because of your individual experience.

What facts do you want me to provide? You have offered only your idiotic opinion and assume it is a fact.

I am quite flabbergasted as to how stupid your assertions are and amazed you have posted them again.

Offline Belgarion

As for the thread, let me breaking down a bit

Fancy ebony women, not a fan of really dark east African skin tone. So west African women do look hot to me.  Especially those with the loverly lady lumps.

Oriental - do not fund women from this part of the world attractive. Have had a couple of punts with some thais but it was a challenge

Indian Subcontinent - Prefer the Pakistani girls, in my experience, they tend to be naughtier.

So to summarise, I would pick a West African hottie over and Indian/Pakistani hottie anytime.

You also find they have firmer bods


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Conceded, But saying that u wouldn't touch anything else is bordering on the edge.
So let me get this straight. Since u don't touch anything else if u get to a wgs and she gets undresssed and u find that the collars and cuffs don't match, do u get dressed and walk. Or do u make sure the wgs a natural blonde before booking? ;) ;) ;)
Er,no,it isn't 'bordering on the edge' as you suggest.
Bleached blonde is fine and if the barnet's fair but the bleach ain't gone no further south then that can be a very pleasing arrangement.
I do like brunettes aswell as blondes but blonde is generally a more attractive hair colour for a woman.
A woman who changes from brunette to blonde usually goes up a notch in her attractiveness in my opinion.
Would only touch a redhead if they were particularly attractive like Nicole Kidman,Geri Spice or Lulu as was (she's prob past it now,tbf).
So I like north European women,not ethnics.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2016, 11:49:09 am by HarryNotGary »


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External Link/Members Only

Lets have a vote on this one?

Silly bitch wants you to email photos so she can pick who pays her for sex.

Clearly has mental problems and is on vivastreet the most unreliable site for whores in the country.


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Silly bitch wants you to email photos so she can pick who pays her for sex.

Clearly has mental problems and is on vivastreet the most unreliable site for whores in the country.
If I was a male escort I'd pick 'n' choose who I saw so can't blame her for that one.
I'd prefer seeing blondes,by the way.

Offline Owwhatanight

External Link/Members Only

Lets have a vote on this one?

I would not trust any pix on Vivastreet ILoveOral had a punt with a beauty the other day and when he got there the same girl was a size 22

Offline Iloveoral

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Silly bitch wants you to email photos so she can pick who pays her for sex.

Clearly has mental problems and is on vivastreet the most unreliable site for whores in the country.

It's dating you plonker she isn't a WG


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I would not trust any pix on Vivastreet ILoveOral had a punt with a beauty the other day and when he got there the same girl was a size 22
22? Jeez. 12 is as far north as I'd go and only if they/re an absolute looker,like say,Holly Willoughby.

Offline Iloveoral

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As for the vote on the girl, she's pretty and I certainly would   :thumbsup:

Offline Owwhatanight

I am a sucker for the pink flesh of any Asian or mixed race women  :D


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Most successful wealthy black guys go for white women  :unknown:
In the west maybe, maybe not.  Remember Obama is a really successful black guy, Jay-z, Wiz Khalifa etc.  Anyhows, the world is a lot bigger than UK or USA.

Also remember the media images (in the west) of beautiful women are almost exclusively white.  If you grow up in that sort of environments, there is bound to be some sort of psychological effect in what you find attractive and what you dont.


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There are no UKP police other than Admin, and it is one of the least heavily moderated forums imagineable. But it has a clear remit. It puts punters (that is men by the way) first (which means cunt-struck braindeads in short trousers trying to impress their prossie mistresses really ought to get a life.)

As far as I know, Admin banned greychap and the reasons were clear.
Drumsticks got a temporary ban for being such a fucking twat and nothing to do with this thread.
You can say more or less what you like but folks that can't grasp the ethos of the forum you will struggle, especially those that go out of their way to piss off the owner. This is not a paid site; it doesn't take advertising; so in effect we are all guests on a website where someone is putting in a lot of hard to keep it afloat.

To the gentleman that mentioned the Indian sub-continent: as someone that has at least some passing familiarity based on several long trips, I would point out the illogic of your position. India is made up of many ethnicities. If you take them as groups, they vary as much as EEs do from British prossies only more so. Indian punters will go to great lengths debating the relative merits of prossies in different ethnic groups. Some are famed for beauty (relatively anyway) and some for technique and many are just shitters. India is just one sub-group. Which is why I tried to bring some sense into the discussion by making at least a working distinction between black African from places like Nigeria and Sudan (who are literally blacker than shoe-shine), and not including north African (such as Moroccan and Egyptian, who are vastly different in skin colour and temperament), from Jamaican (whose culture is relatively accessible by British people and tend to a creamy, pale milk-chocolate skin) from Latinos (who actually make white people look a tad bleached, yet many of them bring interesting attitudes and both looks and technique). From a punter's point of view, classing all these together as 'black' for some stupid PC reason is a mockeryof ignorance and does the punter trying to understand it no good at all -- not to mention the different races themselves.

I don't pretend to have day-to-day familiarity with London although I visit quite often. I find the ethnic blend interesting but I've never been to London thinking wow I'm going to see loads of  black stunners. The only acceptable looking 'black' women I recall from London are those from an LMP session, which were of course hand-picked, and a mulatta civvie (a pale cappuccino coloured skin) that I dated for a while.

If you look at the ethnic break-down:
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you will see that there is a high proportion of "Black/African/Caribbean/Black British: African" at 7.0%: the highest of any sub-group. Even in civvie street, these women, generally as a group, are not renowned for their beauty in terms of Western tastes.
You will also see that:
"London (in particular the southern boroughs) is home to the largest Nigerian community in the UK, and possibly the largest overseas Nigerian community in the world."
"Besides Nigerians, Ghanaians are one of the largest Black African groups in London"
and while there are always exceptions to stereotypes, these people do not generally seem to appeal either in beauty or refinement to London male tastes (I've known a Nigerian man who excelled in both, and a friend who lived there who knew many who did: but the London immigrant influx does not strike me as representative of these exceptions. Generally it is my experience that you will meet lovelier people when you find them in their own country than when they have emigrated in hordes).

Anyone can have an opinion, but if you start putting facts on the bone then the position that there are no attractive ebony prostitutes in London maybe has a certain amount going for it, and while some people may claim they bump into 'stunning black women' on the tube every day, the more balanced commentators are clearly not convinced.

Thank you for some sense here


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I am always amazed and have seen on many occasions in public good looking muscular black guys with the ugliest fattest white girls. Baffles me.
Had a black freind years ago who loved women with fat asses - he was muscly and good looking, but always went for the ones with huge asses - used to call them Calibra.  It was great going out with him as he went for the fat mate and I was free to target the fit one in nightclubs.

By the way, fucked the most gorgeous black woman last night - a civvie, but I persuaded her to traipse to my bed for a 'tip'. (I am not the most attractive sort of guy).  Maybe the start of her wg career?

Offline dieseldriver

I would not trust any pix on Vivastreet ILoveOral had a punt with a beauty the other day and when he got there the same girl was a size 22

Seen a couple of WG's on vivastreet that are also on AW. Not black or Asian though


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I actually saw a stunning mixed race girl on Saturday night. She was what once upon a time would have been called 'half caste' so wasn't properly black - although for some reason these half white people insist on being labelled as black.   :unknown:
Because white people class them as such, you know when you have to fill in your ethnic origin etc.

Offline dieseldriver

As for the vote on the girl, she's pretty and I certainly would   :thumbsup:

Posted this to prove to some disbelievers that there are some nice looking black girls

Offline dieseldriver

I am a sucker for the pink flesh of any Asian or mixed race women  :D

Haha, me too. Never forgot when I shagged a Nigerian girl and she opened her legs displaying a red gash! Couldn't get in there fast enough.. 


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Haha, me too. Never forgot when I shagged a Nigerian girl and she opened her legs displaying a red gash! Couldn't get in there fast enough..


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Most black women look like Diane Abbot? How did you arrive at this conclusion? Please show us your numbers? Stats? Distribution?

One wonders where you commute. Every single day I see beautiful black women on the train on the tube and in my office.

I can only assume you work in a zoo and need glasses and think gorillas are women.

It is amazing how comfortable you are in your ignorance. Amazing.

Going by your logic the vast majority of white women are obese, Asians have buck teeth and are obese just because of your individual experience.

What facts do you want me to provide? You have offered only your idiotic opinion and assume it is a fact.

I am quite flabbergasted as to how stupid your assertions are and amazed you have posted them again.

Yet more bollocks.

No you don't see 'beautiful black women' every day. What you see are black women that YOU think are attractive. That's because your standards are piss fucking poor. What you call attractive, I would laugh at.

It's abundantly obvious that your perception of what is attractive is fucking abysmal and you will fuck ugly, looking black girls that I and most decent judges would run away from.

I notice one of your reviews is of this girl External Link/Members Only

To quote from your review 'her pictures in her profile were nice to look at.' You then say having met this fat pig that 'her tits are nice but saggy, she's also got folds of back fat and is a smoker.' Yet you still fucked her? Clearly you are incredibly desperate and have absolutely no taste whatsoever. :D

Finally, you end your review by giving this disgusting, fat munter a negative but qualifying that by saying 'Sad thing is if she was honest about her size, it would not have been an issue as I do not mind big women'

Listen, you are free to fuck every fat,black pig you can find but please don't try and qualify your fetish for fat, black girls to the rest of us. It is amazing that you would be so stupid as to even try to argue your point when you clearly find trolls like the woman above 'attractive'.

Thanks for proving my point though. I think we can clearly see that you are turned on by ugly, fat, black chicks. Well you're in the right place because London has millions of them..Hopefully you find Big Momma soon and live happily ever after  ;)


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Posted this to prove to some disbelievers that there are some nice looking black girls

Sure, not many tho :)

I think what we're seeing is indisputable. Some guys think fat, black mommas are sexy. That's fine, fill your boots. In fact, move to London there are fat, black mooses everywhere.  :dance:


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As for the thread, let me breaking down a bit

Fancy ebony women, not a fan of really dark east African skin tone. So west African women do look hot to me.  Especially those with the loverly lady lumps.

Oriental - do not fund women from this part of the world attractive. Have had a couple of punts with some thais but it was a challenge

Indian Subcontinent - Prefer the Pakistani girls, in my experience, they tend to be naughtier.

So to summarise, I would pick a West African hottie over and Indian/Pakistani hottie anytime.

You also find they have firmer bods

Once again, you appear to have a liking for fat, ugly, black girls.

Great, go fuck them but please shut the fuck up about how 'attractive' they are. They are NOT attractive to the majority of Caucasian men, that's for sure..
« Last Edit: January 01, 2016, 04:37:25 pm by tonysoprano »

Offline denneboom

Once again, you appear to have a liking for fat, ugly, black girls.

Great, go fuck them but please shut the fuck up about how 'attractive' they are. They are NOT attractive to the majority of Caucasian men, that's for sure..

Can I assume that you don't like black women ?

Not sure why you are on this thread.

Offline panther111

It's fair to say the ugliness of many of the comments posted here far out-weighs any perceived lack of attractiveness of virtually any human being, regardless of race, colour or creed.
Disappointing but not surprising.

This forum is NOT representative of the majority view of decent society. :P

For me, it makes no difference what skin colour. Attitude matters a lot.


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Can I assume that you don't like black women ?

Not sure why you are on this thread.

Believe me, i'm trying to get the fuck off this shitty thread.

I'm gonna leave the Big Momma lovers to it. :music:

Offline nike

Believe me, i'm trying to get the fuck off this shitty thread.

I'm gonna leave the Big Momma lovers to it. :music:

That's twice now ; U've said ur trying to leave this thread Tony. The lure of the black keeps pulling u back. :P

Although I think ur views are a bit extreme, I also tend to agree with ur defination of beauty. I do not like fat women, Rarely will I find anyone bigger than a size 12 attractive, Black, white or any other colour makes no difference.

Offline NIK

It's fair to say the ugliness of many of the comments posted here far out-weighs any perceived lack of attractiveness of virtually any human being, regardless of race, colour or creed.
Disappointing but not surprising.

This forum is NOT representative of the majority view of decent society. :P

For me, it makes no difference what skin colour. Attitude matters a lot.

Whilst I agree with your last comment I think it only fair to point out that the views of the criminal loving, terrorist sympathising,  PC fascists who dominate modern society and fortunately can't impose their views on this forum as they try to do absolutely everywhere else, are also NOT representative of the majority views of decent society.


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That's twice now ; U've said ur trying to leave this thread Tony. The lure of the black keeps pulling u back. :P

Although I think ur views are a bit extreme, I also tend to agree with ur defination of beauty. I do not like fat women, Rarely will I find anyone bigger than a size 12 attractive, Black, white or any other colour makes no difference.

I don't know my views are extreme, perhaps i'm a little more blunt in expressing them than others would be. I'm not really one for beating about the bush (black or otherwise).  ;)

But when it comes to women, big is most certainly not beautiful to the majority of men (Big, black booty lovers notwithstanding).

Odd Job

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Looking to see my first Ebony girl. I've narrowed it down to 4. Any help would be appreciated.

Offline nike

I don't know my views are extreme, perhaps i'm a little more blunt in expressing them than others would be. I'm not really one for beating about the bush (black or otherwise).  ;)

But when it comes to women, big is most certainly not beautiful to the majority of men (Big, black booty lovers notwithstanding).

Agreed. Just read a review today on a wg and I was really interested. I looked up the wgs profile and she is a size 18, FFS the op never mentions her size.  :dash: :dash: :dash:
This one was white.

Offline panther111

Whilst I agree with your last comment I think it only fair to point out that the views of the criminal loving, terrorist sympathising,  PC fascists who dominate modern society and fortunately can't impose their views on this forum as they try to do absolutely everywhere else, are also NOT representative of the majority views of decent society.

Yup - have to agree with that sentiment, although don't think those types 'dominate' at all, they just like to think they do.

I think it's good to speak your mind, but leave said mind open to persuasion. This forum provides an excellent platform for that  :hi:


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I don't know my views are extreme, perhaps i'm a little more blunt in expressing them than others would be. I'm not really one for beating about the bush (black or otherwise).  ;)

But when it comes to women, big is most certainly not beautiful to the majority of men (Big, black booty lovers notwithstanding).
I thought you were leaving?  Why keep on coming back?

Methinks thou protesteth too much!!  You'd make a good subject for Freud.

Offline claretandblue

He quite obviously has an IQ vastly higher than yours. And he's not a snidey little grass like you either so I think he's worth listening to. You may even learn something.
Ha snidey little grass?I am quite open, I would like you off this site the sooner the better though of course that's down to admin, but the reality is you  contribute nothing positive and I cannot see how your contributions are anything other than trolling, we all know you hate black girls, you have higher standards than everyone else etc etc, now you have told us why not leave it?

Offline NIK

Time to lock this thread methinks.